long candle

Chapter 310 Ghost Building

I was speechless. I didn't doubt Nie Chuan's words, so I did what he said.

Sure enough, when my arrow hit the mouse unexpectedly, it immediately rolled to the ground and overturned the two mice behind it.

Then I saw a strange phenomenon like Dominoes in front of me, and the mice fell down one after another and rolled into a ball.

Taking this opportunity, we hurriedly retreated and prepared to cross a few more rivers to find a safe hiding place.

However, although my arrow dragged down half of the mouse team, there were still many thoughts about us coming over.

These mice are not ordinary mice. The smallest is about 1.5 meters long, and the size is more than 3 meters.

By the way, even if it is an ordinary mouse, such a large number is scary enough.

Daxiong was angry and shouted at us, "You go first, and I'll break up."

I shot a few arrows in a row, turned the mouse running in front of me to the ground, and then hurriedly retreated with Nie Chuan.

After crossing another tunnel, I saw several mice rushing in front of Nobita.

Nobita waved his fist angrily and threw the one that jumped on, and more mice with teeth and claws squeaked and rushed up again.

At this time, Nobita made a move that surprised me. He turned around, turned his back to the mice, and let out a fart.

I can clearly see that countless unstable red fog is spreading in this fart.

When the mice touched the fog in mid-air, they suddenly burst into flames and struggled in place.

Nobita's fart is really strong. With the help of the breeze brought by the mouse when moving, it spread quickly.

In an instant, the fart became a net. Any mouse that touched the Internet was like a moth jumping on the oil lamp and burned with a sound.

A strong heat accompanied by Nobita's spicy fart smell came into my nose, which made me sneeze several times.

At this time, Daxiong had been sweating profusely by the fire. He looked back at me and gave me a thumbs up with a smile.

I said in my heart that there was really yours, but I didn't expect that the power of this fart was stronger than an airborne *. It seems that Daxiong has become a mobile flamethrower.

Although the flame is burning vigorously, I still see that there are countless dark shadows shrugging behind the flames. It seems that these mice are crazier than expected. I'm afraid they will immediately come out of the flames.

Seeing this situation, I hurriedly said to the two, "Let's go. It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time."

The two nodded and walked with me to the depths of the pit hell.

As he walked, Nie Chuan said, "We killed a total of 107, but the number of the other party did not decrease, but increased by 322. It seems that this is a move."

After a pause, he said, "And I also feel that there are not only mice in the dark, but also other things in **."

I hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

Nie Chuan replied, "I don't know. Anyway, it's much more powerful than mouse medicine."

Hearing what he said, I frowned deeply.

Although we jumped directly from the top of the tunnel, the speed was actually the same as that of the mouse.

They followed through the wall of fire, completely ignoring the bull's head mechanism in the tunnel and rushing directly.

I have never seen such desperate animals. They all say that mice are timid. I really didn't expect them to have such a desperate time.

But in fact, I can understand why they worked so hard, because I killed their king's old smoke gun and couldn't take revenge at that time. I'm afraid it's coming back now.

Looking at these lifeless mice, I'm really speechless.

Nie Chuan and Daxiong were also tired of running and simply stopped.

At this time, Nobita said, "Just fight, I don't believe it. I, Wang Superman, can't deal with a group of rats."

I didn't say anything, but looked at Nie Chuan.

Nie Chuan was silent for a moment and said, "It may be more dangerous to go forward."

I know that his perceptual ability can no longer be the same as usual, and the possibility he said should be certain.

Although I don't know what else is waiting for us in the depths of darkness, it seems that we have to fight now.

"Listen to me, you two." Nie Chuan patted me and Daxiong on the shoulder behind.

We hurriedly turned our heads. At this time, Nie Chuan told us his detailed and precise plan, which made us speechless.

Before I could digest what he said, the mice had rushed up again.

There's nothing we can do. We have to do what he says.

First of all, Nobita picked up a relatively large stone on the ground, and then wrapped the stone with his thoughts full of flame energy.

Then, Daxiong handed the stone to Nie Chuan.

Nie Chuan threw the stone over the mouse group against the huge heat that had not yet erupted on the stone.

As soon as the stone shot, Nie Chuan said to me, "Wait...shoot!"

When he shouted to shoot, my arrow was off the string.

This time I listened to Nie Chuan's opinion and controlled the arrow to shoot down from the side of the stone.

The arrow passed through the stone and made a loud noise, turning into a flame flying rain all over the sky, shooting down like a meteor shower, penetrating countless mice.

And the mice that were hit immediately burned all over their bodies. The nearby mice were ignited by these flames, and in an instant, the whole group of mice became a sea of fire.

In this way, the mice became a mess and temporarily stopped moving.

"Well done!" Nie Chuan and Daxiong high-fiveed and looked very happy.

At this time, Nie Chuan said again, "Take the time to do it again and completely eliminate them."

But as soon as he finished speaking, the mice actually caught fire all over and rushed us over.

I feel a little incredible. Seeing these mice is like a sea of moving fire, there is a little spectacular in the tragedy.

"What should I do now?" Nobita looked back at us.

Nie Chuan's face turned pale and said, "I didn't calculate this step. Why is it like this?"

While it spoke, the group of mice had rushed to us.

I'm thinking of bouncing the two of them into the air with my mind and sacrificing myself.

I didn't expect those mice to pass directly past us.

At this moment, I found that the target of these guys was not us!

They are more like fleeing, lifeless escapes.

Judging from all the previous performances, there must be something behind them, which is more terrible than death chasing them.

Such an escape was mistaken for a pursuit of us, but in the end, we found that we were scaring ourselves.

Seeing such a situation, I didn't relax, but became more worried.

Because when the mice run past us, the things chasing them behind will meet us, and our situation will be more dangerous.

Obviously, all three of us know this truth, but no one is willing to escape immediately, because we all want to see what is chasing these mice.

But strange things happened when we were in a daze.

Because when those mice ran past us, the light in front of us became darker and darker.

At first, I thought it was because the burning mouse was gradually moving away from us, so the light was dimmed.

But when we turned on the flashlights one after another, we found that a strong black fog was approaching us not far away.

This time, we were all dumbfounded and stayed in place for less than a second. They all turned around and ran in the direction where the mouse left.

Nobita called his mother while catching up with the nearest mouse and climbed on its back.

We saw that the mouse did not resist, and we also learned from Nobita and picked a stronger mouse to climb up.

The speed of the four legs of the mouse is obviously much faster than ours. Although the black fog behind it spreads quickly, we have felt that we are gradually moving away from the fog on the back of the mouse.

At this time, Nobita asked me with a shocked face: "*, what is that?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't know. I've never seen such a terrible thing. I think it may be some kind of bug or something."

Nie Chuan shook his head and said, "I don't think I can feel that there is something alive in that dark fog."

When he said this, I remembered the kind of black fog that could speak out of its body when it killed the old smoke gun before. Could it be that this black fog actually formed the army?

I was thinking that those mice had taken us through five or six tunnels.

There is no such killing pit in front of us, but an empty flat place.

Further forward, we saw a very high tower standing not far away.

The tower is located in a circular area without a cave top, and we can only see dozens of floors below it.

But it's these dozens of floors, and we can also see that each floor is brightly lit, and there are people walking around inside.

"This is..." I wonder.

But Nie Chuan said at the fastest speed, "This is a mirage, also known as a ghost tower. Didn't you learn it in the primary school text?"

After what he said, I remembered that when I was a child, I learned a text of Liaozhai, saying that someone saw a tall building in the wilderness with bright lights and people walking on it, which was shadowy and very lively.

But when the man tried to approach the building, it disappeared.

Is it the kind of ghost building recorded in Liaozhai Zhiyi now?

Just when my thoughts were complete, suddenly, an old man in a white robe appeared on the wilderness that the mouse took us through.

He stood not far in front of us with his hands behind his back, and the mouse ran to him and automatically separated into two strands, as if he was very afraid of the old man.

And I found that the old man's eyebrows are very white and long. Although there is no wind, he can fly like a dragon's beard.