long candle

Chapter 353 Overlord Mushroom

When the sun came out, I just dug the pit.

Then I pushed the body of No. 2 into the pit.

But just as I was working hard, No. 12 suddenly woke up and asked me later, "What are you doing? Why did you bury No. 2?"

I was shocked by him and hurriedly replied, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that No. 2 is dead. I didn't wake you up when I saw you sleeping just now. Come and help me bury him."

No. 12 obviously couldn't accept my words and frowned and said, "It's impossible. How can No. 2 die? He is a XX-level capable person!"

I rubbed my eyes and said, "Actually, I can't believe it, but the facts are right in front of me. I have checked his vital signs, and there are no signs of life at all. If you don't believe it, come and have a look."

No.2's face turned pale, as if he suddenly lost his spiritual pillar. He may also feel guilty because he had killed No.1.

In short, his face was not much better than that of the dead, and he came over tremblingly.

After touching the breath and pulse of No. 2, his whole body collapsed and sat down on the ground, unable to say a word.

I think he is like this, and I know that he can't help.

Now I'm also in a very bad mood, and I don't know how to persuade him, so I continued to push No. 2 into the pit and then began to cover up the soil.

I tossed around alone for about half an hour and finally built a small grave bag on the ground.

At this time, No. 12 was still there and there was no response at all.

I had no choice but to take out three cigarettes from my backpack and plug them into No. 2, and then kowtowed a few respectfully.

After doing this, I'm going to pick up No. 12 and leave this damn place.

At this time, I saw that the sun had risen, casting a ray of sunlight between the two soil pillars in front of me, just shining on the grave pile of No. 2.

Seeing such a strange landscape, I was stunned for a moment and vaguely felt as if something would happen.

At this time, No. 12, who had been expressionless, suddenly opened his mouth and said, "The grave pile moved a little!"

At this time, I looked back at the grave in surprise and found that there was something squirming under the soil layer on the top of the grave.

But looking at that position, I realized that the thing is definitely not moving by the body of No. 2. The movement should be a relatively small thing!

At this moment, when we were both very puzzled, a green sprout suddenly emerged from the grave.

The bud grows rapidly at an abnormal speed, which looks like a fast-forward lens of those vine plants growing in CCTV's program Man and Nature.

However, I know that this is not a fast-forward lens, so it is really abnormal at such a growth rate.

"This kind of thing has grown from the body of No. 2?" No. 12 asked doubtfully.

I shook my head and said, "I'm not sure, but this possibility is too small. Maybe there is such a thing in this soil, but we happened to encounter it."

To be honest, it's good to see some drought-tolerant weeds and trees in this extremely arid climate, but now this thing that grows like bean sprouts is green, and looks like a plant that grows in a humid tropical climate.

No. 12 was very curious and wanted to go up to see what was going on, but I stopped it.

I said to him, "I know that there is a kind of thing that grows as fast as it, which is not found in the south, but there is such a thing in the old forests in the north. I once heard from my friends in the northeast."

Of course, the friend I'm talking about is Nobita. His hometown is from the northeast, so he has told me some strange things about the Xing'an Mountains.

What kind of ginseng baby, black blind, yellow skin and so on are nothing.

I remember he told me something called Overlord Mushroom, which is a very magical creature.

The biggest feature of this mushroom is that it is very tall and strong, and it can emit a stench similar to animal feces.

It is said that a bully mushroom that Nobita saw with his own eyes was about ten meters high, and he really scared him when he saw it.

But according to Nobita, he was going to go up and have a closer look, but he was stopped by his father.

His father told him that it was very unlucky to encounter this kind of thing in the forest, so when the old hunter saw it, he regarded it as if he had not seen it.

If you touch this overlord mushroom or eat its meat, it will cause a very unfortunate thing.

I privately guess that this thing may be like a ginseng baby, a refined plant that can cause harm to people.

Daxiong is a filial son. His father won't let him touch him. Although his hands are itchy, he has to pretend not to see him.

But after walking for a while on the mountain road, he finally couldn't help but be curious and asked his father something about the overlord mushroom.

His father was really entangled by him, so he told him that although the mushroom was big, it usually grew in a day or two, so it grew very fast.

Of course, this mushroom decays quickly. Generally, when it grows in two days, it rots in one day and then turns into a pile of mud.

But when this thing exists, because of its rapid decay, the smell will attract some uninvited guests in the forest, such as scavengers and insects.

Once these corrosive animals and insect carriers measure bacteria and viruses, the overlord mushrooms that they have crawled will rot with their hands just by touching them.

In addition, his father lowered his voice and told him that the smell of mushrooms would also attract something called a sharp-billed wolf, which looks like a wolf but is very thin.

Its favorite food is the dead animal. It has become a sperm for many years. If it meets a human, it will quietly follow humans home, and then squat on the beam every night when the owner rests, it will spit miasma into your nose.

After a long time, people began to fester and finally scratched to death.

At this time, the sharp-billed wolf will run out and eat the rotten internal organs of humans.

People who used to live near Xing'anling were often poisoned by this sharp-billed wolf, and for a while this thing became synonymous with the plague god.

Because the sharp-billed wolf's ears are particularly good, people need to make a small sound when they talk about it.

When Nobita told me about this animal, I thought of an animal, that is, a wild dog.

In China, the number of wild dogs is very small, and they are as cunning as foxes, so people have been speculating about this animal.

All mysterious animals must have some terrible stories to follow, so I think it should be people's superstition.

But that overlord mushroom is real, and if it can really emit that smell, it must be poisonous. It is a good thing to stay away from it.

I told these things to No. 12, which made him extremely surprised and praised: "You are really knowledgeable... So what is the fast-growing plant in front of us now..."

I said to him, "I'm not sure, but we'd better observe it."

So we stood silently beside the grave and watched the buds grow tall and grow.

After about ten seconds, it has grown into a strange plant more than ten centimeters high, similar to bean sprouts, but thicker and greener than bean sprouts.

I saw some small spikes next to his two combined leaf petals, and suddenly thought of a plant... Nepenthes.

This kind of grass that lives in the tropics is also a strange plant that uses smell to attract scavengers and then slowly devour them.

I was thinking about this, and sure enough, there was a foul smell in the direction of the plant.

However, unlike Nepenthes, this thing is still growing, and the two night pieces slowly separated, and then a small red fruit emerged from the middle.

The fruit is shaped like anhydrangea with a lot of small goose bumps on it, which looks a bit like a lychee.

As the fruit grows slowly, the smell around it becomes stronger and stronger.

No. 12 and I covered our noses and retreated. We couldn't know what it was.

However, at this time, there was a sudden rustling sound on the sand between the surrounding soil forests, and something was surrounding from all directions.

I looked at No. 12 and obviously found this movement.


With the rustling sound, a kind of deep cry also came.

As soon as I heard it, I probably guessed what it was, and the cold sweat on my head immediately came out.

No.12 turned his head and looked at me, looking worse than me.

But before he could tell me what he wanted to say, a toad about the size of a fist jumped to our feet from nowhere.

I saw that the toad had black hair, not to mention how disgusting it was, so I took a step back.

However, the target of the toad didn't seem to be us, but jumped from our feet and jumped straight in the direction of Tomb No. 2.

I said that it was this fruit that attracted them, but why?

Thinking about it, on the 12th, he suddenly patted me and pointed to the direction of the toad jumping out just now.

I saw that the soil forest piles were intertwined in that direction, and a winding channel extended. However, in those passages, a piece of black pressure was full of toads, like a tide pouring towards us.

I suddenly remembered the scene when I was besieged by bitterness in the Black Bamboo Valley. Now that I think about it, the formation at that time was not as big as it is now.

Toads are really a strange animal. They have so many strange variants, and they have all been met by me.

Seeing the wave of toads, I pointed to a forest pillar next to me and said, "Go up, otherwise even if you are not crushed to death, you will be disgusted to death. The target of these toads does not seem to be us!"