long candle

Chapter 311 Giant Man Guarding the Door

We passed by the old man in white robe, but he didn't mean to look at us at all.

He seemed to just stare straight at the black fog in front of him, with no expression on his face.

"Hey! Old man, who are you? What are you doing here!" As he passed by, Nobita shouted loudly to the old man.

The old man ignored him, but his beard moved and seemed to think of something.

After missing him, all three of us looked back at the old man and saw that his white robe bulged slightly.

In this case without wind, this phenomenon is very strange.

There is a word in China called windless automatic, which is used to describe those who are sway.

In the past, I never knew what kind of situation was called windless automatic. Now when I see this old man's appearance and upright posture, I seem to understand the meaning of this word.

"If you have nothing to do, hide an electric fan in the long-distance run and pretend to be a ghost here. What's wrong with this old man?" A fairy-style Taoist bone was said like this by Daxiong, and Nie Chuan and I were speechless for a while.

I was about to scold him, but I saw that the black gas was already like a rolling sandstorm and rushed to the old man.

The old man was still motionless, looking up at the sky, and his white hair fluttered like a flag in a hurricane.

Suddenly, he raised his hands, and there seemed to be a sound from all directions.

I didn't know what the strange sound was when suddenly there was a strong wind in front of me.

The three hurriedly climbed down so that the sudden wind would not blow themselves away.

But the giant mouse we rode couldn't resist such a strong wind and slowly slowed down.

Listening to the sound of the wind, there was sand and stones around it. Countless rubble was like a flying knife piercing the air, flying past our side, and people were frightened.

At this time, the giant mice, whose speed plummeted from the beginning, gradually became difficult to walk, and then almost stopped.

I know this is not a way. If this giant mouse can't withstand the impact of the hurricane and its whole body turns over, it will inevitably crush us who ride on its back.

So I raised my head slightly against the hurricane.

I saw the giant mouse I was riding, with its hair tilted and squeaky screaming. While taking steps, a trace of white foam flowed from the corners of its mouth and its blood-red eyes began to turn white.

This is a phenomenon that only occurs when you are exhausted. Obviously, the previous running and fighting have consumed almost all the energy of these mice.

This situation has also happened in people. For example, athletes who take excessive stimulants will maintain continuous excitement and stop the exhaustion of their physical torture, and then they will have the phenomenon of foaming at the mouth.

It's just that these mice don't eat stimulants, but strong mental stimulation.

In the wind, I greeted Daxiong and Nie Chuan to jump off the mouse quickly, otherwise they would be swept away by the strong wind together with their bodies.

The two looked at it for a long time before they understood what I meant.

The three of us rolled down from the mouse's back together. We should have been affected by inertia, rushing forward two steps or rolling twice, but as soon as our bodies leaned forward, we were blown back by the wind.

In desperation, the three of us had to force ourselves to lie on the ground, so that no matter how strong the wind is, we can't easily blow us away.

This feeling is similar to when we met the wind bag snake, but this time it is more sudden and very fierce.

For good, we climbed on the ground for about a minute, and the storm passed.

Looking around, I felt that after there was no movement, Nobita was the first to stand up.

We also stood up, ignoring the dust on our bodies and dust, but looked back at the old man in white.

The old man in white had disappeared, and the black fog disappeared without a trace.

There are only some weak-breathing and crooked mice in front of us.

"Strange, where are people? Are they blown away by the wind?" Nobita said doubtfully.

As soon as I was about to say it was impossible, Nie Chuan pointed to somewhere above his head and was so surprised that he couldn't speak: "This...this..."

We hurriedly looked up and saw that the old man in white was floating about 20 meters above our heads.

He stepped on a gray thing under his feet, like a small hurricane.

The old man stopped there and looked down at us.

But when the three of us looked up, he turned his head and stopped looking at us, but flew away in the pink-like thing.

The direction of his flight is exactly the direction of the ghost building.

The ghost building is not built underground, but has a big hole in the top of the cave, so most of the ghost building is outside the cave hall where we are located.

The old man drove the hurricane and flew up the ghost building from the gap in the cave hall, and soon disappeared in front of our eyes.

We were almost stunned, because even if the white-haired old man named Sasuke was no matter how powerful he was, he could not fly.

The one who can fly freely in the sky is the real immortal in my eyes.

The foreign girl we saw before can only make some ice cubes casually. Now I think about it, it's almost the same grade as Nobita.

I don't know why, I have a strong feeling that this flying old man must have some connection with Lei Yun Monk and the ice girl.

Maybe he is also one of the four true gods.

The appearance of these legendary fierce gods one by one does not seem to pose much threat to Nie Chuan.

I think it's easy to kill Nie Chuan, whether it's the foreign girl who controls the ice or the old man in front of him, but they don't seem to be interested in doing so.

With doubt, the three of us stepped forward.

After a few steps, I suddenly stepped on something on the ground and made a click.

I hurriedly moved my foot and looked down. It turned out to be a token-like thing.

When I picked it up, it was indeed a dark token. The token was made of black cypress wood, which could prevent insects. The gold-inlaid word on it had faded and looked very clumsy.

"Is this... the old man who just left it?" Nie Chuan looked at the token in my hand doubtfully.

After thinking about it, I shook my head and said, "I don't know. Why did he leave a token for us?"

Obviously, no one knows the answer and has to move on.

Looking at the ghost building not far in front of you, it is still brightly lit, some people are walking, some people are drinking, some are dancing, and the second child is pouring tea. Is it so lively?

Although all three of us want to see whether this ghost building is a world of singing and dancing, according to the book, when someone approaches the ghost building, it will automatically disappear. So in fact, we don't have much hope of walking to the ghost tower.

But things seem to be a little different from what is said in the text, because we have been walking forward for more than ten minutes and feel that we are very close to the ghost building. We can even hear the sound of people talking and laughing loudly inside, as well as the sound of singing and dancing orchestras, but the building in front of us does not seem to have disappeared. We can feel that it is no longer be separated from it. It's often close.

The ghost building is enough to care closely about our curiosity, so we three were afraid of missing the opportunity to climb the ghost tower and hurriedly accelerated our pace.

No one expected that we would walk to the black wooden door at the bottom of the ghost building.

This door is very ordinary and a little shabby. Many places have lost paint, but it is very clean. It seems that people often go in and out.

Standing under the door and looking up on the Internet, I saw the stars in the sky outside the cave, and the brightly lit ghost building actually penetrated into the sky, which was very magnificent.

The three of us looked at each other and finally let me knock on the door.

I swallowed my saliva with difficulty, grabbed the fist-sized bronze door ring on the door, and gently scratched it a few times.

I was afraid that something terrible would happen, so I stepped back a few steps after knocking on the door.

After a few seconds, the door moved and opened a small crack.

The faint green light of a lantern shone through the crack of the door, and then a thin face twice as long as a normal person appeared from the top of the crack of the door.

All three of us took a breath of cold air, because the door was at least four meters, and the person with the lantern was obviously at least four meters.

The man's eye that poked out of the crack in the door turned around, and finally looked down and fixed on the three of us.

He looked at us carefully, but the eyes bigger than his fist gave me goosebumps.

The tall weirdo looked at it for a while and seemed to be a little confused. Then he opened the door a little and stretched out a thin arm in a cyan gown.

The hand reached all the way to me, and then the five long fingers with abrupt joints spread out together, as if they were asking me what I wanted.

"He wants money and tickets!" At this time, Nobita interrupted.

I said in my heart that it was everywhere, hurriedly kicked Nobita, and then smiled shyly.

And the giant didn't seem to care, but he still stretched out his hand to me.

Seeing that Daxiong was touching the money, I hurriedly turned around and handed the ancient token to him.

The giant was stunned for a moment and slowly withdrew his hand.

Then open the door.

I was a little puzzled when I saw that it was dark inside, only the lantern in his hand was lit.

But in the end, I bravely walked in.

The other two saw me come in and hurriedly followed, but were stopped by the tall and thin-faced man.

He didn't say anything, just shook the token in his hand, as if to say that we only have one token, so only one person can go in.

Daxiong was annoyed and rolled up his sleeves, as if he was going to take action.

I wanted to persuade him to fight, but I saw that the giant just took a breath, and then blew it violently and blew Nobita to the ground.

After blowing down Daxiong, the thin-faced man covered his stomach and laughed silently.