long candle

Chapter 259 Warning

I couldn't help laughing at last night's idea and unconsciously walked in the direction of the port.

The sea is calm, because it is winter, even if there is bright sunshine, it still looks darker than summer.

The sea breeze with the coolness of snow melted, which made my cheeks a little painful.

I touched my * face and felt that the Atlanteans were really a magical race. Now although I am disguised as *, I can still feel cold and warm on this face, which is completely different from Dai *.

At the same time, I began to worry about whether I would become * and never go back?

I was a little panicked when I recalled that I couldn't take off this disguise when I was in the toilet last night.

I gritted my teeth and secretly swore that if the man's skin did not come off from me after the task was completed, I would cut it off with a knife to see if the white tongue-like thing would hurt.

"I'm me, a fireworks of different colors." In order to relieve my mood, I sang Zhang Guorong's song to the sea in the distance.

I didn't expect this psycho-like behavior to be caught.

I just sang two sentences, and suddenly someone patted me behind me and almost didn't let me swallow my tongue.

I was choked by saliva for a moment and coughed violently.

I finally recovered, turned my head and saw a cold and pretty face looking at me.

"You sing very well." This beautiful woman is Long Jia, and she said with a sneer.

I was a little angry, but I didn't expect him to flirt with me.

With a breath of relief, I asked her, "What? I'm looking for something."

Long Jia didn't say anything. She circled around me twice and looked at me up and down.

I felt a little scared when I saw her, but I still pretended to look at her calmly.

"You..." Long Jia hesitated for a moment and then said, "Forget it."

Does my heart say that this girl can see that I am not*?

If it was exposed, it would be troublesome, so I hurriedly changed the topic and said, "What's wrong? Did you decipher the skull I brought back?

Long Jia shook her head and said, "No, the witch text above is the oldest text of the ancestors of the witch clan, called Yinwen, which is not so easy to decipher. However, I found that this thing is not as simple as the skull. It has other uses. Can you tell me where you got this thing?

It's not as simple as a skull, what else can it be? I thought to myself.

I know that it is useless to hide the facts now, so I will tell him how to open the golden coffin and find the skull.

Hearing this, Long Jia frowned and muttered, "No, I feel that this thing should be used to make a lid for something, such as a bottle or jar. Because the text recorded on the skull is only part of it, and the other part should be written on the bottle connected to the skull.

"The lid of a bottle or jar?" After a few seconds, a flash of inspiration and something came to my mind.

I remember that the middle-aged man, the king of the Kingdom of Durban, died, the meat was cut off by the Atlanteans, put into five jars, and finally became the so-called true god.

So will this skull be the lid of that kind of jar?

But if so, it should be discarded on the burned lighthouse, not in the golden coffin.

In the tomb where the golden coffin was found, there was a mysterious ancient man's relics everywhere. The ancient man looked very similar to me, and this skull must be related to that person.

At first, I thought that the skull should belong to the owner of the coffin, but now I think it may not be so. This skull is likely to be brought into the coffin when the owner of the coffin dies.

So why did the owner of the coffin take this thing and bury it with himself?

I have a bold idea here, that is, the ancient man who looks very similar to me is either one of the four true gods, or the person born in the fifth jar! That's why he regarded the jar he was born as a treasure, carried the lid of the jar with him, and used it as a funeral item.

And I must have something to do with this ancient man. Maybe I am his descendant.

So, my ancestors were born from the jar?

Longjia saw that I was stunned for a long time and didn't say anything. She knew that I must have thought of something. She asked, "What's wrong with you?"

I shook my head and said it was okay, and then told her about the birth of five jars of a true god.

Long Jia was a little surprised and excited, and muttered, "God-making! Is it true?"

"God-making?" I looked at her with doubtful eyes.

Long Jia did not answer me, but turned back and said, "It's okay. I'll tell you when I study it clearly."

I can't help her, so I can only watch her go away slowly.

However, Longjia walked forward for a short time, turned her head and came back, and shouted to me, " Xie Yuting asked me to tell you that you should go back to China quickly if you have nothing to do. If you don't go back, you will regret it!"

I didn't expect Longjia to say such a sentence, and I thought, why did I listen to Yuting? He kidnapped us here and almost threw me into the sea to feed fish. Now he wants us back. What's the purpose?

I'm disgusted, but in fact, since I got up in the morning, I have decided to persuade everyone to go back.

Because let's not talk about the strangeness of Durban Village, and I can't let them go back to the ruins island, where there is a lot of danger and they will die.

I have basically mastered all the things I should know, and there is no need to go back.

Finally, and the most critical thing is that if what the Atlanteans say is true and the four true gods are chasing me, then I will let Nie Chuan and others stay here and wait for slaughter, or escape back to China first.

Looking at the sea in the distance, I looked in the direction of my hometown and felt that I was really homesick.

With a sigh, I hurried back, intending to persuade everyone to return to China immediately.

When I returned to Rabilovich's house, I happened to meet everyone packing up the package.

I was a little surprised, so I came to Nie Chuan and asked him what was going on.

When Nie Chuan saw that it was me, he looked up and said to me, "Oh, *, you're back. I'm looking for you."

I asked him, "What happened?"

Nie Chuan put down the salute in his hand, patted the dust on his hand, and said excitedly, "There is news from Grandpa!"

"What?" I think it's incredible.

Because after we arrived at Chukochi Peninsula, there was no signal on our mobile phone, so it was impossible to contact our family. How did he know that Grandpa had news?

Nie Chuan seemed to see my doubts and said, "Oh, it was BEY who told me that he had just returned from Moscow."

When he said that, I suddenly remembered.

After we were kidnapped by Xie Yuting's people, fortunately we met BEY and saved us.

Later, after arriving in Durban Village, I heard that BEY was going to Moscow, so I asked him to help us contact our family.

At that time, I gave his parents' phone number and my second uncle's phone number.

Maybe after he arrived in Moscow, he contacted his second uncle and got the news from his grandfather.

With that, BEY came out of the back room.

When I saw his handsome face like Beckham, I always felt as if something was wrong.

Maybe because I saw the photo of the group photo and remembered the old photo found in the underground ruins, I made a lot of conjectures about this BEY.

But now I can't show it. I just smiled at BEY and asked Nie Chuan, "Where is your grandfather?"

Nie Chuan replied that he didn't know, because his grandfather just sent him a package to his second uncle, and he had to go back to have a look.

A package? I said something.

I thought to myself, what will Grandpa send me?

Obviously, BEY didn't know that he just told us about the package Grandpa sent me.

At this time, Nie Chuan added: "I know many archaeologists in Beijing. One of them once found similar beads in a tomb of the Han Dynasty. Maybe we can get some information from him."

What he said was exactly what I wanted. I was going to persuade them to go back, but now I save my tongue, but how to go back has become a problem.

If we want to take a car over the mountains and then go to Moscow to take a plane, on the one hand, it's a toss, and on the other hand, even if we smuggled here, we don't bring * or ID cards at all, so we can't buy a plane ticket at all.

We have to go back by boat, but the best boat here is the village head's fishing boat, and it is impossible to sail far.

After thinking about it, I thought of a person, Long Jia.