Super Energy Power

Chapter 251 Assessment

Feng Wei and Zhao Yong got on the same train, the same bus, and arrived at the Dahua Training Base in Pudong at the same time.

Looking at it, it's desolate. The land, which has not yet been leveled, not only has undulating soil bags and groves, but also ponds composed of some streams in the middle, and a slightly larger river Yang River, which smells bad.

The main door is not bad, with ceramic tiles and red flags, and red and yellow banners of "Welcome to Dahua" are floating. In the wall of the not-high factory, there are two rows of low bungalows, and one row of tin houses, which are also painted in red and yellow.

Feng Wei took out the envelope sent by Dahua to invite him to the exam, and the skin was still red and yellow. At this time, he noticed that he doubtfully handed it to Dahua at the door and asked, "Do you like red and yellow so much?"

"This is an enterprise CI, which is a corporate image recognition system." Those who were selected as the first batch of receptionists were all good-tempered and wanted to answer his questions while opening the envelope to check the person's name.

Feng Wei said "Oh" and asked again, "What's the use of this corporate image... CI?"

The receptionist listened to his letters accurately and raised his head. This year's diploma is a treasure. If you know English, you can get a diploma. If you have a diploma, you can transfer a job. There is no problem for primary school students in later generations to read the English alphabet, but it is quite difficult for young people in the late 1980s.

He didn't ask much. He pulled up his clothes and motioned, "The corporate image recognition system allows customers and consumers to think of Dahua as soon as they see our colors or icons. You see, the red Beijing and the yellow sun are the standard colors of our company. This bright red and yellow color represents Dahua Industrial Group.

"Other companies also use red and yellow?" Feng Wei looked curious.

Zhao Yong, who was next to

, had long been defeated by the desolation. He felt that it was nothing more than that in Shanghai. Pudong was not as good as the Red Star Factory. He snorted reluctantly and handed over his letter through Feng Wei.

The receptionist then continued to go through the formalities and said, "We have a design patent. If it's light color, just think they are advertising us.

Of course, CI is not so simple, but it is really rare. Moreover, its effect is very good. It was proposed in the United States in the 1960s, and it was a great success in the 1970s. In the late 1980s, the Helios Group became famous for its CI system. 〖 China University of China began to engage in corporate image recognition. The CI system is also the earliest popular modern enterprise concept in China. Clean and neat effect. It is the primary factor for entrepreneurs to choose it.

I heard so many interesting things at the gate, and Feng Wei was full of expectations for Dahua Petrochemical Company. Zhao Yong, who came with him, is different. He doesn't know anything about CI. He doesn't know what image recognition and design patents are. He just wants to find a high-paying job. It's better not to take the exam. Therefore, he was obviously restless. When he walked on the road, he kicked randomly from time to time, splashing countless sand and stones.

Only the first half of the road is cement, and there is only a roadbed behind it, but whether it is front or back, the road is full of gravel and dust.

Feng Wei persuaded, but he didn't bother to persuade again. He looked at the serial number on the report letter. I found a room and moved in. In addition to letting some people know the difficulties and retreating from the exam in the newspaper, it is also to agree on the real examination time. No construction company has the ability to build a house that can accommodate thousands of people in just a month or two. Therefore, the time for reporting and exams has been specially opened. Feng Wei and Zhao Yong are the first to be. They will stay here for two days, succeed in applying for the job, and return home if they fail.

I rested randomly all night. The next morning, I heard the sound of disturbing people's dreams. Someone outside shouted: "Free breakfast is coming to eat. If you don't come in half an hour, it will be gone. Free breakfast..."

Zhao Yong kicked the quilt away. Happy: "At the end, there is no total loss."

Feng Wei looked at the electronic table, and it was only 6:30.

Zhao Yong said happily, "Don't you get up yet? The barren mountains can't buy food. After breakfast, maybe there will be lunch sometime.

"I think you like it for free."

"Isn't it good to be free? You didn't pay for it." Zhao Yong hummed twice, put on half of his sleeves and thought, "Do you think Dahua's breakfast has always been free?"

"A breakfast is only a few cents. What's the impact of free or not?" Feng Wei didn't like the way Zhao Yong drove a motorcycle, let alone the way he saved money. He said disdainfully, "The salary of Dahua Industry has reached 300 yuan. If you really go in, you can't afford breakfast."

"That's different. Breakfast is free, which means other benefits are good, such as cheap lunch and cheap dinner. Didn't you read the newspaper in Shanghai? The per capita living area is less than 2 square meters. When people lie down and sleep, they have to be 2 square meters. How do you think they live? If Dahua's welfare is not good, will we live in a dormitory for a lifetime? I can't get married yet." Zhao Yong bought a motorcycle to get married, but he used the motorcycle to catch up with the girl, and the woman's parents were idle and prodigal, which delayed. This made him have a knot, so he thinks about getting married first. He came to Dahua because of its good reputation and high income.

After a long period of inflation, 100 yuan in 1990 was not enough for family life. The national average annual salary is basically more than 2,000 yuan, and Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are more than 2,600 yuan. The monthly income of 200 yuan by the government and public institutions is not rare, and enterprises fluctuate slightly on this basis. Under the situation that the income level of the people of the whole country is relatively balanced, the salary of 100 yuan is not only a 50% increase, but also another state of life. The salary standard announced by Dahua Petrochemical is determined by poaching wages. In areas where the economy is relatively active in the south, this salary standard has knocked down many technicians. And business managers, and more will be knocked down.

Feng Wei took a moment and felt that what Feng Wei said was reasonable, but he didn't want to admit it: "Maybe it's just a free breakfast."

"I guess you can only eat this meal." Zhao Yong said no mercy and went out laughing.

The breakfast is unexpectedly rich. A bowl of broth is full of soup, with oil floating on it. Take it out hard and there is a little diced meat. A bowl of small dishes with two large soft steamed buns is more than enough for breakfast.

Everyone ate very well. Most of the workers have been working hard for several days.

Nowadays, the difficult period of materials has indeed passed. When it comes to eating with open belly, many workers' families on duty can do it, but not every worker is on duty. The dream of reform within the wall of state-owned enterprises is gradually shattering. Wu * Han invited old German experts, and He * Bei gave birth to the country's own reformers. However, the glory of these enterprises lasted for a few years. With the arrival of the 1990s, they ended one by one, just like the result of package production to households, they could eat and not get rich. And with the wealth of others, they become poorer and poorer. In the end. The once brilliant enterprises are dying, and there are many enterprises that do not even have the ambition of ZTE to stop production. The latest is 1992. Those political stars in small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises will fall into all kinds of bankrupt sales and come to apply for workers. It is inevitable to be implicated.

After breakfast and taking a short break, the staff led everyone to answer the questions, which was similar to the exam in the school. Each person had a paper, two draft papers and a pen. There are 10 questions in total, which is to double the number of questions in the newspaper, and the types are similar in difficulty.

The exam time is only 60 minutes, and the invigilator keeps reporting the time. It makes people feel restless.

Feng Wei barely finished the answer sheet, and the trumpets outside sounded. The heating of a thick black eyebrow was not finished. He wrote wildly with the test paper in his arms. The invigilator took out the seal and warned, "If you don't hand in the paper, I'll stamp it."

The workers with thick black eyebrows had to hand in their papers. After going out, they said dissatisfiedly, "The company that doesn't give any affection at all. If you go there, you will be exploited.

Feng Wei just heard it and booed, "You're here to travel. If you don't want to be exploited and hold the paper, you should tear up the paper."

Everyone laughed, and Zhao Yong said disdainfully, "What age do you still exploit? Will state-owned enterprises not pay their profits? If you can give me 300 yuan a month. I will exploit you."

"Do you know it must be 300 yuan? These bosses of private enterprises are stingy with money. Deduct money quickly. In our factory, if the director dares to deduct me a dollar to try, I won't scold him. Yes, I won't serve you anymore." The worker with thick eyebrows made five questions, one of which had not been finished. He knew that he could not pass, so he shook his hand and left.

The workers looked at his back and laughed. The 90-year-old state-owned enterprises are no better than the 80-year-old. People are no longer ashamed to talk about money, and it is not a proud thing to be a factory hoodlum.

After a while, Dahua Personnel Department notified me to do the test, and everyone got on the commuter bus to do the test in the newly built factory [house].

When I got to the place, I saw that it was full of rows of steel and wooden pliers, with three pliers stuck on each pliers table, which looked brand-new.

"It's all fitter." Feng Wei suddenly understood that no wonder the first group was himself and Zhao Yong, both of whom were fitters.

Chen Zunian, Su Cheng and several photographers stood in the corner of the workshop. In similar workshops, the requirements of the fitter workshop are the lowest, and the work requirements of the fitter are also the lowest, so the fitter workshop is the first to be built. On the contrary, the more advanced the machinery factory, the higher the requirements for fitters. The assembly equipment requires a fitter, and the fitter is indispensable for line maintenance. Some parts can only be processed by the fitter.

Theoretically, the fitter can process any mechanical parts, because manpower is the most advanced machine. With appropriate tools, it is more advanced than any machine. In the factory, the fitter makes up for the lack of machinery and does what the machine can't do. If one day, the era of robots dominating the earth comes, they must first have the ability to replace fitters.

In the construction of chemical bases, fitters are also crucial. All cans and joints need to be installed by fitters, and they can be maintained. Therefore, in the case of not producing methanol equipment, the first thing Dahua Petrochemical needs is fitter.

Chen Zunian has been the factory director for many years. He cares about this training base very much. He took the initiative to hire him to be the examiner. When everyone is here, he said in a loud voice, "Let's find your own place. Let me tell you are here today. You are here to participate in the fitter assessment. You want In addition, I would like to remind everyone that our recruitment in Dahua does not only look at the level of fitter. Of course, if you have the level of five-level fitter, we will accept it directly through grading, and the fourth-level fitter is almost qualified. Can't reach it? It doesn't matter. Our examiner will also look at your potential. Why? Because Dahua has its own training base, all employees of Dahua will study in the training base in the future, continue to grow, and carry out intensive training one after another. It is possible for Grade 4 workers, Level 5 workers, and even level 8 workers. For example, there are nearly 10 eighth-level workers in Dahua Industry, who will come to teach you in the future.

"Can you worship the eighth-level worker as a master? How many people do they take? Zhao Yong's eyes lit up. When their Red Star Factory was a large factory of the Ministry of Weapons, there was no eighth-level worker. When he encountered something that could not be solved, he sometimes he had to ask for help. He had seen the style of the eighth-level worker more than once. Their deputy department-level factory, the ordinary deputy director went there, and he did not move at all. Even The workshop director has to arrange work, so he can only discuss and can't be ordered. On the contrary, some directors are ordered. Some directors are psychologically vulnerable and can't stand it. Some of them are invited to be ordinary workers, and there are only those who punish senior workers.

In state-owned enterprise factories, workers who have just entered the factory have to be apprentices, and only after three years can they get the money and food for formal workers. The master's mode of taking apprentices is more meticulous, and he can often teach outstanding technicians. However, the number of people a master can bring is also limited, usually two or three, and more than five are very few.

Apprentices who are eighth-level workers are guaranteed in both technology and status, which is naturally the goal of workers.

Chen Zunian knew that he would have this question. He laughed twice and said, "Our training base no longer worships the master. Senior technicians, like teachers, mainly provide guidance in the classroom. Don't worry, after improvement, the effect has to be good.

There was a low discussion below, and Zhao Yong still felt a little sorry.

Su Cheng stood up at this time and smiled, "Hon, everyone, I'm Su Cheng, the chairman of Dahua Industry. Welcome to participate in the application of Dahua Industry."

The photojournalists were tired of waiting, and they rushed up with a fierce pat.

Su Cheng smiled and continued to face the workers and said, "In our Dahua Industrial Group, in addition to the eight-level work system, we will also set up skill masters and operation masters every year according to the specific technical positions and operation position sequence, and give high rewards and salaries, so that the top technical talents can become enterprises. Stars and help other workers improve. Therefore, after entering Dahua Industrial Group, there is a lot to be done on the front line. Please show your best level and hope to work with everyone.

This passage is half to the candidate and the other half to the reporter.

Chen Zunian nodded secretly. Only those who have really been workers can remember all the time that workers are not only a screw, but also flesh-and-blood individuals. They not only need a salary, but also need to admit it. In the past 10 years, many workers have lost their salaries, and more workers have lost recognition.

Remove the burden, sweep away the knot, shake the spirit, and unify the mind. In the era of two bombs and one star, the Chinese workers can do it, and the Chinese workers in the 1990s can also do it.