long candle

Chapter 354 Sail

"What the hell, fat man, I'm in a hurry to pee. Let's pee first." Daxiong said carelessly.

I was very relieved to see him staggering to the toilet, as if he had regained his previous health.

But when Nobita walked to the window and wanted to turn to the toilet, he cursed, "Damn it! Hurry up! Get dressed quickly and get out of the hospital first!"

I don't know what happened, so I asked, "What's going on?"

Nobita pulled up the curtains and said while taking off his hospital uniform, "Many reporters and police are rushing up!" There are cars parked in the yard. Although my grandfather has seen anything in the world, he can't stand this kind of scene.

Hearing what he said, I looked through the cracks in the curtains and found a group of people coming to the building where we were.

When I turned around, Xie Yuting and Daxiong were all dressed in suits. It seemed that Nie Chuan only bought suits.

Xie Yuting said to me, "Am I right? Let's withdraw quickly."

I nodded, opened the door first, and saw that the corridor had not been blocked by the reporter, so I waved.

Then the three of us walked out of the ward, closed the door, and hurried to the top of the stairs.

When I got to the top of the stairs, I looked back at the nurse's desk and found that Miko Hekawa was standing there smiling at us.

I saw her smile a little apologetic, and I probably knew what was going on.

Actually, I can't blame her. After all, his fiance is a journalist, and it's his job to report explosive news.

I said, "I will come back to handle the discharge procedures in two days."

Miko Hechuan waved to us and said apologetically, "The reporter is coming up. Hurry up."

I nodded and walked to the stairs without looking back.

Now taking the elevator will definitely be blocked, and my floor is not high, and we don't have the habit of taking the elevator, so we walked down the stairs.

Just halfway, a group of reporters came up with various long guns and short guns.

The three of us lowered our heads and passed by these reporters. Although we couldn't understand Japanese, we still heard them repeating: 602,602.

This is obviously all for us.

Fortunately, these reporters don't know what we look like. They only know the ward, so we escaped.

When we went out of the hospital gate, the three of us took a deep breath.

Nobita said to me, "I don't want to stay in this little devil's place anymore. Let's go back to China quickly. My mother must be worried about me."

I nodded and said, "Since you are not serious, let's book a plane ticket back."

Then we took a taxi directly and drove to the airport.

On the way to the taxi, I asked Xie Yuting if what happened last night was all caused by the reporter, because the strange things that happened around us later were not artificially explained.

Xie Yuting said, "I don't know, but I'm sure that the rune paper you put on our forehead is useless. At that time, something else should have awakened us."

"Some other power?" I don't know what power he meant, and all three of them were silent for a moment.

Looking back on the death of the white-haired old man, our mood is very complicated, and the curse about his thirteen-day revenge seems to have been realized.

I think it will not be a coincidence that the reporter will keep an eye on us, nor will it be because we are Chinese.

He must have seen some signs in me before he made such a plan.

Maybe the soul of the white-haired old man has really been following us, but we have never seen any signs.

Just as I was thinking, the driver in front seemed to hear that we were speaking Chinese and said in English, "Are you tourists coming to Kobe? It's wise to choose to go back to China these days.

I heard that he seemed to want to tell us something, so I said, "Master, how can I say this?"

The taxi driver said, "Recently, more and more troops have been sent to Kobe from all over the country. I don't know what happened. I heard that all flights in Kobe will be grounded in a few days. Then there will be a large-scale evacuation of citizens.

I frowned, as if I knew what was going on, but I still asked, "What's going on?"

The driver smiled and said, "I don't know. Some people say that the meteorite landed on Liujia Mountain contains strong radioactive substances. Some people say that it is an alien came over, and some people say that the meteorite broke through the gate of hell. The little ghosts have run out to harm people. In short, we ordinary citizens know nothing about it. They only know the army sent to Liujia Mountain. More and more, three waves of bombers rushed to the scene today.

As soon as he said this, we suddenly heard a muffled sound from the distance, like the movement generated when the shell was fired.

Then there were a few bangs, all from Liujia Mountain in the distance.

Then, when we sat in the car, we felt the ground vibrate a few times, and then a black smoke rose from a distance.

Because the direction of the airport and the direction of Liujia Mountain are on the same side, we can see it very clearly.

Seeing this scene, the driver stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.

In fact, it is useless for him to keep going down, because the car in front of him has stopped and the car has been blocked.

I saw the driver's face white from the back seat, and his hands shaking when he opened the door.

He almost staggered to open the door and went out. Like other Japanese, he stood on the street and looked at the slowly rising dark clouds.

I know why the Japanese care so much about the huge explosion, and I understand their feelings.

In those years, Hiroshima and Nagasaki took many lives and became the eternal shadow of Japan.

It was such a huge explosion that even the three of us were shocked and got out of the car one after another and looked into the distance.

No one spoke on the street, and everyone looked palely at the direction of Liujia Mountain.

If it was just a guess a few days ago, the explosion of weapons of mass destruction now indicates that war is about to appear.

No matter who the enemy is, the war will bring unimaginable trauma, so everyone is silent.

We stood on the street and looked into the distance. After about a minute, the crowd got up.

They must be worried about themselves and their families.

At this time, the driver turned his head and said to me, "My grandfather was killed in the Hiroshima explosion, do you know?"

Seeing the sadness in his eyes, the three of us didn't know what to say.

Actually, I can tell him some truth, but this will undoubtedly cause greater panic.

Then, the cars on the street began to move slowly, but most of them turned around. Maybe they were the first time to go home with their loved ones to ensure their safety.

The driver asked us to get in the car and drive forward without saying a word.

Because there are fewer cars moving forward, the driving speed is much faster than before.

All four people in our car have heavy expressions and don't know what to say.

After a while, Japan's iconic cherry blossoms appeared on both sides of the road. They were full of trees, and the trees were blooming and lively.

In this season, cherry blossoms should not bloom, but due to their love for cherry blossoms, some cherry blossoms that bloom in autumn have been planted in many places in Japan. Now we are in front of this kind of autumn cherry blossoms.

But I don't know why, I think this cherry blossom is brighter than the cherry blossoms in spring, and it seems to be stained red by blood.

The driver also saw this cluster of blood-red cherry blossoms and said, "Blood cherry blossoms are flying. This is an unuspicious omen. It seems that something big is going to happen in Kobe City."

Ten minutes later, our car stopped in front of the airport gate.

The three of us got out of the car and went straight into the hall and found that the hall was full of people.

This is not something that can be described by many people. It's simply crowded.

At first glance, there are many foreigners and few locals here. Obviously, foreign tourists are eager to buy tickets back.

I am not surprised that this phenomenon will happen once there is a war or riot in a certain country.

We saw a sign at the door, which said: Local citizens' ticket sales are terminated, and foreign tourists are preferred.

I thought we would have to wait until tomorrow when we took pictures at the ticket window, but Nobita put on sunglasses, relying on his size and fatness of more than 1.9 meters, just like separating beans with chopsticks, pushed the crowd away and took the two of us all the way in.

Seeing his bear-like body, none of the people around him dared to curse. Xie Yuting also followed with a cold face. Only I kept apologizing to those people and saying that we were in an emergency, and ended up.

It was 10 a.m. when we got out of the hospital, and it was 9 p.m. when we boarded the plane.

We ate instant noodles for breakfast and lunch at the airport. When we got on the plane, we were relieved, because the languages of those countries were really too noisy during the day.

Although we were tortured for a day, the three of us did not rush to sleep on the plane, but looked out of the window.

The flight seemed to deliberately avoid flying over Liujia Mountain, but we still saw a series of small tracks lit up in the night, which was caused by firearms firing, and it seemed to be very fierce.

The people on the plane looked surprised. Many people also took out their mobile phones to take photos, but the stewardesses came one by one to stop the guests from looking out of the window and ordered them to turn off their mobile phones.

Finally, the plane flew away from Kobe's wound and was ready to cross the mountains and seas and fly towards China.

I noticed that there should have been a small range of lights in many villages on the ground, but they all disappeared this night.

The explosion in the distance seemed to be still echoing in my ears, and I gradually couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep.

When I woke up, the plane was already parked at the Capital Airport, and the stewardess woke us all up and reminded us to get off the plane.

I rubbed my eyes and breathed the unique air of my motherland, which seemed to have a little sweetness in the breath.