long candle

Chapter 379 Messenger

I asked again, "So, what's the matter with the woman who can molt? Why can you judge so accurately that it was the 6th incident?

"That, because I've seen a monster like that once. I met it when I was on a mission. I thought it was the 5th incident. A SSS-level capable person who could freeze a high-level officer hijacked a senior official. The police went to two waves, and the special police were also dispatched, but all of them died in that hotel and finally directly mobilized 9 times. That time it was No. 5, that is, me, and No. 1 and No. 3. The opponent was very strong. At that time, I was directly hit. On the contrary, the whole process was watching. The No. 1 guy was originally grumpy and directly blew the other party's head, but unexpectedly, the guy did not die, but came out of the broken neck with a black body, as if it were a creature composed of some gas. That time, it was not successfully captured and let the thing escape, but it was tested from the ranger's body that did not belong to the earth. After saying that, Yang Zhifeng rolled up one of his sleeves and said, "This wound was left at that time."

I thought it would be a very terrible scar, but in the end I only saw a very neat circle of white scars around my arm.

So I asked puzzledly, "Is this? ......”

Yang Zhifeng smiled and said, "At that time, all the arms were frozen. I cut them off by myself, otherwise it would not be the arm that froze. My whole body will turn into an ice sculpture. Fortunately, the broken arm can be connected after thawing, and there is no direct necrosis."

I saw a layer of cold sweat on his head when he talked about this matter, and I knew that it must have left a very terrible memory at that time. And I also know why when he saw the black creature just now, he took action so quickly and fiercely that there was no way to live at all.

After thinking about it, I said to Yang Zhifeng, "Actually, I have seen that woman who can molt, and the relationship between us is quite deep."

Yang Zhifeng said, "I just wanted to ask you this question, because I found that the eyes of the monster were strange, and there must be some connection between you. Now Guoan is working hard to investigate this series of No. 6 incidents, so I hope you can provide useful information to the organization.

I nodded and said, "That woman was originally a man."

Yang Zhifeng didn't seem to be surprised at all and said, "Oh? Let's talk about it specifically."

So I told him how to defeat Boss Tong, how to follow the pony, and how to see him become a woman.

Of course, I also talked about the space-time crack.

Yang Zhifeng was first concerned not about this strange experience, but asked in surprise, "Can you see the space-time crack?"

I nodded and said, "Yes, not only that, but I have also entered the cracks in time and space."

Yang Zhifeng asked with great interest, "What will it look like after entering?"

I replied, "I didn't enter the alien world, but came out of another crack and completed the transfer of space."

Yang Zhifeng sighed and said, " Sure enough, you are also rejected."

I didn't understand what he meant, so I asked, "Expulsion?"

Yang Zhifeng said, "Yes, you have been rejected. In fact, you have entered a different world, but you have been spit out before staying a thousandth of a second. There were people who inadvertently entered the crack, but just like you, they only saw a white line and were spit out from another exit.

"White line, I don't see any white line..." I muttered.

Yang Zhifeng said, "If you go in again next time, you will find that the alien world may also be a sunny place, haha. In fact, we have now developed a way not to be rejected, but there is no need to invade a different world now. When we are ready, we need your help, 10!"

When I heard him call me by code name, I smiled and said, "I know 4."

After thinking about it, I asked again, "Yes, why do you call the top superpowers 9 times?" Isn't the word Fan more likely to be used in Japanese animation? Isn't this a little inappropriate?"

Yang Zhifeng said, "What Japanese characters, those Japanese characters are not copied from China, and in Chinese, Fan is a rotating alternative meaning, the meaning of number, and Fan characters can also pass false Fu characters, which is a very auspicious word. We rank 10 times by ability, and it is common to take turns. Although there are sacrifices from time to time, because of this, we prefer to be safe, so this word must be an auspicious word. Tell me, is there a more concise and more suitable word than Fan?

I was speechless by him, and I could only say silently in my heart, "Chinese characters are really broad and profound!"

I wanted to ask them how they found the pony and brought her back to perform, but Yang Zhifeng's phone rang at this time.

He looked at the call number, looked serious and made a silent gesture to me.

Then I heard him hold the phone and say, "Yes, I'm 4. Is there any urgent task?"

"I know, I'll bring him here right away..."

"Huh? Is there such a thing? Oh, that's it. I see."

When he hung up the phone, he resumed his smile, took the steering wheel, turned into an intersection, and then said, "Let's eat mutton another day. I wanted to introduce you to you tomorrow, but they were so well informed that they already knew it. Now I'll take you to get some necessary equipment and clothing, and meet a few people by the way. Do you have any suggestions?

I shook my head and said, "I have no opinion. Sooner or later. If it was so hasty to become an important person in Guoan, then I would feel strange. Thinking about it, I know that there will be no such water.

Yang Zhifeng hummed and said, "Well, one more thing to tell you is that the guy who knocked down in the bar today is not the one who escaped last time. It is defined as the No. 2 messenger. The so-called messenger means that it breaks through from a different world to our world and carries some kind of mission. Intelligent life in the alien world. Its ability is completely different from the No. 1 messenger. The No. 1 messenger showed a powerful ability from the beginning, while the No. 2 messenger is even more terrible. It knows how to evolve. Fortunately, when we meet the No. 2 messenger, it only molts about 3 times. Every time it molts, it will possess a normal human body and become stronger. When it molts more than 10 times, its ability will exceed the No. 1 messenger and become an X-level capable person, which will be very difficult to deal with.

I was a little surprised and asked, "How could the superior learn such accurate and rich information in such a short time? It's really amazing."

Yang Zhifeng smiled and said, "Because there is No. 5, that guy's other abilities are not strong, but his IQ is above 300, and his brain development level has reached 50%. You know, ordinary people are generally 5%-6%. As long as he catches some clues, the guy can analyze the whole system. I think he must have gone to the bar to collect samples just now, and the woman's files should have been checked, so he quickly analyzed the results.

I nodded and said, "There is such a powerful guy. You said that I really want to see several other people."

Yang Zhifeng laughed and said, "It's better not to have more contact with them. Except for me, several other people's personalities are beyond your imagination. They are all difficult to contact, especially No. 2 and No. 5, especially their personalities."

I curled my lips and said, "Okay..."

Yang Zhifeng said, "It's not far ahead. Relax. If they want to ask you questions, you can answer truthfully."

I showed a somewhat embarrassed look and said, "I have a lot of secrets. If you want to answer all truthfully..."

Yang Zhifeng said, "Don't worry, those guys won't care about your secrets. They just need to know whether you are loyal to the organization, your ability is stable, and whether there will be instability such as rampage."

Although I still have some concerns, looking at his smiling face, I can only say, "All right..."

The car quickly drove to a privately operated hotel.

The waiter in the hotel seemed to have known Yang Zhifeng's license plate number for a long time and greeted him all the way.

So instead of driving to the underground garage where ordinary vehicles can enter, we went around and parked the car in the open space behind the hotel.

I think there are only a few cars here, but they are all good cars that are less than a million, and although the license plate numbers are not particularly good, they all end in 9.

Does this mean that it means nine times?

Do they have to change the license plate to 10 after I come in?

But after thinking about it, I think it's impossible, because I don't have a car yet!

The strange hotel waiter wore a black suit and didn't say a word from beginning to end. He just took us into the elevator and pressed 23 on the top floor.

There are only three of us in the elevator, and the atmosphere seems a little deserted.

While taking advantage of the elevator, I asked Yang Zhifeng, "Are all the waiters here like this?"

Yang Zhifeng said, "No, he is usually very enthusiastic. I haven't seen this person before. I don't know if he is a newcomer."

As soon as he finished speaking, the elevator we took suddenly roared and fell down, and all the lights began to flash.

We were both shocked, but fortunately, it only fell a little, and the elevator was caught by insurance and stopped falling.

The waiter did not seem to be in a hurry. He pressed the distress button in the elevator and said to the opposite side, "The elevator is broken. Hurry up and find someone to fix it."

As soon as the voice fell, the elevator suddenly vibrated again.

I don't think so. I'm afraid this insurance will also be cut off!

Just thinking about this, as expected, the elevator was out of control and fell all the way from the 20th floor.