long candle

Chapter 373 Prehistoric Creatures

As the door rose in the rumble, a huge and pale head suddenly appeared on the other side of the door, which surprised all three of us.

But when I fixed my eyes, it turned out to be a dead bone, fixed there motionless.

The size of this skull is very huge, basically similar to a Dongfeng truck, which is more than enough for the three of us.

With the help of the faint light, I carefully examined the skull and found that there were two bulges in the back of the skull, the nasal strands were very smooth, and there were two relatively large holes in the lower cheeks.

At this time, the two people next to him were also guessing what animal this skull was. No. 12 said, "It must be a dinosaur so big. If the neck is so long, it should be Serpentine dragon."

2 said, "You haven't seen it at a glance. How can this be a dinosaur? This is obviously a snake. You can see the number of its spines. So many segments are divided to better twist the body. Only snakes need to be so soft, you know?"

No.12 was about to express admiration, but was interrupted by me. I said to them, "This is neither a dinosaur nor a snake, but a reminder that is very close to snakes, but has limbs. In my opinion, it may be the ancestor of snakes."

No.12 asked: "Overlord Python? It sounds like it's awesome."

I nodded and said, "In fresh water, even the prehistoric crocodile, the ancestor of the crocodile, is not the opponent of the overlord python. This creature has a strong body that can hang any prey, and its teeth are also excellent, which should be reasonable for hundreds of tons."

With that, I knocked on the sharp and long teeth in the skull and made a banging sound.

Seeing that they could hear it, I continued: "This kind of overlord python is distributed in many places in China. In the famous Jinsha ruins, the people of ancient Shu lived with this overlord python. By the way, in ancient times, this thing was not called a python, but an aphidpole."

I was like a biology teacher. When I said this, I pointed to a small leg bone on the side of the body of the huge snake valley and said, "You see, their legs have basically completely degenerated and are useless. Their shape is very close to modern snakes."

At this time, No. 2 seemed to find something and frowned and asked me, "How long have you seen this snake died?"

I touched the snake bone and found that the calcium in the bone had not disappeared, and the luster of the bone was still very good. The main reason was that I saw the No. 2 doubt, that is, there were still some meat skins that were not completely rotten under the abdomen of the snake bone.

I was extremely surprised. Although I couldn't believe it, I finally said, "It seems that... it seems that I have just died."

2 also nodded and said, "I think it's true. This ancient creature should only appear in fossils."

While we were talking, suddenly there was a rat-like squeak around us.

The feeling of hearing this sound is like waking up in the middle of the night and finding a mouse on the beam, but not finding where it is.

We looked up one after another, but there was no trace of the mouse.

And at that moment, a hairy head poked out on the head of the snake bone.

This guy is at least twice as big as an ordinary mouse. His two eyes emitting frighting white light and is flexibly capturing the smell with his nose.

Although I can't see the size of its body, from its eyes, I see a kind of wildness that rats don't have.

I looked at this guy and found that his hair color was a bit like some kind of squirrel. The hair above his mouth was brown and black, but the hair on his stomach and chin was snow-white, slippery and very fluffy.

Looking at it, this guy also seemed to lock us, with a pair of fierce light in his small eyes and a squeaking intimidating sound in his mouth.

We are not afraid of such a small thing, no matter how powerful it is, so no one cares about its intimidation, just look up at this strange mouse.

At this time, the mouse suddenly lifted its tail, and then we saw a feather-like duster, full of fluffy white hair.

Almost with one voice, we shouted, "The ancestor beast! There is life!"

Maybe they exclaimed that the formation was too big, and the ancestral beast was shocked and seemed to withdraw its head very cautiously.

As soon as I saw this rare beast, I was already at the point of selflessness and said, "Come on! Hurry up! Don't let it run away! Catch it! If you miss it, it will be gone!"

After saying that, I was about to climb up the snake's skull, but I was pulled by No. 2.

He pointed to the business fire in his hand and said, "The business fire is restless. There must be danger here. Don't run around. It's not cost-effective to lose your life for a surviving prehistoric animal!"

Although I was anxious, I was not to the point of losing my mind. Hearing him say that it was dangerous, although I was unwilling, I still stopped.

At this time, the 12th said, "Don't you think this room is strange? This prehistoric python is definitely bigger than the stone gate we came in. How did it get in, and why did it buy it in such a small room?"

I had already thought of this doubt, so I said to them, "Yes, we'd better see the form of this room."

After saying that, he took the two of them along the snake bone to see if there was another stone door on the opposite wall.

But less than a minute after walking along the snake bone, the snake's huge skeleton meandered back and blocked our way with its tail.

Because there is no flashlight, there is no way to see what is on the opposite side through the snake bone, so I finally plan to destroy the snake bone.

In fact, it is not destruction. We just want to remove the snake bone, but it has become a skeleton. If we are rough, it will inevitably fall out.

We didn't hesitate to do it. First, I slowly lifted the snake bone with my mind, and then No. 2 used the rhinoceros fist to open the snake bone.

But just as I urged all my mind to lift the snake bone halfway, there was a rustling sound above our heads.

This sound is very familiar. All children living in the countryside should have experienced it. Whenever autumn is coming to an end and winter is coming, those moths will go crazy into the house.

This is the nature of insects. Because the house is relatively warm, insects will flee to warm places in order to survive, so that they can live for a few more days.

When eating in the evening, as long as the door of the hall is open, there is always a group of moths flapping their wings next to the kerosene lamp hanging on the beam. As long as it is quiet enough, this sound is very obvious.

Now we have this sound overhead, but it looks very strange in this quiet underground secret room.

This time, we didn't spend much effort to find the owner who made this sound, because they didn't fly out from above our heads, but from under the snake bones I lifted.

And they are not as afraid of people as ordinary moths, but dozens of them flew towards our face.

It is said that the moth is an animal without karma or evil thoughts, but at this time, the karma fire in No. 2's hand came out one after another and flew to the group of moths that rushed over.

At this time, I heard a bang, and the whole room suddenly lit up and was shrouded in a red light.

As the flame lit, we were like poking a hornet's nest, with the sound of wings stirring in all directions, and there were no groups of black moths coming out from under the snake's body and flying towards the red flame.

I didn't expect such a big formation to suddenly appear that I was accidentally hit on the forehead by a moth.

Unexpectedly, the force was so great that I almost fell back and my head was dizzy.

It feels like being hit by a fist-sized stone.

Of course, I was not so unlucky alone. The other two were also tricked one after another, making a scream, and hurriedly covered their heads and squatted down.

I covered my forehead and asked what was wrong with No. 2, but he reached out and grabbed it casually and caught a moth.

He opened his hand to show me, and the three of us were stunned.

Because this is not a moth at all, but a flying fish with wings!

They have hard armor on their backs and crab-like legs, which are very strong on their No. 2 index finger.

When looking at the picture, we didn't expect this kind of flying fish to be so small, just like we didn't guess that the size of the ancestor beast was so large.

In addition to the surprise of seeing the physical object, the flying fish also opened its fangs and bit at the finger of No. 2.

Seeing this situation, of course, No. 2 can't let it bite for nothing. A ball of business lit up in the palm of his hand and immediately lit the flying fish and burned it with his fingers.

Although it won't hurt for people who don't have evil thoughts, this scene also hurts us.

While the meat was in pain, I looked at the flying fish that rushed to the industry and found that they were really not afraid of death. One by one, they were burned crackling with a burst of meat fragrance.

When I didn't know when this situation would end, suddenly the ancestor beast climbed along the spine of the giant snake again, then grabbed a flying fish and ate it.

Of course, the predation scene of the rare beast is also a detail that I don't want to miss. The ancestor beast seems to give up its vigilance against us and enjoys the delicious food by itself.

Although the flying fish has a hard armor, the teeth of the ancestral beast are very sharp, and it can very deftly peel off the armor with its claws and spit out its wings full of bone spurs.

It seems that this ancestor beast has not been preying on flying fish for a day or two. Maybe it has only lived this day since it feeds on this flying fish.

Before I could confirm my thoughts, suddenly there was another change.

Since the ancestor beast finished eating the flying fish, it has been alert for some reason, constantly looking up and observing around, and its nose is also sniffing something.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of water not far in front of us, and a wet bird's head slowly emerged from the tail of the snake blocking the road.