long candle

Chapter 353 Reporter

"I found that the camera was moved at about three o'clock at midnight."

Nobita and I looked at each other, and then I asked, "Is that it? Was there a staff member who didn't leave the tunnel and happened to move the camera at that time?

Officer Mumu shook his head and said, "That's impossible, because I can be sure that all of us were outside at that time, and there were only five people in our whole group. I can't be wrong. If someone disappears, I can see it at a glance.

I wanted to ask him other questions, but Officer Mumu said at this time, "And don't worry. I haven't finished yet. Not only was the camera moved in the direction, but also suddenly made a purring sound in the dark tunnel, as if it had been submerged by water. There were countless blisters in front of the camera, and half of the white face on the video screen swayed on the right side of the screen. The scene was extremely frightening.

My hands trembled when I saw him talk about this, which showed that what he said was relatively credible, so I took a breath of breath.

But after thinking about it, there are still many unexplained things in the world. Even if it is not a place where a tragedy has occurred, as long as it is a place where there is no one in the middle of the night, you will definitely shoot something unusual if you put an infrared camera there.

You can never speculate about what is hidden in the dark.

I remember that in more than nine years, the advanced equipment of infrared cameras was not popular. There is a research team specializing in animal behavior at night in the United States, which uses cameras that automatically shoot at night to record animal behavior.

The camera uses an infrared detector as a touch device. As long as there is an movable object in front of the camera, it will automatically take photos.

At the beginning, the team's research was very successful, taking photos of small organisms that were thought to be extinct, which caused a sensation in the entire biological community.

But during a filming in no man's land in the western United States, they took unexplained humanoid biological photos.

This humanoid creature's whole body** does not have any hair, and its hind legs are longer than ordinary humans. It is full of sharp teeth and its eyes are bright. It can reflect artificial light in the night, just like two electric lights.

Since then, the research team has mysteriously disappeared.

Some people have met one of the members of the group in a mental hospital in Pennsylvania.

It is speculated that some of these people have gone crazy or been scared to death because of their research on that kind of humanoid creature.

There are many examples of unexplained images taken by night cameras or surveillance videos.

In a word, curiosity kills cats, and prying on the dark world is not something that ordinary people can touch.

Thinking of this, Officer Mumu said again, "My master has been in this industry for decades, and he still has many real things that have happened in reality. I won't tell you one by one for fear of scaring you. All right, let's start recording now.

I was stunned for a moment and asked, "A confession? What confession?"

Officer Mumu smiled and said, "Don't joke, since I'm here to investigate the case, of course I have to record a confession, right? I heard from Miko that this resentment seems to be specially coming to you, and the two wards in the video also happen to be the ward where you live. Moreover, the condition of two of the patients shows that they have strange diseases that cannot be explained by medicine, right?

I had an ominous feeling, nodded and said in a low voice, "It's true."

Officer Mumu nodded and said, "Maybe you think that the police should not intervene in things between people and ghosts, but since this grievance haunts you, it shows that his death has nothing to do with you. Maybe it's because you killed him that you came to the door. If so, This is a murder case, which is within the scope of our police's law enforcement. So please tell me how you killed each other, and it's better to tell me the identity of the deceased.

I said to myself that this boy really came to find fault. He just said so much and showed us so much evidence. It turned out that it was all to set us a trap.

His real purpose is to convince us that there are ghosts in the world, and then use this as evidence to force us to confess.

Seeing Officer Mumu's face become serious and law enforcement impartially, my face was also solemn and said, "Do you think any of us look like murderers? Even if there is resentment in the world, the reason why we provoke him is not necessarily because we killed him. What if we just didn't mean to offend his body, or his grave made it haunt us?

Officer Mumu put down his pen, smiled and said, "If you can judge the criminal, I don't think the police will have to spend so much effort in handling the case, and what you said exposes your ignorance. It is unscientific for the soul of the dead to wander beside the grave or dead bones. After death, the soul can only exist for less than 15 days. Do you know why? Because the soul is an electric energy that dissipates with the consumption of time, but it is also a special electric energy, which can not only maintain a fixed form for a few days, but also reach an unprecedented height when it is about to dissipate.

His theory is not nonsense, because when people are alive, all nervous systems and memory systems are transmitted by radio waves, that is to say, the human spirit is actually an electric energy.

So many people propose that the human soul is an electrical energy. The reason why some people can see the soul is that this kind of electrical energy similar to human brain waves can form an image in your visual system, which is why ghosts appear.

Most ghosts are thoughtful, but many ghosts will be sad because of their own death during their existence and will not harm people's thoughts. That's why people who die in many places can only hear ghosts cry without seeing ghosts.

However, if it is a ghost killed by others, the resentment is relatively heavy, and it knows how to use this ability similar to human brain waves to create illusions in people's brains.

This illusion is not only limited to the visual aspect, because people's senses of touch and smell are transmitted through radio waves, so they can attack people in an all-round way.

But this kind of attack cannot cause substantial damage to people, but can only make people go crazy or be scared to death.

The ghost's ability to use radio waves to generate illusions is similar to the imaging principle of most camera equipment. In many cases, images that cannot be captured by human eyes will occasionally appear in your camera equipment.

Although I know this principle, no one has confirmed it, and no one has told me that ghosts can only exist for 15 days.

At this moment, in the face of Officer Mumu's question, he was speechless for a moment.

But unlike me, he is a master of rogues. At this moment, he patted Officer Mumu on the shoulder and said, "Officer Mumu, you are so funny that you want to use ghosts and illusory things to commit our crimes. Even if what you say is reasonable, I don't think your Japanese law stipulates this. Question mark To tell you the truth, we killed people, and they are a heinous person who deserves to die. But you can't use this to offend us. I think you can go unless you find substantial evidence.

Officer Mumu put down his pen again and looked at me and Nobita.

I saw that Daxiong was acting like a hooligan, and it was not easy to dismantle his stage, so I also made a straight face.

Officer Mumu suddenly smiled, closed the notebook and said, "Haha, that's what I want from you. Well, I won't ask. But now that you have confessed, I will also set up a case for you. When I find the evidence, I will summon you at any time.

After saying that, he stood up, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked to the door.

Daxiong and I saw him walk to the door, and he turned around and said, "Yes, thank you for saving Meiko. I think you should be good people. I hope you won't encounter such a thing again."

I breathed my breath and wanted to say something, but the other party had closed the door and left.

Looking at Nobita, I don't know what to say.

At this time, Xie Yuting whispered, "Pretling to be a ghost..."

When Xie Yuting woke up, he didn't seem to talk much and had some scruples about us.

Although I don't know what he has to say to us, since he has spoken now, I turned my head and asked, "What's the matter? What's the boss's opinion?"

Xie Yuting looked at me and said, "This man is full of words, not necessarily a policeman."

I frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xie Yuting said, "Maybe you will see the news that you hit ghosts in tabloids in a couple of days."

I immediately reacted and asked, "Do you think he is a journalist?"

Xie Yuting snorted and said, "It's not just a reporter, but also an actor..."

At this time, even Nobita became interested and asked, "What do you mean..."

Xie Yuting shook his head and said, "You are so tender. This guy didn't even change his clothes. You didn't see it. The shadow in the corridor in the video is this Officer Mumu. His height of nine meters is rare in Japan. Coupled with the grown windbreaker, who else can he be?

I said dumbly, "The inexplicable black fingerprints on that seat... and invisible people..."

Xie Yuting said, "You have also learned video editing. If you want to forge this kind of extremely low-pixel surveillance video, it is simply an entry-level skill, okay?"

I sweated coldly and said, "No way, what is his purpose? Are those strange phenomena last night also fake?"

Xie Yuting lay in **, closed his eyes and said, "Japanese horror magazines are very popular. These guys are professional. The more real news they are, the more they will sell. It's better to hide it from the parties. It will come true when interviewing. You see, the reporter will come back soon."