long candle

Chapter 354 Fruit

No. 12 and I climbed up the forest pillar next to us as fast as possible, and then looked down, which had become a sea of toads.

The black pressure is full of meaty and jumping things, which makes people almost want to vomit.

In fact, there is a faint fishy smell on the toad's body. You can't smell one or two, but if there are more than one, the smell will become a stench.

No. 12 and I couldn't stand this smell, so we continued to climb up the soil pillar, hoping that the air above would be slightly better.

Fortunately, we did this, because as we climbed up, we found that many toads were blocked between two earth forest pillars about ten meters away.

According to reason, the size of the toad is not large, and no matter how large the number is, it is impossible to block a passage with a width of more than ten meters.

I guess these toads must be mixed with other things.

Sure enough, when I looked carefully, I found that under a lot of toads, there were some very huge reminders squirming.

Look at that head, it is just a little wider than the ten-meter exit in the middle of the earth forest pillar.

Because the huge guy's back is covered by countless toads, I can't see the guy's outline at all, and I don't know if it's a huge toad.

However, this situation lasted for less than a minute, and the huge individual squeezed out between the two earth forest pillars.

Because the front passage is relatively wide, this thing is like a stone blocked in the mouth of the water pipe. Once it is flushed out, it rushes towards us like an arrow off the string.

When I saw that powerful power, I was really surprised and didn't have time to speak. I pointed to it and motioned No. 12 to climb up quickly.

We used our hands and feet together, and in five or six seconds, we were afraid of going up more than ten meters.

At this time, there was a muffled sound from the earth forest pillars under us, and then there was a cracking sound.

We were almost knocked down by the impact on it, and we could only hold the outer wall of the earth forest pillar tightly.

Fortunately, although the pillar has broken, it will not collapse.

We stabilized on it. Although we broke out in a cold sweat, we finally had a chance to look down.

At this look, I found that a strange snake covered with black scales plunged into the pillar of the earth forest where we were located.

His body was like a giant dragon. Because his head could not be pulled out, he kept twisting and struggling. Where his tail swept past, those toads were instantly beaten into a mass of blood fog.

In an in an eyes, those toads died tragically, and the fishy smell in the air became heavier and heavier.

But there are too many of those toads, so it's nothing at all.

The huge black snake finally pulled its head out of the pillar.

Then he raised its triangular strange head and looked up at us with blood-red eyes. The black letter seemed to be searching for our smell.

"It seems to be coming for us. Something big is going to happen!" No. 12 said with a pale face.

Suddenly, the giant snake really began to hit the earth forest column again.

As there are more and more cracks on the stigma, we all have a feeling of ants on the hot pot.

While bearing the vibration caused by the impact, I said to No. 12: "We must move our position now, otherwise the soil pillar will collapse later, and even if it is not eaten by the snake, it will be crushed to death by these broken soil debris!"

No.12 replied, "Okay, then you can eject yourself first with your mind. When you get to another pillar, I will change positions with you, and then you bounce over."

I looked at the nearest pillar, about 20 meters away. I really don't know if I can fly over.

If you fail, you will fall into the toad pile. In that case, life is worse than death.

But the degree of fragmentation of the pillar no longer allows us to think about it anymore, and the giant snake is still hitting our pillar with its tail below.

So I took a deep breath, raised my mind to a stronger level, and then bounced myself out like a bullet.

In fact, every time I eject myself with my mind force, my body will also be hit accordingly.

Otherwise, according to my 12 tons of mind, it won't be a problem to pop 100 meters.

Although it only popped 20 meters this time, the force has reached the limit of the body.

With a sharp pain in my body, my eyes were black, and the sound of wind came from my ears.

About a second later, the temporary blindness caused by pain gradually recovered, and I was flying to about half the distance.

At this time, I faintly heard No. 12 shouting at me, "Be careful!"

I subconsciously looked down and found that a big blood basin was rushing towards me with an boundless wind.

I reacted in an instant. It turned out that when I was ejected, the snake saw me running and bounced its body out into the air, ready to devour me with a huge mouth.

Its body is strong, and its speed is faster than the arrow off the string. If it goes on like this, I will definitely be swallowed by him!

However, at this moment, I can no longer use my mind on my body, and I am about to suffer.

However, just as the giant snake had reached my feet less than two meters, suddenly a flower in front of my eyes actually returned to the earth forest pillar that I was attached to before.

"No. 12 exchanged positions with me!" I was surprised and looked at the position where I jumped out before.

Sure enough, 12 replaced me and was about to be swallowed up by the giant snake.

At this time, he shouted to me, "Use your mind to speed up!"

I suddenly reacted, stimulated my mind, and pushed the 12th forward again.

I found that although I exchanged positions with No. 12, he did not seem to inherit my kinetic energy. I pushed him like this and he began to move.

Such a pause and acceleration deceived the big snake that jumped on it.

I guess it was also stunned. Unexpectedly, it stopped moving and shrank back.

I was finally relieved to see this situation.

No.12 was pushed forward more than ten meters by my huge force and was about to hit the earth forest pillar opposite.

Although the force of this collision is not fatal, it is likely to cause him to faint.

Because I estimated the strength from my own weight, but the weight of No. 12 is obviously much lighter than mine.

I pinched a cold sweat for him.

But just as he was about to hit the opposite forest pillar, his body suddenly disappeared from mid-air.

When I looked at it again, he was already standing at the top of the soil pillar opposite.

At this time, I saw clearly that he temporarily changed positions with a bird flying over the pillar.

The bird was already close to the top of the pillar. He used his ability to change positions to make the momentum on his body disappear, so that he was safe in the end.

I looked at No. 12 with new eyes, but I didn't expect that as long as there is a living individual, it can be used as an object of substitution!

In this way, I suddenly remembered that I killed many people when I was a child on the 12th.

It may be that you encountered something dangerous without knowing your ability, such as when you fell from upstairs, but changed your position with someone else and ended up falling to death.

This kind of unintentional killing can't be called a crime at all, so the 2nd said that he was very kind by nature.

It was also the distress that made No. 12 practice such a unique skill. Things like catching birds must have taken countless risks to succeed. Ordinary people have no courage to try it at all.

I looked down and saw that the black snake's body sank into the toad pile again, and the power smashed many toads directly flat, and a blood fog rose up. Not to mention how spectacular the scene was.

Although the snake's body is covered, I can still clearly see that its body is constantly twisting, as if it is struggling.

This twisted posture seems to be fighting with someone, which makes people very strange.

However, such a thing did not last long. Suddenly, I saw a red fruit slowly emerge from the toad pile.

I knew at a glance that it was the magical plant we saw before.

I didn't expect it to be growing up, and it has grown so big.

Since the fruit came out of the toad pile, the giant snake stopped struggling and poked its neck out of the toad pile again, staring at the fruit.

At this time, the red fruit seems to have stopped growing, and then slowly shrinks down around the seven or eight leaves under the fruit, and eventually withered.

I know that this plant has grown to the limit and has now entered a stage of withering faster than growth.

After all the leaves turned yellow, the stalks of the plant began to slowly turn yellow.

At this time, the fruit has grown to the size of a human head, and the outer red shell begins to slowly turn brown, and then cracks appear.

In the end, the shells fell off the fruit, revealing the crystal clear, pearl-like fruit inside.

At this time, the giant snake spit out its letter and shook its tail, looking very excited.

It opened its mouth to swallow the bead, but at this time, countless toads also jumped up and jumped towards the fruit.

The giant snake was very angry and raised its tail. As soon as it swept the void, it reached all the meat and blood foam of the jumping toad.

Then the snake arched slightly, and then swallowed the fruit into its stomach like an offline arrow.

The surrounding toads let out a whine and fled one after another.

The toad that was originally pressed on the giant snake retreated like a tide, and finally there was no one left, as if they were afraid of the giant snake that swallowed the fruit.

When all the toads retreated, I found that the snake was already scarred, and many places had been pulled out of scales, revealing white skin.

It seems that these toads also attacked the giant snake in private and seriously injured it.

In this way, both sides should come to compete for the fruit.