long candle

Chapter 363 Water Ghost

In fact, it is not surprising that there are footsteps outside, and it is inevitable that a few people on the road will pass by here.

But it's strange that these tiny footsteps go back and forth outside the house, as if they were spinning around the sluice cabin where I was, which was very suspicious.

I looked at my mobile phone. It was already three o'clock in the middle of the night. I thought who would walk around outside?

Is the water ghost in the river wandering, or did the white-haired old man keep up with it?

I felt very suspicious, so I slowly stood up.

The fire in the room has long been extinguished, leaving only the occasional ashes of Mars, still providing a faint warmth.

But there is no light around, only a faint beam of light outside from the dilapidated window.

I listened carefully to the noise outside, clenched my fist, and carefully came to the bedside.

Outside is the riverside path when I came. There is a cement-built path connecting my hut and the path. In the distance is an endless farmland. Occasionally, there are one or two trees on the field, silent like a ghost standing quietly in the dark.

I looked left and right. No one passed by this path. I don't know what was walking around just now.

In fact, if I see a tramp wandering back and forth, I'm afraid that this kind of situation that I don't see anything is very suspicious.

There are no stars tonight. It's very dark outside, and there is a small wind blowing. The crops in the fields ripple with the wind, and the small trees sway left and right.

From time to time, the wind blows the fine raindrops down on your face, and the cold touch makes people feel infinitely cold.

I shrank my neck and saw nothing suspicious. I guess I was hallucinating myself, so I wanted to go back to sleep.

At this time, suddenly there was a slight groaning sound on the road.

I saw that a round dark shadow was rolling towards me from the left side of the road.

At first glance, I was shocked and thought it was something, but when it rolled a little closer, I saw that a broken basket was blown over by the wind.

"Is this what made the strange noise just now?" I asked myself, and then shook my head helplessly.

But when I was about to turn my head back to continue sleeping, a pale face suddenly appeared from above my head.

I didn't see clearly where this face came from! Just hanging upside down from the eaves suddenly appeared in front of me.

My heart almost stopped beating in an instant, because the man's wet hair had all been put on my forehead. The slippery touch and empty eyes made me faint almost instantly.

Because of the extreme mental stimulation, I sat up from the ground in an instant.

Only then did I find that I had just had a dream.

After wiping the cold sweat on my head, I felt cold all over my body, as if I had just fallen into an ice cave.

At this time, it was dark in front of me, and the wind outside was much louder than in the dream.

"Why did you have such a strange dream?" I shook my head to wake myself up.

"Is it true that it's because the water ghosts are around and scare me in my dream?" I talk to myself.

But after thinking about it, I suddenly caught some clues.

Because I was so scared before, I didn't have the courage to see that pale face in my dream. Now that I think about it, how can it be very similar to that Zhao Jiajia?

My heart fell down, wondering if Zhao Jiajia had been killed by Boss Tong, so she gave me a dream?

If Zhao Jiajia really dies, it is not surprising that Boss Tong is cruel and doesn't know how many lives there are. If Zhao Jiajia really knows the secret of Boss Tong's death, the possibility of being killed is very high.

And recently, Zhao Jiajia has done a lot of things that are dissatisfied with Boss Tong, such as being indifferent to Boss Tong, casually following me, and coming to me to take refuge at night, which are all the reasons that annoy Boss Tong.

Zhao Jiajia came to Beijing to study at first glance. She didn't have much money at home. She learned from others to be a mistress.

She can't tell her family about this kind of thing, and she may have lost many friends and become very lonely.

And I was the only one who was willing to help her recently, so she entrusted me with a dream.

Judging from Zhao Jiajia's situation in the dream, she should have been drowned.

Thinking of this, a flash of light appeared in my mind, and I couldn't care about the wind outside, so I turned out of the window.

Then I came to the river, picked up the flashlight on my mobile phone and took a picture of the river.

Actually, when I did this, I was very afraid to see a corpse or something, but the dream prompted me to do so.

When I took a picture in the river, I really found a suspicious sack floating down from the top, which seemed to contain something.

I hurried down the river to grab the sack.

As a result, because there were too many weeds, I was entangled halfway.

Seeing the suspicious sack washed away, I could only watch.

After finally getting rid of the weeds, I hurriedly ran along the road to see where I could go down to the river and pick up the sack.

Fortun�, the water at night is much larger than at dusk, so the water flow is much slower, so that I can quickly surpass the sack.

The sack passed under the sluice hut and then flowed down.

I also run in the direction of the current.

But when I ran about 100 meters forward, I suddenly saw two bright headlights in front of me.

I don't know why this car is parked here. It is difficult to drive in on such a narrow road.

Maybe it's a couple in a nearby residential area who come to the uninhabited wilderness to play car sex?

Or I got lost and accidentally came here.

Or the drug trade? Arms trading?

Anyway, I can't manage all this. My goal is the sack in the river.

But when I passed by this car, I was stunned.

Because this is a black BMW, and I seem to have seen the license plate somewhere.

When I thought about it carefully, there was a buzz in my head.

Because this car is the car of Boss Tong driving to the construction site during the day!

What is this old guy doing here so late?

It's really not that enemies don't get together, and you can even meet them here!

I thought there was someone in the car, so I stood in front of the car for a while and waited for the people in the car to come out to find me.

Because when he sees me, Boss Tong will definitely not calm down and will definitely settle accounts with me.

But after standing in front of the car for a while, I didn't find anyone coming down from the car.

I walked carefully to the side of the car, and I saw that there was no one in the car through the window.

A gust of wind blew, and I felt a chill, thinking that this should not be a dream.

But this is completely unreasonable. It is very puzzling for Boss Tong to drive here in the middle of the night. Now that he is missing, where will he go?

I was thinking about this when suddenly there was a sound from the other side of the river bank.

A man whispered, "Boss Tong is really wise. If he is left here, no one will find him. No one will come here at all."

Another voice echoed, "Yes, but it's been said, otherwise the woman will wake up later and call for help if she doesn't drown for a while, right?"

The first man's voice said, "What are you afraid of? Even if you shout out, no one will hear it here. I think this woman is so handsome and hot, not as good as our two brothers..."

I was happy to hear their words, because although Boss Tong was going to kill Zhao Jiajia as I guessed, he still didn't seem to do it.

Just drugged Zhao Jiajia, and then let the two men drive their own cars to the wilderness to throw the unconscious Zhao Jiajia into the river and drown.

Fortunately, it is obvious that people have not been lost yet, and one of them has evil intentions towards Zhao Jiajia, which is a good opportunity for me to save people.

I heard that the two were still arguing about whether to rape Zhao Jiajia, so they swaggered to the river.

Looking down, there were two people standing by the river carrying a sack, talking one by one.

They had a flashlight in their hands, so I could see it clearly. One was the long-haired man led by Boss Tong during the day, and the other was foreman Li.

The long-haired man has always been very serious, so he must be the one who advocates to start quickly, and at first glance, Li is an obscene middle-aged man who strongly advocates to defile Zhao Jiajia.

While they were quarreling, I took out my mobile phone, turned on the flash mode, clicked, and took a picture of them.

When the two hands saw the flash, they suddenly realized my existence.

Head Li obviously didn't expect to meet people in this wilderness. He was not well prepared. His legs were weak. He sat on the ground and pointed to me and said, "Who are you...who are you! Is it a person... or a ghost!"

Unlike him, a cold light flashed in the long-haired man's eyes, put down the sack in his hand, and went to his clothes to pull out something.

I don't think so well that this guy has a gun!

I know in my heart that if he takes out a gun, I will definitely hang here today, because I have evidence of their bodies, and he will definitely kill me.

So before he took out his gun, he took two steps down and kicked him at the door.

I didn't expect that the guy stopped pulling out the gun and didn't dodge. He directly hugged my leg with both hands and turned my wrist like this. I hit a few laps in place and fell heavily to the ground.

I said to myself that this guy is really good at it, but I didn't expect that there would be such a person around Boss Tong.

If I change to an ordinary person, I will definitely fall to the ground and can't get up, but my body is trained in various ruins and ancient tombs, so I won't be too can get up.

So I rolled twice on the ground, got up in a hurry, and rushed to him again.

The man's hand wanted to reach into the inner pocket of his clothes, but fortunately I grabbed it.

But just as we were fighting, the obscene foreman Li actually kicked the sack on the ground into the river.

I heard the ordinary sound of falling into the water and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, which made my teeth itchy.