long candle

Chapter 246 Experience the crash

I don't know what material these robes are made of, but the color is black and light, and it seems to be high-end silk.

This is not important. The key is the faces of these people. Their faces are very long, especially their chins, with a sarcoma-like protuberance, which makes the whole face particularly strange. They actually have dark blue skin. Their eyes are large, and they can't see their eyes in their dark eyes. Their noses are very flat, their nostrils are very small, and there are strange in their mouths. The different curvature seems to be laughing.

I think these people are like miscellaneous artists wearing masks and stepping on stilts. If people really grow like this, they are not human. They must be ghosts.

Soon, I denied the idea of my miscellaneous artists. First, the miscellaneous artists came here to perform. Who did they show to? Second, one of those long-faced weirdos made a move that could not be done by a miscellaneous artist who stepped on stilts when he passed the broken cabin where I hid.

It bent down and looked in a hole in the cabin with its huge and empty eyes.

I didn't dare to move. I just hid in a shade and looked at the giant eye with a hard neck.

The huge eye searched for a while and never focused on me. Maybe it was because the light was too dark and it didn't see me.

I thought that if my bonfire had not been extinguished and there was still smoke, I would have found someone here immediately and couldn't help sweating coldly.

Thinking about it, the long-faced weirdo moved his head away from the cabin, took a huge step, and continued to walk with the few companions in front of him.

When they went far away, I exhaled the breath I had just held and wiped the cold sweat on my head.

Standing up straight, I remembered that it was not the first time I had seen such a thing. I had seen such a long-faced weirdo on the mural that could change the pattern of the Golden Hall before.

They cut off pieces of the middle-aged man's meat as medicine and fed them to people suffering from the plague. The strange scene was still vivid.

I just didn't expect that this strange creature could live until now.

Looking out of the hole in the cabin, I can still see that those huge backs are still moving forward.

Where they were going, clusters of black smoke rose from the sky, obviously the place where the plane just crashed.

I'm a little curious why these people ran out as soon as they heard that there was a plane crash? What is their purpose?

So I quietly got out of the cabin, carefully observed around, and hurriedly followed.

Of course, I can't have those people who are more than three meters tall to walk fast, but fortunately they all stopped at the place where the plane crashed.

The place where the plane crashed was about two or three hundred meters away from my location.

While looking for cover, he approached there, and soon it was only 20 or 30 meters away from that place.

I found a huge ship chimney as a cover and poked out a head from behind the chimney to observe the situation in front of me.

At this time, I saw these very tall and long-faced people lifting a person out of the cockpit of the plane.

The man was wearing a helmet, his whole body was covered with blood, his body was still twitching, and his breathing was very short. It seems that he was seriously injured by the impact of the plane when it crashed, and he was not far from death.

Those long-faced people lifted the seriously injured pilot out, put it flat on the ground, and looked at him blankly.

One of them got a white cotton cloth from nowhere and was constantly wiping the blood flowing from the driver's abdomen.

The other carefully untied the pilot's clothes while holding a transparent needle tube in his hand.

I don't know what to do. Anyway, I think these long-faced weirdos are trying to save this pilot.

I looked at the front quietly and found that, as expected, after the long-faced man injected the transparent medicine into the pilot's arm, the pilot's breathing became much smoother almost immediately, and there were no more painful convulsions.

I saw those long-faced weirdos take out some black wide cloth strips, cover the pilot's wound, and then put on his clothes.

When they do this, the pilot is always in a deep coma, so they know nothing about it.

After rescuing the pilot, those long-faced people dragged another person out of the plane together.

It's just that this man's hands and feet are soft, and there is no sign of breathing. The blood has wet his dark blue coat, which looks extremely scary.

Obviously, this person mostly died from serious injuries.

So the long-faced man did not start to save this person, but turned his back to this person and formed a circle.

I saw these people chanting words, as if they were chanting some spells for the dead.

But after reading for a while, these long-faced weirdos stretched out their hands again and looked into the distance, as if they were waiting for something.

I was a little strange and followed their eyes in the distance.

After a while, I heard the chirping of those fiery in the distance.

Then from the entrances of the cave in all directions, countless green fires spewed out, flew this way, and then gradually formed a huge sphere in the air.

I think this sphere is not simply composed of fire, and it seems that there is a relatively large dark shadow in the middle of the fire.

I didn't expect that these fires would come here at the call of long-faced people.

I saw the huge fireball spinning and gradually falling.

A hot wave swept through the air, making the surrounding air rise several degrees, and I vaguely felt a layer of sweat on my forehead.

The huge fireball fell to a certain extent and suddenly made a messy chirping sound and scattered away.

At this time, I saw that in this huge fireball, there was a huge black shadow flying with heavy flapping its wings.

When all the bats scattered away, the black figure was completely revealed.

Seeing its thin black wings, eagle-like claws, bear-like head, and hunting and dancing black hair, I instantly thought I had seen the legendary dragon in the West.

However, when this thing slowly landed from the sky to the ground, I saw that the huge ears were hairless, the nose looked like a sow, and the greedy saliva flowed, which instantly dispelled the previous idea.

This thing turned out to be just a larger bat.

I saw that the black hair on the forehead of this huge bat was bald, and it was stained with some plasma and other things. Suddenly, I remembered that the monster I met with Boss Wu before that could spit fire should be this big bat.

The two marks on its head are the marks left by Boss Wu's pistol shooting.

It seems that the gun can't hurt it, but the skull of this thing should be quite hard, so there is no way to kill it.

This huge bat should be the leader in the fire.

Looking at its size, I figured out why the fire can carry huge food.

After the huge bat fell to the ground, it squeaked twice, and there were flames and smoke steaming at the corners of its mouth, which looked very strange.

Those strange long-faced people seemed to respect the huge bat and nod their heads and saluted.

The bat looked very irritable. It roared at several long-faced people and sprayed a series of flames, and then slowly pushed the dead man on the ground up with his head and put it on his back.

Then, the huge bat roared a few times, flapped its wings, flapped a strong wind and sand, and was ready to fly away.

However, at this time, my foot was a little numb and I wanted to straighten my legs to relieve my discomfort. As a result, I accidentally stepped on a piece of iron behind me and made a jingle.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of all the long-faced people and the huge bat.

I broke out in a cold sweat and half squatted behind the chimney motionless, trying not to let the other party see me.

However, it is obvious that the bat's sense of smell and ultrasonic detection capabilities are not covered.

I suppressed my breathing and heard the huge bat fly with its wings, and it flew in the direction I was.