long candle

Chapter 259 Worm Girl

That kind of black mollusc, wriggling differently on the ground, slowly turning into something a little human, crawling with its limbs.

We don't know what this is, so we can only retreat silently.

But after a few steps back, we found that we had no way back, because there were such things before and after.

Nobita wanted to lift his foot to kick these things, but I stopped him.

Because I found that the target of these soft ladder animals was not us, but the big bug nailed to the ground.

These molluscs crawled slowly and moved towards the big bugs little by little.

At this time, the bug seemed to feel something and began to make a squeaky sound.

I don't think the bug is pitiful, but I think the scene is very weird.

Next, we see that the mollusc is like a pool of black jelly, slowly climbing up the body of the big bug, and then gradually integrating the bug's trunk and all its feet into the body.

In fact, it only takes about three such molluscs to fully integrate insects into the body, but other molluscs still move over like moths.

In this way, these black creatures slowly accumulate together and become larger and larger, developing in the direction of a huge sphere.

At first, we could still see the huge bug twisting under the sphere, but later, when the huge ball was more than three meters high, it had become dark.

"What the hell is this going to do?" The three of us watched all this happen inexplicably, but we were all confused.

Just when we are puzzled, the change comes again.

After the huge black ball expanded to a height of more than three meters, it had integrated into all the molluscs, so it stopped expanding.

Not only that, but in front of our eyes, a white shadow slowly appeared in the center of the black sphere.

"Huh? Look!" Daxiong pointed to the white shadow in the center of the sphere and said, "It seems to be a woman!" And I'm not dressed!"

As soon as he said this, we both saw that it was indeed what Daxiong said that a woman appeared in the center of the sphere.

The woman's skin is very fair, with long black hair, red lips and big eyes, slightly upturned eyelashes, about 20 years old, very quiet.

Moreover, this woman is not wearing any clothes, and her concave and convex figure makes us all have a hot fever on our face.

However, we know that the woman in this ball is definitely not human, because it is impossible for anyone to exist in such an airless sphere.

"This monster is so fucking beautiful." Nobita stared straight at the woman and looked at her.

Seeing that the woman's chest was still inserted into the village, we knew that the woman turned into a bug.

"This is the worm girl in the monster portrait in the attic!" Nie Chuan was shocked.

I nodded, felt a coldness flowing down from my temples, and stammered, "Yes, this... This is the legendary plague-level monster that can control all insects and create pests and plagues."

We are retreating as we speak, because we all know how powerful this thing is.

But we have not been lucky for a long time. Just as we were about to sneak away, suddenly, the worm opened a pair of black eyes.

In fact, Chongji's eyes are not very different from ordinary people, but their pupils are very large, their eyes are very few, and they look very charming.

Zongji looked at us in the direction, but there was no murderous intention of ordinary monsters in her eyes, but extremely plain, as if she had seen a few ants.

We just took a look at her, and we haven't lost the ability to escape, so we continued to run forward without looking back.

But before we ran a few steps, suddenly there was a crackling behind us, and countless black shadows flew around us.

I looked back and saw that the huge black ball wrapped around Chongji had exploded.

Those human-like, insect-like and non-worm molluscs flew around, and many of them fell in front of us and blocked our way.

We wanted to jump over these molluscs, but those things were different from before. Although they were still lying on the ground, many spikes grew from behind this time, blocking our way.

We know that this must have been ordered by the worm girl to do so, so we had to stop.

Because even if we can knock down the few in front of us, the number of deformed molluscs is no more than 200. If we really start, we will only suffer losses.

With a helpless face, she turned her head to look at Chongji and saw her white * powerless lying on the ground, still with the village with the hooded boy in her chest.

Although Chongji's body is beautiful, we all look at the hair all over our bodies and dare not look more.

But at this time, Chongji slowly stood up from the ground, and her smooth skin still attracted the eyes of the three big men.

Zongji lowered her head weakly, looked at the knife on her chest, and then looked up to the sky and roared in great pain.

Then her whole body trembled slightly, as if she was holding her breath hard.

Then we saw that a layer of colorful hair slowly grew from her smooth *.

This hair is not as shiny and beautiful as animal hair, but like the hair on a caterpillar, which is strange and disgusting.

Soon, these colorful hairs covered Chongji's body like a piece of fur, covering her shame. At first glance, she really thought she was wearing a leopard-print tights.

Although it is covered with hair, Chongji's curve is still so proud that we can't take our eyes off it.

At this time, Chongji opened her big eyes and looked at us, but she was a little shy.

seems to be asking us, "Hey, am I beautiful?"

I can't describe my mood. I just swallowed my saliva and said that there is such a gorgeous monster in the world?

After the deformation, only the knife on her chest looks a little strange.

With a move of her hand, several molluscs came over, and then something like tentacles grew from behind to wrap around the handle of the knife, trying to help Chongji pull out the knife.

However, whenever the tentacles of these soft monsters touch the handle of the knife, they will make a scaling sound and quickly shrink back.

Seeing this scene, Chongji's expression became more and more painful.

And finally, we understood why she wanted to keep us,

Because she saw that those molluscs could not pull out the knife, she looked at us with prayer.

We are human beings and will not be hurt by the evil spirit in the knife, so Chongji thought of asking us to help.

However, it is absolutely impossible for us to help a monster. No matter how delicate she has a beautiful face, she is also a harmless evil thing.

The worm girl couldn't speak, but looked at us with pleading eyes.

And we just look to one side.

At this time, Daxiong said to me, "It seems that she will come to be hard later. Get ready to fight."

I know what Nobita means, that is to say, since praying is useless, she will definitely ask the soldiers to beat us down, and then threaten us to draw a knife for her.

However, when we watched the films of revolutionary martyrs since childhood, we will certainly not succumb to the coercion and temptation of the enemy.

So I nodded to Daxiong and said, "I won't draw a knife for that woman even if I die."

I don't know whether we have seeds or whether the worm girl doesn't mean to threaten us.

When we went to the place stopped by the molluscs again, those things took the initiative to get out of the way.

We were surprised. We looked back at Chongji and saw that she was still standing still looking at us without doing anything else.

Seeing her like that, I suddenly softened for a moment and said to myself, "Isn't this monster good? That's why the hooded boy didn't kill her?"

In fact, I was thinking at the beginning that since the hood boy could nail her to the ground with the village, it means that the bug girl lost when fighting with the hood boy, but in the face of monsters, human beings usually kill, but the hood boy actually showed mercy. What's the reason?

"How can monsters be good?" Shaking my head, I put aside some inexplicable thoughts.