Super Energy Power

Chapter 80 Production Setter


In the factory area of Dahua Industry, the lights are bright.

It is also very lively outside the factory.

The three-shift work system has spawned a number of fast food stalls, which are specially sold to workers who have missed meals. The salary level of Dahua Industry is the highest in the oilfield, the consumption capacity is naturally not weak, and there are more and more fast food stalls at the door.

The shuttle bus stopped at the door for a while. Director Xiao Yang went down to buy some steamed buns and distributed them. Chen Zunian ate while thinking about something, while Liu Qiu climbed on the window to see the freshness.

Su Cheng looked at Liu Qiu and couldn't see that he had the ability to be a top student. After 20 years, this guy has the ability to stop a discussion by posting an article. As a graduate student of his life, it can be said that he will not worry about eating and drinking all his life.

Who would have thought that this guy almost couldn't even support himself now.

The shuttle bus stopped in front of the office building. Li Zong, the factory director, came to pick him up happily and said with a smile, "Or go to rest first. I didn't expect the road to be so difficult. It's nine o'clock."

"Let's visit first." Chen Zunian looked around. Under the background of the suspension of production and restructuring of state-owned enterprises in various places, Dahua Industry still insisted on production at 9:00 p.m., which itself shows its strength. He was secretly sad: If Jichai had ordered 500 high-power diesel engines last year, it might have survived to the 190 series.

Entering the workshop, the workers looked like they were attentive. Some people straighten their chests and tighten their abdomen, acting like a militia training.

Only when Su Cheng passes by will someone shout "Factory Director Su" and then bow their heads to work.

Liu Qiu looked at Su Cheng in surprise and whispered to Xiao Yang, "Is your Su factory so loved?"

"That's not true." Xiao Yang smiled secretly. If it hadn't been for the hair hanging in front of him, everyone would not have been so active.

After reading the oil extractor in the first workshop and the anti-wear system in the second workshop, Liu Qiu was surprised: "How is this level? I thought how powerful the machinery factory was. Hey. We can all produce all these things.

Su Cheng heard it. He didn't say anything.

Xiao Yang curled his lips. He said, "There is no patent. What's the use of producing it."

Chen Zunian pulled Liu Qiu, and the latter smiled and went out reluctantly. Their factory has been out of production for a year. Nowadays, it is very kind to hear the sound of the pulley turning.

After a while, I arrived at the third workshop. When I entered the door, I saw a refrigerator-like white cabinet standing on the side under the bright light. Next to it is a black and white machine made of five or six layers of steel. It's a bit like a hospital photo studio.

Liu Qiu glanced casually and suddenly said, "Is this an electric fire huā wire cutting machine? Why did you put it here?"

"Or where to put it?" Li Weixiang came to receive him, but it was strange to hear it.

"Of course, it is placed in the workshop. There is a lot of dust near the door, and the wind in and out is also easy to have an impact. This kind of equipment must be properly maintained. What Liu Qiu said was right. He touched a cabinet and said, "The domestic DK3220 coordinate CNC machine has the function of taper cutting, which is quite good."

"There is no room in it." Li Weixiang made a gesture.

Only then did Liu Qiu notice that in front of the electric fire huā cutting machine is a large horizontal machine tool.

"Good guy, how old is it?" He quickly looked at the nameplate, which turned out to be a rotary diameter of 1800mm.

Seeing this thing, Liu Qiu couldn't walk, but his eyes looked at the big head machine tool in front of him, thinking that I'm afraid this is also a good thing.

Su Cheng smiled gently. He didn't expect that such a simple thing would shock the future, Liu Qiu. He whispered, "There will be such machines in Jinan Power Factory in the future."

Liu Qiu sighed: "Is it going to cost hundreds of thousands of yuan for this bed?"

"760,000." Su Cheng's voice is clear. The company uses half of its profits to transform the three workshops, which is as much as 11 million. When the number of products delivered next year increases, the profit will increase several times.

Chen Zunian was shocked. Looking at dozens of brand-new machines in a workshop, he thought: Sucheng has spent so much money to buy equipment. Is there any money to put into Jinan Power Factory?

How much is the income from the oil well in Sucheng?

The evening visit exceeded the scheduled time, and most of the time was spent in the third workshop. Although there was no foreign exchange, the machine tools in the third workshop were all domestic, but after all, they raised the level of Shengli Machinery Factory to the late 1980s.

Compared with the 1970s equipment of Jinan Power Plant, Liu Qiu has an expression of willingness to live in it.

In the next few days, Liu Qiu pulled Li Weixiang, one machine and one machine to touch it. The third workshop was still in the debugging and trial operation stage, so Liu Qiu also took a hand and felt it in the car ** by the way. Chen Zunian is worried. He also knows technology, but more than 2,000 old and young men are waiting for dinner. How can he be as at ease as Liu Qiu?

Before coming, Chen Zunian was worried that Dahua's industrial capital was too small, and the acquisition of the power mill could not be revitaled. Now, he is worried that Dahua Industry is too strong to look down on the power engine factory. Chen Liang, Director Lin and others all saw the attitude and knew that they did not like him, so he was even more worried.

The working bell of "Ding Ling" woke up Chen Zunian.

It's another morning.

"Three shifts." Chen Zunian sat up and was stunned for a while. When he was young, it was the most glorious 1960s of the diesel engine factory. As a rare manufacturer in the country that can produce diesel engines, the production task of the power engine factory was very tight, and the workers used planers to eat... The three shifts lasted for several years, not only supplying the whole country, but also exporting foreign exchange.

Chen Zunian shook his head and felt a little guilty. Anyway, the diesel engine factory was destroyed in his hands.

After washing up, he went to the canteen of Dahua Industrial for dinner. Looking at state-owned enterprises, first of all, we should look at the canteen, the canteen with more subsidies, the canteen with more dishes, and the canteen with more meat dishes, which is the demeanor of major state-owned enterprises. As for those poorly run small factories, canteens often only provide basic food, and there are few subsidies.

After a breakfast, Chen Zunian saw seven or eight workers leaving with steamed buns, which must be for his family.

He tore a piece of his own steamed bun, chewed it, and couldn't help sighing that the steamed bun material of Dahua Industry was full and soft. In addition to the cost of flour, each steamed bun factory also subsidized 2 cents. There is not much money, but it is very affordable. Thinking about it, those workers carry fragrant steamed buns home every day to make breakfast for their wives and children. It will make your neighbors envious.

As a manager, Chen Zunian couldn't help thinking about it again. Dahua Industry's overtime pay for night shifts is already high. Coupled with such benefits, workers must be more willing to work late at night. The most difficult scheduling work in the workshop must be much easier. With simplified management, workshop directors and team leaders can devote their energy to the supervision of the production process. Production efficiency will also be improved.

The various policies of Dahua Industry seem to be designed to improve production efficiency.

Chen Zunian shook his head gently. I thought: Although the policy is good, it can't be learned by other factories. How many of today's state-owned enterprises can get orders running at full capacity? I heard that township enterprises are good. But with their management ability. If you want to catch up with state-owned enterprises, you will be afraid for a few years. The third shift not only examines the management ability, but also examines the discipline and self-discipline ability of workers. If the workers on the evening shift go home and don't sleep well, they just focus on shopping. I will definitely doze off during working hours, and the fourth-level worker will become a second-level worker. The waste rate is high, not to mention that it is troublesome when there is danger.

"Factory Director Chen." Director Xiao Yang trotted over and informed, "We, Dahua Industry, have an employee commendation conference today. You are invited to attend."

"Oh, okay, is it a standard judge?" Chen Zunian is very familiar with the process of state-owned enterprises.

"Yes, the selection of production pacesetters is basically attended by all staff, and only the most basic caregivers are reserved."

This means that the production line is non-stop. Chen Zunian said secretly: How many orders do they have to be so busy?

Xiao Yang asked Liu Qiu's position again and ran away in a hurry.

Chen Zunian was full of breakfast and just strolled around the factory. After a while, he heard the tweeter talking about the employee commendation meeting.

At this time, he noticed that after the shift change of time, there were no people hanging out in the factory of Dahua Industry, and even a group of thick-backed women did not sit and chat, but hurriedly posted slogans to supervise the flow of people in various workshops.

"The management is a little too strict." Chen Zunian thought to think: With these old women, it is not easy to be thorny in the factory.

After the lunch break, Chen Zunian found Liu Qiu, and the two entered the auditorium of Dahua Industry in advance. With their workshop and canteen, the auditorium is really simple. The workers had to stand densely to barely stuff more than a thousand people.

The surrounding air was dirty, which made Chen Zunian miss the auditorium of Jichai, which was a large auditorium built in the late 1960s. The leaders thought that the factory would soon expand from 5,000 to 15,000.

Who would have thought that more than ten years later, there were only 2,500 people left in Jichai, which made the auditorium more magnificent.

Li Zongxi's speech was extremely short, and Su Cheng was just a dozen words. The deputy factory director behind was less than the other, and the interval was very short. Only when Huo Chang said, "We got the order for 2,000 sets of anti-wear systems in Zhongyuan Oilfield and 5,000 sets of anti-wear systems in Liaohe Oilfield" There was a long period of warm applause.

In a moment, the commendation conference officially began.

Reading the list of personnel, putting forward the reasons for commendation, awarding awards to the commendation personnel, etc. are all decades of old routines, not only Liu Qiu, but also Chen Zunian is drowsy.

Liu Qiu couldn't help saying, "It's a waste of time, and I don't know what their workers are doing."

"It's always an honor." Chen Zunian maintained a sentence, and even he didn't believe it. More than a thousand workers around him were really a little too excited.

Liu Qiu also said, "When we pay more than half of the bonus, everyone won't be like this."

Chen Zunian was nodding his head, and the prizes on the stage appeared.

A brand-new suit, single-breasted, collar and shoulder ironing are very beautiful, and it looks very high-end at a glance. Su Cheng held the wide wooden clothes rack and handed it to the first worker. Liu Qiu was immediately shocked: "What's the prize coat?"

The worker in front of him was tired of hearing it and said disdainfully, "What kind of coat, woolen suit!"

Now, Chen Zunian also moved uneasily twice and said, "What about a wool suit for the first prize? Isn't it going to be awarded three or four coats in the back?

The worker curled his lips and said, "Each workshop has 20 people in a tweed suit. In the future, there will be a big prize every six months and a small prize every month."

"40 woolen suits? You have a factory!"

"60 pieces." Another worker turned his head and said seriously, "Our third workshop is not a waste of rice."

It's so rich!

Chen Zunian and Liu Qiu looked at each other and couldn't speak again.

The commendation meeting soon ended, and Chen Zunian whispered, "I'm going to go to Beijing, and I'll leave tomorrow. If the ministry doesn't let us change the system, I won't serve you."
