Super Energy Power

Chapter 368 Construction

At the beginning of the day.

The heavy truck team drove to the northern exploration area with the ardent hope of the Chinese.

The temporary camp was noisy all morning, and it suddenly became deserted. The Dahua employee on duty yesterday only went back to rest in twos and threes.

Li Zhengfu suddenly felt a little sad, because in this empty land, he always hopes to see more of his peers, and even his opponents are more interesting than those boring trees. After staying in this environment for a long time, listening to the fundamentalist environmentalists, I often feel vomiting.

"President Li, get up." The camper not far away opened the door, and a stream of white gas spewed out, like a bathhouse.

came out by Shao Sihan, the deputy technical director of Xinma Group, a Singaporean in his 40s. He is a good talkative old man. In addition to the position of deputy technical director of the group, he is also a trade union representative elected by the employees of Xinma Group. He has a good relationship with both labor and management, and is also a Trade union representatives of the district.

Li Zhengfu looked down at his watch and said with a smile, "I got up early today. Ready to start work?"

"Well, let me see how the kitchen and toilet are doing. The weather in Siberia is strange. The water pipe can burst when used. They may not be able to use what we can use. Shao Sihan was also dressed in fur. He walked a few steps tightly, then stopped and said, "Well, several of our people are not in good health. We have to send someone to send medicine quickly. In addition, we also hope to extend the rest time."

Li Zhengfu said with a bad face, "Now I work 6 hours a day. How long do I need to extend my rest time?"

"Everyone hopes to take an hour off in the middle. The total length of the work remains unchanged, and it is still 6 hours.

"Is that working 5 hours a day?"


"In this way, it is difficult to complete the reservation plan."

Shao Sihan smiled and advised, "If we take a long break, our work efficiency will also increase. In addition, if you are worried that the work cannot be completed, you might as well ask for more manpower. The weather in Siberia is really terrible. It's really hard to work for a long time.

Li Zhengfu curled his lips imperceptibly and thought to himself, "If any of you really have the spirit of working to death?" It's easy for me."

He thought for a moment and said, "I will apply to the headquarters, but. Before applying, you have to maintain your current working style, work at least 6 hours a day, and pay for overtime. We should try our best to complete the renovation of the temporary camp, otherwise, there will be no place to put the transported equipment, let alone the construction materials.

"Then I'll talk about it again." Shao Sihan smiled honestly.

Li Zhengfu had to say "good".

Xinma Group has a long history, and it is also a traditional petrochemical enterprise, and the power of trade unions is greater than other enterprises. The arrangement during working hours is managed by the group, but the length of work is managed by the union.

Shao Sihan looked at the kitchen and bathroom with a smile. I passed the equipment storage center in the middle and didn't even look at it. Large historical enterprises like them, although they are private enterprises, they are actually very much like state-owned enterprises. In-laws among middle- and low-level cadres are very common. Relatives are also connected. When it comes to work, the first consideration is comfort and income, and then the enterprise.

Although China's state-owned enterprises have the same problem, there is always a department in charge of state-owned enterprises, which are difficult to be supervised by shareholders. It's much more comfortable.

Li Zhengfu waited for another two hours before he saw the second Xinma Group worker who walked out of the door. Compared with middle and senior leaders like Shao Sihan, the group does not require workers to have a sense of responsibility, and it is enough to work on time. In the past, Li Zhengfu did not think there was any problem, but after seeing the quality of the workers in Dahua Industry and the workers of Xinma Group, Li Zhengfu was unhappy for a while.

After a while, seeing that Ito Nobushige was also full of sleep, Li Zhengfu said dissatisfiedly, "Let's get ready quickly. This morning, Dahua's exploration team has gone to the north. We don't have an exploration team in the north.

"The situation in the north is more complicated, and the company is still talking about it." Ito Nobushige explained, "The above meaning is to use aerial geophysical exploration to see the results first. If it is necessary to send a exploration team, then sign a contract. The other party's asking price is relatively high."

"You said yesterday that you wanted to add an exploration team..."

"This is a negotiation skill. Don't worry." Ito Nobu smiled and asked with concern, "Dahua's exploration team, have you been stimulated?"

Li Zhengfu nodded silently and said, "We set out very early. On such a snowy day, our people are still sleeping."

"There is nothing else. We are different from Dahua Industry. They have to send a large number of personnel, and the logistics pressure is very high. Not only this temporary camp, but they are said to have to go deep into the ice field to make a supply base. We don't have such a need. It doesn't matter if there is any leisure in the camp.

"Just in this way, their human resources are fully utilized, but ours does not." While Li Zhengfu was talking, he saw Su Cheng going out and laughed, "No, he's all out."

Su Cheng also wears red and yellow overalls, which is very eye-catching.

Li Zhengfu wanted to come forward and say hello, but he saw that Su Cheng went straight to the front of the camp gate, so he stopped.

In doubt, a faint sound of horn came from afar.

Li Zhengfu's face suddenly changed: "The car is coming again."

Ito Nobushige knew what he meant, so he said, "Maybe it's just a supply car."


A slightly different loudspeaker came again.

Ito Nobushige didn't say anything.

Li Zhengfu said rebukically, "How many exploration teams has Dahua found?"

"The railway traffic in Siberia is limited. The more people he pulls in, the greater the logistical pressure. Unless..." Ito Nobushige said as he spoke, his face changed.

Li Zhengfu hurriedly asked, "Unless what?"

"Unless Dahua Industry tells the railway department of the Russian Federation to open more trains."

Li Zhengfu had never done such a thing and immediately asked, "Is it difficult?"

"The Soviet era was a little difficult. Russia now? I think, as long as Sucheng can charter the whole train. There is no reason why Russians don't make money. Nobu Ito's face was solemn.

"So, we may be facing a train-to-train exploration team?"

"Yes, so Dahua's exploration team came one team after another..." Ito Nobushige thought about it and immediately felt a headache and said uncomfortablely, "In this way, it really depends on Su Cheng's determination."


"The transportation demand of the Siberian Railway itself is not large, so. The remaining transportation volume is very large. If Sucheng uses it, it will send 10,000 or 20,000. Even 50,000 people are possible.

Li Zhengfu finally laughed and said, "How can there be 50,000 people? That's the size of three divisions. Which company can have an exploration team of 50,000 people..."

Ito Nobuo owes a little smile.

Li Zhengfu looked at Nobushi Ito's expression. I couldn't laugh and asked, "Can there be 50,000 people?"

"Although it's unbelievable, he can do it. Of course, we hope he won't do that."

"I don't think so. The cost is too high." Li Zhengfu didn't have an affirmative tone this time.

The new Chinese exploration team filled the temporary camp again, and Li Zhengfu was depressed for a while. The camp transformed by the logging farm is not large, and the number of Chinese exploration teams is large, plus all kinds of heavy equipment. It almost takes up all the space.

There is nothing he can do. The temporary camp belongs to Aliksey. No matter how unwilling the people of Xinma Group are, they can only listen to the full Chinese language again.

The team rested until noon and began to expand the camp and set up tents and board houses at the same time. Compared with the camper prepared by Arikesse. The comfort of tents and board rooms is much lower. Even with a sleeping bag, it may be cold and there is a lack of space to move in the room.

Li Zhengfu and others guessed at a glance, and there would be an exploration team later.

Sure enough, shortly after noon, the seventh exploration team arrived at the temporary camp. As usual, Su City picked up people at the gate of the camp.

Li Zhengfu now saw Su Cheng appear at the gate of the temporary camp. You will feel uncomfortable all over.

Dinner is provided by the Russians as usual, with a large amount of broth and bread. The Chinese gathered in a circle to enjoy themselves. Li Zhengfu, Ito Nobushige and Su Cheng ate with Alixe as usual. Their food and workers are almost the same. They are also thick soup and bread, but the tableware is more surprising.

The three of them listened to Ali Ksai's words with great interest. In the drowsy time of Li Zhengfu, the Chinese circle suddenly became noisy.

"What's the matter? What are they arguing about?" Ito Nobushige asked Li Zhengfu, who understood Chinese, in a low voice.

Li Zhengfu listened for a while and whispered, "It's because of where to live at night."

Ito Nobushige understood, "It's not strange to live in a camp. It's much warmer."

Li Zhengfu shook his head and said, "They are grabbing the tent."

Su Cheng stood up at this time and said, "I'll go and have a look."

In front of us, the two exploration teams surrounded into a dense circle. Only one of the fat workers shouted in a northern tone, "Our team has enough energy and rest, and all of them is strong. Unlike your team, there are old technicians. No, no, we sleep in tents and you sleep in barracks.

The old technician's face was wrinkled together, and his voice was loud and loud, "Can your body also make you strong? You sleep in a tent, do you know how to sleep in a tent?

"Don't say it, I really know it. We all work by digging a hole in the tent, burning coal, firewood and crude oil. However, the crude oil is not good, and the smoke is big. When I go to bed the next day, my face will be blackened. The words of the fat worker caused a burst of laughter.

heard the old technician boo and said, "You can't do it at minus 10 degrees. It's right to dig a pit, but you can't burn things. On such a cold day, the tent has to dig the ground. Do you know what a ground is? I want to cross some wood on the pit, then spread the grass, and cultivate soil on the grass. A group of people are crowded inside, how warm it should be. The only disadvantage is that there is no window.

"Is it okay if you don't burn the fire?"

"Why not?" The old technician curled his lips and said, "When I participated in the Battle of Daqing in 60 years, it was 40 degrees below zero in the east * north. We lived in such a manor, and there was nothing wrong with it. Don't mention that more than 30 big men squeezed in. Except for the smell, they are not afraid of the cold.

"Have you really lived there?" The Daqing battle is like a monument of PetroChina. The old technician in front of him participated in the Daqing oil battle, and other people's voices immediately sank.

The old technician proudly stretched out his palm, gestured, and said, "As for what I said, I have lived for 6 years. Keep it safe. OK, eat quickly and dig a hole later. Our exploration team will stay tonight.

Su Cheng was dumbfounded in the back. Living in a pit under a tent for 6 years, such a life is hard to imagine with his experience. The only thing he can do is to pay attention to him silently... RS