long candle

Chapter 371 Tracking

The inner liner of the manor looks very strange. On the semicircular dark red body, there is a pair of white teeth, which looks like the teeth of a poisonous snake.

And like the poisonous snake, there is a small hole in the tip of the two teeth.

I think its structure should be the same as that of a poisonous snake. It has a hollow tubular structure, which is connected to the poison sac that secretes venom. After stabbing the prey, it will inject venom into the prey.

It's just that the rumin injects not venom, but psychedelic** that makes people hallucinate.

But the last time I was bitten by a manor, I didn't have hallucinations, but the mind of cultivation in the fantasy broke out.

This shows that the psychedelic toxin of the may not be useful to me. Not only that, it seems to be able to create a space for thinking with this psychedelic agent, so that I can freely exert the power of thinking.

I don't know if this is the resonance between me and the worm, or if it should be. In short, when the worm bites me, I see that the world around me has changed in an instant.

In the corner of my room, there is a vertical black gap, which is about the width of the palm of the hand and cannot accommodate a person to enter. Moreover, this black line is in the place behind the door and the wardrobe. I usually don't walk there at all.

I am very familiar with this idea, which is a space-time crack.

It's just that I never thought that there would sometimes be cracks in an ordinary house.

When I remembered that when the house was rented to me, the tenant downstairs told me that incredible things would occasionally happen in this house, such as things suddenly disappearing and then suddenly appearing.

When it disappears, no matter how the owner looks for it, he can't find it, but when it appears, it is the place he has just looked for.

I didn't care at that time, because first of all, regardless of whether the matter is true or not, this phenomenon alone is not so rare.

Almost everyone has such an experience. I once had a lot of experiences that I couldn't find suddenly, and then found them in particularly obvious places in a few days.

Of course, the guy who told me about this must have had a similar experience, but he still told me very solemnly because something great had disappeared in that room.

According to him, there was a tenant who had just moved in, and a handbag worth 10,000 yuan disappeared overnight. On the fourth night, he appeared somewhere behind the door.

The most important thing is that the things in the handbag were found in different drawers, and some fell under the bed, as if someone deliberately spilled it.

When the tenant found out about this phenomenon, he immediately moved away.

Because she suspected that there was something strange in the room, specially teasing people.

After the tenant moved away, the landlord heard about this and specially invited Mr. Fengshui to check it. It is said that he added several town treasures to the house, but after that, the people who came to live in this house will not live for more than two months, and they all said that something was lost inexplicably.

When renting a house, I didn't believe that there was really any haunted house in the world, so I didn't care. I thought that maybe the tenant who lost his bag had night travel. He got up and put the things in the bag in different places and hid the bag. A few days later, when he had a night trip, he took out the bag from somewhere. That's all.

But when I regained my mind and found the gap at this time, I understood everything.

The space-time crack cannot actively devour things, but when someone stuffs things in, it will appear from somewhere else.

It may be the owner of the bag, who hung the bag on the hook on the side of the wardrobe, and then accidentally fell off the hook, and the bag fell into the space-time crack.

As for why it took so long to reappear, it is not something I can judge immediately.

In short, in addition to the cracks behind the door, there must be other cracks in the room. They are all exits of this cracks, or they are entrances and exits to each other, so that things are often lost, especially the drawers and the bottom of the bed, which are more noteworthy places.

Thinking of this, I opened a drawer casually and found that there was a gap in the shape of eyes inside the drawer. If smaller things accidentally fall into it, they will suddenly disappear.

Even on the surface of the table, I found such a crack, but it is not a little thicker than my hair, so it is estimated that there are very few kinds of things that can fall into it.

There are more than a dozen large and small cracks in this room. No wonder tenants often lose things.

I suddenly remembered the words of Hawkins, a famous contemporary American thinker (the one in a wheelchair): There are space-time tunnels everywhere in the world, just to see if you can find it and use it.

It seems that this theory is true, but Hawkins may not see the gap between time and space for the rest of his life.

If it hadn't been for my eyes, it would have been difficult for anyone to find the reason for the loss of things here.

Even if you see the existence of space-time cracks, if others change, they will probably avoid it.

However, I am a person who has personally entered the space-time crack, so there is not much consideration for this kind of thing.

Tried to put a hand into the crack behind the door, but the hand passed directly through the crack.

I was a little strange and tried several times, but nothing changed.

But when I threw a piece of * into the crack, * disappeared in an instant.

I thought about it and stretched out my hand to try, but there was still no response.

In this way, I seem to understand something. It turns out that this gap has its own judgment. If the whole is larger than the gap, it cannot pass through the gap. Only the size of the gap can be fully inclusive that can enter the imaginary space through the gap.

virtual space refers to another layer of space above the real space, which can also be said to be a supplement to the real space.

If you want to say an appropriate metaphor, it is like the relationship between computer memory and mobile hard disk. Although it can store the same content and data, it must be used through the USB interface to achieve data interoperability. The USB interface is just like the space-time gap in front of me.

But only a USB flash drive of the right size can enter it.

The imaginary space has always been speculated by scientists that it exists in reality, and many scientists in the United States are studying it, but no breakthrough has been made.

Now that the entrance and exit of this space is so clearly placed in front of me, I feel a little flattered.

I think if I go to places like the Bermuda Triangle, where people and animals often disappear, or Death Canyon, I will definitely find more cracks.

Maybe I know where the tens of thousands of people in the world disappear for no reason every year.

Space-time cracks are everywhere, some are connected to each other, while others are connected to virtual worlds or parallel universes. If you accidentally enter, you may not be able to come back.

There are countless space-time cracks in ancient tombs or ruins, so we have so many strange experiences.

I didn't feel excited at all when I found such a major secret. Instead, I felt that the normal life of human beings is actually troubled by these space-time cracks.

After thinking about it, I found that these are not things that I can control. The natural rules are like this, and I can't change anything.

The only thing I can do now is to find out the cracks that can swallow the whole person when I can still exert my mind energy, and try to avoid contact in the future, so as not to be inexplicably sucked into the void and broken into pieces by the flow of time and space.

Now, while my mind is still there, I have to do something more meaningful.

Thinking of this, I put on my clothes, opened the door and went out.

Because the worm was still lying on my arm, I carefully covered it with my palm and walked slowly on the street.

Although I specialize in those uninhabited alleys, it's early morning now, and there are no criminals to let me catch them.

Only an aunt's little white cat climbed to the tree, and I drove the cat down with my mind.

But the aunt didn't appreciate it at all. She thought I was a psychopath and avoided me.

I was so speechless that I had to continue to go to the bus station to see if I could find one or two pickpockets.

After squatting at the bus stop for a long time, I couldn't get up with every car, so I looked at the crowd. However, several casual policemen asked me this and that, and I was actually regarded as a thief.

I think that in fact, those heroes in American movies are not so good. It is impossible to encounter crimes every time I go out. Even if I really have an extraordinary ability, I have no place to do it. Maybe I am more suitable for a job like police?

Of course, I just think so. Even if I want to be a policeman now, I have exceeded my age.

While walking on the street, he called Nie Chuan and asked him about the progress of the investigation.

Nie Chuan said that he had found his grandfather's clues and deciphered something from the package, but there was no specific action yet.

Now every time I call him, I will say hello to my family. I can rest assured when I hear him say that he is very healthy.

Walking on the street boringly, I thought it would pass today, but I accidentally saw a man in a leather jacket coming out of a cafe.

At a glance, this man turned out to be the pony who was directly knocked unconscious by me a few days ago, the horse of Boss Tong.

At this moment, when he saw him wearing a mask, he looked flustered and didn't know what bad he had done.

I was almost reflexive, lowered my head, and then turned into the cafe where he came out.

He didn't notice me, but walked straight across the street.

I saw that he must be weird and maybe he would do something bad, so I followed him all the way.