long candle

Chapter 297 Weapons

With this conjecture, I continued to walk forward, and soon the lower passage came to the end, and the ground began to become flat.

However, the light in front is gone, leaving only darkness.

Fortunately, I practiced a pair of night eyes, otherwise, the expedition could not be completed without a light source at all.

Although I can see the things around me three or four meters, I still resolutely continue to move forward.

The size of the underground cell is very large. The further I walk, the more empty I feel. The sound of my footsteps echoes around me. In addition, it is quiet and terrible.

Just when I didn't know how far to go, I suddenly saw a stone statue standing in the middle of the cell not far ahead.

When I slowly approached the statue, I felt more and more familiar with it. When I took a closer look, it turned out that this was a statue of a thunder cloud monk.

How can there be a statue of Leiyun Monk in this hell?

I think it's a little incredible, and at this time, the appearance of the statue of Lei Yun Monk gradually became clear.

I saw that this statue is a little different from what we saw before. The Lei Yun monk wears a high hat and robe that only officials wear, and his posture is very exaggerated.

He grabbed a thin man's neck in one hand, raised his sword in the other hand, and stepped on a woman with a ** upper body under his feet.

I think this painting is a bit like the Rasha in the Chinese Buddhist statue, or Vajradhara, which is very deterrent.

So what should I mark in this picture in front of me? Is Lei Yun Monk the patron saint of hell?

Although I can't guess the specific meaning of the statue, since it has something to do with Monk Lei Yun, things may become a little complicated.

Observing that there was nothing special about the statue, I bypassed the stone statue and continued to walk deep into the dungeon.

As I walked, I suddenly saw many pillars in front of me.

These columns are gray above and dark below. Each of them is as thick as two people hugging together, about three meters high.

The pillar looks very firm and firmly on the ground.

However, it doesn't look like the plum blossom pile of Shaolin Temple, but it reveals some strange meanings.

I have an ominous hunch that those pillars should have some strange secrets.

Sure enough, when I raised my foot and walked forward again, I saw a lot of white bones on the ground.

These bones are all human bones, and the number is almost countless. They are very miserable. All of them have grown their mouths, and some of their jaws have disappeared, and almost every tooth is incomplete.

Looking at these strange human bones, I walked forward carefully.

Then I found that the pillars I had just seen were all chained with skeletons.

These skeletons grow up with the same mouths, and their expressions are particularly painful.

I saw many long-handled pliers on the ground and a dilapidated charcoal stove next to it, and I knew what was going on.

This should be the tongue-puling hell described in the Buddhist classics.

It is said that anyone who likes to lie and deceive people and cause great losses to others will suffer in hell.

For example, false accusations, defrauding money, etc. will go to this level of hell.

Here, the ghost will open the prisoner's mouth with red-hot pliers, and then pull out his tongue from his mouth to make life worse than death.

Legend has it that a person's tongue will stretch to two or three meters, but if such a criminal law is actually imposed on a living person, he will definitely die of blood on the spot.

Now the so-called hell here is to arrest living people to apply this criminal law. After killing them, the bones are piled up randomly, which is simply unbearable.

Looking at these painfully dead people, I thought that this is really a hell on earth.

No matter what crime he committed before his life, even if the crime was extremely heinous, according to the current law, it was at most a death sentence. Punishing prisoners with such a cruel criminal law shows that the ruler at that time was very cruel.

Looking at the depths of the dungeon, I know that there must be another 17 layers of hell here, such as grinding people into pieces with a mill and cutting people in half with a saw.

Even if I walk in and have a look, it just makes me feel disgusted.

Looking around, I found that there were two watchtower-like buildings not far behind this group of pillars.

This building does not cover a large area, about 20 meters high, which should be the place where ghosts used to be on guard.

At the bottom of the watchtower, there is a ghost door, all of which are not locked.

I felt that it was necessary to observe the terrain of the dungeon first, so I walked towards the watchtower on the right.

Push open the already rotten ghost head door, and I walked all the way up the steps inside the watchtower.

Just as I was about to reach the top observation deck, I suddenly saw two ghosts with spears sitting on the ground at the exit, covered with dust and spider webs.

I don't care so much and just stepped over them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as my left foot stepped over, my right foot was caught by a ghost hand.

This really scared me, and ordinary people had to be scared of a myocardial infarction.

But fortunately, I know that most of these ghosts are still alive, so it's not a special accident to be caught.

I kicked the ghost to the ground, and it began to struggle very slowly.

The ghost on the other side also moved, like a rusty machine, shaking and standing up from the ground.

I really don't want to waste too much time.

So I raised my legs and wanted to kick them down the stairs alone.

As a result, as soon as I stretched out my leg, I saw a good thing on the ghost close to me.

It carries a big carpenter with red paint on its back, with an quiver next to it, and a long bamboo tube next to the quiver.

This red bow and arrow is generally used to shoot rockets, and the bamboo tube behind him must contain fuel.

After smearing the fire oil in the bamboo tube on the arrow, it is lit with a fire fold, and then it is made into a rocket.

Now I'm lacking lighting equipment, so I grabbed the pale ghost, pressed it to the ground, and then took off the arrow tube and fire oil.

Another ghost carried a big knife with a serrated back, which was extremely heavy, so he struggled for a long time and couldn't get up.

At this moment, I also happened to lack a weapon, so when he reached out to me, I grabbed its collar and put it to the ground.

I carried the arrow and fire oil on my back and took down the jagged ghost knife. I cut off the two ghost heads and threw them down from the watchtower.

I clapped my hands and said, "You have killed countless people, and it's time to be relieved."

Next, I twisted the bamboo tube with fire oil and found a full bottle inside.

I was happy to smell it and find that the fire oil still works.

Next, I stained an arrow with fire oil and lit it with a lighter, and the surroundings were illuminated in an instant.

Then I took off the bow and arrow on my back and put the arrow on it.

When pulling the bow, I suddenly suffocated, because the bow was really hard.

In fact, the arm strength of the ancients is very powerful. Compared with modern people, a cook in the army can easily lift a grinding disc.

So the bow in my hand is actually not a strong bow, but only an ordinary one.

However, even with such an ordinary bow, I still dissipated half of it.

I was so tired that I sweated profusely and aimed in one direction and shot the arrow out.

Unexpectedly, the arrow was so powerful that it flew out and lit up the sky with flames.

Then soon, the arrow shot into a wall 50 or 60 meters away.

The flame soldier was not extinguished, so I saw a huge shadow flashing across the wall.

"There's something there..." I was a little surprised.

But when you look closer, the huge-looking dark shadow has disappeared.

I was a little worried, but at this time, suddenly there was a strange whining sound from under the watchtower.

I was surprised. I hurriedly lit another rocket and shot it under the watchtower.

The rocket drew an arc and firmly pierced the ground.

The flame lit up a corner of the ground, and I saw two dark shadows disappear within the range of flame lighting in an instant.

The position of my archery is very coincidental, and one of the two ghost heads I threw down is next to my rocket.

But I fixed my eyes and saw that the skin on the head had been torn by something, revealing the black bones inside.

Not only that, the eyes of the head were also taken away by something, leaving only two dark eye holes.

I thought that something must have robbed the head there just now, but the rocket was shot down and scared these two things away.

While thinking about it, suddenly, I saw an extremely ugly pointed head at the edge of the flame light.

I am very familiar with the appearance of this head, just like a few beards growing on the root of sweet potatoes.

Look carefully, it turned out to be a hairless mouse!

Because the mouse has no hair all over its body, **'s buttocks show a strange flesh red. The body is more than two meters long, which looks bloated and horrible.

After a while, another smaller head also came out, but this guy was not a mouse, but a very fierce-eyed big black dog.

The black dog has a lot of red flesh, which looks like a pathogen with a skin disease.

It grinned and roared, slowly approaching the huge mouse.

From my perspective, the mouse is bigger and more combative than a black dog.

I don't know how these two guys survived in this dark world, but looking at their fierce appearance, I know they are not easy to mess with, and they are very hungry.

Just for a piece of dead meat, you will fight to death. If my fresh meat goes down, I will definitely be robbed so that there are no bones left.

Now I'm on a high place. If I don't want to have no way out, it's better to shoot these two guys first with a bow and arrow.