long candle

Chapter 243 Strange Bug

I pulled twice on the inner wall of the bronze elixir furnace and found that there was really no place to borrow it, so I felt a burst of despair.

Not to mention whether there is a snake in the mud, even if there is no snake, I will be trapped here like a slam in a jar.

No one will ever come to save me in this place. Even if I call for help, it's a waste of effort.

I suddenly found that in the miracle of ancient tombs, in fact, if you want to trap people to death, you don't need any mysterious mechanism and hidden weapons at all. It turns out that a jar is enough.

After a bitter smile, I was a little discouraged, looked up at the opening of the Danlu furnace, and thought about how to get out.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that something seemed to move in the silt under my feet.

I was shocked and didn't dare to act rashly.

Because I know that snakes hunt prey, the best way is to judge the location of the prey by heat.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals, which are very ** for heat and can analyze the heat in the air by spitting letters.

People have the lowest heat when they are inactive, and once they move, they will emit huge heat.

I'm stuck in the mud now, and it should be relatively cold. As long as I don't move, the snake in the mud should not be so easy to find me.

Thinking about this, I didn't dare to come out. I just widened my eyes and stared down at the changes in the mud under my feet.

Sure enough, after I stood still, the thing in the mud also stopped.

I took a breath and thought about the next step in my mind.

It's not a way to be stuck here all the time. I have to find a way out.

After looking around, I found that the only way to climb up is to step on the stone figrius.

Although stepping on the body of the stone figur, coupled with my height, raising my hand, is only more than three meters high, and there is still a distance from the opening of the Dan furnace more than five meters high, I guess that when casting the Dan furnace, there must be some grooves or projections left by welding in the ear, as long as my hand can grasp these If there is a groove or protrusion, it is possible to climb up.

I didn't consider whether the stone figment could bear my weight, because there was no other way now.

Thinking of this, I quickly took two steps forward, and my feet rose and fell in the mud, and I had come to the front of the stone figurine.

Then I pressed the top of the stone figurine's head with both hands, pulled one foot out of the mud, stepped on one shoulder of the stone figurine, kicked hard, and the other foot came up.

I was happy and felt that this stone figment was still quite strong and could allow me to climb up.

I stepped on the shoulder of the stone fig terracotta, stepped on its head, took out the lighter in my pocket, lit it, and looked at the situation on the stove wall above my head.

Sure enough, I found that there was indeed a fist-sized hole in the welding of the furnace ear and the furnace body.

It's just that this hole is still 20 or 30 centimeters away from my hand, and I have to jump up to pick that hole.

I squatted down to test the strength of the stone figur, and found that it could jump up.

So I no longer hesitated, bowed up and jumped up.

This time was very successful. I grabbed the hole in the furnace wall and wanted to climb up the furnace wall with strength.

But as soon as my leg was lifted up, I suddenly felt something grabbing my leg.

This scared me almost to death and broke out in a cold sweat.

I said in my heart, is it that the stone figriors are alive? Or did the snake wrap my leg?

I hurriedly looked down and found that the stone figur looked straight ahead, as if it had raised its strange and inexplicable eyes looking at me.

And on my leg, there is a white thing with a thick arm wrapped around me.

The white thing is slippery, dripping some transparent **, sticking out from the neck of the stone figriors, as if it were the tongue of this thing.

I was so terrized that I was almost out of breath. I thought to myself that what the stone fig- figment was, and it had such a long tongue.

If it was in the Dan furnace just now and it stretched out its tongue to strangle me, I would definitely be scared to death before I was strangled.

Now I guess he is reluctant to leave, so he sticks out his tongue to keep me.

I struggled a few times and found that the stone was so powerful that I couldn't get rid of it at all.

And my hand grasping the hole also began to be a little weak, and my joints turned white because of too much force and began to tremble violently.

I'm about to fall back into the Dan furnace to welcome the "tongue kiss" of this stone figrior.

I shouted, "I know you don't want to part with me, but you are used to stay here alone. It's useless for you to pull me down. I'm a very boring person. I can't tell many cold jokes. Just let me go."

I didn't expect that my words really worked.

When I finished speaking, the white tongue suddenly loosened.

I don't know where the strength came from. I worked hard and rushed up.

Then I pedaled the wall of the furnace again, grabbed the edge of the top opening of the Dan furnace, and climbed up vigorously.

I stabilized my body on the edge of the stove, and I immediately looked back at the inside of the stove.

The stone figuri was still looking up at me. Its tongue stood upright as if it was not affected by gravity, twisting and fluttering like a ribbon.

I was looking strangely, and suddenly there was a tinkling sound around me.

I found that this sound came all the way in my direction from several Dan furnaces in the distance.

Looking at this strange phenomenon, I thought to myself, is it that the things in these Dan furnaces are coming out?

As I was thinking about it, I found that the sound of the bronze elixir furnace being knocked was not the sound of something inside, but the sound of many small stones falling from the sky on the bronze elixir furnace on the ground.

Obviously, there seems to be something crawling on the top of the cave, causing this movement.

So I didn't dare to act rashly, so I looked over the top of the cave.

At this time, I found that something was indeed moving on the top of the cave.

And this thing is very huge, almost beyond my imagination.

This is a milky white thing like a snake. It climbs on the top of the cave, winding its body and swimming in the rocks. Where it passes by, the rocks will be squeezed by it and fall colorful gravel from time to time.

The reason why I say this white thing is like a snake is that it has a long flat body like a snake.

But generally snakes have an obvious head, and the head is larger than the body, which is very obvious, and the tail will gradually become thinner.

The thing in front of us does not have these characteristics, but is the same size from beginning to end.

And its skin is a little wrinkled and has no scales. Although the buttocks are transparent, the meridians under the skin cannot be seen.

I have heard of a blind snake living underground. Its eyes have degenerated and its scales are not obvious, but at least it can see all kinds of torsoes and the appearance of a snake.

And the thing in front of us is not so much a snake as a huge strange insect, a strange insect without eyes and mouth.

I remembered the tongue-like thing I saw in the Dan furnace before, wondering if it would be the same kind of worm?

Thinking of this, I have a disgusting feeling.

However, since this bug has no eyes and mouth, it must not pose much threat to me.

So I looked at it for a while and saw it run around at the top of the cave, as if looking for something, so I didn't look any more.

I continued to follow the mysterious white glow in the middle of the cave hall.

As I walked, I avoided the stone taken down by the huge monster on my head and walked carefully.

I didn't go far. I found that although there are still many bronze elixir furnaces around, there are some things different from elixir stoves in front.

It's some worn iron plates, broken wood and other things, which are very messy.

I wonder how can there be the remains of these artificial objects in this place?

Looking closer, it is true, and these artificial things are not ancient relics, but modern people, at least things left in modern times.