Super Energy Power

Chapter 84 Direct Supply Products

Su Cheng walked to Professor Huang, gently pulled the telegram back, slowly put it back into the envelope, and said, "Professor Huang, you have been in the domestic oil industry for many years. Have you ever heard that Halliburton only buys patents from domestic companies and not equipment?"

Professor Huang forced a smile.

"Have you ever heard that Halliburton buys cheap machinery from domestic oil companies?"

Professor Huang's smile is worse than crying.

"Our double donkey head pumping machine was sold for 1.29 million US dollars based on a set of drawings. Halliburton bought it and could not produce more. It can only produce 1,000 sets, Professor Huang... What do you think of this technical level? Can it reach the advanced level in China? Su Cheng looked harmless to people and animals. He caught a good card, but he didn't let go again.

The two professors of Sun Wang looked at Professor Huang sympathetically and said secretly: It's true that Halliburton bought their patents. Fortunately, I didn't say anything. Forget it. I covered my head and ate vegetables.

So, they ate the banquet attentively as if they hadn't heard anyone else. Now is the time to make "missiles are not as good as selling tea eggs", and only during the year-end award period can professors eat something good.

Professor Huang's half-day period was finally defeated by Su Cheng's stern eyes and said, "It can reach the advanced level in China."

Su Cheng sighed, but said, "When you don't reach it, you don't look at our design, and when you reach it, you don't look at our design..."

Professor Huang was so angry that he almost burst into tears: I'm soft, what are you going to do?

Su Cheng looked at the two professors of Sun Wang and asked, "What do you two think?"

Professor Sun wiped his mouth and said calmly, "Since the patent can be sold to Halliburton, it shows that it is at least a world-class design, and there is no problem with being advanced in China."

He was embarrassed to say it. There are more experts in Halliburton than theirs.

Professor Wang also said with a smile, "It seems to be a rare excellent design in China."

Being a scholar is different from being an official. Turn black and white upside down to a certain degree. After all, there are [true] data and experiments that can be proved. In the domestic academic world, it is inevitable and inevitable to worship foreign countries. In the era of translating a foreign paper and redoing a foreign experiment can be published in a journal. Dahua Industrial's patent has been sold to the world's largest petroleum technology service provider, and the meaning of this can't be clearer.

If Professor Huang is a dead duck, his mouth is hard. Now it's a pleasure. When people go out to publicize it, they will definitely become dead ducks. Don't even think about the dream of a top student. It doesn't matter to the two of them. They didn't comment on the design of Dahua Industry before, and now it's not a shame to say anything.

After being confirmed by the three professors, Su Cheng smiled faintly, put the envelope into his coat pocket, and said with a smile, "If there is nothing wrong, I'll go back first. Director Xu, thank you.

Xiao Pang shakes his buttocks. He passed by Xu Fuyou and snorted heavily.

Xu Fuyou was unconscious, and his head was full of "Thank you, Director Xu!" There is no doubt that because his three professors "help" naturally agree in the expert group, there is no doubt that Dahua Industry won one or two "Scientific Achievement Awards". In the time of showing off the immortals, he really saved people time and energy.

Professor Huang said "Alas" and drank a suffocating wine.

Professor Wang laughed secretly, ate two bites of vegetables, and got up and said, "Skier Xu, if there's nothing to do, I'll go first."

"Let's go, let's go." Xu Fuyou has nothing to say.

Professor Huang was in a bad mood. With the strength of the wine, he squinted and said, "Lao Wang, you are not a man. I asked you to help. Look at what you have done."

"I didn't take the money again." Professor Wang was not happy. He hummed twice and said disdainfully, "I'm here to sit with you, the clay Bodhisattva, but the river."

Professor Sun shared the same hatred, chewed the fragrant back-cooked meat, and said with a smile, "Lao Huang, after walking at night, you will finally meet ghosts. I think you'd better think about your own business."

Intellectuals are timid. He and Professor Wang never dare to take other people's money. At most, they eat and take some. Professor Huang is a bold master, and he usually taunts a few people like them. Now that they have fallen into the pit, the two of them can't help gloating.

After saying a few words, Wang and Sun left. Leaving Professor Huang and drinking one after another, Xu Fuyou was also angry.

"Lao Huang, let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"Go home." Xu Fuyou and Lao Huang are very familiar with each other. They have been alcoholic friends for several years. In the past few years, he has done all the awards and other things through Professor Huang.

It's easy to get drunk after drinking. Old Huang smiled and said, "There's no place to go back. Alas, it's almost time to go back to my hometown." Don't talk nonsense." Xu Fuyou still expects him to help him contact the academic community. In a professional ministry like the Ministry of Petroleum, if there are few experts and professors who can speak, it is difficult to speak loudly.

But Lao Huang's face was full of decadence. He smiled stupidly and only shook his head and said, "It's a shame today... I've lost my face..."

Watching him stagger away, Xu Fuyou was angry and anxious, and there was nothing he could do.


Sioux City returned to the hotel and dialed Dahua Industry with an external line. When he arrived at the phone number left by Halliburton, he dialed it again and transferred it layer by layer before it was connected.

Turn on the hands-free phone and make a "du..." sound, and a foreigner's "hello" came from it.

Factory Director Huo and Qin Yun held their breath and stared, lying on both sides of the phone.

Su Cheng hesitated for a moment before he said in English, "I'm Su Cheng, the deputy director of [Zhongzhong] Guodahua Industrial Co., Ltd. I received your telegram and wanted to buy a new batch of patents for double donkey head oil harvesters."

"Please wait a moment, I'll transfer it to you." The other party covered the phone, and after a while, there was a "du-du" sound on the phone again.

Director Huo stared and said, "Is he dead?"

"It's just a transfer." Su Cheng just explained, and there was another voice on the phone.

The other party was much more pleased this time and shouted, "Mr. Su, are you Mr. Su Cheng?"


"I'm Jensen, who replaces Farrell, on behalf of Halliburton Company. I hope to buy you another patent for 1,000 sets of double donkey head oil harvesters."

Qin Yun translated Chinese with pen and paper and showed it to Director Huo. The latter was overjoyed.

Su Cheng said "Oh", but asked, "Where is Farrell?"

Naturally, Jason didn't know that Farrell had offended them. He smiled apologetically and said, "He did it for some reason. I submitted my resignation to the company.

Halliburton is the best company in the industry and resigns in this economic environment. It's a bit like that idiot.

Su Cheng thought without sympathy. He smiled and said, "There is no problem with the patent authorization of 1,000 sets of oil extractor. In terms of price, it used to be $1,299, so how about reducing it to $1,290?

"In this regard. I just want to talk to you. Because it is the second time to buy a patent, our company hopes to have a lower purchase price. For example, less than $500."

"Are you under a lot of financial pressure?"

"Of course not."

"In this case, it will be difficult for us to reduce it by half at once."

"Mr. Su, please be sure to consider it. The company gave me strict restrictions. You know, we are a technical service company, and the high cost will make customers dissatisfied..."

"Maybe I can provide another solution." When Su Cheng was on the phone, he had an idea. He calmly suggested, "We can produce a thousand sets of double donkey head oil harvesters for you, each of which has a CIF price of $3,499. In this way, you can save a certain amount of money. We can't lose too much profit.

"That is to say, do you provide our products directly?"

"Yes." Su Cheng couldn't help laughing when he remembered what he said to Professor Huang. It is true that there are few companies in China that only sell patents but not equipment, because the human cost and manufacturing cost in China are so low that they are basically willing to work as long as they give US dollars. Companies that are willing to pay patent fees are willing to pay for equipment.

Jason said "wait a minute" and began to flip through the information.

After a while, he bargained again: "If it can be reduced to less than $3,000, buy it according to 1,000 sets."

"$2,990." Sucheng did not hesitate to reduce the price. The effect of 1,000 US dollars is larger than 10,000 yuan. 1,000 oil production engines, 1,000 US dollars more, which is 1 million US dollars more, which is exactly the shameless price of Du Lijun of Jinshi General Factory on that day.

What's more, if you can't sell the equipment, the other party insists on buying a patent for less than $500, and he said he had to agree. In this way, he earned an extra $2,500.

Of course, Halliburton is not at a loss. Jason was very happy that the cost of a set of oil production equipment was reduced by $2,000, so he laughed and said, "Well, let's calculate the CIF price of $2,990, but it's a pity that the production line shutdown will cause some losses."

When Director Huo saw the numbers translated by Qin Yun on the paper, he was happy to wander around the room like an orangutan.

Su Cheng said with a smile, "Actually, you don't have to buy your own production line for production. If we work as a OEM, you will save a lot of money."

"That's right. Farrell is a fool, which has caused huge losses to the company. Jason scolded and said, "Actually, we are ready to put the production line in Mumbai. Since China can offer a lower price, this plan will be temporarily cancelled."

"We can continue to provide products at this price, and you can rest assured." Su Cheng said, but thought: Farrell wanted to make huge profits in those years. If I hadn't registered the patent in advance, two or three million dollars would have been cheated, and a set of patents would have been attached. However, it was also his fault for his lack of patience and did not wait for the results of the patent inspection.

After a few words, Jason said again: "Regarding the purchase of a thousand sets of oil extractor, although it has been decided, can you attend the signing ceremony? Halliburton Company is going to establish its first branch in [China], tentatively on December 15, in [China] The signing ceremony and press conference were held in Beijing..."

"Of course there is no problem, congratulations. It's really dedicated to be busy 10 days before Christmas.

"Harry Burton has branches in more than 80 countries and regions around the world, and our employees are used to Christmas abroad." Jason smiled and said, "I'm leaving soon. I will ask the embassy to send you an invitation first."

Su Cheng put down the phone with emotion.

After him, Director Huo has begun to hum: a chicken in the left hand and a duck in the right hand...