long candle

Chapter 298 Old Smoking Gun

Bow and arrow. This time, in order to avoid attracting the attention of the other party, I didn't light the arrow.

When I aimed at the particularly ugly mouse with one eye, I suddenly had a feeling of returning to the ancient battlefield.

And I, now a scout in the ancient army, holding a long bow in my hand and aiming at the enemy in the dark.

It was still difficult for me to pull the bowstring for a long time, so I took a rough look at it in the fastest time, and then as soon as I let go, the arrow flew out with a snap.

"There is!" For me, who used the bow and arrow for the first time, this time I could see that the arrow was very accurate and went straight to the eyes of the big mouse.

The first arrow was so accurate that I was so excited that I almost jumped up from the ground.

However, just as the arrow was about to hit the mouse's head, I clearly saw the mouse's beard tremble, as if it had smelled some wind.

Then it kicked its hind legs and jumped forward.

Because of this sudden displacement, my arrow is about to be missed.

At this time, I was anxious and thought that if only this arrow could turn the corner.

As soon as this strange idea came out, I suddenly saw that the arrow shot was suddenly wrapped in a green thought, and then the arrow turned away and shot in the direction of the mouse jumping out.

However, because the green thought came out too late, the arrow still passed the mouse's buttocks in the end and did not hit.

Although the arrow did not hit the mouse, I was really surprised.

Looking at the long bow in his hand, he was also wrapped in a layer of green reading, which looked very mysterious.

Even my whole right arm is wrapped in this reading.

This strange phenomenon reminds me of the kind of skills I practiced before. Is it possible that some of the skills can be used for me?

Thinking of this, I bent my bow and arrow again, and this time I was able to pull the bow and arrow to the full moon effortlessly.

But when I went to look for the mouse again, I found that the mouse was missing.

Although the mouse and the ugly dog were gone, there was a rustling sound everywhere.

I began to have a bad feeling, lit a rocket again, and shot an arrow in the direction of the sound.

The arrow drew an arc in the air with flames, and then illuminated a corner under the watchtower.

When I saw the scene below, my scalp suddenly exploded.

Because I saw that in the place illuminated by the flames, a group of two or three meters long mice were quickly surrounding the watchtower.

Most of these mice are fleshy, and only a few of them still have a few pinch of black hair.

They were a little afraid of the flames. When they saw the arrow shooting in front of them, they paused and slowly retreated a little.

However, there were too many mice behind, and these retreating mice were pushed back.

Soon, the rocket inserted on the ground was crushed by these guys.

I was a little panicked when I saw this situation.

Mouses are omnipotent animals. No matter how steep the walls of the watchtower are, they will find a way to climb up, not to mention the stairs below.

I looked around and saw a stone door at the entrance of the watchtower, and I suddenly felt a glimmer of hope.

The stone door is controlled by hinges and closed from top to bottom.

At this moment, I didn't care whether there was a way out. I pulled out the ancient knife sent by my brother and cut off the chain connecting the stone door. The stone door fell down with a bang and sealed the entrance of the watchtower.

As soon as I calmed down, I heard a bang from the stone gate. Obviously, the mice had climbed up.

Without waiting for me to worry about whether the stone gate would break through, there was a creaking sound of sharp nails climbing the wall around the watchtower.

I came to the watchtower and looked down and saw that a black army of mice had climbed halfway.

I shot down one with a bow and arrow. I have been sweating profusely, because the number of the other party is too large. Even if I use human sea tactics, I will be immediately gnawed into a bone shelf.

Fortunately, I have not faced this kind of crisis once or twice. While the mouse climbed up for more than ten seconds, I tried to calm myself down, and then soon, I came up with a solution.

I took off the bamboo tube with fire oil, unscrewed the lid and fell down along the wall from the edge of the watchtower.

Many of the mice that climbed up began to slip after stepping on the fire oil and then fell off the wall.

Looking at the mouse sliding down on one wall, I came to the other wall and poured the oil down evenly.

In this way, I poured oil on all four walls, and then I used up a tube of fire oil.

Back in front of the front wall, I looked down and immediately scolded.

Because I found that these teachers were too smart. When they saw their companions sliding down, they no longer acted rashly, but stuck out their tongues and licked the fire oil on the wall.

I have long heard that rats can steal lamp oil, but there is no lamp oil in modern society, so I don't know whether it's true or not. Now it seems that it's true.

The mice licked the lamp oil, showing a very satisfied look.

I cursed an unpleasant word and sneered, "Eat, light all of you, disgusting things."

With that, I took out the lighter and lit the oil on the wall.

With a roar, the watchtower was surrounded by flames and turned into a pillar of fire.

I was ignited by the rushing flame, and I only heard a thorn, leaving a sticky smell in the sea.

I hurriedly shrank my head back and sat down on the watchtower.

However, at this time, the screams of the mice on the wall made me feel very refreshed. I couldn't help laughing and scolding, "Burne, burn these ugly monsters."

Maybe it's been too long since no one talked to me. I need to vent like this, and then I will feel much better.

After a while, I smelled a bad burning smell in the air, and the flame gradually decreased.

I looked down and saw that the mice on the wall had fallen and rolled on the ground, and some had been burned into a ball of black charcoal.

In fact, these mice would not have been burned so seriously, but when they ate fire oil in their stomachs and the flames were introduced, they would burn them inside and outside in an instant.

Looking at those big roast pig-like rats, I actually swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Without the strange thoughts in my heart, I saw that the mice on the ground were slowly retreating, but there were still thousands of them. As long as the flames were extinguished, these guys would rush up to avenge their companions.

If they rush up again, I have run out of fire oil and can't resist it at all.

Thinking of this, I began to worry about whether I was really going to die here today?

After thinking for a long time, I still had no choice but to scold: "Unless I am a winged bird that can fly away."

"Yes! Fly away!" I suddenly thought of something, but I forgot it for a moment.

I patted my head, and I tried to recall the inspiration just now.

But at this time, a strange sound suddenly came from the ground.

This sound is like the cough of a person who has reached the age of *, which sounds hoarse and worrying.

I hurried to the edge of the watchtower and looked down to find that the mice who were afraid of the flames slowly came up again.

And the innate timid eyes are full of wildness and excitement at this moment.

At the same time, I can see that the mouse's army is divided into two parts, which seems to be giving way to someone.

In this case, there are generally powerful lies that are about to appear, and depending on the performance of the mouse, it should be a spiritual leader.

I began to guess in my heart, is it a wise mouse with white hair or a mouse king with golden hair?

And at this time, the heart-threatened cough came again in the distance,

I frowned slightly and tried to think about the strangeness of the cough.

Soon, I remembered one thing my mother told me when I was a child.

He said that when she was very young, she often slept with her grandmother.

Her grandmother's home is in a very remote village, surrounded by farmland and woods, which is lonely and scary.

But my mother has a strong personality, so at night, I still like to let her grandmother, that is, my grandmother, tell her those ghost stories.

In these stories, there is a story of an old smoker. Her grandmother said that this is her personal experience and cannot be called a story.

The place where the story happened is the old house where my grandmother and grandfather lived.

They lived here when they were young. One summer, I heard from the villagers say that they have been losing things at home recently, either grain or rice. In short, they are all bags of bags, not like ordinary mice, because they can't move them at all.

At first, no one noticed, but later, the lost things changed from grain to small animals such as rabbits and ducks, and even bracelets and necklaces.

The villagers thought that there were some flying thieves in the village, so they came to discuss with the village head whether to organize the villagers to catch the thieves.

But when the village head asked about the specific situation, a villager said that one night he heard a lot of noise outside, so he took the long stick by the side of the bed and prepared to have a look.

As soon as he walked to the door of the living room, he heard his father's hoarse cough in the living room.

He thought it was another room where his father got up to go to the toilet, so he didn't care.

Unexpectedly, a bag of rice was lost at home the next day, and when asked about his father, he said that he had never got up to go to the toilet.

The villager has never figured out what's going on.

As soon as the village head heard this, he sighed and said, "It seems that we are in trouble this time. It's the old smoke gun that came out to make trouble."

The village head said, "The mouse is very smart, and after hanging out with people for a long time, it has become more and more refined. Some elderly mice can imitate people's coughing and even some simple sentences to paralyze people to achieve the purpose of stealing."