long candle

Chapter 299 Old Story

Slowly, the village head continued to say, "Mouses that can learn people's voices have long become refined. They not only steal food like ordinary mice, but also imitate human beings and collect things such as gold, silver and treasures."

The villagers were fascinated by it, and obviously didn't expect that there would be such strange things in the world.

After saying this, the village head suddenly asked someone to bring paper and pen. No one knew what he was going to do.

As a result, the village head wrote a line of words on the paper with a brush for everyone to read, and it said: "The mouse's ears are very sensitive. What we said today, I guess the sperm rat has heard it, and it will not appear in the next three days. After a few days, if it comes out to steal again, don't disturb it. Old smoke guns usually know magic. When it steals things and follows it to find the nest, we will wait for the day to clean up the beast together.

There are not many literate people in the village, but after reading what the village head wrote, everyone conveyed it privately and was familiar with the plan.

In the next three days, no one will lose anything.

Until one night seven days later, the Erzhu family, which heard the cough, had another movement in the evening.

This time as usual, the second pillar walked out with a stick when he heard the movement in the hall.

This time, the other party did not cough, but hummed a small song.

This song is often hummed by his father, but he recognized that the voice was much more treacherous than his father's, so he knew that the other party was not his father.

However, Erzhu remembered the village head's words and did not immediately rush out to give the guy two sticks.

He has been hiding behind the door leading to the living room, listening to the movement.

At first, he heard the click of something biting, then the banging sound of rummaging through the box and cupboard, and finally the banging sound of dragging the sack.

The second pillar knew that the old smoke gun had been successful, and a bag of rice he locked in the cabinet was dragged out.

However, Erzhu still did not act rashly, but waited until the sound of the sack came out of the door before he followed.

As he walked out, Erzhu thought to himself, "My door was plugged in. The old cigarette gun opened the door to steal things, and then swaggered out of the door. The door should have been open, but the last time I lost something. When I went to see the door in the morning, the door was really intact. Is this old cigarette gun? What kind of skills do you really know to penetrate the wall?

Thinking all the way to the living room, the second pillar heard the chatty on the door. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be several straw-sized rats, with their tails connected to their tails, one end hanging on the door frame, and the other end hanging down, moving the open door bolt back.

Erzhu understood everything now. It turned out that the opening and closing of the door was done by the old smoker.

The second pillar did not dare to disturb the old smoke gun that didn't go far outside the door. He just waved his hand to scare away those annoying rats, and then gently opened the door.

From the two pillars in the crack of the door, I could see a rickety humanoid shadow walking through my yard.

The second pillar quietly went out of the door and followed the guy.

20 to 30 meters away from that guy, Erzhu smelled a strange stench, which gave him a headache.

With a strong stench, Erzhu carefully followed the guy out of the village.

Outside the village is a mud road, which usually makes cattle and horses pass by this road. On both sides of the road are farmland, surrounded by two bamboo forests in the middle of several fields.

The crouched guy, carrying a sack, wade through the farmland and entered the forest on the left along the rill.

The forest at night was particularly gloomy. Fortunately, the second pillar was famous for its boldness in the village and followed it without saying a word.

However, as soon as he entered the forest, the second pillar found that the forest was too dark to reach out and could not see five fingers at all, so the man also lost it.

However, the second pillar still continued to walk forward bravely, but he didn't expect to walk. Suddenly, his feet were empty and his whole body fell into a pit.

Fortunately, the pit was not particularly deep. The second pillar struggled to stand up, but felt that the pit was full of things such as pearl and emerald, as well as a large bag of rice grain.

"I'm rich!" Erzhu was surprised and happy. He wanted to take away all these gold and silver treasures, but after thinking about the famine in recent years, many villagers could not eat enough, so he hesitated.

At this time, an old woman's voice suddenly appeared next to him: "Pillar, get out of here. This is the trap of the old smoke gun."

When Zhu heard this man's voice, he was stunned for a moment and thought who was talking to me? I couldn't help feeling angry and hurriedly climbed out of the pit and ran home.

Erzhu returned home and couldn't sleep. He went to find the village head early the next morning.

After hearing this, the village head immediately called the strong men in the village to rush to the bamboo forest together.

The bamboo forest during the day is still terribly dark. At this time, few people come to the place where the ancestral graves of the villagers are located, so it looks very gloomy.

The villagers walked in with a torch, relying on the large number of people, and soon saw a huge hole in the middle of a pile of tomb buns.

When I came to the mouth of the cave, I saw that it was so dark that I couldn't see the bottom at all.

Ask about last night's experience, even Erzhu couldn't believe that he fell into this deep hole, because he couldn't climb up at all.

The two pillars couldn't help thinking too much. The villagers had poured the fire oil into the big hole and lit the fire.

As the flames rose, there was a lot of movement in the cave, and countless mice, large and small, rushed out.

Some were burned to death by the flames before they rushed out, and the villagers were killed by villagers with hoes.

It burned for half an hour, and the villagers beat thousands of mice to death, and they had not seen the old smoke gun come out of it.

After a long time, just as the villagers relaxed their vigilance, a black wind suddenly rushed out of the cave, and the people present fell to the ground. Erzhu felt as if he had been pulled by someone to avoid the attack of the black wind.

After the black wind blew, the fire was also extinguished. When the smoke dissipated, the villagers went into the hole with torches to check.

The hole was full of dead mice, but no one saw the bodies of the old smoke gun. Although the grain was burned, there were still seven or eight left, and everyone was very happy. But no one saw any treasure.

The grain was moved back to the village, and the villagers successfully survived the famine that year.

However, the villagers who were blown by the black wind all fell ill, with dark spots all over their bodies, and several died.

Later, Erzhu talked to his father about someone helping him behind his back. His father said that his grandmother would be buried in the forest after her death. When his grandmother was alive, he loved Erzhu's grandson the most. Unfortunately, his grandmother went before Erzhu was three years old.

As for the old smoke gun, it has never appeared since the mouse hole was burned. Later, I heard that a strange man with a sharp-mouthed monkey's cheek died in the paddy field of Lincun. He was rotten. No one knew this person, but he was wearing several pearl necklaces and several big wrenches. Fearing that the man was sick, no one in the neighboring village dared to ask for anything from this man, and a fire burned the man and the treasure together.

My grandmother said that the old smoke gun probably turned into a wind and ran away after being smoked in the hole, but it had been smoked by fire and smoke, so it died soon, otherwise it would definitely avenge the second pillar.

My mother told me that she later learned that when Grandpa was young, his nickname was Erzhuzi, which made me think infinitely at that time.

The old smoke gun in the story, cunning and magic, has always been one of the monsters I was afraid of when I was a child.

In particular, it can also learn to cough and speak human language, which has become a particularly strange feature.

Now, all the memories of my childhood have surged up, giving me infinite imagination of what is about to appear in front of me.

With a little fear and curiosity, I stared at the direction of the cough.

However, at this time, I also miss my mother very much, and I don't know what she is doing now. If she knows my current situation, she will be worried to death.

Thinking of this, my eyes turned red, and my heart said that no matter how dangerous it was, I would try my best to live, just to do filial piety for my mother.

So I gritted my teeth, took out a bow and arrow from behind, put it on the string, and then aimed at the direction of the cough.

After a few seconds, I really saw a figure in that direction, about 1.5 meters tall, with a crescent waist, like a little old lady.

The guy slowly came to me, and the mice around him were excited and scared when they saw it. They retreated and screamed.

I know that now is a good time to shoot this guy, because with the help of the body of a rat burning on the ground, I can see its location clearly, but it certainly can't see me clearly now.

gritted his teeth, aimed again, and then let go of his hand.

The arrow flew out from the side of my ear and shot straight at the human-shaped guy.

This time, as soon as the arrow shot out, I saw the green fog wrapped in the arrow.

As soon as my mind moved, I consciously manipulated the arrows towards the other party's eyebrows.

I thought no matter what, the guy opposite would find a way to flash over.

But in the end, I only heard a sw, and the arrow penetrated straight through the other party's head and inserted into the ground fiercely.

All the mice were silent at this moment, and it seemed incredible that such a thing would happen.

However, holding incredible and incredible, the humanoid guy fell to the ground, twitched twice, and then did not move.

I was about to say, "YES!"

Suddenly, I saw a black gas rise from the body that fell to the ground, condensed into an irregular shape in the air, and flew in my direction.

And those mice, as if they had beaten chicken blood, rushed to us one after another.