long candle

Chapter 349 Suspect

When I walked towards the strange shadows, the guys obviously felt fear and shrank back vigilantly.

Seeing that they did not seem to be too aggressive, I had a bottom in my heart and accelerated my pace to approach the dark shadows.

As a result, when I was only five or six meters away from them, they seemed to feel a threat and clawed at me, as if they wanted to force me back.

Although I still can't see the faces of these guys, I can still judge from their limbs that this should be some kind of humanoid creature, but their movements are stiffer than ordinary humans and look very strange.

In the face of their threats, I was not afraid. I just paused for a moment and continued to move forward.

When I was only two or three meters away from them, I decisively turned on the flashlight and shot into one of the guys's face.

This photo stunned me for a moment.

Because I did see a human face and a smiling face.

It's just that this man laughed too falsely and his expression was very stiff.

The most important thing is that its face is particularly flat, and it reflects a bright light under the light of the flashlight.

I really can't say this strangeness and discord, but I have goosebumps all over my body.

The person in front of me is a young woman, very ordinary, but not ugly, and looks good.

Her skin is very white, her smile is very stiff, her eyes are stiff, her body is stiff, and she is wearing a khaki dress, which is so beautiful that she can't even see her neckline and buttons.

No.2 also saw this strange man in the back and said to me, "Damn this thing is not human at all. She is..."

Before he finished speaking, the woman in earthy yellow seemed to be afraid of the light and slowly retreated back.

But her backward posture is even more strange.

I didn't see her feet moving at all, and her expression did not change at all, and she still smiled so dullly.

This guy floated back in a strange position, and my head suddenly seemed to be hit by a flash of lightning.

Because I remember who this woman is.

She is one of the amateur explorers we just saw! Although I only looked at it, the mole on the left side of her eyebrows still made me recognize this woman.

When I saw her before, this woman was still wearing a jacket. I don't know when she changed such a dress, and her body changed too much.

What happened to her? How could a person who was still good just now suddenly become like this?

I was thinking about this when No. 2 said to me, "That's just a photo! What's wrong with you? Someone pasted the photo on the face of these moving things.

Shasha, the sound of the group of dark shadows moving on the ground gradually faded away, but I was stunned there.

Thinking carefully, I think it may be true, because the flat face and stiff expression can only be done in photos.

But here comes the problem. Those amateur explorers should be here for the first time. So who took photos of these people in such a short time, or did they carry such large photos with them?

Both situations obviously don't make sense. In fact, there is only one possibility, that is, these so-called amateur explorers are actually premeditated.

That is to say, it is not that they fell in our trap, but that we fell in their trap!

Thinking of this, I took a breath of cold air and looked back at No. 2.

2 obviously thought of what I was thinking, so he said, "First catch up and see what those are, and then find a way to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Of course, I understand what his words mean. To catch up with those guys is to get the details of the enemy, and to leave here to get rid of the trap.

Because the enemy obviously uses such a strategy to lead us into the earth forest.

However, it can be seen that the things with photos on their faces are definitely not weapons that can be used to destroy us, because they seem to be just following us from beginning to end, and then confirming that we have come here.

And now they choose to escape, which also shows their weakness.

So as long as I can catch up now, I am very sure to catch one of them.

Thinking of this, I don't care about it anymore. I used to wrap the pearl produced by the mirage in my mouth and haven't used it. Now I swallowed it in one bite and burst into amazing power.

I used my mind to push my body forward. Between several ups and downs, I have flown out for 50 or 60 meters.

Those guys were not fast, so they were pulled closer by me in an instant.

The guy running at the end has reached the point where he can grab his shoulder as soon as he reaches out.

So I naturally stretched out my hand and wanted to grab the guy's shoulder.

But what I didn't expect was that as soon as my hand was stretched out, the guy suddenly fell short, and then it was like drilling into the ground.

I rushed into their communities, and then reached out to grab one of them, but as soon as my hand touched any of them, it would immediately disappear out of thin air.

Although I could see that they suddenly became shorter and then disappeared, the actual situation could not be seen clearly. I only knew that they seemed to have penetrated into the ground, but there was no trace left on the ground.

In this way, in about ten seconds, all these guys disappeared without a trace.

2 ran as fast as me, but he also hurried over with a ghost on his back.

When he saw me stunned there, he asked me, "What's the matter? What about those people and ghosts?"

I looked up at No. 2 and then at the ground, saying a little incredibly, "No more! It disappeared out of thin air, just like the escape in the mythical drama.

No.2 was also shocked and frowned tightly.

After a while, he also came to check. We squatted on the ground, gently cut the soil layer, and carefully observed the ground and found that there was no mechanism.

But the strange thing is that there are several green weeds growing on this ground.

The surroundings are empty, and only a few grasses have grown here, which is suspicious.

But when we pulled up one of them, the grass did not cause any changes. When we looked carefully, it was just a few very ordinary weeds, which can be seen everywhere in the south.

But No. 2 still couldn't figure it out, so he asked me, "Are you sure it's not an illusion? And when you chased me, were there any of these grasses on the ground?

I thought about it and said, "It should not be an illusion. When I touched their shoulders, I felt cold. The clothes did not look like they were made of cloth. They felt very hard. As for this grass, I didn't pay attention at that time."

No.2 frowned tightly and said, "We may not be able to get out."

As soon as I heard it, I hurriedly asked, "What's going on? Why do you say that..."

2 said, "I think what we just saw is not necessarily real. Maybe it's a suspect in some kind of formation."

I still didn't understand, so I continued to ask, "Suspicious soldier? What do you mean?

No.2 asked me, "Do you know that Zhuge Liang can trap tens of thousands of military horses with a few stones?" And when trapped, those military horses can still see the unnecessary troops shuttle back and forth in the array.

I nodded and said, "Are you talking about Zhuge Liang's eight arrays? I heard that it is the product of the creation of heaven and earth, which already belongs to the category of magic. Do you mean..."

2 nodded and said, "You're right. We may have encountered this kind of thing today. The earth forest here is originally a maze, and it is also an excellent place to arrange the array. It's too easy to trap us here.

I thought about it and asked, "So have those amateur explorers really become the kind of strange things with photos?"

2 shook his head and said, "I'm sure not. Maybe they didn't keep up at all."

Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something, patted his bald head and said, "Amitabha, why didn't I think of it!"

I was confused by him again and asked, "What do you think of? Did you think about how we got out?

2 shook his head and said, "No, I mean, when we first entered that village, when we saw the strange village layout, we should have thought that there would be such a tall person!" That village secretly fits some kind of feng shui pattern, and it is definitely not built by ordinary village names!"

I suddenly realized that maybe those werewolf-like things are because they are affected by feng shui that they are normal people during the day and become murderers at night.

We were both silent for a while, and then I asked No. 2: "What should we do now?"

No.2 said, "I can't help it. I can only ask my master."

At this time, I remembered that he also brought a very powerful master. It is said that his master is omnipotent.

No.2 took down the basket on the back and put it on the ground, then sat in front of the basket and gently called for the things in the basket: "Master? Master, I have something to ask for!"

However, no matter how he shouted, there was no movement in the basket.

I shouted about two or three times, and then No. 2 shook his head at me and said, "Master, he is already asleep. He won't wake up until the sun comes out tomorrow."

I looked helpless and wanted to lift the lid of his basket, take his master out, and then poured cold water to wake him up.

But I still resisted and said to No. 2, "Does it mean that we are going to spend the night in this strange stone forest? Since the enemy's trap here, the danger will happen at any time.

2 frowned and asked me, "Now we can only rely on ourselves. Do you know feng shui?"

I was stunned as soon as I heard it and said, "Fengshui, I know a little!"