long candle

Chapter 238 Bighty

Seeing that the bullets can't be killed, Boss Wu and I only have one idea, that is, to escape.

But there is only one channel here. That thing is much faster in the water than us. If you want to run, you can't run.

So Boss Wu asked us to climb up the pile of bones behind.

This note was temporarily conceived in a hurry, and the feasibility has not been considered at all.

So when I dig those bone sticks with my hand and want to climb up, I find that there is no way to borrow power at all. Every time I grab a handful, the bone dregs fall down, and it is impossible to climb up.

I pulled it twice and turned around to see Boss Wu.

I saw that his situation was similar to mine, and he wanted to climb up in vain.

I looked back at the thing in the water and couldn't help sweating coldly.

Because that thing is only five or six meters away from us, you can catch one of us in an instant.

I stood in front of the pile of bones, a little overwhelmed.

I touched all the pockets of my body and found that the only silverfish sword that could protect myself had long been lost.

But at this time, I don't know whether I'm lucky or not. The things in the water seem to be interested in me, so I rushed straight to Boss Wu.

Seeing this situation, I shouted in the back: "Be careful!"

But it's too late. That thing has almost touched Boss Wu's heel.

I broke out in a cold sweat and hurriedly rushed up to help.

At this time, Boss Wu also turned around and looked around nervously.

Then he asked me, "What's wrong?"

I was a little surprised, because after the thing approached Boss Wu, it suddenly braked and lurked motionless in the sticky water.

However, it did not disappear, because I saw a black thing more than one meter long lurking there in front of Boss Wu's body.

So I made a silent gesture, pointed to the water, and whispered, "Be careful in front of you, don't move..."

Boss Wu reacted and looked down at the water. He was stunned for a moment and said to himself, "How can this thing be?"

Due to the refraction of the water and the angle, I can't see what is in front of Boss Wu, but looking at Boss Wu's expression, this should be a rather strange thing, otherwise Boss Wu's face would not be blue.

"Stay there and don't come here, or we will both die." Boss Wu said softly.

Although he said so, I said in my heart that I can't let you die. Even if you die, I can't run away.

I thought a lot, began to look at the surrounding environment, and began to think about how to get a glimmer of life.

But at this time, I found a more difficult thing.

That's the cold fireworks in Boss Wu's hand, and the light gradually faded and was about to go out.

I cried bitterly in my heart and said that this was really fucking dead. If the lights went out, I couldn't even see my fingers clearly. It would be strange if I didn't die.

Boss Wu obviously also found this. I saw that he was motionless, but the blue veins on his neck were about to explode. The bean-sized cold sweat dripped down his temples, forming a circle of ripples in the water.

And the thing in the water seemed to be attracted by the cold fireworks in Boss Wu's hand, quietly in the water, looking up at the fading light in the dark.

The extinguishing of cold fireworks is not like a lighter or flashlight, and there is no light in an instant.

It is a process of gradually burning out of gunpowder and slowly extinguishing.

I found that as the light of the cold fireworks became lower and lower, the thing in the water seemed to become manic, constantly twisting its body and spitting out a string of bubbles.

The dim light makes the light and shadow of the strange stones and bones around it more strange, and the dark shadow in the water, the eyes as big as a pair of electric bulbs on the head slowly become brighter and brighter, emitting a frightening golden yellow light.

I said to myself what kind of evil this is, with such a big pair of eyes.

It's a fish, but it doesn't look like a fish, because I can see the faint limbs hidden in the water.

It is said to be a bastard, but it doesn't look like a bastard, because its tail is very slender.

I suddenly thought of an animal, an otter that often uses rotten branches as a nest by the river.

Although the otter is a carnivorous animal, it only eats fish and shellfish. If you are in a good mood, you can catch a water bird to eat it. Boss Wu should not be so afraid.

While I was guessing randomly, the cold fireworks in Boss Wu's hand suddenly went out silently.

My heart suddenly disappeared with the light and cooled down.

However, what is more strange is that the eyes of ordinary animals shine because they can reflect the faint light in the night, such as when the moon or flashlight shines on them.

But this time it seems to violate common sense, because although the only light has disappeared and there is no other light source in the cave, the eyes of that thing are getting brighter and brighter.

Just as I stared at this pair of eyes, I suddenly saw the eyes moving, and then almost at the same time, Boss Wu's gun shot two fire tongues in the dark night, right in the center of the eyes.

The bullet hit the monster's forehead, but two sparks emerged.

Then I heard a rattling sound in the water, and my eyes beat left and right without hearing.

Boss Wu shouted in the dark, "Go quickly, I'll hold it off!"

As soon as he finished speaking, I heard a heavy sound of falling into the water.

Then those bright eyes began to move towards the center of the cave.

I saw that it did not move as fast as it did when it came, and it stopped from time to time, and then set off a sound of water. It was judged that it must have caught Boss Wu and wanted to drag him deep into the cave.

Although Boss Wu struggled hard, he was not as strong as his opponent.

Seeing this critical situation, it is impossible for me to leave, and I don't care too much about it.

This time, I grabbed one of Boss Wu's arms at once.

I didn't care that I got into that disgusting mucus all over my mouth, turned over, and pressed on Boss Wu.

No matter how strong it is, it is still very difficult to hold down two people.

So it stepped forward a few more steps, and I felt that Boss Wu was relaxed and we both stopped.

I hurriedly stood up from the dirty mucus and then helped Boss Wu up.

But before we could stand firm, there was a yellow light flash in front of us, and the thing jumped at me.

Suddenly, I felt a pain in my chest, as if I had been hit by a stone and fell back heavily.

If I hadn't been in the water, I would have to break the back of my neck.

I heard the sound of entering the water in my ear, and my head suddenly became confused.

Before I could react, there was another sound of falling water in my ear.

I knew that Boss Wu was also put down by that thing. He hurriedly used both hands and feet and turned over to catch Boss Wu.

But this time, the first thing I touched was Boss Wu's forehead.

The feeling of the tentacle suddenly made my heart cold, because Boss Wu's forehead was sticky and warm, and it seemed that he had shed a lot of blood.

Exploring his movements again, he had not moved, and he didn't know whether he was dead or fainted.

At this moment, I was stunned like five thunderbolts.

At this time, there was a golden light in front of him, and the thing rushed up again.

I'm not in a hurry to react, and Boss Wu's soft body was dragged up again by that thing.

Because Boss Wu lost his ability to resist, this time, the other party's speed was very fast.

I pounced on it, threw it empty again, and heard a fluttering sound in front of me. Obviously, Boss Wu had been dragged far away.

I staggered up and chased for two steps. I felt a sharp pain in my chest and stopped to take two breaths.

When I looked up again, the bright eyes were gone.

I was a little desperate and shouted, "Boss Wu!"

And there was no response from the front, only the sound of small water came from far away.

I know that I can't catch up now. I'm inevitably a little depressed. Seeing a big living person being dragged away by that thing, I can't help it.

Boss Wu was knocked unconscious by it, and I don't know where he went and whether he would die.