long candle

Chapter 244 Pocket Watch

Because I saw a few broken iron pieces painted with words such as "S-23" and "H*" with white paint.

This is obviously a word that only some kind of machine with standard models can have.

Or, these characters generally appear on ships or planes, representing the numbers of these vehicles.

Sure enough, I found something similar to half an anchor in these messy pieces.

It took me a lot of effort to pull this thing out of the debris.

found that this was indeed half a twisted and deformed anchor.

It also says 1000T. Although it is rusty, I can still see that this is the anchor used by a 1,000-ton cargo ship.

These iron and wood chips around should be the wreckage of the cargo ship.

I searched the fragments again and found some table legs, charcoal and other things, as well as the broken watches, rings and other things worn by sailors on the freighter, as well as tableware and some tattered old clothes.

I haven't found a word about the bones, but I can figure it out. Because there were so many human bones in the previous aisle, I couldn't figure out where they came from, and now I finally have an answer.

I didn't find anything valuable, so I continued to move forward.

Not far away, I saw the nose of a plane lying quietly on the ground.

I saw it strangely, so I leaned over.

The nose is very damaged, and the shell is like being swept by machine gun bullets, full of potholes.

The windshield is all broken, and the steel plate is all twisted and deformed.

The whole body has been rusty.

But I still saw the line written on it: SU-0970.

I know that this aircraft should be a military aircraft of the Soviet period, and SU is the abbreviation of the Soviet Union.

During the * war, the Soviet Air Force supported many Chinese fighters, all of which had SU numbers. Later, they were repainted and turned into Chinese aircraft.

But the pilot on the plane is still a Soviet with a high nose and big eyes.

I have seen a military exhibition in Beijing, where there are this type of aircraft, and my grandfather is also a person who has experienced the war, so I know these very well.

After I figured out the identity of the plane, I drilled in through the twisted cabin door, looked at the furnishings inside, and looked for any clues to investigate what the plane was like in those years before falling here.

To be honest, it is not normal for a plane or such a large cargo ship to cross layers of crust and fall into this space.

Because there is no exit with the outside world, the things here can't get out, and the things outside can't get in.

Even a fly can't come here, let alone a plane cannon.

Unless these planes and ships cross like me, they will appear inexplicably in the depths of the earth.

I suddenly remembered the bizarre disappearances that appeared at sea.

Some ships inexplicably disappeared into the sea without stormy weather. The plane will also have inexplicable instruments in some areas, fall into the sea, and can no longer be found.

Is it possible that ships and planes here are also victims of these inexplicable events?

Thinking of this, I feel like I have overlooked one thing, that is, I am now under the ground of an island.

I have walked so many roads, turned so many turns, and went deep into the ground. Maybe now my position is no longer somewhere under the island, but in a wonderful space at the bottom of the sea.

There are missing shipwrecks, falling planes, and many answers to unsolved mysteries may be here.

The only thing I didn't expect was that these disappearances would have something to do with the Yayaku people.

Not only are the missing planes and ships related to the Yayaku people, but maybe even these bronze elixir furnaces and stone figurors for sacrifices inside were made by the ancestors of the Yayaku people.

As for why they make such things, it is exactly what I want to investigate on this trip.

Although the plane that crashed here may not have information about the Yaaku people, it may just come here by chance.

But I still searched every corner of the cabin carefully.

Unfortunately, everything in the cabin was basically thrown out during the crash, leaving almost only an empty shelf.

I was a little disappointed and wanted to get out of the cabin, but at this time, I saw a bright silver chain hanging around directly above the cabin pilot's position.

So I walked over and turned over, and found that there was indeed a silver chain in a small grid with debris directly above the driver's seat. The chain was stuck at the bottom of the twisted grid, and only the lower part hung down.

I lit the lighter and grabbed the silver chain and pulled it out. In order not to damage the chain, it took me a lot of effort to take it out.

At this time, I found that this was not a necklace for decoration, but a round thing hanging at the bottom of the silver chain.

I picked it up and found that it was a silver pocket watch.

I wiped the stains on the surface of the pocket watch and then lifted the lid of the pocket watch.

With a click, the mechanism on the pocket watch was obviously flexible, and the lid opened.

Then I saw that the pointer of the pocket watch had stopped.

Although this old-fashioned pocket watch does not record the date, I can see that the time on this pocket watch is stopped at two o'clock in the afternoon, which should be the time of the plane accident.

And on the inside of the lid of this pocket watch, there is also a black and white photo.

In this scene in the movie, the photos on the pocket watch are usually photos of the pilot and his wife.

But now the pocket watch in my hand is obviously a little different. The picture above is a group photo of two young men.

These two young men are very handsome, with light hair, pointed chins, and deep eyes. They are standard Soviet young men.

It's just that half of the young man's face on the right was wet with water stains that invaded the pocket watch, so I couldn't see him clearly.

But even if there is only half a face, I still feel that this person seems to be a little familiar, especially his deep and wise eyes, which always feels like I have seen it somewhere.

I thought about it, but I still can't remember who this person is. Maybe it's just a male star I've seen in a foreign film?

And there is no other handwriting on this photo, so I gave up thinking about it, put away my pocket watch for the time being, and studied it carefully when I went back.

After finding this pocket watch, there is nothing other valuable in the cabin.

I looked around and decided to quit.

But at this time, another thing caught my eye again.

That is an old-fashioned canvas bag hanging behind the main driver's seat.

Because the seat has long been rotten, and the canvas bag has been integrated with the tattered seat, so it was not found before.

The reason why I found this thing is that when I entered the cabin, I smelled a faint smell of alcohol, but I never found it.

Just when I was about to walk out of the cabin, I suddenly remembered the performance on TV. When the Soviet Air Force flew, it had to hang a bottle of high-concentration vodka behind the chair.

Maybe it's because the Russians are a people who are addicted to alcohol, or that wine itself has some kind of auspicious symbol, so they always carry this thing.

This is not seen in China, because wine is a flammable material, and it may become a* when put in the plane.

This is the so-called national surprise, and it is no wonder that the Russians fought more lifeless and fierce than many Chinese troops, and even Hitler's tanks dared to cut with knives.

Whether the Chinese Air Force allows alcohol to get on the plane or not, in short, wine is a good thing for me now.

It can not only disinfect and ignite, but also strengthen the courage.

In this dangerous underground world, people are most afraid of loneliness, but wine is the best partner.

I thought of this and took two steps to pull down the canvas bag.

Open the cloth bag and see that there is indeed more than half a bottle of vodka in it.

When I smelled it in front of my nose, I felt a smell that was irresistible.

But it's not the time to drink yet. I put it away, put it in my backpack, and then walked out of the cabin.