long candle

Chapter 237 Barbie

I took a gun, approached him step by step, and then stood opposite the table.

hesitated for a moment, but I said in a trembling voice, "Who...who are you? Raise your head."

The wizard dressed up did not look up and his body did not move.

At this time, I was more sure that it was a dummy, so I picked up its hat with a pistol.

As the hat slipped, I found that its face was just a dry skeleton, which relieved my breath.

Next, I went to the side of the room to check the wardrobe.

I opened both large wardrobes and found that they were empty and there was nothing at all.

Now I became even more confused. I said that I had just seen the woman come in, but why did she suddenly disappear again? Is she really a ghost?

I checked the front and back of the room again, but there was no result.

I felt that things were getting more and more strange, and I said that if the other party was really a ghost, then I found her out to ask for trouble.

So with more and more uneasy mood, I decided to take care of this matter and prepare to look for an exit on the other side of the corridor.

But when I came to the corridor again, I found that the woman appeared again.

This time, she stood with her back to me and stood under a dim light in the corridor, which really shocked me.

I said to myself, did I enter the wrong room just now? This woman should have been in another house just now.

"Who are you! Don't move, you'd better raise your hand. I try to make my tone like a policeman on official duties, because it can deter each other.

However, the other party didn't seem to have the intention of buying me, but still stood motionless in the corridor with his back to me.

I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said to myself why this woman was so strange.

While thinking about it, I began to looked at each other, and soon found something unusual.

Because of this woman, her hair is very strange.

She is tall and has almost the same shoulder width as that of a man, but she looks a little thin.

This man was wearing a slightly old green military uniform, a black armed belt, white gloves, and a military dress.

How to look, this man wears clothes like a male soldier, but he has long golden shawl hair, which looks so gorgeous but so strange.

Barbie doll! I suddenly thought of her hairstyle, which is a little similar to the Barbie doll I just found when I fell down.

Is it true that there is only one living in the Barbie doll that has been secretly following me since I fell down?

Thinking of this, I got goose bumps all over my body.

I don't want to see her plastic face turn around and smile at me.

I said to myself so silently in my heart, and then my feet involuntarily retreated.

At this moment, the strange Barbie moved her body and her head slowly turned to me.

When I saw her face, my scalp was about to explode.

Because this is a strange face full of surroundings, there are more grooves on the face than the grooves on the tires, but not as weak and loose as the old man.

The folds on this person's face are very three-dimensional, looking like a steamed bun, twisting its facial features into a pile.

His eyes are very empty, with no eyes, all black, as if his pupils occupy his eyes, so it looks particularly large.

The most important thing is that this person looks stiff all over his body, and when his neck turns around, he makes a heinous sound, as if it will be broken at any time.

She grinned at me, and her teeth seemed to be set in gold and shiny.

We looked at each other for two seconds, and I didn't calm down, so I didn't take any measures.

The other party was different. She saw that I was a little stupid, so she turned around, stretched out her stiff arms and rushed to me.

said that she rushed over, but her movements were obviously a little slow, especially under her feet, as if she were filled with lead, and it was particularly difficult to walk.

But no matter how slow her movements are, after all, she and I are only a dozen meters away, and there is a dead end behind me.

So without a few steps back, I was forced closer and closer by him.

At this time, I dare not go into the room randomly, because if I go in and get a few more such things, it will be more difficult to deal with.

I kept retreating until I was still two or three meters away from the wall, so I raised my gun and said, "Barbie doll! Stop it! What do you want to do? Go back to your Barbie country and be a princess! Don't scare me!"

The other party obviously knew the pistol, and stopped in an instant and looked at the gun in my hand.

I saw that this trick was useful, so I pulled the bolt and said, "Get out of here!"

"Ah!" The opposite thing seemed to be angry when he heard me talking to her so loudly. He made a few strange screams that were not human voices, and then forced me over again.

I said that this thing is only three points like a human and seven points like a zongzi, which must not be a good thing, so I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

A bullet came out of his left leg, and a spark came out.

I left room. I didn't want to kill him with one shot. I didn't expect that the other party was completely fine. I just took two steps back and then rushed to me again.

At this time, I looked at this Barbie doll, because it was too fierce to retreat just now, and I lost my hair, revealing a bare, metallic forehead.

At this time, I finally understood that this guy is not a Barbie doll at all, but one of those who attacked us!

I fell from the trap before. Obviously, the trap did not close, and this guy also fell down with me.

Then he accidentally put on a wig in the pile of Barbie dolls and followed me all the time.

Maybe it's because I lost my gun, so I can only find a way to attack me or pretend to be a ghost to scare me to death.

I didn't see clearly before, but now it seems that their faces have grown like this. Is this a person or a zongzi?

If it's a zongzi, why did you use a gun and pretend to be a ghost to scare me?

I vaguely feel that the thing opposite is not simple. It should belong to some kind of intelligent creature that is neither human nor Zongzi. I really don't know whether they are organized or ordered by anyone.

In a word, the thing in front of me now gritted its teeth and rushed to me, probably trying to kill me.

There was no way out behind me, so I had to shoot it back two times in a row, and then took advantage of his retreat to get into a nearby house and lock the door.

I didn't expect that as soon as I finished this, I suddenly heard a crack on the door, and two dark hands directly penetrated the wooden door and inserted in.

I took two steps back and saw that the door was like an explosion, turning into countless pieces of wood flying all over the sky.

And in the piece of wood, the Barbie doll rushed in with its teeth and claws.

I secretly exclaimed in my heart that the strength of things is comparable to that of zongzi, and my feet have been retreating, looking for room for maneuver.

This house seems to be one of the few undecorated houses. There is nothing in it, only a few rotten blue tables with seaweed and rotten stools.

I don't care so much. I threw these furniture one by one and were beaten to pieces by him.

Fortunately, I move faster than him, otherwise it must be the same as those tables and stools.

I circled with him in the room, and then I touched the position of the door, and then ran out.

I ran a few steps forward along the corridor and saw that the thing slowly followed.

But he must not be able to catch up with me, and there is no gun in his hand. He can only roar in the back and wave his black paws.

I know that this place is small and can't deal with him. If he is forced into a dead end again, I will die.

So I ran in the direction that was not blocked as fast as possible.

As long as you go on the deck and ask Nobita to help you, or find a bigger place to hide and seek with this thing, there will be more ways.

I was calculating what I want when a bright light suddenly lit up behind me.

I looked back in surprise and saw the strange thing standing still and growing its mouth.

And there seems to be a violent current in its mouth.