long candle

Chapter 348 Tulin in distress

Although we have discussed the plan for a long time, No. 2 was still angered by this group of people.

While I was trying to persuade No. 2 to calm my anger, I pretended to move forward as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, we didn't go far, and the group of people quietly followed.

They calmed down without making any sound, and followed us like devils entering the village.

But I am known as the existence of the little prince of night eyes. The senses in the night are so sharp that a little wind and grass are seen by me.

So I gave No. 2 a winage, which means that they have been hooked.

In fact, our plan is very simple, which is to keep those people from going to the village, because the village is really dangerous.

Because we told them before that we had met Yuanmou people, these amateur explorers who came specially for Yuanmou people will definitely find ways to follow us and see the true face of Yuanmou people.

In addition, we claim to be the People's Liberation Army, so we will increase their sense of security.

So I never talked to No. 2 again and led these people to the soil forest in the distance.

The soil forest in the distance is much denser than around the village. It should belong to the Yuanmou Tulin Scenic Area, but it has not been developed yet. The terrain inside the soil forest is generally complex, and it is easy to get lost without markings.

As long as we lead these people there, we can delay them so that they can't go to the village tonight. By day, there will be no danger when they arrive in the village.

When they find that there is nothing special about this village, they will naturally leave by themselves, and we don't need to say anything more.

Although with such a satisfactory calculation, I still remembered what Boss Bai said before and quietly asked No. 2: "Do you think those places where the People's Liberation Army is stationed will be the earth forest we are going to go to? If there is really any danger there, will it be counterproductive?"

2 said, "That's hard to say, because there are traces of troops stationed in the huge soil forest we were going to hide in before, but I see that there are such dense soil forests everywhere 100 miles around the village. If we are in danger if we walk casually, it only shows that we are really lucky. ."

After the discussion, we walked forward silently.

Those amateur explorers seem to enjoy the fun of following others very much and have been sneaking with us less than 50 meters behind.

I was relieved to see them follow so closely, because I thought they would lose patience halfway.

After all, although we claim to be members of the army, we have not even encountered a large army or any military facilities after walking for so long.

I thought about it, maybe they are still so patient, firstly because we are good at acting, and secondly because they also think that the very dense earth forest in front of them is the place where Yuanmou people should haunt.

We went straight ahead for about 20 minutes, and the earth forest piles in front of us became more and more dense.

At this time, I shone the front with the flashlight in my hand and found that there was a marker made of half wood in front of me.

The tablet is written in red paint: "Tourists stop, beasts in front of them, and they are forbidden to pass." Large characters.

I think the section of the wood is still very new, and the words have just been written, and there is a burst of bitterness in my heart.

It seems that this is indeed the place where the army was repelled before, and it may be the nest of the werewolf-like monster.

After we stood in front of this wooden monument for a while, I looked at No. 2 in a panic and asked, "What should I do? Do you want to enter or not?

The expression of No. 2 seemed to be very relaxed. He pointed to the bottom of an earth forest behind the wooden monument and said, "Where are you looking..."

I looked in the direction he pointed and saw a bamboo basket in that corner, and there was a small monkey next to the bamboo basket, which was a ghost.

2 said to me, "Agui has brought his master here to explore, saying that there will be no danger. The attack on the army was stationed here before may not be something living in here. It may have been specially here to attack the army."

After a pause, he said, "But I think the beast mentioned on this wooden tablet is not necessarily the kind of werewolf we saw. Look there again."

I followed his finger and looked over there, and saw that the place he pointed to was also a mound of earth forest. Where the mound was close to the ground, there was a wet area, and there was dry and unknown animal feces on the ground.

And there are many small scratches on the earth forest pile.

As a biologist, not to mention No. 2, I also know that this is the feces left by the unique black bear in Yunnan.

The scratches on the soil forest piles are the traces left by the black bear scratching its back.

It's just that black bears are prone to parasites. Once they feel itchy, they will find a big tree to rub it. In places where blind bears in the northeast often haunt, they often see a large piece of the bark of a big tree being scraped off.

There are not as many trees here as in the northeast, so the black bears here can only use earth forest piles to tickle.

And there must be many large animals such as rabbits, wildfoxes and even wild boars in this forest, so the food of these black bears should be relatively rich.

Black bears are irritable and very dangerous animals, but after all, they are day animals and are more active in the morning and dusk. At this time, they have already found a cave to fall asleep. As long as we don't go into the cave randomly, I don't think there will be any danger.

Thinking of this, we strode deep into the soil forest.

No.2 went to carry the basket on his back. The ghost made a grimace and climbed to my shoulder.

I have been trying to get close to him before, and it seems to have worked. This guy finally regarded me as his own.

Although it grabbed my hair with its claws and hurt a little, I was still very happy to tease it.

I whispered to the ghost, "Be careful next time and don't be swallowed by that fool."

The ghost seemed to understand what I said and squeaked at me twice, revealing two rows of teeth, as if laughing.

Maybe it means that it's a small meaning, which is not worth mentioning for me, Master Monkey.

While I was surprised by the monkey's ghost, I said to No. 2, "Was the back basket moved by the ghost?"

2 nodded and said, "Isn't it incredible? Ghost still has many secrets that you don't know. It can do a lot of things you can't imagine.

While talking and laughing, we continued to go deep into the dirt forest pile.

The terrain here is indeed extremely complicated, and we can't even find the north ourselves.

Then the group of amateur explorers really worked hard to witness the original seekers and followed us closely.

We came to an open space surrounded by Tulin and stopped to rest, and I said to No. 2, "This group of people are really professional. It seems that we have made a lot of contacts before. This tracking of water products is really first-class."

I deliberately raised my words loudly, because even if those people knew that this was a trap at this time, it didn't matter, because they couldn't go out at all.

But as soon as I said this, the group of people behind did not respond, and they still hid behind a large pile of soil forest.

That strange movement and rickety posture make people look a little strange.

At this time, No. 2 said to me, "Have you seen 12? Where is that guy?"

I looked around and didn't see No. 12, so I hurriedly said, "Didn't you follow us all the time just now? Why is it gone?"

At this time, there was a rustling sound in the back basket behind No. 2, as if his master had moved again.

After listening, No.2 immediately frowned and said, "Be careful, there is something wrong with this group of people!"

I looked at the people who were hiding behind the mounds of earth and forests, and for a moment I felt that their strange posture made people's scalp numb.

What the hell are these guys? Have you been given by them on the 12th...

Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered that since the clothes of the People's Liberation Army on our ship were ready to act, they had not spoken again on the 12th.

Although he is quiet and lonely by nature, it is too strange not to say a word.

The strange feeling in my heart became stronger and stronger. I knew that I could no longer be silent, so I shouted at the group of people: "Hey! What's wrong with you! What the hell are you doing!"

My voice echoed in the middle of the earth forest, so that the dark shadows shrank and hid more secretly.

They hid their whole body behind the grove, showing only one face.

But this posture is even more strange, making the hairs on my back stand up together.

No.2 frowned deeply, looked at those people, put his hands together, and said, "I can feel that these things are no longer human. After we entered the earth forest, because the road was too complicated, we were separated from No. 12, and those amateur explorers who followed us may have been lost long ago, and then we were These unknown things have been followed. They are imitating the postures of those amateur explorers, but I don't see any anger in them.

I nodded and said, "It's true. I also see the power of their thoughts. These are not living things, but they can move like human beings."

2 said, "Since we have reached this point, there is no need to hide anymore. Let's get straight to the point. Let's go and see what these are."

I nodded, clenched my fist tightly and said, "Although you are very powerful, I'm still good at fighting. I'll go ahead, and you cover me in the back."

2 nodded and said, "Then be careful. These things are not that simple."