long candle

Chapter 250 Beast

I dare not think about this, because this idea is too crazy, and if it is true, it will be a discovery that subverts everything.

According to my reasoning, the purpose of bringing me to this place is probably because the Jurassic was the first prosperous era of life on earth. Before the Jurassic, primitive creatures on the earth were not so rich and diverse.

Is this to show me the masterpiece that the Atlanteans are proud of?

I seem to gradually understand why the voice in my mind just told me, "They are not malicious to us."

If what I guess is true, then it's not just "no malice".

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath, as if to suck the fresh air that had not been polluted by humans hundreds of millions of years ago into my lungs and slightly wash my lungs full of dust.

I don't know if I have sucked it in, and I saw a huge dark shadow flying towards me above my head.

I was shocked and thought that it was the notorious pterodactyl that wanted to catch me back as a snack, and subconsciously hid aside.

At this time, the huge, hairy white thing fell on the short bush next to me.

I took a look and it was a little ironic.

It turns out that this is a spore similar to a dandelion, a seed produced by ferns when breeding, but this guy is hundreds of times larger than a dandelion.

Maybe it was windy, and then countless such huge spores fell from the sky.

Seeing this scene, I thought I had come to Avatar's world in a trance.

I smiled, as naughty as a child, and blew a breath at a spore parked on the grass in front of me.

I don't know whether the airflow really blew out of my mouth, or there was just a breeze passing by, and the fluffy white fibers on the spores shook one after another, as pure as the first snow.

I was admiring this scene that no one else would ever see in a lifetime. Suddenly, the woman's voice appeared in my mind. She still said to me in astringent Chinese: "Go forward..."

I was stunned for a moment, raised my feet, and found that I seemed to be able to move, so I stepped on the small moss in front of me and walked forward.

Strangely, these moss did not collapse after I stepped on them, but still swayed in the mottled sunshine in the forest and swayed in the wind.

I knew that I seemed to have no quality here, so when crossing the bushes in front of me, I chose to jump.

Unexpectedly, I was like being on the moon, more than two meters high, lightly crossing layers of bushes and walking forward.

However, while I was enjoying this strange sense of lightness, suddenly there was a strange sound in the dense forest in front of me.

I subconsciously stopped and my heart began to jump.

Because I know that 200 million years ago, dinosaurs, the hegemon who ruled all the dense forests on earth, may immediately rush out from the front and give me a surprise gift.

My heart is pounding at this moment, not because I'm afraid that dinosaurs will eat me, but because I'm excited.

Although humans have already discovered the skeleton of dinosaurs, what dinosaurs probably look like and the reasonable recovery of scientists has long ago.

However, whether dinosaurs are full of feathers or like lizards, wearing thick leather and scales has always been the focus of debate among scientists, and at this moment, I will solve this puzzle with my own hands.

I took a deep breath and finally raised my foot and walked forward.

But what soon came into sight was not the imagined huge dinosaur, but a metal plate parked in a messy plant.

This plate has a brass-like luster and is as big as a basketball court.

Although covered by layers of plants, I still saw two very standard circular black dots at the top of the disk,

"Candle God!" I exclaimed and remembered the kind of plate that was respected as a god by the Chinese people under the Heizhugou before.

The name of this thing in the population of Wei is the candle god.

The huge candle god stopped motionless in the plant, but its bottom made a very low hum, like a car that was starting.

I was able to see that suddenly a white thing grew out of a black spot on the top of the candle god, like bean sprouts growing in the mid-speed lens of man and nature.

I recognize this thing as the tongue that came out of the mouth of the Atlanteans before.

The white tongue emerged from the top of the candle god like a snake, and then twisted and fell to the ground.

Then, this thing gradually became thicker and bigger, and it looked like human hands and feet.

Soon, the white monster turned from the "tongue" got up from the ground and slowly walked to the depths of the forest.

I was very curious and followed closely.

Around the place covered by the candle god, I saw a huge creature covered with brown feathers lying on the ground, which really surprised me.

This huge creature has an extremely huge head. Its head is narrow and long, and its nostrils are more than my fists. It narrows its huge eyes, its head is on its coiled tail, and there is a pinch of colorful feathers on the back of its head, which looks like a crown on the little girl's head.

This huge creature lay on the ground, with its stomach undulating, making a thunderous breathing sound.

"Is it asleep?" I was a little confused and took three or four steps forward and saw that this guy's eyes were not completely closed, and his huge eyes were still turning around in the cracks of his eyes, looking at the three small black spots on the ground.

I was a little confused and thought that this giant beast could not see me anyway, so it would be better to come closer and have a look.

When I slowly approached the giant beast, I saw that the ground it was staring at was not a small black spot, but three people in black squatting on the ground!

I have never heard of human existence in the Jurassic period, and the earliest human traces appeared 7 million years ago.

With curiosity, as I walked forward, I understood what was going on.

When I walked around in front of the three people, I saw that these were three pale and long Atlanteans.

These three Atlantiss are squatting on the ground, surrounded by several watermelon-sized animal eggs.

If the giant beast next to it is the legendary dinosaur, then this egg must be the egg of the dinosaur.

Although it has been hundreds of millions of years, creatures as big as dinosaurs should be very grumpy, especially carnivorous dinosaurs, which are one of the most brutal animals on earth.

In front of me, my lips occasionally shake, revealing a sickle-like barbed teeth, with some flesh and blood hanging between the teeth, which is obviously a kind of carnivorous dinosaur.

This carnivorous dinosaur, which is more than ten meters long, actually watched several Atlanteans pointing fingers at their eggs, but had no intention of attacking.

After a closer look, I found that these Atlanteans were still talking to dinosaurs in a language I didn't understand.

The giant beast suspected to be a dinosaur opened and closed its eyes and made a humming sound, as if answering the words of the Atlanteans.

I have long heard that scientists have a conjecture that dinosaurs actually have a high IQ and even have language.

Especially carnivorous dinosaurs have a very high IQ.

The basis of scientists is that some dinosaurs have huge skulls that can hold a considerable amount of brains. Assuming that their cerebral cortex is as deep as humans, dinosaurs are 20 times smarter than humans.

The Atlantis seems to have the ability to communicate with all creatures. I remember that the previous giant bat is also able to get along well with the Atlantis.

I don't know what the Atlanteans said to the giant dinosaurs, but I saw them holding a machine similar to a detector, detecting some data at the eggs.

I wanted to see what the detector showed, but at this time, one of the dinosaur eggs clicked and cracked a gap.

I knew that the little dinosaur was about to be born, so I looked at the egg attentively.

After a while, the little guy in the egg struggled twice and slowly pushed up the eggshell with his head.

And at this time, I actually saw something like human hair in the growing gap!