long candle

Chapter 236 Woman

Xie Yuting said feebly, "It's not good. I misremembered it. It should be the third white grid in front of you on the left."

I was speechless for a while, so I had to do what he said.

When I stepped on that piece of floor tile, I heard a click, and there was another mechanism.

I thought there would be an iron door falling from the ceiling this time to seal the passage tightly.

But the reality is that I suddenly felt that my feet were empty and my whole body fell down.

While I fell down, I heard Daxiong shouting, "Can you do it?" Xie Yuting, I'm going to strangle you!"

When I heard such a sentence, I found that the falling tunnel was a slope like a slide, and my whole body couldn't help sliding down, and then the light and sound on it quickly disappeared into my world.

The slide is not very long. After two turns, it reaches the bottom.

Then my buttocks were soft and seemed to fall on a pile of soft things.

In front of my eyes is not dark, but a faint green light, and there are children's giggles, and the atmosphere seems a little strange.

I shook my head helplessly and looked at the place where I fell. It turned out that there was a pile of dolls under my buttocks.

It's just that the appearance of these dolls is very different from ordinary dolls. Their faces are twisted and unkempt. And the face is painted with red paint like blood.

These dolls are big and small, and the big ones are as big as real people.

I thought about it, a doll as big as a real person should not be called a doll. It seems that it should be called...**!

This kind of thing is really liked by the Japanese, especially if Japanese girls fall in, they will definitely be scared by the atmosphere here.

Looking at these strange but boring things, I shook my head helplessly, stood up and patted the dust on my buttocks.

I looked around and found that this is a relatively large cabin, which should have been transformed into this later.

I saw two steel beds with upper and lower bunks on the left and right sides, which should be the place where the workers on the ship used to live.

The quilt and blanket of the steel frame** are still there, and the quilt is bulging. There seems to be people sleeping inside, and there are crying from time to time.

Looking at all this in front of me, I felt like entering the haunted house of the amusement park and was speechless for a while.

I know that the door is on the wall right in front of me, but now a headless doll is blocking the door.

I didn't have time to waste too much time here. I walked to the door and pushed away the headless doll that blocked the door. The thing even made a strange noise and made me jump.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the handle of the door. Just as I was about to unscrew it, I suddenly heard something falling down behind me at noon.

I thought it was one of them who fell down and hurriedly looked back, but I didn't find anything.

Those dolls, big and small, are still lying there, silently shedding blood and tears.

I shrugged my shoulders and found that there was really nothing wrong. I thought it might be the noise that someone accidentally made when walking.

I have to go back to the deck immediately, because Daxiong and Liang Qian don't know what's going on, and they should need my help now.

Out of this house, I came to a corridor, which was full of such rooms.

There are dim yellow white incandescent lights on the corridor, but the brightness is very low, and it flashes, creating a strange atmosphere of light and darkness.

There seems to be movement in every room, and the doors of some rooms are creaking.

I didn't care about those messy sounds and walked to the end of the corridor.

Generally, on the lower floor of the cruise ship, there are stairs leading up on both sides, so I didn't care and chose a direction casually.

Through some strange door, I came to the end of the corridor and found that when I was about to go up the stairs, the corridor was built to death by a wall.

I secretly called bad luck in my heart, and I said that this place was actually transformed into a dead end, just to create a sense of horror.

I saw that there was also a string of blood fingerprints printed on the black wall, on which a string of words were written in Japanese.

Although I can't understand the words of Little Japan, I guess that it must be saying: "You have nowhere to escape. Wait for the fierce ghost to ask for your life!" And so on.

I looked around. I was sure that this wall was not a mechanism. After it could not be opened, I was ready to turn around and walk back.

But just as I turned around, I suddenly saw a tall woman swinging in front of me and entering a door on the left.

"What's the trick this time?" I feel a little guilty for the first time.

It is said that this is a trick, but the woman's action of entering the door just now is indeed seen by me, and it should not be fake.

The women on the ship are nothing more than Liang Qian and Long Jia, and their figures are not particularly tall, and the woman just now is at least corpus 1.5 meters tall.

I stood still and touched my chin, and said to myself that this would not be Xie Yuting's subordinate?

However, Xie Yuting seems to have known that we will be in danger for a long time. He didn't come out to play this time. It is very unlikely to bring a female subordinate. After all, not everyone has such a good hand like Liang Qian. In what the situation really happens, women are more lagging behind.

But besides knowing Yuting's men, I really can't think of any other explanation.

The people on this ship are nothing more than the people on this ship who add Xie Yuting, plus the strange people of the enemy. Obviously, among the people opposite, the probability of women is very small.

Even if there is, if you see me standing at the end of the corridor, you will never hide first. You must have shot me first.

In this way, it is less and less likely that this woman is a human being. Since she is not an organ, is it... a ghost?

It's not surprising to think that so many people have died on this ship, and the atmosphere here is so strange.

But after thinking about it, I said to myself, "Damn, I thought it was a ghost so many times before, but I haven't met it. This time it must be something strange. No matter what he is, take it out and beat him first!"

Thinking about this, I suddenly felt that I had a * domineering spirit. It seemed that this person's skin was not white.

I walked quickly to the door where the woman went in. I checked and found that the door was closed.

I took out a pistol from my back, and I was like a special policeman, holding a gun and listening to it close to the door.

I found that there was no movement in it, only a little resentful singing, so I kicked the door and prepared to rush in.

But I didn't expect the door to be too strong. I didn't kick it open and kicked it twice before kicking the door open.

As soon as the door opened, I hurriedly raised my gun and shouted inside, "Who! Who is in there! Come out!"

I admit that I'm not * after all, so my voice is a little weak and my hands are a little shaking.

But my voice is still enough for the other party to hear clearly.

However, I stood at the door for three minutes, but there was no movement in the room.

I was a little strange and glanced at the furnishings in the room.

This is a dark red-based room. Both the light and the furniture inside are dark red.

Although the light is very dark, I can still see that the room is full of pages of paper full of dense text.

Directly opposite the wall, there is a long table full of books wrapped in cowhide.

In addition to books, there are more than a dozen white skulls on it, and an extinguished candle is inserted on the top of each skull.

The chandelier on the ceiling of the room is also composed of countless small skeletons.

I know that this is a decoration imitating the medieval black witch style, because on the big chair behind the table sat a man in a black robe, a pointed hat and dressed as a wizard.

The wizard dressed up lowered his head and couldn't see his face clearly, but judging from the dust on his body, he should be a dummy.

I took a look and found that the decorations in the room were clear. Only the two large cabinets against the wall on both sides did not know what to contain, but there was no problem if there was a person hidden in it.

I made sure that there was indeed no one in it, so I frowned and walked in.

The first thing to come is, of course, in front of the wizard dressed up.