Super Energy Power

Chapter 228 Outbreak

Su Xing can be said to be the second generation of officials who have received practical benefits from the first generation of [China]. In the group before him, many people failed to survive the cruel [luck] movement.

Although there is a lingering fear in his heart, Su Xing has never fallen behind in the process of using power. He looked at Su Cheng contemptuously and thought: Even if the old man likes you, it's useless. After today's events are over, Dad will also make up his mind to get rid of your scourge.

Su Xing wanted to attack Su Cheng from beginning to end, but because he could only indirectly get the help of Su Dongyuan, his own strength was not good, so he was actually in a passive state. For example, this time, Su Dongyuan is actually helping Su Xing get out of the quagmire of illegal loans, rather than attacking Sucheng. Unlike before, because it involves the triangular debt that the Yang is concerned about, and under the eyes of the research group of the Sports Reform Commission, Su Dongyuan must also make every effort to help his son Su Xing in the case of leaving aside himself. It can be said that this time, Su Dongyuan also saw the energy of Su Xing.

However, it is precisely because of Su Dongyuan's efforts to save Su Xing this time that Su Xing saw hope. Su Xing estimated that as long as he went home to cry to his mother again, he would be able to strengthen his father Su Dongyuan's idea and try his best to suppress Su Cheng and his Dahua Industry.

Concentrating political resources is the foundation of a family's prosperity. Su Xing thinks privately that as long as his father Su Dongyuan can strengthen his confidence, even if his grandfather Su Zhenguo looks at Su City again, he will still support himself in the end.

A series of ideas poured in, making Su Xing hot all over. Even the cold in the morning could not dispel his thoughts.

Qi Meng raised his head at this time.

Su Xing smiled smartly and said, "Mr. Qi, take my car?"

"I can't, I'll stay for a while." Qi Meng has a smile on her face, but her smile is cold.

Su Xing was stunned and said for a long time, "Don't you believe me?"

"There is nothing to believe or not. I don't want to rest yet. In addition, Su Dong and I have something to say. Go and have a rest by yourself. Qi Meng clearly chose Su Cheng.

This choice is not easy. It can be said that it was Fang Sen's defection that prompted Qi Meng to make this choice. That box of documents. It is enough to make him invincible.

Everyone's choice is the judgment of the future under the current situation. Fang Sen did not know the existence of Su Cheng, thinking that he could hold the secret of Su Xing's participation and please both sides. Su Xing didn't know Fang Sen's choice, thinking that Su Dongyuan's power could make him comply. Qi Meng saw their weakness, and the biggest risk of defeating Du Li's army was just to offend Su Dongyuan, which was not difficult for him.

In the Sports Reform Commission, no one can offend a few leaders.

Su Xing is unknown. It is seen that Qi Meng has made a decision. He looked at Su Cheng in shock and fear, staggered back to his car, and stepped on the accelerator to the end. Just go out.

He wants to call for help.

Su Cheng was also surprised and sweated all over his body and said, "Thank you, Director Qi."

"We are friends, don't talk about this." Qi Meng stopped him. He asked softly, "Does Su Xing have anything to do with this matter?"

"Yes, he helped Duley get the loan. He admitted it himself.

"I solved a mystery in my heart. I said, Du Lijun can get a loan of 100 million yuan in such a short time. What did he do earlier? Qi Meng also had an exquisite heart, and when he turned around, he realized that this was the way for Jinshi General Factory to prevent the acquisition of Dahua Industry.

Su Cheng looked at Qi Meng's desire to speak and stop again. He moved his mind and said, "Su Dongyuan may want to help Su Xing get rid of the crime, but. Su Dongyuan did not interfere in the loan matter. It was Su Xing who went under his guise.

This is not Su Cheng's help Su Dongyuan cover up, but to strengthen Qi Meng's confidence. At his level, it is impossible to bring down Su Dongyuan. On the contrary, if Su Dongyuan is not directly involved, he can let go of his hands and feet.

Qi Meng really showed a look of understanding. He said, "When they collect the evidence, I will report it to the above. What do you think?"

"Dullian must know the inside story of the loan. It would be best if he could touch a melon along the vine." This is to implicate Su Xing and even the banking system.

This 100 million yuan loan. It has not yet affected Sucheng, but it has almost destroyed the Jinshi General Factory. In the way of Du Lijun and Su Xing's Huā money. As soon as the loan time comes, the financial bankruptcy of Jinshi General Factory will definitely fall.

Su Xing made such a large amount of money just to prevent Su Cheng from acquiring the Jinshi General Factory, and completely ignored the survival of 20,000 workers. This kind of "madness" deserves to be punished.

In addition to understanding, Qi Meng reminded, "If you can't beat the snake, it's easy to be bitten back."

"As long as we follow the procedures and abide by the law, he can't bite us." Su Cheng's tone gradually relaxed and said, "Although the accounting data has been burned, we can use the name of restoring records to require factories all over the country to provide the exchange information of the Jinshi General Factory. In addition, the information left in various departments should be collected, especially those involved in debt, which cannot be let go. The research team can build another clearing group to sort out the debts of the Jinshi General Factory, so as not to pay more money or pay less money. In this process, all their internal problems can be found out. These are all the foundations. When they are ready, they will be immediately made into an iron case through Du Lijun and the bank manager to catch the mastermind and interest group behind the scenes.

Qi Meng seems to have seen Su Cheng, the fighter who was talking in the conference hall of the Sports Reform Commission. At this time, he did not hide anything and told Su Cheng about Fang Sen and his data box.

At this time, Fang Sen had long curled up in Qi Meng's trunk and fell asleep.

It's almost time to go to work.

The workers who had just arrived at the factory were curious to inquire about the fire. Except for a few people, most workers only regard it as an interesting thing and do not understand how it will affect their lives.

A few days after the firefighting and ** left, the research team of the Sports Reform Commission also withdrew from the Jinshi General Factory and went to other factories to continue to find out the triangular debt.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and the Procuratorate began to visit the Jinshi General Factory frequently.

From the late 1980s to the early 1990s, the factory director's responsibility system also came to the era of garbage. Due to the very little supervision from the superiors and the absolute state of silence, the backing of the mountain has begun to gradually evolve into a backing up the mountain. It can be said that 100 managers of state-owned enterprises are eliminated, but all those with real power are eliminated. Nine out of 10 will not be wrong, and the remaining one is a wooden head.

When a large state-owned enterprise such as Jinshi General Factory is booming, the superiors will pay more attention, the benefits of the enterprise itself will be more, and the manager will also have a promotion and career ambition.

But. When the popularity of the enterprise is no longer and it is going downhill, the attention of the superiors is less, and the exchange of enterprise managers is also less. Not only is there no rush, but also the medical expenses of the elderly are difficult to reimburse, the work of newly adult children cannot be solved, and the family income is also reduced. Even if Du Lijun himself is not greedy. His managers can't be clean either.

In just two weeks, Jinshi General Factory took away nearly 50 middle and high-level cadres, and the whole factory was panicked. The resistance of the imprisoned Du Li army is also getting weaker and weaker.

Su Xing didn't understand the state-owned enterprises. He thought that if the loan procedures were clean, he could rest assured. He thought that if the accounting records were burned, he could sacrifice Du Lijun to protect himself. He thought that Du Lijun would count on Su Dongyuan to save him... What he didn't know was that in addition to loans, Du Lijun's trouble was still indispensable.

In the Jinshi General Factory, once Du Lijun falls, the problems of his seven aunts and eight aunts will also emerge. What needs to be saved is not only a Dooli army, but a Dooli army family.

November 12th.

Dulli Army finally let go. He spit out Su Xing and the bank manager. The Discipline Inspection Commission [Xingxing] was so hard that it couldn't wait to beat the gongs and drums to take Su Xing back. It was almost like robbing his daughter-in-law and snatched him out of the Propaganda Department.

No matter what kind of idea it is, it is a very important achievement and bargaining chip for the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Su Cheng no longer cares about the fate of Su Xing, after nearly a month. Some of the dismantled drilling platform parts of Saudi National Petroleum Company have been shipped from the port of Jeddah. Although they are damaged parts, they still cause a scramble in Dahua Laboratory.

This is a pure American-style marine drilling platform, which is different from the products of Norwegian and German shipyards obtained by Dahua Industry. The precision is reduced, and the cost performance is higher. The technical content is not weak at all.

In Saudi Arabia, the staff of Dahua Industry could only carry out simple disassembly activities. In addition to small parts such as flaw detectors, it was difficult to carry out detailed equipment analysis. It's different to ship back to China. In just a few days, these mud pumps, cranes, winches, logging instruments, drill pipes, drilling rigs and pipes marked as "waste products" under all the experimental equipment of Dahua Laboratory.

In addition to individual equipment, through the film, text materials, and some parts taken, Dahua Ocean Institute also learned about the disposal of the American company's plan. Yao Zefan, the equipment manager from the three oil production institute, is happy that he doesn't want to go home to sleep. Every day in the office, he sleeps full of oil tree treatment technology, drilling pipe column rise and sinking [transportation] dynamic compensation technology, underwater appliance design and BOP control technology, high and low pressure mud system equipment configuration and mud storage Under the instructions of the distribution technology and other technical solutions, until the strong wife at home finds Dahua Laboratory. Barbele's fastest update - Barbele updated Yao Zefan is also a 50-year-old man. He shouts "to catch up with the lost time" every day, so he takes the trouble to explain to his wife: "Our technology and Saudi technology are two systems, patent restrictions, now study it well. After all, maybe it can be used on Hua 107, that's awesome. Can you let me stay in the office for another day?

"That's what you said when I called you yesterday. I called you the day before yesterday, and you still said so. No, you have to go home today!" The tough wife couldn't do it. She crossed her waist and said, "If you don't go back, I'll go back to my mother's house."

"We just went back to sweep the tomb last year, do you remember? You want to live in the cemetery. Yao Zefan reached out and touched his wife's forehead.

"Living in the cemetery is also more lively than staying at home." The tough wife shouted, "Look at your former colleagues in the research institute. It's great to get off work on time and go to work on time every day."

"It's too late for me to envy them. The research institute of the oilfield wastes time. It takes a year to do an experiment. It can do nothing. Yao Zefan hated wasting time the most, so he was the first senior state-owned enterprise to give up his identity and enter Dahua Laboratory. He saw that many people came out to watch the fun, and whispered, "Isn't our family far away? It's a waste of time again and again. I'll stay for two more nights, okay?

Su Cheng heard it interestingly and whispered a few words to Yang Ming.

Director Yang went up to persuade him and said, "Our house has been built, and we will divide the house before the New Year, and we will live nearby by then. Lao Yao, go back and rest for one night first, and I'll be busy tomorrow..."

At least, he sent people away. Su Cheng turned around, but saw Hou Haiqing.

"Why is the director here?" Su Cheng was not surprised.

Hou Haiqing's face was very ugly and said, "Su Xing was double-opened."

Shuangkai is the expulsion of public office and the expulsion of the party. It is a precursor to criminal crimes and an important punishment second only to criminal crimes, which means the end of the political life of the Chinese people. Needless to say, the problem of Jinshi General Factory not only did not cover up, but also broke out.

Su Cheng said "Oh" and asked, "What's the use of looking for me?"

"Su [Book] I want to see you."