long candle

Chapter 370 The Return of Superman

When I came out of the hospital, I went to a private clinic to bandage the trauma on my body.

Fortunately, it's just some skin trauma, so after the doctor's treatment, there is nothing serious.

However, the doctor still advised me to go back to recuperate for a while.

I didn't have anything particularly urgent anyway, so I followed the doctor's advice and rented a house near the hospital.

After a day's hard work, I went back to the rental room and lay down, and I hurriedly took off my clothes.

Although when I was in the clinic, the doctor always wanted me to take off my trousers to check if there were any injuries on my leg.

Because I told him that I rolled down the stairs.

But I haven't agreed to let him take off my trousers.

It's not that these tattered sweatpants are worth, or that I'm too shy to let him see them.

Because of the moment when the superpower recovered, I felt a tingling on the outside of my right thigh.

And the worm cub is in the right pocket.

I think it may be because the rage bites me, so I have enough to use that ability.

I'm afraid that the doctor will think when he sees the injury on my leg and then sees the black shell, such as thinking that I'm poisoned.

At this moment, I want to take off my trousers, but I still can't take them off. If I pull hard, the meat on the right side of my thigh will be very painful.

I put my hand into my trouser pocket and touched it, and found that the manor was motionless in my trouser pocket and couldn't pull it out at all.

And there was a big hole in the inside of my pants pocket, and there was a soft thing inside the manor that pierced the pants pocket and sucked it on my leg.

Because I was afraid of tearing the mirra hard, I could only cut my trousers little by little with scissors, and then took them off smoothly.

Sitting **, the manor squeezed its inner liner out of the shell, like a black snail, sucking my leg.

It has a barbed thorn on its inner gall and caught it into my flesh.

The area around the wound is black, as if it were poisoned.

But if you look carefully, it is not poisoned, but because that part of the blood has been sucked away by the dragonfly, so it looks blue and black.

I said to the worm as if I was nervous, "Well, you're still quite fierce. Is my meat still delicious?"

The inner gallbladder actually squirmed, as if answering me: delicious!

I was speechless for a while and asked it again, "Did you awaken my ability to read today?"

The inner liner of the manor squirmed again, which seemed to mean nodding.

I looked at the guy who seemed to have an IQ and couldn't help but be a little surprised and continued to ask, "How did you do it?"

This time, the dragonfly didn't move, just sucked me tightly.

I was speechless for a while and felt that my blood had been sucked away by it, and its body seemed to be a little bigger than before, but there were no white spots.

Thinking of the corpse mountain I saw in the mysterious ruins of Kobe, I was a little embarrassed and said, "Well, how can you let me go?"

The dragonfly didn't move, as if it were dead.

I was helpless. I wanted you to be my lifesaver. It made me feel good, so I put you in the pot to cook.

I looked around and found that the stinky salted fish I bought was still on the table, so I took it over and put it next to the manor and said, "Eat this. It's better than my meat!"

The stinky salted fish shook back and forth around the dragonfly several times. It really loosened and slowly fell off my leg.

It retracted the inner tank and closed the shell tightly.

I looked at my legs and found that there were two very deep blood holes on it. I couldn't help but take a deep breath. I thought that the manor might not want to save me, but I was just hungry, otherwise I wouldn't have bit so hard.

Bring an empty fish tank, filled it with half a tank of water, then threw the mirage in, cut the salted fish into small pieces and threw it in some, and then I went back to ** to lie down.

After thinking about what happened during the day, I laughed happily, which was really cool.

This may be the feeling of being a superman, right?

It is really a very cool thing to have the ability to eliminate evil and support the wall, and you can do many things that ordinary people can't do.

I suddenly thought of the line of the Galaxy team in Pokemon: In order to prevent the destruction of the World Cup and to maintain world peace.

Although I haven't reached such an exaggerated point, this little power can't eliminate all evil and injustice, but at least I feel very happy.

However, I found that the power seems to be only temporary, and it seems that it can only be awakened through a mirra in a confined space, which is too harsh.

And if it is still needed in the future, if the worm does not want to cooperate, there is no way to achieve it.

It seems that my dream of maintaining world peace is still a little far away.

What I have to do now is to buy the guy who likes to eat stinky salted fish first, and then I can do whatever I want.

Thinking of this, I sighed, put on the newly bought clothes, and then opened the door and went out.

I have 15,000 taken from Boss Tong's card, plus the original 2,000 yuan in my wallet, which is enough for a period of time.

But if Boss Tong is not arrested, he may report the loss of all the cards. At that time, I can't withdraw the money.

These stolen money are inherently unrighteous, and I need to withdraw all of them now or transfer them.

Of course, I will give most of them to Zhao Jiajia to complete her studies, and I only need to leave part of my life.

So I spent four or five hours running to various banks, withdraw 100,000 yuan in cash, then transferred the remaining 2 million yuan to my card, and finally threw away the card.

Then, I returned to Zhao Jiajia's hospital, put one of the 1.5 million deposit cards in her drawer and wrote the password on it.

Zhao Jiajia has been sleeping for most of the day because of excessive shock and concussion, and there is no sign of waking up.

I took a look at her still swollen face and said, "Be careful in the future. This little money can be regarded as compensation for Boss Tong's doing those things."

After saying that, I turned around and left and took the door.

The next week was calm and nothing special happened.

I wore a hat and sat in the cafe in front of the hospital, looking at the people coming out of it.

On the eighth day, I saw Zhao Jiajia come out of the hospital in a white dress.

The list in her hand should be the discharge certificate.

I saw her walk all the way out of the hospital. The white dress set off a pure temperament, which was very beautiful and I couldn't help sighing.

She stood at the door of the hospital and looked around, as if she was looking for someone.

I think she is now betrayed, and her only friend has also betrayed her. Most of the people she is looking for are me.

Although I couldn't bear to make her alone, I still lowered my hat to prevent her from seeing me.

I think that if she can enter college life normally, make new friends soon, and maybe find a good boyfriend, I don't need to interfere in her life anymore.

Zhao Jiajia looked left and right, looked for a long time, and finally gave up. She bit her lower lip, her eyes were a little red, and then left silently.

I was relieved and watched her lonely back turn a corner before I got up and walked out of the cafe.

I walked in the opposite direction of Zhao Jiajia, and soon saw a business car tied with white flowers driving in front of me, followed by a black BMW.

I don't know whose funeral it was, and I secretly thought of it.

But when I looked at the black-and-white photo on the front car, I found that there was a black-and-white photo of Boss Tong hanging on it.

I was surprised and thought that those migrant workers had killed Boss Tong.

Unexpectedly, two middle-aged people around said, "Is this the old man who died in a police car the other day?" I heard that he is still a boss."

Another person said, "What boss, the underworld is almost the same. I heard that it is a drug seller, and it is also entangled with a group of people everywhere."

The previous man said, "No wonder. I heard that on the way of the police car, a truck pulling steel bars in front of him dropped a steel bar and poked it straight into his heart. Everyone else in the car was fine. He saved him to death and did too much evil. Is this retribution?"

After listening to their words, I looked at the funeral convoy slowly passing in front of me and couldn't help sighing. It turned out that there would really be retribution if I did more evil. Hey... Even if I don't kill you, I still...

The motorcade slowly drove away, and I said to myself, "However, I don't have to worry about Zhao Jiajia anymore."

I went to the clinic with satisfaction and applied the last plaster today, so I don't have to treat it anymore.

Next, I plan to continue to look for a job while cultivating feelings with the dragonfly, and contact Nie Chuan by the way to see how things are going.

It was ten o'clock in the evening after applying the medicine in the hospital. I ate something casually on the street and went back to my room.

I took a shower, lay down on **, and watched TV comfortably. I felt that the whole world seemed to be comfortable, which made me just want to sleep.

So I don't know when I will fall asleep.

This sleep was very comfortable and slept until dawn.

I looked at my mobile phone and found that it was past 10 noon.

I stretched out and got up from **. The first thing I did was to see the situation of the midor.

The stinky salted fish in the fish tank has been eaten up by it, and three small white dots have grown on its back.

I said to it, "Are you recovering well? How about it? Would you like to have breakfast?"

The worm spit out a bubble in the bathtub, and I don't know what it means.

So I can only take it out, put it on my wrist, and say, "Bite me, I'm much better than the stinky salted fish!"

The shell edge of the dragonfly squirmed, as if it wanted to open its mouth, but it still didn't open.

I saw that he seemed to have no appetite for me, so I wiped the stinky salted fish on my arm and said, "How does this taste?"

That guy seemed to be a shy big girl, slowly opened her mouth and finally bit it down!

I said to myself: Damn, it's so easy! Superman is back!