Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 118 Divine Journey

Xiao Changge exhaled a long breath and wondered when his honest young man began to become a little lustful? This is not good, wow hahahaha!

Fan Xinru's expression was relaxed and quiet, with a slight smile on her face. Xiao Changge didn't expect the girl to be so cute when she was quiet.

There was an impulse to lower his head and kiss her cheek. Xiao Changge slowly possessed, and his lips were close to Fan Xinru's face. Xiao Changge woke up and stopped.

Xiao Changge sat up straight and was afraid. He did have the idea of kissing her cheek just now, but after all, it was just an idea. His body seemed to be out of control again and automatically made a leaning motion to kiss.

This is not the first time that her body got out of control. Last time it seemed to be at her house. I don't know if this girl has magic or what's wrong with herself.

Just an idea that Xiao Changge did not control his body to do it, but he didn't know how to do it. Xiao Changge felt that his mind was hot and his body naturally did it automatically.

This is very bad and problematic. If this kind of loss of control occurs against the enemy, it will be a fatal danger. Xiao Changge once tried to find the reason for his loss of control, but failed to do it. This time, Xiao Changge intends to study and understand.

However, the research is not at this time. Xiao Chang singer reached into the quilt and tried not to touch Fan Xinru's body. He took her wrist to explore her pulse and found that Fan Xinru's pulse was normal. Xiao Changge slowly explored the spiritual power of the anti-dragon claws in Fan Xinru's body.

Before, Xiao Changge only tried to explore the internal power and spiritual power into other people's bodies to observe the situation. It was the first time that he used the spiritual power of the anti-dragon claws in such a way, and he was very careful.

After all, it is the same spiritual power. Even if the attributes are different, it can still let Xiao Changge know the situation in her body. Fan Xinru is fine. Maybe they took some drugs for her to control the toxicity.

Xiao Changge was awakened by the sound of the door opening. At this time, he found that his hand was no longer on Fan Xinru's wrist, but covered her peak and slowly stroked and kneaded.

I wiped it, Xiao Changge was shocked, and he was distracted again,,

The middle-aged woman who opened the door and came in was taking care of the two women. The middle-aged woman saw Xiao Chang's singer touching Fan Xinru's peak in the quilt, and her eyes changed, but she did not speak.

Xiao Changge pulled out his hand awkwardly, smiled shyly, got up and left the room.

Xiao Changge, who returned to the room, was depressed. He had never had such a brain out of control before.

When did it start? It seems to be the first time I met Fan Xinru. Does she have any magic? Or is there something wrong with you?

Xiao Changge thought for a long time and didn't figure out what was going on. At this time, he thought that they were going to the fairy grassland in the far south to help him find a doctor.

Xiao Changge looked at the dragon ring in his hand and explored the spiritual power of a trace of anti-dragon claws.

The subsequent situation exceeded Xiao Changge's expectations, as if he had lost a burning match in the oil barrel, and the energy in the dragon ring suddenly boiled.

Immediately after a burst of numbness on his body, Xiao Changge found that he was out of his mind again.

But this time it feels much better. Xiao Changge is already a little proficient.

Xiao Changge's yuan god looked at his body below and found that after his genity was out of his body, his body did not fall out of control, but with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and he sat down cross-legged to practice.

At this time, Xiao Changge suddenly sounded the situation when Mo Hongqian forcibly passed on his credit.

At that time, I seemed to see two black and white little people in my brain. Now my physical condition and the smile at the corners of my mouth are very similar to the expression of the black villain.

Am I temporarily out of control of my body? Is it caused by those two villains?

Xiao Changge was thinking when he found that the situation of the yuan god's out of the body was very different from the previous several times.

Before, when I was out of my mind, I would have suction to attract myself to possess someone. Now it is not the situation where there was a suction that attracted me before, but countless suction seems to come from all directions.

This feeling is like a magnet. I can feel the attraction of countless magnets to each other, and I will no longer be pulled by a certain suction.

Xiao Changge felt a faint suction from his body, as if he wanted to go back to his body now and could go back immediately.

Xiao Changge did not immediately return to his body, but controlled the yuan god to fly out of the window and looked down at the whole Xinghuo City from a high altitude.

People in the city run their own businesses, walking, chatting and doing things, which are very prosperous.

If you don't look at the situation outside, only look at the situation inside the Spark City, which is almost no different from the outside world.

Xiao Changge controlled the primordial spirit to fly down, lowered the height, approached the pedestrians below, and watched the pedestrians pass by him pass by him, with a faint suction from them, as if he could selectively possess them.

The state of Xiao Changge's Yuanshen is not noticed by them. Xiao Changge can observe them very far away or very closely.

In the past, every time Xiao Changge's primordial spirit came out of the body, he was sucked into someone somewhere by a strong suction. This time, it was rare that there was no strong suction to suck Xiao Changge's primordial spirit. Xiao Changge controlled the primordial spirit to play happily in the Starfire City. It turns out that it is still fun to observe the world from another perspective.

The key is that they can't detect Xiao Changge and have a feeling of invisible people.

Xiao Changge flew to his room, and then went through the wall to the next room. He found that the woman was taking care of the two women. At this time, she mixed it in the basin with a kind of medicinal juice, stained the diluted liquid in the basin with a towel, and then twisted the towel and put it aside. Then she got up and lifted Zheng Xiaowan's quilt and felt dizzy. Zheng Xiaowan sat up and wiped her whole body with the towel.

At first, Xiao Changge thought she wanted to do something, but later she knew that she might have used this drug to wipe her body and control the toxicity in her body. I'm afraid this is also the reason why she woke up and found herself** and her body.

I wiped it, Xiao Changge said depressedly. I don't know who wiped the medicine for himself before. Is it Uncle Wang who is worse than crying?

Xiao Changge saw that she had wiped Zheng Xiaowan's whole body, changed a basin of water and towel, and wiped it for Fan Xinru. Xiao Changge found that Fan Xinru's body seemed to be much more perfect and seductive.

This ability to wander made Xiao Changge very novel. Seeing the woman cover the quilt for the two women and leave the room, Xiao Changge then left and flew to Chen's house to observe.

It turned out that the room not far from her was Uncle Wang's room. The woman and he should be the same. After she left, she went to that room.

In one of the rooms, a middle-aged man in a green uniform was reading some notes.

In a room downstairs, there is a short-haired girl knitting a sweater. In the room next to her, there are two girls. Among them, the maid dressed up as a book, and another woman in a long white dress sat ** practicing.

Xiao Changge made a curious observation in Chen's mansion. Thinking of Wang Bo's words that he would go to the fairy grassland to find some medicine. Now he is in a state of being out of his mind, he is on his way quickly. It's better to have a look.

Xiao Changge's out-of-body state is indeed very fast. It can be said that he is as fast as he thinks.

As soon as the mind moved, Xiao Changge's yuan god had flown n far south in the air. Xiao Changge raised his height. If he really saw an island far away in the south, there was no grassland.

Xiao Changge flew over at a high speed and found that there was a grass house on the island. Outside the house, an old man was sitting on the ground and crushing some unknown plants with medicine, pressing out a lot of juice and collecting them.

Xiao Changge observed for a while, but the old man did not notice the yuan spirit of Xiao Changge.

Xiao Changge felt bored and flew to the room. A girl was tidying up the room. Xiao Changge observed around her for a while. I don't know if this is the fairy grassland mentioned by Wang Bo.

Xiao Changge walked around the house and observed, and found that there was a book on the wooden table by the window. From the open page, he saw the record of understanding the poison of shales.

Thinking of seeing the old man crushing medicine outside before, I guessed that this is almost the fairy grassland mentioned by Wang Bo, but this is obviously an island, why is it called fairy grassland?

Xiao Changge wants to turn over the book to see if there is a prescription for the treatment of thousands of cave spider poison, but he is now in the state of yuan and can't turn the pages of the book.

Xiao Changge felt the two weak suctions nearby and couldn't help but have an idea.

He flew near the girl and fell on her head.

The girl who was cleaning up the room was invaded by Xiao Changge from her head, and her eyes stopped.

After that, she went to the wooden table by the window and looked through the books on it.

Xiao Changge found that he might be proficient this time. The girl's soul resistance was not strong, and he could easily control her body.

Controlling the girl's body, Xiao Changge sat on a chair beside him, looked through the book, and finally found a prescription for the treatment of spider poison in Wankuole on the back page. It turned out that it was stained with silver needles with the medicine of Qingxin grass. In the vagina and Yingxiang acupoint, it could be detoxified.

Xiao Changge does not understand the role of Qingxin grass, but he infers that if he welcomes the incense and gives a needle, what effect will it have?

Xiao Changge thought about it and inadvertently found a doctor's toolkit beside him. He opened it and found that there was a silver needle in it. He raised his hand and picked up one, untied his clothes and stabbed it in the hole of the body.