Super Energy Power

Chapter 269 Two Solutions

"It's really annoying! This has also been published.

In the office of the general manager of Sinopec, General Manager Xuan threw the ginseng from Xinhua back to the table with a helpless expression.

Deputy manager Wen Zhaohong quietly picked up the internal ginseng and said, "The 1995 plan and 1993 plan proposed by Sucheng are really chewy. The state supported ** construction and completed 700,000 tons of ethylene in 1995. The cooperative fund-raising joint venture to build a factory was completed in 1993. Among other things, the two plans shown to Formosa Plastics can immediately scare them in a cold sweat, and it is strange that the internal reference is not published.

Form a written internal reference, and the logic and publicity are enhanced. The 1995 plan and the 1993 plan are summarized from the two directions mentioned by Su Cheng at the meeting.

"1995 Plan" means that Dahua Industry will take over the Haicang Plan alone, which is expected to complete the 700,000 tons of large ethylene project in 1995, excluding the 10 million tons of oil refinery. This time point has been carefully calculated and evaluated, which is about the same as the time required for large central enterprises such as Sinopec to take over, which is very competitive.

The real killer is the "1993 plan". As long as Dahua Industry is given full financial support, Sucheng will guarantee that 700,000 tons of large ethylene will be put into production in 1993, which also does not include 10 million tons of refinery projects.

As a petrochemical project with intensive capital and relatively low technical content, the oil refinery is the meat bone thrown out by Sucheng. It has a longer supply chain, more workers and more complex management. At the same time, it has a higher degree of localization and lower profits. However, for large state-owned enterprises such as Sinopec, large refineries are actually more attractive than large ethylene.

Because of enterprises such as Sinopec, their own scale is frightening, and the total number of employees is often tens of millions. Add a factory of 10,000 or tens of thousands of people. I don't feel the pressure of human resources at all. In other words, it doesn't need to be re-recruited at all, it's just idle. Free-paid employees and managers are enough to run a large oil refinery.

In addition, the annual crude oil production of more than 10,000 tons in China ensures the supply of raw materials, and the refineries connected to the whole country can easily digest 10 million tons of refined oil per year...

This is also the comparative advantage of large state-owned enterprises over private enterprises.

Sucheng is going to be an oil refinery of 10 million tons. He is going to re-recruit workers, compete for management, buy technology patents, set up a new R&D department, coordinate the purchase of raw materials, and sell products... Enterprises such as Sinopec want to build a new 10 million-ton oil refining plant. All they need to do is to deploy personnel, let idle people move, and then configure some backbones. Strength. You can wait for the construction to go into production, and there is almost no additional cost.

The ethylene project is another form.

Especially the 700,000 tons of ethylene in the Haicang plan, which is composed of several complete sets of large ethylene devices. Every technical difficulty is frightening. Only a few countries in the world can produce, including Formosa Plastics, which also need to be purchased in complete sets. In this regard. The nascent Dahua Industry is not only not lagging behind, but also ahead because of a year's preparation.

It can be said that after throwing away 10 million tons of oil refining projects, Dahua Industry has really achieved light loading. You just need to manage it with Sinopec. At this point, private enterprises undoubtedly have a natural advantage.

General Manager Xuan silently tasted the two plans on the internal reference, thought for a while, and asked, "If you are asked by the above, it will be embarrassing. Can we complete the Haicang plan in 1994?"

Wen Zhaohong asked, "Excluding oil refineries?"


"T to be honest, no."

"What about the refinery?"

"Of course, it's even worse. Open one more construction site."

General Manager Xuan raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "Then you still ask that the bag does not include the refinery?"

"I can calculate the specific time." Wen Zhaohong shrank his neck.

"Say it." General Manager Xuan has no intention to lose his temper.

Before Wen Zhaohong came to see the general manager, he caught the Zhuangding's calculation. At this time, he counted his fingers one by one and said, "December is coming to an end. By December 1994, that is, four years. Now start to make plans, work in all departments at the end of the Spring Festival, and start to send people to countries around the world to inspect equipment. It is estimated that it will take three to six months. Then it will take another three to six months to complete the bidding process. Only when the equipment is determined can the training program be determined. It is estimated that it will take half a year to a year..."

General Manager Xuan listened and was unhappy and interrupted, "A bid takes three to six months, and it takes a year to buy the equipment?"

"If it's fast, it will take seven or eight months. It can't be shorter. It's easy to have an accident." The temperature flood point is about to stop.

Each set of large ethylene equipment is based on "dollars of dollars", and the spare parts and spare parts are often worth millions of yuan, as well as the purchased system services. Buy a complete set of large ethylene equipment from Western countries. The purchase list is several books with beautiful decoration and thickness comparable to that of Cihai. The number of tricks in it is also countless, and it is increasing every year. Not to mention Chinese state-owned enterprises with unsound systems, even large enterprises in Western countries need a year and a half to go through the process. Otherwise, large oil companies in Europe and the United States will not mind using a whole box of banknotes to capture the purchasing group. Even for the purpose of protecting themselves, the procurement team should go through the complete process.

Only a small and medium-sized petroleum and petrochemical enterprise like Such a small and medium-sized petroleum and petrochemical enterprise, which is personally handled by the boss, can save all kinds of inspection, auditing, accounting and review procedures.

This is due to the fact that Dahua Industrial Group is at a critical point. Its capital has just been expanded to buy large ethylene equipment, but not enough for the boss to leave the business. If you change it to a smaller private enterprise, you can't afford to buy billions of dollars of equipment. If you change it to a larger enterprise, even if it is not listed, the boss is still paying attention to it, but it is impossible to select accessories in person. If a company with tens of billions of dollars, if it does everything goes to this extent, the Go.

Wang Yongqing of Formosa Plastics is the typical owner of the world's top 500 enterprises. His platform is rooted in Taiwan, but he lives in the United States all year round. Although he can remotely control a small number of executives, at his age of 70 years, the number of executives who can be remotely controlled is not much. As for the shuttle inspection all over the world, negotiation and bidding, the body is not allowed at all.

Sucheng has made the best use of his advantages. Because he has known the beginning and end of the Haicang plan for a long time. As early as when everyone didn't realize it, they began to prepare.

On the contrary, Sinopec passively took over. We are still considering the pros and cons of taking over the Haicang plan, which has lagged far behind strategically.

General Manager Xuan also realized this and took off his glasses. He rubbed his eyes and said, "We have to investigate Dahua Industry. We need all-round information, capital, technology, management, government relations... Bidding for overseas oilfields, we lose and foreigners. The Haicang plan is a petrochemical base on the doorstep. If it is taken away again..."

At this point, he changed his tone. He said, "Lao Wen, Dahua Industrial, I'll leave it to you. Report to me every day. I'm trying to figure it out. Let's see if we can meet Wang Yongqing of Formosa Plastics.

Sinopec is trying to get rid of the embarrassing situation, and Dahua Industry is not idle.

The integrated public relations department of Dahua Industrial Group. There are not only hard-working employees, but also less hard-working but equally hard-working employees. They flew around the ministries and commissions of the capital like worker bees, inviting the director and deputy director of some relevant ministries and commissions to understand the situation. Sucheng is also full of heroic posts, rushing to the restaurant dinners in the capital every day, and the chiefs are also invited.

In China, the director is a unique scenery. A leader of the State Council once joked that our director here has the most power.

As the most basic cell of the central ministry, the director himself does not have decision-making power. The smallest sign is also the director of the department. However, in the specific decision-making process, if a director of a central ministry adheres to his own opinion, he can often change the decision-making of the director of the department and even the minister. A "implementation difficulty" has a great chance of changing existing decisions.

At this point, as the head of the ministry as a seven-level cadre, he is actually very much like an ancient non-commissioned officer. In particular, the head of the root red seedling's bloodline is unobstructed, which can not only withstand the pressure, but also has great room for manoeuvre, and can indeed make it big with small.

Targeted public relations avoids reality and solves the dilemma of insufficient high-level resources of Dahua Industry. Although Sucheng does not have the government relations of the ministerial leaders of Sinopec and PetroChina, it can also understand the decision-making changes of the Haicang Plan in real time, making Dahua's own judgment flexible and accurate. Due to the influence of Dahua Industry and Haicang Plan, these directors are often willing to accept invitations, saving a lot of effort.

There was more time to chat, and Su Cheng also took out a lot of dry goods. In particular, the domestic and international economic situation, the trend of oil and natural gas price changes and other views have been recognized by many people.

It didn't take long for Sucheng to invite others, but also more people took the initiative to invite Sucheng. What they did was talk.

Su Cheng was very cautious about domestic reform and almost kept silent. Su Cheng has said a lot about the economy at home and abroad, especially the macro-economy. With the passage of time, many of the speculative arguments he said earlier have been confirmed. He is not afraid of others to listen. The domestic and international situation is a general trend. One or two people can't be changed. Similarly, those who believe believe, and those who don't believe will not believe because of the accurate guess once or twice...

At the end of 1990, at the time of waiting for the central government to make a decision on the Haicang plan, Sucheng quietly became famous in Beijing.

December 22nd. On a very ordinary day, Su Cheng attended the dinner as usual and returned to the hotel, but he saw Haiqing waiting in the lobby.

The son-in-law of the Su family looked at Su Cheng with a strange expression and asked, "Do you really believe that international oil prices will plummet in the near future?"

Su Cheng didn't know why Hou Haiqing asked, but did not shyly answer: "Yes."

During the war, there were only two short-term oil prices, rising and falling. I don't know how many economists bet on one of the directions without any basis or creation. For them, this is a profitable thing. If they achieve success, they will be famous, and if they fail, they have something to say. At this time, China, or the world at this time, has more than tens of millions of people guessed the rise and fall of oil.

However, there are only a few people who really dare to be responsible. In foreign countries, oil merchants, futures speculators and stock investors have invested heavily on their own judgments, while in China, there are few responsible judges due to the lack of oil price trading platforms. Such an industry insider with oil fields in Such a city is naturally an exception.

Hou Haiqing faced Su Cheng, his eyes flashed uncertainly, and he said for a long time, "Mr. Su wants to see you and talk about the trend of oil."


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