Super Energy Power

Chapter 268 It's really annoying

In the early morning, Su Cheng, Zhong Zhigen and Yang Ming walked to the conference room in Building 5.

The decoration of the room is antique. After the table was removed, it was surrounded by wooden chairs, and there were chairs behind the chairs for the attendants to use.

First arrived by Minister Xu of the Ministry of Energy and Kang Qingfeng of Sinopec. Minister Xu was born in the Ministry of Coal. After the reform of the Ministry of Coal, he went to the Ministry of Energy to do security and environmental duties. He has always been in charge of oil affairs. Fortunately, Su Cheng did not have a chance to offend him. The two can still smile at each other when they meet. Kang Qingfeng once represented Sinopec to bid for the Setan oil field. He is an older returnee. Unlike the students who studied abroad as a teenager, Kang Qingfeng's thinking mode is still [China] nationalized, which makes him not have the opportunity to be a helicopter cadre, but he has also steadily gained a certain status.

The representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Sinopec sat against the wall, forming an interesting combination. On the one hand, they are the units that are most likely to have a relationship with the Haicang plan, and on the other hand, they sent the two people who are least likely to make a decision. Kang Qingfeng's identity is a little low, and Minister Xu's position is a little crooked. From the selection, it can be seen that the two units want to refuse to rest.

Director Mao sat closest to the door. Every time he came in, a group of people greeted him with a smile on his face.

The representatives of PetroChina and CNOOC came unexpectedly very late and almost entered the door at the time. CNOOC's number represents the surname Qin. Only one person came forward and leaned against the chair inside to sleep twice, looking like "I'm going to be cute and ignore me". The representative of PetroChina is Liu Bing, the old superior of Sucheng.

Three or four years have passed, Mr. Liu's beard and hair are white, and his smile is still not straight. He sits opposite Su Cheng, blinking and blinking. His curiosity about Su Cheng is far greater than Su Cheng's curiosity about him, and it seems to be an expression of soy sauce.

In addition, [China] Bank of China and [China] China Development Bank, as well as the State Council, have also sent staff to attend. The specifications of the meeting seem to be not small, but a few people who are really willing to participate can't explain it clearly.

Everything is relaxed, some like a breakfast party, some like a tea party, some like a touching class meeting with bitterness and sweetness. In short, it doesn't look like a formal meeting to decide on a multi-billion-dollar project. It seems that no one wants to decide on this multi-billion dollar project.

Everyone looks impatient to go through the motions.

Perhaps, for them, this is a pass.

Those who have the right to make decisions dare not be afraid of being allocated financial tasks. The person who didn't have the power to make a decision came. It's not a formality... Su Cheng thought of this and suddenly sat up straight and put away all the negative emotions.

Looking around, except for the host Director Mao, the only one who has the ability to make decisions is Su Cheng himself. Several other major companies and banking systems coincidentally sent weak or misplaced representatives.

As for Director Mao, he is the deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission. People who make policies, but do not directly intervene in economic projects.

Su Cheng's idea suddenly began to calculate cheerfully and quickly.

Others are still immersed in the meeting and show the results of their party school training.

Director Mao didn't care to announce the start of the meeting when the time was up. He said with a smile, "We will get to know each other today and don't make a decision. Everyone is a representative, and I am also a representative of the central leader to preside over the meeting. So today's meeting, everyone [from] play, who will talk about it?

Everyone was silent for a while, but their expressions were relaxed.

Director Mao had expected it and directly named, "Minister Xu, what do you think of the Ministry of Energy?"

"We resolutely obey the decision of [China]. Within the ministries and commissions, we tend to support the implementation of the Haicang Plan. Whether it is made by Formosa Plastics or not, we should continue to do it. Minister Xu said all the useless truth: "We believe that the best result is still done by Formosa Plastics. In addition to ethylene and oil refining equipment, attracting downstream factories in Taiwan to set up factories in the mainland is equally important work, which is of strong demonstration significance. Of course, if Formosa Plastics finally decides not to do it, we can't let them handle it, and we can do it ourselves.

Su Cheng looked at him calmly and thought to himself: saying it means not saying it.

Everyone knows that this is the best, but good things in hope don't always happen. Minister Xu's position determines that it is not painful to stand and speak. The Ministry of Energy does not have to pay for the construction of a petrochemical factory, but is also a pure government agency, so it follows the idea of [Zhongzhong]. There is no messy disagreement. Director Mao wants such an effect. He nod with satisfaction and said, "At present, Wang Yongqing's talk about the plan shows that they are still interested, and it is normal to put forward the modification conditions. As the saying goes, the goods are the buyers. We have to distinguish carefully, but don't drive them away because of our own worries.

In his words, he said that he would leave Taiwan Plastics, but it also explained the hesitant mentality of [Zhong].

In fact, Formosa Plastics used the Haicang plan to put pressure on the Taiwan authorities, and some leaders may be happy to see it.

Whether it fails or not, [China] China and mainland have first received the attention of the international community. In a sense, it has broken through the blockade of Western countries, which is a typical method of exchanging politics for economy.

But in this process, the mainland hopes that Formosa Plastics will do more and pay more and more, but Formosa Plastics is determined and more and more perfunctory...

I can't hold on to it anymore.

However, the policy inertia of the government is far greater than that of enterprises. Unless Formosa Plastics is sure to withdraw, the mainland will always stick to it.

Su Cheng didn't think maliciously: the leader who decided on the Haicang plan can't stick to it after two years, and then slap himself in the face and say that he can't go on. If there is no external force, this plan will make a good start like many [China] national plans, or [China] national research, render the process in full swing, and then quietly disappear from everyone's sight.

It's as if nothing has happened.

Su Cheng broke the window paper, which ended the honeymoon of both sides and increased the government's chips in disguise. It's 1991. If Formosa Plastics doesn't prepare some dry goods, there is no need to continue to play this game you and I want. I don't think China will take the initiative.

This meeting can be regarded as the attitude of [Zhong]. Everyone is talking about the Haicang plan to replace Formosa Plastics.

It's just that for the sake of the interests of the department, other units are unwilling to foolishly bump into the background.

This is a multi-billion-dollar project, removing water and ocean-going fleet and other supporting projects, at least three to four billion US dollars. How can we say that the next step is the next? At the very least, you have to have three ups and three downs, three excuses, tell the facts, be reasonable, let [middle] sign a note that is not to blame in the past, give a little policy that is not usually available, and promise some conditions that have been wanted for a long time... [middle] The central can't be unreasonable.

[China] The country also has its own characteristics of the separation of powers - [China] The central government, ministries and local governments are the three poles, and no one can be an only husband. 〖 The days of centralization are long gone forever.

In the [China] country in 1990, only what the central localities and ministries want to do can be done vigorously and beautifully.

Director Mao had his own account. He smiled again, turned his eyes to Kang Qingfeng, and said warmly, "What are the opinions of Sinopec?"

Kang Qingfeng moved uneasily twice. He rushed the duck to the shelves as a message to the senior management of Sinopec. He frowned slightly and said, "We are under great financial pressure."

There are more mistakes. He cherishes his words as much as gold.

Master Mao asked again, "If the financial problem of Sinopec is solved, can it support this petrochemical base?"

"We don't have relevant preparations, and we need to study it again." Kang Qingfeng did not hesitate to prevaricate Director Mao with "research".

Even the senior officials of the National Development and Reform Commission at the vice-ministerial level have no choice but to face such a classic national quintessence.

Director Mao's expression remained unchanged, and his neck continued to turn, facing Minister Liu Bing and Liu, the representative of PetroChina.

Su Cheng was stuck in the gap and didn't let him ask. He suddenly smiled twice and said, "Mr. Kang, are you ready for Sinopec?"

Liu Bing was stopped, with a smile on his face, and his hands were safely on his lap, as if watching the play.

Kang Qingfeng had not yet been liberated from the state of listening to the party school. He asked in surprise, "What?"

Su Cheng said in a hurry: "700,000 tons of ethylene should be prepared for the introduction of a complete set. With the experience of Dahua Industry in introducing large methanol, the larger and complex the equipment, the longer it takes to train skilled workers. The equipment company also has to conduct an interview, otherwise it can't be turned over. Sinopec must be at least one year in advance. That is to say, before December 1991, Sinopec could not even do the trial operation. In addition, the installation requires employees to conduct preliminary training, about 3 months. In this way, you can't test it before March 1992? In addition, you didn't do the inspection procedures and capital preparation before the purchase of equipment.

The order Kang Qingfeng got was to observe the situation. He smiled heartlessly and said, "It's a good reason why it takes such a big project."

Su Cheng ignored him and turned to the banker. He only remembered the representative of the Bank of China and asked, "Manager Jiang, how long will it take you to decide to lend a loan for such a person?

Manager Jiang was stunned.

Director Mao's nose moved slightly and said with a smile, "Let's talk about it."

Manager Jiang of the Bank of China had to say, "If it is indeed necessary to go through the inspection of the equipment supplier, it is necessary to wait for the end of the inspection of the supplier before considering the loan."

Su Cheng faced Kang Qingfeng and said, "So, Sinopec has to prepare its own funds of 700 to 1.4 billion US dollars. How long will it take? Three months is not enough... In fact, I mean by saying so much, Mr. Kang, if Sinopec is the Haicang plan, can it be put into production by 1995?

"This, I don't know." Kang Qingfeng couldn't laugh or cry. He and Sucheng had been dealing with Sucheng in Abu Dhabi for a long time. At this time, he seemed to wake up, but he was unable to deal with fatigue.

Su Cheng did not relax and continued to ask, "Although Sinopec has a lot of funds, there are also a lot of fees. The budget for 1991 has been arranged. If the bank can't make a loan, won't the Haicang plan be considered until next year? What's the point of taking over the Haicang plan at this speed of preparation?

If the policy is really coming, it is not impossible to increase the budget. However, Sinopec has not decided whether to take over the Haicang plan, so naturally there is no way to talk about the policy. Moreover, this is also beyond the scope of Kang Qingfeng's decision.

Kang Qingfeng looked at Su Cheng, thought about what he meant, and his head swelled up.

The mentality of the enterprises present is different. If Sinopec wants to be the petrochemical base of Haicang or not, of course it wants that this kind of large-scale petrochemical project should be the lifelong pursuit of petrochemical enterprises. However, the mentality of doing more mistakes is affecting him again. The $7 billion Haicang plan failed, and the senior leaders must untie the belt and hang it...

In the case of fear of wolves and tigers, it is more difficult for them to say "I'll do it" than to ascend to the sky. However, it is not easier for them to say "I don't do it" than to enter the ground.

Kang Qingfeng was so stiff that he wanted to figure out what Su Cheng was thinking.

Director Mao coughed and said with a smile, "Su Dong, what do you think of Dahua?"

Su Cheng wiped his sweat secretly and thought that it was not easy to find a favor.

In an instant, Su Cheng's plastic surgery said, "Director Mao, I want to prove that the way of deciding investment according to the proportion of investment is incorrect."

Now, the representative of CNOOC, who made soy sauce, raised his head and looked at Su Cheng's teeth horizontally. He couldn't figure out how he caught and bit whom.

Director Mao also said helplessly, "How did you prove it?"

Su Cheng spread out his hand and said, "Sinopec could not build a petrochemical base until 1995. Dahua Industry can be completed in only 2 years. Isn't this a clear proof?"

Kang Qingfeng was anxious: "I didn't say that the petrochemical base could not be built in 1995..."

"If Dahua can't build a petrochemical base of 700,000 tons of ethylene in 2 years, it will be disposed of." Su Cheng still left room to speak, and the disposal was actually just an exposition, just an explanation of his attitude.

However, Kang Qingfeng didn't have the right to explain his attitude, even a single presumptive didn't work. He had no choice but to sit there and stare at him.

Director Mao said, "Can the Haicang plan be completed within 2 years? What does it have to do with the proportion of investment?"

"If [China] The Central Committee decides to build it in 1995, it can be wholly owned by Dahua Petrochemical Company, with an investment of only 700 million US dollars per year. We don't need any Haicang plan. Can the independent application be approved by the National Development and Reform Commission? Since Sinopec has not made any preparations other than funds, it's better to just collect the funds and dividends.

Director Mao had to admit that Su Cheng's statement was very reasonable. If Dahua Industry applies for a large ethylene project alone, in the case of the suspension or end of the Haicang plan, it is indeed likely that the approval process is more complicated than taking over the Haicang plan, and the conditions are more stringent.

At this time, Director Mao suddenly understood why Su Cheng was so active in the Haicang plan.

[Zhong] Yangbai gave 15,000 hectares of land, invested hundreds of millions of yuan in flattening costs in advance, and allocated a special zone... Except for Formosa Plastics, no enterprise in China can get such policies and benefits.

Taiwan Plastics doesn't do it because of its high vision. For Dahua Industry, this is indeed the best foundation.

There is only Su Cheng's voice in the conference room: "Sinopec is not ready to complete the Haicang plan at all, but Dahua has been preparing for more than a year. Therefore, I suggest that in order to complete the Haicang plan as soon as possible, the proportion of investment is only used as a reference for dividends, and the management and construction rights should be handed over to Dahua for completion.

There were stars in Su Cheng's eyes. Such a huge petrochemical base will have a huge impact on the domestic and international petrochemical market. It is like having a lake. You can raise any fish you want, but the difference is that you can earn more and earn less.

Kang Qingfeng finally understood the trap of Sucheng. He wanted Sinopec to pay, but he didn't want Sinopec to have the right to operate. It is equivalent to treating Sinopec as a bank, not only a bank of capital, but also a bank of manpower and technology.

Of course not. Kang Qingfeng argued rationally: "Forming a board of directors according to the proportion of capital contribution is the most normal mode..."

"Did Sinopec decide to take over the Haicang plan?" Su Cheng interrupted him.

Kang Qingfeng closed his mouth twice, and he couldn't go on. He is not qualified to say "decide to take over".

Su Cheng then continued: "In the current situation, it is not who will take over the Haicang plan, but that Sinopec cannot take over the Haicang plan at all. Therefore, it's better for Dahua Industry to take over, and Sinopec's capital contribution to get a share. Isn't it your own place?

"But you don't have money."

"The start-up capital is only 700 million US dollars. If the production time is extended, the funds needed will also be reduced."

Kang Qingfeng laughed angrily and said, "Does Dahua have 500 million US dollars now?"

Su Cheng asked, "Do you have Sinopec? I can clearly give the financing schedule of Dahua Industry, can you?"

Kang Qingfeng was speechless. At his level, how can he know the financial situation of the petrochemical head office?

Minister Xu of the Ministry of Energy can't sit back and watch Dahua's "grabbing" Haicang plan, but has to say, "Taiwan Plastics has not withdrawn from the Haicang plan yet. Don't worry about it."

Su Cheng spread out his hand and said, "What if they quit?"

Minister Xu was stagnant. He was in charge of environmental protection and safety supervision. How could he answer this question? So he looked at Director Mao.

Seeing that Sucheng's tongue was like a group of Confucians, Director Mao said with a headache, "Let's have a symposium today. We don't make a decision, oh, don't make a decision.


Su Cheng nodded without hesitation.

As soon as everyone relaxed, they saw Su Cheng turn around and said to the rear, "Please give me a copy of the minutes of the meeting. I want to write a report."

It was Director Mao's secretary who made the record and looked at him.

Liu Bing narrowed his eyes and said, "Give me a record of the meeting, too. I have a bad memory. I have to report it when I go back.

Copying the minutes of the meeting is a normal procedure. Director Mao may not grant it to the private business owner Su Cheng, but he can't help but give it to Liu Bing.

Thinking that Su Cheng could get a copy from Liu Bing, Director Mao was too lazy to be a villain. He waved his hand and said, "Give each unit a record of the meeting. I'll copy it out in a moment."

Liu Bing winked proudly at Su Cheng, and sighed at the same time that this guy was bold. A small private enterprise actually wants a ministerial-level central enterprise with tens of billions of dollars in assets to make it a private bank. In this case, I guess Su Cheng can say it.

Liu Bing thought about himself in the position of the leader of Sinopec, and felt that his lungs were swollen. It was really annoying!

... (To be continued.