long candle

Chapter 237 Open the Dan Furnace

With the light of cold fireworks, we can see clearly that at our feet, a black skull is opening his mouth as if staring at us.

What's more strange is that only in this skeleton, there is a faint green flame burning, which looks very strange.

Boss Wu looked at me and seemed to say, "Look, I'm right. The Lord appeared."

But I still didn't believe it. I followed the skeleton and looked at the skeleton next to it and found a strange place.

Because I saw a black object more than one meter long lurking in the messy bone cracks.

I can find it because it is breathing and the body will have slight ups and downs.

I can't see what it is, but I seem to see its tail hanging on the ground, shaking left and right. It will never be a human.

"Gun! Give me the gun!" I said to Boss Wu carefully and quickly.

Boss Wu was stunned for a moment, but still handed the gun around his waist to my hand.

I pulled the bolt and aimed at what was lurking in the bones, trying to pull the trigger.

Boss Wu grabbed me and said, "Are you crazy? Shooting here will start all the fire!"

I was stunned for a moment, and my heart was right. How could I forget this?

Just as I hesitated, there was a violent noise in the bone pile. The thing I just saw moved under the bone pile at a very fast speed and ran out more than ten meters in an instant.

At this time, Boss Wu seemed to have seen that thing, so he was stunned for a moment and said, "Chasing, chase!"

I said in my heart that this thing runs so fast, how can I catch up?

So I grabbed Boss Wu and said, "The previous situation is still unclear. We can't go there rashly."

Boss Wu may also be confused by the strange atmosphere just now. Hearing me say this, he was stunned.

After a few seconds, he said to me, "What do you think that thing will be?"

I shook my head and said, "I didn't see it clearly. It's not like a human. It's quite big."

Boss Wu looked at the strange intercom in my hand and asked, "Do you think the woman's voice just now was made by that thing?"

I happened to have this doubt, so I fed the walkie-talkie twice.

Sure enough, this time, there was no sound of another walkie-talkie nearby.

Boss Wu and I looked at each other with a surprised face.

Because we haven't heard anything that can speak human words except people and some birds.

In fact, it's not particularly strange to speak human language, but it's unbelievable to use a walkie-talkie.

I swallowed my saliva with difficulty, looked at the endless darkness in front of me, and asked, "Do we continue to go deeper?"

Boss Wu looked at me strangely and said, "What's wrong? Are you afraid? I didn't see you climb when you said the female ghost just now.

I shook my head and said, "I'm not afraid, but I think that thing is too weird. Maybe there is something extremely dangerous waiting for us."

Boss Wu took out the pistol pinned to his back, wiped the barrel with his sleeves, and said, "We have enough ammunition. What are we afraid of? Even if it is a ghost, give it a few transparent holes!"

With that, Boss Wu took a gun and went out first.

I shook my head helplessly and had to follow.

Boss Wu looked straight ahead, holding cold fireworks in one hand and a gun in the other, slowly penetrating into the pile of bones.

But after he took a few steps, I heard a grunt.

Then Boss Wu scolded: "Damn, what is this? It's sticky and disgusting."

I looked down. It turned out that it was under Boss Wu's feet and stepped into a pool of dark yellow mucus.

It is said to be mucus, but it is actually a little thicker than water. If you step on it, there will be a circle of waves, but when you pick it up, there will be sticky ** dripping.

This place is originally stinky and indescribably disgusting. Coupled with this **, the things in my stomach almost turned up.

Boss Wu saw that I was going to vomit, and hurriedly said, "Don't vomit. This is disgusting. Do you still need to add some ingredients to this mucus?"

Hearing what he said, I resisted the impulse to vomit and covered my neck for a while.

Boss Wu was not in a hurry to walk forward. He looked around the pile of bones and said, "I feel that this ** is the digestive fluid produced when the lit cub decomposes the animal's body. In addition, it is humid here, so these ** can't evaporate and finally flow into a small ditch."

I hurriedly asked Boss Wu to stop and said, "Don't talk about it. Tell me that I really added material to it."

Boss Wu smiled and walked through the pile of bones while cursing.

I followed Boss Wu and walked forward with the disgusting water on the ground.

As I walked, there was a slippery feeling under my feet. I felt those ** slowly poured into my shoes, which was enough to make every pore of my body uncomfortable.

However, when I remembered the death of *, I found that the expedition that came here seemed to have been completely destroyed except for me and Boss Wu. If we don't work hard, the others will die in vain.

Boss Wu and I endured the nausea and pushed aside the bones in the way with our hands while moving forward with difficulty.

In fact, the shape of this pile of bones is also really strange. The bones near the east wall on both sides are piled two or three meters high, and there are only broken bones less than knee height in the middle, like a naturally formed channel.

I suspect that there may be some animals passing by here, which is why such a pattern is formed.

The two of us didn't walk fast, but the further we walked, the deeper the mucus under our feet became, and later it almost spread over our knees.

And the trend of the cave is gradually tilting underground again.

During this period, neither of us spoke, and we could only hear the heavy breathing sound of each other when we were tired.

Boss Wu carried the gun vigilantly at the beginning, but later his hands were sore, so he pinned the gun back, and our spirit slowly relaxed than before.

Although the sticky water surface is getting deeper and deeper, the pile of bones is getting smaller and smaller, and most of them are soaked in water. After many years, it has been compacted, so the vision in front of us has broadened.

The cave is still so wide, and the light of the cold fireworks is much smaller, but it can be seen transparently.

As we walked, suddenly, Boss Wu and I both saw that not far ahead, there seemed to be a huge black thing that almost blocked more than half of the cave.

Boss Wu and I are very familiar with this thing, and there is a burst of doubts.

So we accelerated our pace and came forward to check.

I saw a dark bronze elixir poured into the sticky water, covered with a green copper smell.

Regardless of size and shape, we can see that this bronze elixir furnace is almost the same as the one that disappeared before, and should belong to the same kind of elixir furnace.

Boss Wu and I have seen a half of this kind of elixir before, and it is not surprising that there is another one here.

However, what makes Boss Wu and I uncomfortable is that the lid of this Dan stove is open.

And the lid of the stove is like twisting hemp flowers. I don't know what it has twisted and drowned in the water not far from the furnace.

"The things in this stove have come out." I said to Boss Wu.

Boss Wu nodded and said, "Yes, I feel that we have to be more vigilant."

Unexpectedly, as soon as we finished saying this, a series of big bubbles appeared in the water conservancy next to the Dan furnace, making a strange grunt in this dark cave.

Then we saw that there seemed to be something swimming under the water.

That thing is extremely fast and comes straight at us.

The cave is narrow, and we can't avoid it. We can only retreat while looking for a shelter.

Boss Wu quickly took out his gun and fired two shots.

Bang! Bang!

Two guns echoed in the cave, and the bullets blew up two splashes on the water, as if they had hit that thing.

But instead of slowing down, it accelerated and rushed towards us.

Boss Wu looked a little panicked and said, "Quick! Climb up the pile of bones and don't stand in the water!"