long candle

Chapter 355 Visit

As soon as I landed, I called Nie Chuan. He said that he was at home now and Liang Qian was fine, so he went home to deal with something.

I asked what happened to the family. Did his grandfather come back?

Nie Chuan said no, but the package sent back by his grandfather last time was empty. He thought there was nothing in it, but there seemed to be something wrong in the middle and the thing was lost. Now he has found some clues and is busy investigating.

I wanted to ask what was going on, but after thinking about it, my current identity is *, not Nie Chuan, so I swallowed it again.

Next, I asked Nie Chuan for the address of Liang Qian's hospitalization, and then I went there with Daxiong.

In fact, I also asked Yuting. He said that he had a lot of things to do and didn't have time to see it at all, and he didn't know Liang Qian very well, so he left first.

I can't ask Yuting where he is going, so I can only see him take a taxi alone.

Looking at the taxi going away, I suddenly felt a little annoyed, because this time as usual, as soon as I came out of the ruins of the underground palace, everyone went there and made no progress at all.

And the more underground palaces and relics you enter, the more mysteries there will be, and all the questions in your head are. About Grandpa, the disaster of Atlantis, and about myself, these three mysteries have not been explained at all.

Then Xie Yuting and Daxiong were seriously injured once, * and died, paying an extremely painful price.

To be honest, when Nobita said he wanted to buy cigarettes, and I stood alone in an alley west of Beijing, I felt extremely confused and didn't know what to do.

When I look at the streets where people come and go, couples walk hand in hand, and people run for their own lives, I find that I seem to be out of touch with society.

I have neither a job nor a proper occupation now. I revolve around some inexplicable mysteries all day, like a psychopath, tossing myself like a person and a ghost.

The worst thing is that I have even lost Nie Chuan's identity and become *.

I heard that Daxiong said that * is a person who has no father, no mother, no wife and children, even no brothers and sisters, uncles, uncles and aunts, and only one god sister, who is a mixed-American and Chinese. A few years ago, he was also caught by * and sent back to China because of the antique business.

* is a really lonely person. In his own words, only careless people are free and easy. Even if they are eaten by zongzi in the ancient tomb, they will not be implicated by someone.

If you pour good things upside down, you will eat and drink and enjoy them for a while. Even if you don't pour good things, there are several antique shops, teahouses and hotels, and you live a good life.

Money is the only place that is better than my own identity.

But I am not * or Nie Chuan now. Only a few of us know that I am *. If I go to the teahouse and hotel opened by *, I will definitely be kicked out.

In fact, I have really become a homeless person with no way to go, a more lonely person than *.

I knew there would be such a result before, but what I thought was that I was a person with a mission and would definitely make an earth-shaking career with the identity given to me by the Atlantis.

But today, I haven't found what my mission is, and I am completely in the most embarrassing situation in my life.

In fact, I can also go back to my home and say that I am Nie Chuan.

But I know that Nie Chuan is also the real Nie Chuan, so I can't deprive him of his life and even cause panic in my family.

This is not a good thing for him, his parents, or Nie Qilan.

Where should I go and who am I? I asked myself silently, but there was no answer in the end.

looked at the sky and sighed deeply.

At this time, Nobita happened to come back. Looking at my melancholy face, he said, "What's wrong? *, when did it become so deep?"

I smiled and said, "I'm just a little tired. I want to eat mutton well and have a good sleep."

Nobita patted me on the shoulder and said, "Hey, what's so difficult to accomplish? Master, I will have a meal with you in the evening, and then go back to the northeast to see my mother.

I looked at him and asked, "And then?"

Nobita didn't understand what I meant and asked, "Then? What then?"

I said, "What should I do after watching my mother?"

Hearing my question, Daxiong sighed slightly and said, "You know, I helped Nie Chuan because of brotherhood and Professor Nie's kindness to me, so I tried so hard to follow Nie Chuan to explore regardless of the consequences. However, after this injury, I obviously found that I was not as good as before. Fighting, I think it's time to go home and open a small shop, marry a daughter-in-law, and take good care of my mother.

I nodded and said, "Yes, I think so. Now that we have investigated so hard, we have seen enough of the world. For the rest of our life, we can set up a bench on the street. Just brag can make money to support our family. There is no need to work so hard."

Nobita laughed and said, "Well said, but I think so. If you meet Xie Yuting or something to kidnap me, you can't prevent it!"

After saying that, Daxiong lit a cigarette for me. I took a deep breath and said, "I don't think Xie Yuting will come to arrest people this time, because he has been fired by his superiors. Now he is unemployed like us."

Nobita laughed and said, "You're right. It seems that you can finally be quiet for a while. But you are not a jobless person. You haven't checked the books of those teahouses and shops for a long time, have you? Go back quickly and have a look. Don't be fatten by the little bosses.

I nodded and said, "Of course I have to check the account. Don't worry about this. Well, you can go back and live a peaceful life. When you let me know when you get married, I will definitely go."

Nobita said, "*, when did you take it so seriously? Just now, I just said that I have come through ups and downs. Where can I live? Didn't I pour antiques with those friends when I go back? As for marrying a daughter-in-law, I'm not in a hurry... I'm not in a hurry..."

I know what Nobita meant. People like us have gone to many ancient tomb ruins and live a prosperous life. We even almost have something to do with mythological stories. How can such people live a plain life as a young couple without spending ten years to calm down?

So I didn't say anything more. I looked at my watch and said, "It's getting late. Let's go to see Liang Qian and then do our own business."

Nobita nodded and said, "I said*, are you addicted to pretending to be Chuanzi? Why don't you tear it off?"

I touched my face, smiled awkwardly and said, "Oh, this... It's been sticky for a long time. It's not so easy to get down. I have to go to the hospital and go there by myself."

Daxiong laughed and said, "I said that Xie Yuting also ran too fast. I also want to ask him how he got this * to grow his beard."

I touched my beard and said, "Hey, well, because my mouth is not sticky here, I can grow a beard."

Nobita said, "Oh, no wonder I don't think my mouth looks like it."

Listening to his words, I don't know whether to cry or laugh. Daxiong actually thinks that I don't look like myself, which is really a big joke.

But I don't blame him, because the preconceived concept of "I am *" has taken root in his mind. He will definitely try his best to lean my image and behavior towards *. In addition, the shape of the little beard I have now is indeed somewhat similar to *, so he is thought of by Nobita.

Without saying anything more, we took a taxi and went straight to Liang Qian's hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, we did not stop and took the elevator directly to the ward on the eighth floor.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Liang Qian standing by the bed alone and looking outside.

Before we could speak, she said leisurely, "Are you here?"

I was stunned for a moment before I said, "Did you see us at the window? Are your eyes ready? Can you see something?"

I expressed my incomparable concern for her in three consecutive questions, but then I thought that I was not Nie Chuan and I couldn't be too excited.

Fortunately, Liang Qian was not surprised by my excessive concern at this time, but slowly turned around, looked at us with a smile, and said, "I have stopped Xiaochuan to say the specific process. Thank you for working so hard to save me. Thank you."

Her eyes were covered with gauze. Seeing that her long hair was cut into an inch because it was convenient for treatment. I felt a little pain and said, "How's that eye... how's it going?"

Liang Qian was a little surprised to see that my face was the same as Nie Chuan's face and asked, "Xiao...Xiaochuan?"

I saw that her eyes suddenly became warm, and her face was full of surprise, and I couldn't speak for a moment.

At this time, Nobita, who was unlucky, stopped in front of me and said, "Haha, you were really cheated. He is *, wearing Nie Chuan's mask."

Liang Qian was a little surprised and said, "Is that so? Why?"

Then I said to you, Daxiong, and I told her the general process. In my words, it was nothing more than to protect Nie Chuan, so I used this trick to confuse the enemy.

That's what it is to say, but in fact, the four true gods did not pursue Nie Chuan, and even saved our lives.

So this disguise doesn't actually play any role.

But Liang Qian didn't know this. She just nodded and let us sit down for tea.

Then we talked about her condition.

She said that the eye was actually not traumatized much, and the toxins were injected into the brain, so the eye was preserved, but it only needed to recover for a while.