long candle

Chapter 234 Illusion

I seemed to wake up from a dream, and suddenly a cluster of light lit up in front of me.

I saw that Boss Wu was holding the mine lamp and looking at me with a doubtful look.

I was stunned for a moment and said in surprise, "What's going on?"

Boss Wu narrowed his eyes and said, "What's going on? I also want to ask you what's going on. Just now, I felt a little cold during the vigil in front of the tent. I wanted to find something nearby to make a fire, but I saw you coming out of the tent with dull eyes.

"I asked you loudly where you were going, but you couldn't see me at all. You looked at the cans I had eaten on the ground, and then walked to the depths of the cave."

"I shouted a few more times and found that you didn't respond. There was nothing I could do. I can only follow you all the way."

"I foolishly thought you were sleepwalking, but you opened your eyes again, and it felt like you were following someone. You walked for a while, stopped for a while, and often looked for stones to hide."

"There are so many rocks on the ground that you can walk over one by one without falling on the way, which shows that you are very conscious. I doubt if you are fascinated by ghosts."

"I didn't move and walked next to you with the light all the time, but you didn't see me at all."

"Finally, when I saw you come to the wall and been touching this dead body, I couldn't stand it anymore. I hurriedly woke you up. What on earth are you doing?"

Hearing what Boss Wu said, I immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

I recalled that I was following Boss Wu just now, and the scene was very real.

Is it possible that I have been following ghosts all the time? Or do I have hallucinations?

Is it because I haven't had a good sleep for a long time, or is it because the dark and depressing air here has caused mental disorders?

I rubbed my eyes hard to wake myself up as much as possible.

Then I went to see the body mentioned by Boss Wu, and then I was even more stunned.

What I have been touching just now is indeed a dead body. This body was also burned to death by fire, but it is not completely carbonized. The skeleton is intact, but the flesh on half of the face has fallen off, and the skin of the other half of the face is dark.

This half of the face without skin, the bones are yellowed, the eyes and tongue have long melted, leaving only a row of white teeth** in the air, which looks extremely horrible.

I looked at my hand, and there was a lot of black carbon ash on it, which showed that I did touch this thing just now.

I suddenly had a little twitch in the corners of my eyes, and I said to myself, why did I touch the head of planting things just now?

Calm down, and soon I found the unusualness of the body.

Because although the body was burned to death, the hair is still there, and it is very thin and thick. It seems that this person is not very old.

I looked at Boss Wu and asked, "How can this man have hair?"

Boss Wu was also surprised, but what he cared about was not this, but said, "It's normal to have hair. This person may not have been burned to death by a fire, but may have been electrocuted, so his hair was not burned. But we have walked around this maze-like cave several times before, but we have never seen this body.

After saying that, Boss Wu observed the surrounding terrain and said excitedly, "And I don't remember that we've been here. Look over there."

I looked in the direction indicated by Boss Wu and saw a huge stalactite on the top of the cave, almost as thick as a bucket, hanging from the top of my head, almost close to the ground.

This is called the "Kiss of Heaven and Earth" in the stalactite landscape, which is a very strange stalactite landscape.

We haven't seen this kind of landscape before. If we see it, we should be very impressed.

At this time, Boss Wu laughed, patted me on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect that we came out inexplicably."

I was also a little surprised. I looked around and said to Boss Wu, "Do you think it was when I had hallucinations just now that there was actually a good buddy to help us secretly?"

Boss Wu suffocated for a while and reflected it for a while before he understood what my good buddy meant.

So he pointed to the dead body on the ground and said, "If there is really any good buddy, I think there is no one but this person. After all, he led you here."

I looked at the horrible body, but the disgust gradually dissipated. Instead, I felt that the dead man was very kind. This may be a thing that I know how uncomfortable it is to be trapped in a dark cave.

"I think he brought us here. There must be some hopeless." Boss Wu said to me.

I nodded and said, "Is this the person you brought in?"

Boss Wu looked up and down at the dead body with his hand-in mining lamp, then shook his head and said, "I brought people. I didn't wear this kind of clothes."

I also observed and found that the body, as Boss Wu said, was likely to have been electrocuted, because he not only had hair, but also his clothes were not burned, but the cotton-padded trousers he was blown open by electric heat, and the cotton inside exploded out like popcorn.

We looked at the wall behind the man, and there were also some traces of electric scorching. Obviously, this is likely to be the scene of the crime.

However, there is neither a high-voltage wire nor an open air here. It is impossible to be killed by lightning, so it is a strange thing to be electrocuted here.

I suddenly remembered the stone hand that appeared in Teng Luo when Longjia was electrocuted to death.

Is it that it has been here?

Looking at it, Boss Wu touched his chin and said, "It's strange. How could this happen?"

I asked him, "What's wrong?"

Boss Wu did not dislike the horrible appearance of the body. He squatted down, * looked at his clothes and said, "Look at this cotton wool, there is not much yellowing or insects. The air in this hole is so sultry and humid. If this person has died here for more than a year, the cotton will definitely have been gnawed by insects. So this person should have died recently."

I nodded and said, "Yes, but depending on this person's dress, he should have come here in winter, but winter is still early. There is no reason for him to wear so much. The most reasonable explanation is that he came here last winter, but this is contrary to what you just said, because last winter is at least now It's been more than half a year."

Boss Wu nodded and said, "Maybe this man has something insect-proof."

With that, Boss Wu began to turn over the dead body.