long candle

Chapter 364 Disaster

I turned my head and gave a hard look at Mr. Li.

Maybe my eyes were so fierce that it scared him.

He sat on the ground and rubbed back a distance, as if to me, and Zhao Jiajia, who was being washed away by the water, said, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, if we don't kill her, we will all die!"

I don't care about watching his performance, because as long as I don't pay attention, when the long-haired man pulls out his gun, I will die.

But what I care more now is that if the water pushes the linen bag away for a while, I will no longer be able to save Zhao Jiajia.

I was so anxious that my head was covered with white hair and sweat, and I punched the long-haired man in front of me.

He was obviously a master of fighting. He easily dodged my two laps and kicked me with one side leg.

But at this time, I did something that he didn't expect.

That is to turn around and run, and then want to jump into the river.

But the guy seemed to see my intention and grabbed the corner of my clothes.

I was in a hurry. I lowered my head, stretched out my hands, took off my coat, and then jumped into the water.

After falling into the water, I felt a bone-chilling cold all over my body, which was a little breathless.

The first thing I did was not to swim to the drifting sack, but to look up at what the two people on the shore had done.

Sure enough, if you guess, the long-haired man has taken out a gun and saw me all the way with two shots.

Thanks to my prediction, I was able to dive into the water again in time, otherwise the two shots would have hit my head.

After diving into the water, I thought it was safe, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in my right leg and calf, thinking that I must have been hit by the blind shot of the long-haired man.

But at this moment, I have to grit my teeth and survive. I can't go out and be beaten again.

I swam underwater for about 30 seconds and felt that I swam far away before I came out.

Looking up, the two people on the shore were running along the river to catch up with me.

Puff, two more shots, wiped my scalp and hit me in the water.

I said to myself that this guy's shooting is not very accurate in sports, and I escaped again.

In order to save bullets, the other party stopped shooting.

More fortunately, I saw that the river became wider not far ahead.

The widening of the river means that the water flow will become shallow and the flow rate of the river will accelerate.

Sure enough, when I was washed into the shallows, I quickly got rid of the two people on the river bank.

I saw their flashlight stop there, and they seemed to be tired of running.

The long-haired man fired two more shots into the water, but because the distance was too far away, he was not at all.

I took a long breath, and then turned my head to find the sack washed away by the water.

Fortunately, the sack was stuck by a tree by the river at this time.

I endured the severe pain in my leg and swam over in a hurry.

But when I swam close, I was suddenly stunned, because there were two sacks in front of me.

At this time, I remembered that I had seen a sack before I found two people throwing bodies.

It seems that these two sacks were miraculously stopped in one place.

Because of the dark, I don't know who is.

I should have opened it all, but who knows what's in the other sack?

In case the water ghost I saw in my dream, won't you scare me to death on the spot?

I hesitated for a moment and decided to drag the two sacks to the shore.

Anyway, it is now on the other side of the river, and there is no bridge nearby. I'm not afraid that those two will catch up.

It took so much effort that I arched the two sacks to the shore.

Then he endured the severe pain of screaming and climbed up with difficulty.

There are also clumps of weeds on the river bank here. I'm really afraid that snakes will suddenly crawl out of it.

It's okay. When I climbed to the shore, I found that these were some common reeds. After being overwhelmed by me, I was just able to confess to rest.

The first thing I did when I sat on the shore was to check the calf injury.

When I rolled up my trousers, I saw that my whole leg was stained red by blood, and the blood was constantly pouring out.

I knew that this might have hurt the veins, so I hurriedly pulled a relatively strong grass and vine to tightly strangle the leg muscles above the wound.

Tightening the legs can stop the veins from transfusion to the wound, and it will soon stop the blood.

But I know that I have shed too much blood, and there are bursts of stars in front of me.

But you can't faint at this time.

I simply wiped off the blood from the wound. I looked at it and found that the bullet pierced my whole calf from the side. Fortunately, it did not hurt the bone.

But because it is crossed, there are two wounds on the left and right sides.

The method of tying the calf to stop bleeding is not a long-term solution. If it goes on for a long time, the wound on the leg will cause necrosis, so I must find something to stop the bleeding.

If you change someone else, it will be dangerous if you don't go to the hospital in time. Fortunately, I am a plant expert.

I looked around and found a few herbs that can stop the bleeding.

I looked at the other side of the river and made sure that the other party had given up the pursuit, so I chewed the grass in my mouth and applied it to the wound.

Then I picked two large reed leaves, bandaged my legs, and removed the grass and vines used to stop bleeding.

Sure enough, the blood has stopped and I can move freely.

In order to prevent the other party from coming up again, I decided to drag the two sacks to the opposite farmland and open them again.

So I dragged my leg, and I flew with great strength to drag the two people to the top of the gentle river bank.

After sitting on the ground and resting for a while, I felt the cold wind roaring and freezing my whole body.

At this time, I found that I was bare. When I fought with the long-haired man before, I also lost my clothes in order to get out.

This is really a leak and rain all night. There is no food, no place to live, no money, and I was injured and I didn't even have clothes to wear. It happened that the weather turned cold again, and now the temperature is less than ten degrees.

I sneezed and felt a little dizzy. I don't know if it was because I lost too much blood or because I had a cold and hugged my shoulder and shivered there.

But it's cold. If the wet sack is covered, even if Zhao Jiajia is still alive, she may be covered alive.

I had no choice but to choose one of them and slowly ease the rope on it.

The rope was tied with a dead knot, so it was more troublesome to untie it, but in the end, it was still difficult for me. After a few minutes, I untied the rope.

Before opening the sack, I silently prayed: "Bodhisattva, don't let me see anything scary!"

After praying, I slowly opened the mouth of the bag, and suddenly a head-sized black thing rolled out of the bag.

I saw this gray-haired head, and my heart finished talking, and my head was cut off!

I stepped back a little, looked at the man's head rolling on the ground a few times, stopped there, swallowed his saliva, and said to himself, why was it all covered by his hair, and I couldn't even see his face.

After a closer look, I couldn't laugh or cry and find that this is not a human head at all, but a large taro!

And it's the kind of taro that hasn't been pulled out or scraped off.

After a little breath, I looked into the bag again, which was full of large and small taro.

I was overjoyed and said that it was not very unlucky this time. These taros were enough for me to eat for several days, so I finally didn't have to be hungry.

This is the only lucky thing that has happened in the past few days.

I packed the taro and hurried to untie another sack.

Untie the sack, and I saw a white hand pulling out of it.

I hurriedly grabbed the hand and touched her pulse, and found that the pulse was very slight, but it was still alive!

Then I dragged Zhao Jiajia out of the sack as quickly as possible.

She was unconscious, her hair was wet against her face, and she looked very haggard.

She is still wearing the blue dress when she first saw her, with a soft outline and a fair face, which looks like an inadvertently sleeping beauty.

Because she didn't think so much just now, her whole skirt was turned up, and she could see her pink underwear and a pair of white and pink legs.

My face suddenly turned red, and I hurriedly tidyed up her skirt to cover her buttocks and thighs.

With a sigh of relief, I reached out to touch her breath.

Breathing is stable, but there is no sign of waking up at all.

I don't know whether Boss Tong gave her sleeping pills or sweating pills. Anyway, since her life is not in danger now, I'd better let her wake up naturally.

But it definitely won't work here. If we are soaked and blown by the cold wind, we will definitely get a serious illness.

I looked around and there was no room.

I had no choice but to carry Zhao Jiajia on my back and walk to the deserted field path to see if I could be lucky enough to find a home.

I plan to go back and get that bag of taro. I'm like a beggar now, and I'm sure no one will take me in, but as long as Zhao Jiajia can be sent to someone's place, she is so beautiful, someone will definitely help her, and maybe I will take her to the doctor.

At that time, even if I want to continue to wander, I can come back to find this bag of taro.

I walked forward aimlessly. Fortunately, the temperature of the two people could warm each other, otherwise I might not have been able to hold on.

But despite this, I still feel dizzy.

I foolishly thought I had caught a cold, but later I found that my calf did not stop bleeding, and there were traces of my blood all the way.

Finally, when I walked about two or three miles, I couldn't hold on any longer and finally fainted.

When I woke up the next day, I found myself lying sick**.

I was a little puzzled and thought it was a dream before.

But when I was thinking about it, I found that my leg hurt so much.

Only then did I find out that everything was true.

Looking at the furnishings of the ward, I found that the environment is not bad and the fee should not be low.

Although I don't know which one sent me, I can't afford the medical expenses.

When she was about to jump down and slip away, Zhao Jiajia pushed the door and walked in with a doctor.