Super Energy Power

Chapter 229 My Yangguan Road

This is Su Dongyuan's second time to "song" Su Cheng.

When Su Cheng graduated from school for the first time, Su Dongyuan was dissatisfied with Su Cheng's choice. This time, of course, it was because of Su Xing. No matter which time, Su Dongyuan did not come in person, but the person who informed him was changed from the secretary to his son-in-law.

Su Cheng looked at Hou Haiqing with incomprehensible eyes and said, "I don't want to see Su Dongyuan."

"Anyway, it's your father." Hou Haiqing peeked at Su Cheng. Seeing that he was not angry, he said in a comforting tone, "The friction between you and Su Xing, we don't care who is right and who is wrong. Now let's see, you win. It's not bad for you to meet Secretary Su.

Su Cheng smiled and said, "But it's not good, is it?"

He won't really be angry because of Su Dongyuan. After all, as a crossing of the city of Sioux, there is no need to inherit everything, such as this bad and biased father, or the equally bad and biased brother.

Hou Haiqing had no way to know about Sucheng's psychological activities. He thought that Sucheng was still in some kind of anger, so he said, "Anyway, it's still a family. Secretary Su may not be happy, but the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh. Let's meet.

Su Cheng put away his smile and said firmly, "I don't need to see him. Just go your own way."

"Alas, Su Xing was double-opened, and he may have to go to prison. He definitely can't do it in politics. Whether he can do business in the future is also two different. But you are different. You are a graduate of Peking University, a cadre, and you have achieved the level of science in Shengli Oilfield, right? Shengli Oilfield is now the Shengli Oilfield Administration, with a proper administrative establishment. Moreover, you are still an independent director of China National Petroleum Corporation. At that time, we will find a way to operate it, and maybe we can create a deputy manager position. Hou Haiqing changed his angle.

Su Cheng still smiled and said, "I'm not interested in politics."

"Although Secretary Su has three children, Su Zhen is a girl. It is you and Su Xing who can carry the beam. Now Su Xing is no more in politics. Wouldn't it be a pity if you didn't work in politics? As the son-in-law of the Su family, Hou Haiqing is really optimistic about Sucheng. He said hard, "Mr. Su only has Secretary Su's son, so you are now the only grandson of Mr. Su who can be in politics. If you can kill from Shengli Oilfield on your own and get the Arabian oilfield, then you should know that it's a pity to give up such a good condition.

Su Cheng shook his head firmly. He said, "If you want to choose an official career. I won't go to Shengli Oilfield.

"You may have made a choice back then, but why don't you make a choice now?" Hou Haiqing didn't give up and said, "You are also the chairman now. The management work you do is the same as an official. I want to say that your work may be more difficult. Since they are all management, why don't you become a senior official? Minister of Energy. Or the senior position of the State Council, I think it is more suitable for you and can play your role.

Su Cheng smiled and turned around and said, "Being business and doing administration are two concepts. Now that we are here, you can see what we are doing."

He brought Hou Haiqing into the factory.

Dahua Laboratory occupies a quarter of the area of Jinan Power Plant, that is, 1,000 mu of land. Here, except for four staggered small laboratories. There is also a newly built large-scale experimental building and two side-in-side factories.

The drilling platform equipment shipped by sea belongs to medium and large-scale equipment, so most of it is displayed in the factory and used as a warehouse. When it is time to do the experiment, separate parts will be sent to the experimental building, and there is a small track leading to the ground floor elevator between the two. Very convenient.

When the two walked into the factory, they could see the empty hall, various laboratories and offices separated by glass and frosted glass, including those "waste" equipment and theoretical research full of blackboards.

Su Cheng pointed to Yao Zefan's laboratory and said, "This is what we do. Whether it is the Ministry of Energy or the State Council. I will never do it."

"Factory and manufacturing?"

"Heavy industry. Accurate to what is done in this factory, we are making the land. A marine drilling platform is worth more than 1 square kilometer of land. If we have 1,000 offshore oil drilling platforms, we will build another Hong Kong.

"Even if you are in politics, it will not affect your land."

"Maybe. However, there are two kinds of people who think about politics and people who think about industry. Politics should be leapfrog and industry should be continuous. Politicists can't do industry well. They can at most take advantage of the benefits of industrial progress. There is a reason why Su Cheng said this. China has actually caught up with the first wave of offshore drilling platforms. In 1973, in view of the international situation at that time, in order to safeguard the country's maritime oil and gas sovereignty, the country urgently needed a number of offshore drilling platforms that could exploit oil and gas resources in deep waters and harsh sea conditions. China's first drilling platforms were born at that time.

Moreover, after 11 years of hard work, by July 1984, the 708 Research Institute, the Shanghai Shipyard and the Marine Geological Survey Bureau of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources jointly designed, and the Shanghai Shipyard built China's first semi-submersible oil drilling platform " Exploration No. 3" and officially delivered it for use. It has reached the level of second-generation drilling platforms.

However, this is the only self-built offshore semi-submersible drilling platform in China. Since 1984, China has not built another offshore drilling platform for 20 years. The 11 years of hard work of the three departments is actually in vain.

Modern people understand that in industrial production, the cost of design and experiment is the highest, and the manufacturing cost is much lower than that of the two. The more the same product is produced, the more design and experimental costs can be leveled.

If only one offshore drilling platform is built, it can be said that it has no value except for political significance. It costs ten or twenty times more money than buying a offshore drilling platform, and it wastes the time and energy of researchers.

It can be said that the engineers and researchers who participated in the "exploration No. 3" drilling platform on that day only wasted 11 years of spring and autumn.

Twenty years later, China once again restarted the offshore drilling platform mission due to the dispute over oil and gas fields in the South China Sea. This time it is already the sixth generation of offshore drilling platforms. The technical difficulty of the four-generation drilling platform is equivalent to re-swilighting. The previous experience and accumulation are completely useless. If the designer of that year has not retired, the experience from "Expoting No. 3" will not be much more than that of the newly graduated students.

It is difficult for Sucheng to estimate the cost of the sixth-generation offshore drilling platform, and it is not known whether there will be a second-generation sixth-generation offshore drilling platform. But the impulsiveness of politics completely offsets the benefits of industrial progress. In fact, it is still counterproductive.

In such a high-risk and high-investment project as a offshore drilling platform, Sucheng can't see any sign of political success.

Therefore, he is convinced of the assertion of political use of industry. This surprised Hou Haiqing's slight dew.

The traditional tradition in China has always been political correct, which can create industrial miracles. In other words, politics has laid the industrial foundation. Hou Haiqing has never considered in the opposite direction.

Only those who are really in the wave of industry know that industrial progress does not care about your political philosophy, and it is only eliminated.

Politics that cannot adapt to industrial production will be eliminated.

Considering Su Cheng's tone, Hou Haiqing hesitated and said, "It seems that you have made up your mind?"


"This is a great opportunity."

Su Cheng shook his head and said, "I'll take my Yangguan Road. He will take his single-plank bridge."

"Then I'll go back. In addition, I heard that you refuse to pick up the goods and defer the payment? This is going to offend people." Hou Haiqing is purely concerned.

Su Cheng smiled and said, "It's better than they don't pay the money."

"Just pay attention to yourself."

"Director Yang will send you out." Su Cheng stood at the door, watched Yang Ming take Hou Haiqing into the car, and then went straight back to the factory.

These dismantled wastes are very important. For foreign companies, they have many ways to communicate. Chinese companies have no conditions, so they can only "exchange" through maintenance.

The enterprises that will design and manufacture the sixth generation of offshore drilling platforms in the future will be completed by the former maintenance factory. The path of imitation in post-developed countries probably started in this way. Directly viewing the complete set of devices is completely different from the equipment information read through books and materials.

Although Sucheng can stay in the office, sign, eat some steak, and be a management. But in the late 1980s, the management could not manage the factory well. Even the factory director of the factory could not sit in the office every day, especially the problems he wanted to deal with.

As usual, Su Cheng and the researchers threw themselves on these "waste".

China, which has fallen into lockdown again, will only get waste products in the next few years. The intact products can be transported to the deserts of Saudi Arabia and glaciers to the Antarctic, but they cannot pass through the South China Sea, which is helpless.

However, for the fledgling marine equipment, the value of waste is enough.

Hua No. 107 offshore drilling platform is being renovated and built at the same time. At a visible speed, the manufacturing of the sinking mat, column and platform deck was completed, and then sent to the port of Zhongyuan Shipping respectively. The platform deck was adjusted to the column in sections with a large floating crane for high-altitude closing. The speed of completion was more than twice as fast as what Su Cheng said at the press conference.

Of course, the supply speed of COSCO shipping suppliers is more than doubled, and the same is true for the supplier's suppliers to consume materials.

Dahua Industry paid funds to COSCO Shipping on time, but COSCO Shipping adopted the longest method adopted by state-owned enterprises at this time, defaulting on the payment.

The capital chain of the whole line is quietly tight.


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