long candle

Chapter 258 Jealousness

Is it possible that the two couples who died in the underground ruins of Lop Nur once lived here?

So what is their relationship with the Rabilovic couple? Is it the parents of one of them the Rabbilovic couple?

If I guessed it, isn't that a coincidence?

When I recalled a series of strange things that happened when I met the couple's bones in the elevator, I couldn't help but stand up.

At this investigation, I can't help but suspect that the person who just entered the house is not a thief, but wants to tell me that I may be in a strange conspiracy.

I turned over the notebook and found that it was simply an empty notebook.

In fact, it is not exactly an empty book, because I found that more than a dozen pages in front of it were torn off.

Look at the torn marks, it doesn't look like it was torn by the man just now, because the torn opening is very old, which should not be done recently.

Then, I looked through all the things in the drawer, and there were no other valuable clues.

Finally, I turned my head to look at the photo hanging on the wall.

I, who has learned Russian, immediately gasped when I saw the words written on the label under the photo frame.

Because it says: "Dinlabilović's family of three, Vladimir Rabbilović Chakov, Danny Jankovic Macyusha, Vladimir Rabbilović Bei."

Looking at this, I knew that the Rabilovic couple were Chakov and Matyusha!

This is really incredible, because we once helped these two people's corpses fulfill their wishes. Did they become ghosts to repay their kindness, so they took care of me so much?

Obviously, this also doesn't make sense, because if they are both ghosts, the people in the village did not show surprise when they saw them.

Unless the people in the village are all ghosts.

Thinking of the enthusiastic villagers in the village, as well as the lovely and lively children, and Long Jia, I don't believe that they are ghosts anyway.

I shook my head and felt that I might have made a mistake. Maybe it was just a coincidence. There are only a few Russian names. For example, there are many people named Ivan. Unlike Chinese names, there are tens of thousands of men who can be freely combined, so there are many coincidences.

Thinking about this, I feel much better, but so far I have left a stalk.

The Rabilovics are so kind to me that I shouldn't doubt them, and now it is very impolite to go into this house without permission.

Thinking of this, I touched the window, jumped out, and finally closed the window.

Back in the room, Nie Chuan was still snoring and didn't know that I had been out.

I shook my head and completely despised my sleeping appearance, thinking that I must correct it in the future.

After so much toss at night, I lay in ** and couldn't sleep.

Suddenly, when I recalled the underground ruins of Durban Island, Zhuo Ya was very surprised to hear that I came from Durban Village and asked me how the people on the island were.

I didn't care about her words at that time, but now that I think about it, it seems to have some deep meaning.

Could it be that Zhuo Ya actually wanted to tell me at that time that the people living in Durban Village were ghosts, but in the end they didn't say it, but just asked a meaningful question "okay"?

Thinking about it, I don't know when I fell asleep unconsciously until the next morning, Nie Chuan woke me up.

When I woke up, the first thing I did was to suddenly sit up and say, "No, we have to go back to China immediately!"

Nie Chuan was stunned for a moment and said, "Why? We haven't been to Durban Island in person yet. Many things haven't been figured out yet. Haven't we waited for so long and went back like this?

I didn't hide it and told Nie Chuan what happened last night.

Nie Chuan didn't believe it and wanted me to take it to the crack of the door to have a look.

But at this time, the door was opened and Nobita came in carelessly.

Seeing that we were both wearing coats and sitting close to **, Daxiong was stunned.

I saw a trace of pride in his eyes. Just as I wanted him not to talk nonsense, he pointed to Nie Chuan and said, "You boy, I said why you disappeared when you fell asleep last night? It turned out that you stole your lover! What do you two do to make Liang Qian think of this kind of thing!"

Nie Chuan threw out the flashlight of ** angrily and scolded, "In the morning, I'm here to ask * something. Can you whisper? What should I do if Liang Qian hears it!"

Listening to Nie Chuan louder than Daxiong, I said to myself that you are an ass. You are so loud that you will be heard by Liang Qian, okay?

As soon as I finished thinking about it, another person came into the door. It was Liang Qian.

Nie Chuan and I pulled up the cover of the mask almost at the same time, covering our chest with a surprised look on our faces.

Daxiong laughed and said, "Okay, what else do you have to say!" Xiaochuan, if you really like him, Hu Erwan, I will be a matchmaker for you. Although his parents are both old revolutionaries, they have new ideas in the new era. I guess they will be moved by your true feelings and complete your marriage.

I touched **, and there was nothing to throw out, so I cursed: "Fatty, if you talk nonsense again, I will cut off your tongue and make it into a pig's tongue at noon!"

Nobita seemed to be afraid*, so he coughed awkwardly twice and muttered, "*, when did your mouth become so poor."

Liang Qian looked at the actions of the three of us and never said anything. Finally, she turned her eyes to Nie Chuan next to me and said lightly, "What time is it? Let's eat!"

I saw Liang Qian looking at Nie Chuan with a little gentleness and concentration, and suddenly there was a sense of jealousy.

But I said a few words in my heart: "I'm *, I'm Hu Erwan." I felt much better and got up from **.

When they came to the dinner table, everyone was already seated.

The Rabilovichs looked at me with a smile, asked questions, and appropriately asked about the ruins island.

I answered one by one, but I just avoided important places.

The couple were surprised to hear that they would also visit it in person if there was a chance. After all, it was also a relic of their ancestors.

I didn't say anything, because my eyes had shifted to the other two people at this time, that is, Nie Chuan and Liang Qian.

The two of them sat on a bench, very close.

Although she didn't flirt like a couple, Liang Qian first finished her meal and held her chin and didn't know what she was thinking. Occasionally, she peeked at Nie Chuan. In my eyes, there was an indescribable sourness.

"I'm Nie Chuan!" I really want to tell him.

But when I thought so, I found that the Nie Chuan opposite, regardless of appearance, personality, and everything, was telling everyone that he was Nie Chuan.

In all kinds of distress, I remembered Boss Wu's words again: "It's not important for others not to admit that you are yourself. Don't let yourself lose yourself."

Thinking of this sentence, I gritted my teeth, took a sip of the porridge in the bowl, then stood up and said, "I'm going out for a walk."

*'s personality is inherently withdrawn, so everyone doesn't care too much about my words, and they still do their own things.

I walked out of the yard alone, and the dazzling sunlight came towards me.

The originally lush flowers and plants in the yard have been covered by the heavy snow a few days ago. There is also a layer of snow on the grape rack by the wall. Those vines that should have been green have been frozen and turned yellow.

Although the sun is big, there is no warm smell.

I stepped on the snow and walked out of the courtyard door.

The villagers in the streets of Durban Village are busy. There are old people sitting at the gate of the yard basking in the sun and smoking pipes, and children running in the snow and having snowball fights. Everything is full of life. Where is there a trace of ghost?