long candle

Chapter 381 Test

At the first moment when the elevator fell, Yang Zhifeng grabbed my arm.

I know what he is going to do. He wants to take me out in a moment.

But strangely, after he grabbed my hand, his body turned into a virtual shadow. When he was about to disappear, he suddenly turned back to the entity.

This scene happened in a thousandth of a second, and I hardly saw it clearly.

But at this time, Yang Zhifeng had said to me with a pale face, "My ability has been blocked!"

My heart sank completely, and my strong desire for survival broke out. I don't know where the mental power was stimulated and shot in all directions.

Then he abruptly controlled the whole elevator and let it slowly stop falling.

Without the help of the rage, it was really a little difficult for me to launch such a huge power, so I controlled the elevator and said to Yang Zhifeng, "Hurry up and find a way to get out!" I can't hold on any longer."

Unexpectedly, Yang Zhifeng smiled, grabbed my arm and said, "Well, the test is over. I did a good job."

Then he slowly walked to the button on the door of the elevator, gently pressed the alarm and said, "Let us out."

After saying this, the elevator door opened with a loud sound. The light outside was brilliant. A red carpet was spread in the middle of the hall. At the end of the carpet was an extended conference table. There were about 15 or six people on both sides of the table.

Seeing that I still refused to relax, Yang Zhifeng said, "Okay, okay, it may be a little too much, but it's just a test, hahaha."

I was relieved to hear him say that.

When I removed all my mind, I felt a burst of collapse.

Yang Zhifeng immediately supported me and said, "Sure enough, the weight of ten tons is still too reluctant for you."

I was shocked when I heard it and said, "What ten tons?"

Yang Zhifeng pointed to the elevator and said, "There are ten tons of cargo on this elevator to measure the weight of your limit outbreak that can control multiple weights. I reported some of your situation to the above before, so they arranged this test. Originally, everyone bet that you could not catch it, so this time I made money, because I have always believed in you, so I bet that you can catch it.

I was a little angry and said that what if I couldn't stand this load and finally died? This group of people are really irresponsible.

Yang Zhifeng seemed to know what I was thinking, so he patted me and said, "The waiter who picked us up is an X-level officer who can make all objects rest in an instant. With him, once he finds that you can't stand it, he will save me, and my ability has not been sealed. With the two of us escorting you, you won't be fine at all.

Since he said so, I can't care about anything more. I can only smile bitterly.

Helping me out of the elevator, people at the conference table in the distance looked over.

At this time, a professional woman who had been waiting by the elevator greeted him.

She looked at the documents on the writing board in her hand and asked in a low and hoarse voice, "Are you the new No. 10? Hu...Hu Erwan, 24 years old, Han nationality, graduated from the Department of Biology of Beijing XX University, but we have never found your information in the school.

I was shocked that even the school's files had been adjusted in such a short time.

I used to tell Yang Zhifeng based on Nie Chuan's experience that of course there would be no Hu Erwan in our school, so when I was asked by her, I was immediately speechless.

At this time, Yang Zhifeng interrupted and said, "Hey, 8, we don't seem to have a rule that we must let the other party tell their true resume, right? This does not affect him becoming one of us.

I said in my heart that the 30-year-old big-breasted woman with a bang hairstyle and a mole on her lips turned out to be No. 8. Her glasses really looked like the attending doctor. Is her ability to dissect the human body with bare hands?

I was thinking nonsense and said on the 8th, "That's right. We can find out everything in our bureau. It doesn't matter without asking. In short, there will be no secret that can be hidden from us."

I smiled helplessly and didn't know what to say.

At this time, No. 8, who had been very serious, suddenly smiled and stretched out his hand and said to me, "In this case, you are welcome to join us, No. 10, yu. Everyone has seen your ability. You are a very strong companion. Come on.

Although I was a little weak, since the other party was so friendly, I still politely stretched out my hand.

The moment I held her hand, I suddenly felt a warm current coming from her hand.

My body felt warm and indescribably comfortable in an instant, and the previous collapse seemed to recover within a few seconds.

While I was surprised, I probably knew the ability of No. 8 and seemed to be a healer!

I suddenly remembered Yang Zhifeng's words. My strength exceeded that of No. 7 and No. 8. Isn't that nonsense? Can't I beat a therapist?

While restoring my physical strength, No. 8 showed a proud smile at the corners of his mouth, which seemed to be very satisfied with my performance.

When I felt that my strength was completely full, she let go of her hand and said, "Well, everyone is still waiting to see you. Don't let everyone wait for a long time."

Yang Zhifeng and I nodded and followed the front and back of the 8th to the conference table.

I looked around and found that it was all European-style floor-to-ceiling windows. The lights on other buildings outside and the moonlight were thrown in. The huge crystal lamp above my head illuminated the whole hall, but the light was still a little dark.

It's so far away that I can't even see the faces of the people sitting next to the table.

In addition, many people don't talk and stare at me from time to time with coffee, which gives me a strange feeling in my heart.

Black high-back chairs, red carpets, dim lights, quiet atmosphere, and the cunning moonlight coming through the window, isn't this the atmosphere that only exists at vampire parties...

To be honest, the more these people don't talk, the more nervous I become. I glanced at everyone's face and didn't see clearly, but I could see that most of the people here were very young, and there was even a little girl who looked like 15 or 16 years old.

Then, I sat down on a chair on the outside.

Yang Zhifeng walked straight ahead and sat down near the main seat. The treatment of No. 4 was really different.

And the person sitting in the main seat was wearing a suit, crossing his legs and holding a newspaper, as if he didn't notice my existence at all.

I read that smoke is still coming from the back of the newspaper, indicating that the man is smoking.

counted seven people present.

The two positions near the main seat are empty, and the position opposite me is also empty.

This means that No. 1, No. 2 and No. 9 do not seem to have arrived yet, and the person in the main seat is obviously not one of the 9 and does not know what identity he is.

At this time, he brought me a cup of coffee on the 8th, and then sat down next to me and said, "Wait a minute. In order to see you, we are all here today. The two guys on the 1st and 2nd don't believe that you can catch 10 tons at all. Tell me that if you catch 10 tons and then come to them, you will come later, and on the 9th, this guy has always been lonely and never attends group meetings. In addition, today is the 11th, 12th and 13th. We are really lively on the 9th.

I heard from her that everyone came to see me in the first half, but there were three newcomers in the second half. I thought that this woman is really good at being a person. She must be responsible for 9 foreign affairs, right?

A few people sitting in front looked at me with great interest at first, but now they turn their heads and do their own thing. I really don't know what they think.

I felt that the atmosphere was a little cold and a little awkward, so I picked up the coffee and took a sip uneasily.

Looking at other people, it seems that they have been used to this atmosphere for a long time and have not shown any unnaturalness at all.

I sighed and said that these guys were really strange. Sure enough, Yang Zhifeng was right.

However, Yang Zhifeng lied to me before that I didn't have a chance to see other capable people, but now they are all here.

Thinking about it, the elevator jingled again, and then the door slowly opened.

But strangely, there is no one in the elevator.

I was surprised that the person sitting in the main seat suddenly put down the newspaper.

The man in the main seat is a gray-haired man, but he is not an old man. He looks about 50 years old with a cigar in his head.

He combed his big back, his hair was white, his eyebrows and big eyes, and his Chinese character face looked very righteous. If he acted in a movie, he would definitely be able to speak to a righteous gang boss or a generation of martial arts masters and so on.

However, the master frowned when he saw that the elevator was open, but no one was there.

At this time, the man sitting opposite Yang Zhifeng said, " boss, you'd better sit down. That guy is always used to it like this."

The person opposite Yang Zhifeng is No. 3, which is the guy Yang Zhifeng said to carry out the task together before.

But most of the descriptions in that mission were about No. 1 and himself. As for what No. 3 did, Yang Zhifeng did not mention it.

Now it seems that No. 3 is a very ordinary person. He is about 30 years old, with a bald beard, thin figure, and a spies in his voice. He sits cross-legged on a chair. At first glance, he is a standard uncle, or the kind of market uncle who has to bargain for food.

Although No. 3 wears a brand-name suit, it doesn't have that temperament at all, which makes people laugh.

The original vampire atmosphere was completely broken as soon as he opened his mouth.

The scene of No. 3 fighting with the vegetable seller for a dime came to my mind.

At this time, the ground suddenly shook slightly, and the tableware was full of tinkling.

The coffee in my cup came out a little, which made me shrink my hand.

Then, there were vibrations one after another, as if they were coming from the elevator, and it seemed to be the sound of personal footsteps.