long candle

Chapter 247 Atlantis

As the sound of the huge bat flapping its wings approached, my heart began to beat wildly.

If this guy finds out, there will inevitably be a fierce fight, approaching me and Boss Wu and hurting him together.

Whung a question whether I can beat this huge bat, and more importantly, what will they do to me if my whereabouts are found by those long-faced weirdos?

Will you feed me human flesh like a middle-aged man, and then use my meat to save people?

I don't want to be fatter than Nobita.

When I was burning my forehead, I suddenly heard a bang above my head, as if the bat had fallen to the ground.

Then, there was a strong burning smell around me, and the stench of the carcass rotting.

Then an ugly huge head poked out from above the chimney behind me.

I turned my head and glanced at it and saw its small and blood-red eyes staring at me.

It swallows smoke in its mouth, just like the lid of the boiler is not covered, and flames come out from time to time.

Obviously, it has found my existence and is very angry.

I looked at the two horrible scars of deep bones on its head, gave a dry smile, and slowly retreated.

I thought to myself that on this occasion, without weapons, how to deal with this bat will not be discovered by those long-faced weirdos.

However, the situation was beyond my imagination. Just as the huge bat lay on the chimney and puffed up, seven or eight strange blue faces slowly rose like raising the national flag.

I can't see any popularity on these faces.

They don't have any expression, their eyes are empty and they don't speak or breathe. Except for ghosts, I can't think of any adjectives.

I was in a twe. Suddenly, one of the numb faces opened its mouth, revealing its black fangs.

Then I saw a white snake wriggling in his throat.

Before I could react, the long white strip spewed out of his mouth and took my neck straight.

The white thing flew in mid-air, and I found that this was not a snake, but the long-faced strange tongue.

I was so scared that my legs were a little weak.

But I also know that if I am caught by this strange tongue, it will not only be disgusting, but also I will face the sanctions of these long-faced strange people.

So I took advantage of the weakness of my legs and wanted to roll on the ground.

But at this time, the soreness from my neck and waist made me grin.

Originally, a handsome posture of rolling sideways was vividly interpreted by me as a sideways lying down.

Fortunately, there was no sharp bulge on the ground. I fell to the ground, but my head was heavy and I ate a mouthful of ashes.

The white tongue is not as flexible as expected and can't turn around.

So the strange long face raised and took back its tongue like a frog.

I struggled to stand up from the ground, and my heart said, when will I wait if I don't run now?

So I ran to the back.

After running a few steps, I looked back and saw those tall and long-faced weirdos slowly coming out from behind the chimney, and then chasing me like ghosts.

The huge bat also flapped its wings and flew up.

No matter how fast a person runs, it is impossible for a bat to fly fast.

I didn't run a few steps, the huge bat had flown to the top of my head, and then opened its huge claws and flew down to me.

I couldn't avoid it, so I had to use the dog's unique trick of eating shit and lay directly on the ground.

The sharp claws of the bat roared past my head, and I felt itchy just by the hunting wind.

The bat rushed over my head and grabbed the ground deeply.

Then it roared twice and flew up again with its wings.

I know that it will hover down in the sky in a moment, and it's only a matter of time to be caught by it.

So take advantage of this gap to find out if there is anything around to hide.

But as soon as I got up from the ground, suddenly a huge and cold hand stuck in my neck from behind.

I know that those long-faced weirdos must have caught up with them. Looking at their careless appearance, they are so fast.

The hand that grabbed my neck was cold and powerful, and it didn't feel like a living person at all.

No matter how hard I struggle, I can't get that hand.

Just when I was desperate, a low-frequency but very sharp sound suddenly sounded in my ear, a bit like the destructive sound of a big ball before.

After hearing this sound, my consciousness gradually blurred and fainted.

I don't know how long it took for me to slowly wake up from a coma.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt a dazzling white light, as if I had been hit by a flash bomb, and my eyes were black.

In response to the condition, I hurriedly narrowed my eyes.

After a while, I found that the light was not particularly strong, but I was in a coma before, so I suddenly saw the strong light and was a little uncomfortable.

Now, I can adapt, so I opened my eyes and suddenly sat up from **.

After sitting up, I found that I was in a silver-white spherical room.

The bed I slept in is a silver metal board. There is no shelf under the board. Half is inserted in the wall, and the other half is stretched out without any decoration. It is a bit like the future metal of ultra-modernism.

The decoration in the room is also very simple, with only one bed and a circular spotlight hanging in ** square.

On the left side of the bed, a round door is open, and it is dark outside, and you can't see where it is.

Although this place was too simple and there was no danger, I immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

Because this place is the place described in the mural, feeding middle-aged people to eat human flesh.

I saw the door open. Although I knew that they could catch me in, it would not be so easy for me to run away.

But he still rushed to the door in the mood of giving it a try.

As soon as I rushed to the door, a huge figure blocked my way.

I looked up and couldn't see the face of the man outside the door.

But soon, the giant bent down, bowed his body and got in.

I was forced to step back by him.

After the tall man got in, he stood in front of me and looked at me silently, still without any expression on his face.

I didn't know what he was going to do, so I took a few steps back until I leaned against the bed behind me.

I feel like a little girl who is about to be raped, neither the generosity of revolutionary martyrs when they are about to die, nor the flattering and begging for mercy when traitors are traitors.

The man looked at the change of expression on my face, as if he could see my fear, so he stretched out his hand and ** the corners of his mouth twice, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he didn't say anything.

I was also a little surprised by his behavior, so I asked, "Who are you?"

The man finally opened his lips and said in a low and astringent voice, "Atlantis."

I haven't heard this English word, and I'm not sure what English is used, but I know that there has been a civilization on earth, which is very similar to the word he says.

So I opened my mouth and asked him, "Are you talking about Atlantis?"

Hearing the noun in my mouth, the man's white eyes seemed to flash a glimmer, and then blinked his eyes, as if to agree with me.

A sense of inexplicable strangeness rose in my heart, and I felt as if this person wanted to tell me something.

Atlantis, an ancient civilization that is said to have existed on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean more than 10,000 years ago, is said to have a high level of civilization that human beings could not reach at that time, but was destroyed by an unknown super natural disaster.

Today, the narrative about Atlantis only exists in the epic, but some people still persistently pursue the traces of this ancient civilization.

Some people say that Atlantis sank to the bottom of the sea, while others say that Atlantis' land was originally built on a huge flying saucer. When the time was ripe, the flying saucer carried the whole country into space.

The person who proposed the second theory is based on the inference of the structure of the concentric circle of Atlantis. They believe that the contours of the concentric circle and the flying saucer are very similar.