long candle

Chapter 251 Four Revelations

Seeing the hair exposed in the cracks in the eggshell, I couldn't help but get a layer of goose bumps all over my body.

Looking back at the giant beast lying there, although it also had hair, it had feathers like a bird, that is, the kind of feather with a backbone in the middle and fibers on both sides, instead of black hair as slender as hair.

Is this egg not produced by the giant beast in front of us, or did this species have a mutation under the influence of the Atlanteans?

Soon, I knew the answer.

Because the cub in the egg held the egg shell a few times, its head stretched out from it.

I don't know how to describe this head. I can't express my mood with ugly or horror.

I can only say that this is a human-like head, with very big eyes and no eyes. The wet black hair droops on both sides of its green-skinned strange head. The nose is collapsed, and the two sky-facing nostrils are particularly ugly, and now they are still spraying out as disgusting as egg white**.

This strange thing twisted its body and slowly crawled out of the eggshell.

At this time, I saw that this guy has a triangular body like a dinosaur, but he has human-like arms and five fingers, and his feet are the same as human, but his skin is green.

The hind limbs of the small monster are much more developed than the forelimbs. Although it can't walk, I can imagine that when it can walk, it must be able to run with its hind legs quickly like most carnivorous dinosaurs.

This three-point human-like thing, seven-point dinosaur-like thing fell to the ground, and immediately let out a strange cry, and the sharp teeth looked horrible.

I stepped back and was scared by this thing, but the Atlanteans seemed to be very excited and chattered about something.

At this time, I suddenly remembered a series of archaeological discoveries that once caused a sensation in the world.

On May 7, 1996, Beijing Evening News quoted Xinhua News and international radio as saying that American scientists found 200 million-year-old humanoid fossils in Antarctica, which are similar to human beings, but have many characteristics of dinosaurs. A few years later, Latan, a botany doctor at the University of Paris in France, found a strange human tribe in the Zairian virgin forest in Africa. Their spine is protruding, almost identical to the tail of a dinosaur.

Do these two discoveries mean that human history is far more than 7 million years old. 200 million years ago or even earlier, some form of human beings existed, such as this kind of dinosaur?

Scientists have always had many conjectures and sporadic evidence about the existence of ancient humans, but they never expected that according to what I have seen and heard now, ancient humans not only existed, but also did not evolve naturally. Other civilizations interfered with the earth civilization.

When I was thinking about this, the scene in front of me darkened again.

Next, my eyes slowly lit up again. This time, before I could see the scene in front of me clearly, I had heard the crackling sound of countless people crying and burning things in my ears.

When I opened my eyes and saw everything in front of me clearly, I was shocked.

Because I saw countless people sitting on the street, covering their faces and crying, surrounded by three to four floors of red-style buildings. The streets are paved with bluestone, and the old-fashioned big red fire hydrants on the street are very conspicuous.

Looking at the concentration of buildings, the dense streets and shops, as well as the blonde people on the street, I guess it should be the old appearance of a European country.

In a blink of an eye, I saw that the scenery on a road on my side was desolate, and the empty streets occasionally flew over a piece of broken newspaper, accompanied by people's crying, full of sad smell.

Opposite the street, there is a tall spire building built of cyan wall bricks. The oak plaque on the eaves read BNAK, which is obviously a private bank.

This private bank is well built, and there is also a small fountain in the small square in front of the gate.

It's just that there is no beautiful splash jump in the fountain now, but a flame that flies to the sky.

The flames are not burning anything else, but human corpses that have begun to rot in various clothes.

And in the distance, under the dark sky, there are countless fires burning, and the black smoke is like a ghost, covering the earth in a desperate atmosphere. I really don't know how many people have died here.

Looking at the pale faces of the dead and the eternally frozen painful expression, I couldn't help whispering, "Is it... the Black Death?"

Several people in black and wearing masks kept throwing the bodies piled up outside the fountain into the flames. Their faces were expressionless, like moving corpses, full of despair.

I paid attention to the logo on the chest of these people. It was a metal eagle flying, holding a metal shield full of English words on its claws.

Those who have seen the American police and gangster films know that this is the old police in the United States.*

Although * is different from state to state in the United States, most * use eagles as patterns, which means that they have eagle-like eyes, can enforce the law impartially and clearly.

The Black Death is really famous in history, with a total of more than 75 million deaths. But the Black Death occurred in the 14th century, when there was no United States of America.

I thought carefully about what plague could kill so many people besides the Black Death. In an instant, I thought of the Spanish flu of 1918.

In that disaster, more than 40 million people died worldwide, and the United States was quite seriously affected.

However, the Black Death was finally developed to avoid global human destruction. However, the Spanish flu finally disappeared for no reason, which is also an incredible mystery in the world.

Just thinking about this, a light that was not particularly obvious suddenly crossed the dead sky.

Maybe I have always cared about where the Atlanteans will appear, so basically only I noticed the light, and the people sitting on the ground still maintained a desperate and sad posture, bowing their heads and crying.

Just like the light I saw before when the earth was not yet open, this light is also like the redemption of the goddess of dawn, sacred and white.

But this time it was not projected from the sky, but flashed by. If it weren't for the tip of my eyes, I couldn't even see the disk-shaped aircraft that flashed with the light at the same time.

Next, the sky began to rain. The endless rain hit everything I could see in front of me, as if the whole United States began to cry. However, no one noticed that the tears in the sky contained some looming green substances.

People always remember the life that died in the Spanish flu, but no one remembers the rain of God that came to the world.

When the scene in front of me darkened again, I sighed in my heart.

I think, if I was born in that era and watched the relatives and friends around me die one by one but can't do anything, and I don't even know when I will be taken away by death, how powerless it would be?

If everything I saw is true, I am sincerely grateful to the Atlanteans.

With a heavy heart, I thought the revelation of the Atlantis was over, but the alarm in my ear woke me up from the dreamy darkness.

This time, I was in a small village surrounded by lush trees.

The village is dominated by wooden houses, but some cement watchtowers and Soviet signs like bows and arrows on the watchtowers make me more familiar.

Looking at the people fleeing in a hurry on the street, they are all tall, and their tall noses, deep eye sockets, and men's beards all show that I am in a small village in the Soviet era.

Over the dense spruce and pine forests in front of me, a column of black smoke rose to the sky, and the sharp alarm also came from that direction.

On top of me, there are countless helicopters, and fighters are flying to the smoking place. The sky shows a red color that may only be available at the end of the world, which is very horrible.