long candle

Chapter 235 Relic

I didn't expect that the meat on this person's neck was carbonized by high-intensity electric current. As soon as he touched it, his whole neck was broken, and his head fell down, rolled on the ground a few times, stuck in a stone gap.

Boss Wu and I were obviously shocked and stopped our movements.

Next, a more strange scene happened.

The head was stuck in the cracks in the stone, and a pair of empty eyes were facing us.

And it only has two rows of white teeth in its mouth, and it slowly sticks out a black tongue!

Boss Wu and I watched this scene inexplicably and couldn't speak for a moment.

But soon, we found that the black thing was not a tongue, but a big centipede as wide as a tongue!

The centipede is more than 20 centimeters long, slowly crawled out of the mouth of the dead head, then coiled on a prominent stone, raised its head, and shook its tentacles, as if it were exploring the smell of us.

Boss Wu obviously hated this kind of thing and stamped his feet hard on the ground.

The big centipede was frightened, hurriedly shrank and disappeared into the cracks in the rocks in a blink of an eye.

However, Boss Wu's foot shocked more black beetles and crawled out of the eyes of the dead man's head, like the black tears shed by the dead man, which was very strange.

Boss Wu sighed and said, "It seems that there is no need to check. This person has died here for at least a week, but not more than a month."

At least a week, less than a month.

I thought about it and soon had an ominous feeling.

Because I recall that only * seemed to have been to this island during that period of time!

Do you mean that * also came here back in time?

Contacting this person's dress is indeed winter, and it was indeed snowing heavily in the Chukochi Peninsula at that time.

In this way, all the clues seem to be connected.

Thinking of this, I went crazy and sent it from Boss Wu, regardless of the body crawling insects all over, and searched in his clothes.

Soon, I found a black and shiny magazine case decoration in the clothes of the headless corpse.

On the side of this eggshell, there is a string of small words: October 1987, Vietnam.

Seeing this string of small words, my tears suddenly came out of my eyes, holding the shell tightly, and the blue veins on my neck exploded.

Because this is indeed *'s body, because he told me the story of this shell case.

He said that he worked as a special forces soldier in Vietnam in 1987 and captured drug dealers, and the whole team went into the primitive dense forest to ambush for a month.

The team has eaten all the food, and everyone is hungry.

However, at that time, the army was very strict about the use of bullets, and the use of every bullet must be justified, otherwise they would be severely punished for wasting military resources.

So the people of the team would rather starve than shoot the beast to eat it.

At that time, as the captain, I saw that everyone was really hungry and had no choice. If it went on, I would definitely not be able to complete the task.

I happened to meet that night, a wild boar came to the camp to look for food.

* then raised his gun and aimed at the wild boar.

At that time, the wild boar was still dozens of meters away from the camp, and there were very complicated bush blocks in the middle. In addition, the light was dim at night, which was very unfavorable for shooting.

* knows that if one shot is not hit, it will not only waste military resources, but also likely to alarm nearby drug dealers, and the consequences are unimaginable.

So he struggled very hard, but finally gritted his teeth and shot the bullet out.

Unexpectedly, this shot hit the eyebrows of the wild boar without any deviation.

The soldiers around cheered.

That night, they roasted the wild boar and still remember the fragrance at that time.

After completing the task, * put the shell back in order to report.

Unexpectedly, he not only did not receive criticism from his superiors, but also received a second-class merit and was awarded the title of sharpshooter.

So * I think this bullet shell is particularly meaningful, so I engraved it and put it on my body as a souvenir.

This shell shell is absolutely unique in the world and can only be worn on *, so the body in front of me is definitely *.

* How and when did you die? Now I can't find out.

It was useless to be sad, so I cried for a while and put away the bullet shell.

Boss Wu saw that my hands were shaking, so he sighed and patted me on the shoulder.

I didn't say anything. I went to pick up *'s head and reassured him.

Although Daxiong and Liang Qian died, I didn't see their bodies in the end, so I can't be sure, but now the bodies are placed in front of me. I know that I will definitely not see him again in the future.

When he was about to leave us, it was snowing heavily. When we left, we didn't even say goodbye, but waved through the blizzard.

* is a tomb robber who has visited so many ancient tombs and ruins with me. Although he has his own purpose every time, he remembers all kinds of care of me.

If it hadn't been for him, I might have died long ago.

* Although I entered the ruins island this time, it may also be to touch the baby, but more is still to help me.

So* will die, most of which is my reason.

Thinking of this, I felt uncomfortable again. I knelt on the ground and kowtowed to him respectfully.

Then I flattened *'s body with Boss Wu and prepared to pick up some surrounding stones to bury *.

But at this time, I found that * seemed to hold something in his hand.

When I opened his finger, I found that it was a walkie-talkie.

I was shocked and said to myself that what I just heard was not an illusion, but that there was really a walkie-talkie?

It's just that the walkie-talkie is not held by Boss Wu, but in *'s hand.

But * came to the ruins island alone. Who did he take the opportunity to talk to?

With these doubts, I cleaned the surface of the walkie-talkie and found that the power light on it was still flashing. Obviously, it was still working.

I took the walkie-talkie to my ear and found that there were only some noisy interference sounds in it, and there was no strange movement.

Then, I said to the walkie-talkie: "Hey!"

As a result, Boss Wu and I were surprised that the same "hey" sounded somewhere in the stone wall next to us.

This shows that there is really a secret door on the wall! And there is another walkie-talkie behind the secret door.