Super Happy Evolution

Chapter 119 Exploring the Ten Thousand Caves at Night

Sure enough, a feeling of numbness spread all over his body, and it seemed that his whole body was energetic. Xiao Changge took out the silver needle and applied a needle on the Yingxiang acupoint to feel the change of his body.

It is Luo Lao and his granddaughter who live here. Luo Tianzhong collects the medicinal juice of sea grass outside. This medicinal juice can be mixed with other herbs into a tonic, which is very easy to sell in the stone top world and is also the main source of income for the two people's lives.

Luo Tianzhong collected this bundle of medicinal juice, got up and pounded his numb back, and then took a bottle full of sea dry herbal juice to go into the house to collect it. This medicinal juice must be dried before it can be used as medicine.

Luo Tianzhong entered the room and saw that his granddaughter was opening her clothes and pricking herself with a silver needle in one hand. She couldn't help turning her head and shouting, "Xuan'er, what are you doing?"

Xiao Changge had already noticed it when he got up, but at this time he was feeling the changes in his body. He did not collect the needles and arrange his clothes in time. It was too late to close the needles, and the old man had entered the house.

Xiao Changge closed his clothes and fastened his buttons, but he didn't know what to say. After all, there was no reasonable explanation for his possession of his granddaughter and doing such a strange behavior.

Xiao Changgexin said that he would not explain if it was difficult to explain, and directly withdrew his control. The yuan god floated out from Luo Xuan's head.

He thought it would be difficult, but he found that it was easy to leave the possessed body this time. Is it related to the spiritual power he injected into the dragon ring is the spiritual power of the anti-dragon claw?

Luo Xuan's face stiffened. When he woke up, bean-sized sweat dripping on his head and looked very frightened: "Grandpa, my body just got out of control."

Xiao Changge found a cure and directly controlled the yuanshen to fly to Xinghuo City. On the way, he thought that this Tianlong ring was still very useful. With his proficiency, he could choose the target of possession, and he could forcibly control the target he was possessed, and it was no longer difficult to leave.

Xiao Changge thought that if I developed this ability, can I directly possess it to my opponent when fighting? Isn't it similar to that charm? It's fun to control the enemy to hit the wall directly.

However, when possessing the other party, your body is uncontrollable, which is still dangerous.

Soon Xiao Changge returned to Spark City and returned to his room. Xiao Changge turned his anti-dragon claws into slender spikes and gently stabbed into his own. Because he had practiced on the old man's granddaughter, he was very skilled this time. Xiao Changge felt a little itchy, felt that he was completely right, and then Yingxiang.

In the afternoon, Xiao Changge found that the thousands of cave spider poison in his body had been resolved. It seemed that the medicinal juice called Qingxin Grass was not the main medicine. It may play a role in disinfection, and his acupuncture and moxibustion had almost been detoxified.

Xiao Changge went to the next door and detoxified the two of them.


Xiao Changge is studying the use of spiritual power in his room. Last time, he suffered a lot of problems. His strength was obviously enough, and he suffered losses on the immaturity of the use of spiritual power.

In fact, he can use spiritual power to defend against the dagger and fight with the man with the long gun. If he had carried out a long-range attack, he would not have suffered.

At this time, the door was pushed open. Uncle Wang came in and saw Xiao Changge thinking about things at the table. After coming in, he stood aside.

Xiao Changge turned his head and said, "What's wrong with Uncle Wang?"

Wang Bo smiled and said, "The city lord has time now and plans to clean up the ten thousand caves in the near future. Please ask Brother Xiao to ask about the situation inside."

Xiao Changgexin said that he had told you before, why did he ask again,,

Following Uncle Wang to the outside of the room of Chen Zhiming, the city lord, Uncle Wang knocked on the door and heard Chen Zhiming say to come in. Then he opened the door and took Xiao Changge in, and then retreated out by himself.

If Xiao Changge hadn't met this person, it was the first time he had met him. His face was square, wearing a green uniform, and he was very stylish.

Chen Zhiming was very enthusiastic. He let Xiao Changge sit down on the sofa beside him. He made it to the opposite side and ordered his servants to bring a drink. Then he asked, "New here?"

Xiao Changge was stunned when he heard it. He didn't know what the newcomer meant. He probably guessed that he had just arrived at the stone top world. Xiao Changge nodded.

Chen Zhiming smiled and said, "Actually, this is a very strange space. In order to leave here, we have thought of many ways that we can't leave. In the end, we can only accept our fate to live here. In fact, if we live here at ease, it's still good."

After talking for a while, Chen Zhiming talked about the business and asked about the situation in the cave.

It's dark, and Xiao Changge is not familiar with the road inside. Chen Zhiming asked for a while and didn't ask anything valuable. He said, "In a few days, I plan to send someone to attack the caves to see if I can lead them out, otherwise they have trolls and cave spiders guarding inside, and it is difficult to attack them. Of. I don't know if Brother Xiao is interested in going together?

Xiao Changge shook his head and refused: "I don't want to go there once."

Xiao Changge, who left Chen Zhiming's room, secretly said that I would trouble them by myself.

In the evening, Xiao Changge's Yuanshen found the location of the Wan Cave, withdrew the Yuanshen and got up and went out of the room.

Leaving the Xinghuo City, Xiao Changge rushed to the direction of the cave. He said, the one with the dagger and the one with the gun. I came prepared this time. I thought of all the ways to clean you up. Wait to cry, wow ha ha!

Because it is night, it is very dark around.

Xiao Changge went outside the cave, hid his figure, and sneaked down.

This time, Xiao Changge was careless. Looking at the guards in the distance, he did not approach but resist the spiritual power of the anti-dragon claws from afar, directly reached into their bodies, and then condensed into claws.

Several guards outside the cave were killed by him.

Xiao Changge smiled secretly. If he didn't take it seriously, his ability was actually okay.

Xiao Changge lowered his body and sneaked into the Wan cave. The defense inside was not very strict. If he did not meet anyone else on the road, it was easy to get out of the room where Fan Xinru was tied up.

Xiao Changge was more careful this time. He did not push the door in, but exerted his spiritual power outside to explore the room.

Through the spiritual feedback, Xiao Changge sensed that there should be two people lying in ** resting.

Among them, there should be the person who stabbed himself with a dagger last time.

Xiao Changge gently opened the door and tried not to make a sound.

I stepped in and found that there were two people lying in the room. It was very dark and I didn't really look at it.

Xiao Changge felt that the person sleeping on the outside of the bed was almost the person who hurt himself with a dagger and tiptoed over.

** people slept hatefully, and Xiao Changge didn't notice it.

Xiao Changge walked in and saw that the two fell asleep. The man close to him was a thin man. It was really the person who had stabbed him invisibly, and there was a woman lying on the other side, who might be his wife.

Xiao Changge slowly stepped forward, raised his hand to exhale the anti-dragon claws, and grabbed the head of the ** man.

The man slept to death and did not realize that Xiao Changge had sneaked in to attack. Xiao Changge grabbed him with one paw, and the man was caught and smashed his skull. He was killed silently.

The woman beside her was awakened by the sound beside her. She opened her eyes and saw a strange person in the room. She had sharp claws on her hand and had grabbed the head of the second master beside her. She screamed and grabbed the tea bowl on the cabinet next to her and threw it to Xiao Changge. She got up and ran to the weapon rack by the wall.

Xiao Changge pushed away the tea bowl she threw over with one hand, moved the spiritual power in her hand, directly exerted the spiritual power through the air, gathered behind her into anti-dragon claws, and grabbed her back.

As soon as the woman pulled out a sword from the weapon rack, she was grabbed by Xiao Changge with her anti-dragon claws and broke her spine on her back and fell to the ground without breath.

Xiao Changge is angry and says that he doesn't pretend and force himself to be big. If he takes it seriously, things are indeed much easier to solve.

The woman's cry woke up the mountain thief in the cave. Xiao Changge heard the sound of footsteps outside and hid sideways on the wall next to the door, intending to attack if someone came in.


Xie Zizhou is hiding in a cave at this moment, with a slanted wound on his face, and the blood stains on it have not dried up yet.

His clothes were also ragged, the wound under his chest and abdomen was still bleeding, and there was a big bruise on his neck.

At this moment, he sat on the ground and listened nervously to the movement outside the cave. I don't know if the monsters have chased after him.

At that time, Xie Zizhou broke out of the territory of those spiders and thought that he had returned to the earth and was very happy.

But soon he couldn't be happy, because he met an animal that was very similar in shape to a dog, but this animal had no fur, covered with dark red skin and red eyes.

This animal moves very quickly. Xie Zizhou was bruised all over his body for a moment of fight with them, and the reaction speed could not keep up with the attack speed of this animal at all.

Xie Zizhou fled while fighting. He finally got rid of that kind of monster. When he saw a cave here, he fled. When the monsters saw Xie Zizhou fleeing towards this cave, they did not catch up.

This makes Xie Zizhou feel very uncomfortable. Isn't there any more powerful monster living in this cave?

So he did not go deep into the cave, but planned to go outside to find the way to the nearby city after the monster left.

Xie Zizhou got up and went out to the entrance of the cave and found that the kind of monster outside saw him enter the cave and did not leave. Instead, there were more. He surrounded the entrance of the cave and seemed to attack himself while waiting for him to leave.