Super Energy Power

Chapter 397 --Response

With the reform and opening up of the country, it has become more and more common to poach people with high salaries.

In the 1990s, the [China] country was not like an afterlife, and the salaries of private enterprises were often much higher than those of government civil servants and enterprises and institutions. In 1992, when department-level cadres in the mainland may not be able to get a monthly salary of 500 yuan, private enterprises in Shenzhen had already offered a salary of 1,500 yuan.

Foreign capital is even worse. Their salaries have reached more than ten times that of ordinary civil servants a long time ago. The legend of foreign companies was also established in the early 1990s. Most of the foreign-funded enterprises that have just come to China are well-known large companies. With stable benefits and ultra-high bonus incentives, white-collar gold-collar workers have become the envy of the whole society.

The tide of the 1990s occurred in this context. Unlike the tide of going to sea in the 1980s, people who left their jobs without pay from government departments, enterprises and institutions in the 1990s did not necessarily do business, and a large group of people chose to work in private enterprises.

20 years later, it was a little incredible. College students sharpened their heads to test civil servants to enter state-owned enterprises. How could anyone abandon the establishment and go to private enterprises?

In fact, if the average salary of private enterprises is doubled and the salary of civil servants is doubled, everyone's choice will change again.

Human nature is to seek benefits and avoid harm. In depth, most of the civil servants who left their jobs without pay from government departments in the 1990s were ordinary staff in non-power departments, with heavy power, private drivers and private car leaders, all of whom were flattered by private entrepreneurs. Naturally, they would not foolishly engage in unpaid leave. Employees who are not paid by self-employed enterprises are also mainly local state-owned enterprises. The benefits and benefits of central enterprises far exceed those of the following enterprises, and the mobility of personnel is much weaker.

However, no matter how weak the liquidity is, it will flow after all.

Zhan Zhifang thought about it carefully. Five times the salary is almost 2,000 yuan. More than a dozen shipyards under China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry, do you want to say that no one is moved? That's naturally impossible.

What worried Zhan Zhifang most was that the inside of the ship was a large pot of rice. The salary of the best master is no less than 200 yuan than that of the worst master. In this way, there has been a mess. Dahua Industry is a private enterprise, and the flexibility of the salary is very high. If they pay five times the salary of ordinary workers, how much will they pay for the most skilled workers?

Although Zhan Zhifang has been away from the front line of the factory for a long time, he knows in his heart that although there are no. 100 people in the workshop of a factory, he often relies on one or two people to support him.

For example, in the electric workshop of the machine installation workshop, if one or two people ask for leave today, everyone can only do groceries, and the assembly line can't flow even if they want to. There are many factories in China that rely on labor to make up for the efficiency of the machine. Unless the yield rate is ignored, there are always many people.

One or two workers are retired or dug up, and there is always a way to make up for a group as big as a ship. But if a large number of workers are dug up, will there be a workshop forced to shut down? Will there be a shipyard in trouble because of this? This is what Mr. Zhan needs to consider.

After a short pause, Zhan Zhifang took out the BP machine in his hand, snapped, and put it in front of Director Mao and said, "Look, Dahua Industry is going to do something like this, isn't it going to be a mess?"

Director Mao frowned slightly. Although he and Zhan Zhifang are both vice-ministerial, how can the executive vice president of China Ship and the deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission be the same?

It was also because there were many people around, so Director Mao took a look at his BP machine, and then handed it to other Zhan Zhifang to face Su Cheng with a very tough attitude and said, "Su Dong, do you know this? Explain it?"

He hopes to force Su Cheng to make concessions with his attitude.

Su Cheng chose tit-for-tat: "I don't think it's necessary to explain that this is the business idea of our company. The flow of talents is a direction of enterprise reform. The salary offered by Dahua is aimed at the value of these workers. If you want to keep these people, you can understand them with reason, and you can also pay the same salary. The key question is how the workers decide.

Put the news of high-paying poaching people after the explanation meeting, before the explanation meeting, or during the explanation meeting, there are some disputes within Dahua Industry. Su Cheng finally chose the explanation meeting to explain this matter through the explanation meeting.

After all, the matter of poaching is put after the explanation meeting. Although it will not be questioned on the spot, it also leaves the question behind. Su Cheng was worried that the ship would not let go of others, and used all kinds of means to obstruct the flow of people who were dug. It's not that state-owned enterprises haven't done this kind of thing. Moreover, adhering to the style of being invincible, if the ship is shameless, Dahua Industry really can't do anything about them.

During the briefing, Su Cheng hopes to get the support of the upper leadership. As long as there is an instruction or forwarding, the leader of the ship should consider his face when making a decision.

Therefore, Su Cheng had expected Zhan Zhifang's anger.

Zhan Zhifang didn't expect Su Cheng to change his face when he said that he would change his face, and he became so thorough. He said in vain, "Nonsense, in an enterprise as big as Zhongchuan, the salary will rise as soon as it rises..."

"That's because your salary mechanism is not flexible. If necessary, I can send the human resources manager of Dahua to Zhongchuan to give you two courses on salary adjustment in modern enterprises." Su Cheng has always grasped the proposition of modern enterprise management, because this will be an important topic of the 14th National Congress. On such an occasion, it is Shang Fang's sword.

Zhan Zhifang's hands trembled angrily: "How can you find someone? Do you still have a reason?"

Su Cheng nodded and said, "Of course it makes sense to dig people. Mr. Zhan, what age is it? The ship is still eating a big pot of rice. In your shipyard, welders do the most important work, but warehouse managers of the same age get about the same salary, which is less than the salary of office clerks. What's the reason? The salary of a senior welder is only a hundred yuan more than that of a junior welder, but he not only has to do his own work, but also has to undertake the task of training a junior welder. I have to say that this is really unreasonable.

Zhan Zhifang was in the enterprise. Only he educated others, and no others educated him. He was refuted by Su Cheng and hummed, "This is our own business. What you are digging now is the people in our boat, who are the employees of national enterprises!"

"How to recruit is also our own business." Su Cheng looked at Director Mao and said, "Today is the explanation meeting, so I will explain it. Dahua Industry believes that the market determines the value of workers. Senior welders should get 10 times the salary of junior welders. The salary of office clerks can be higher than that of junior welders, but not higher than that of intermediate welders. We give us a salary that we think is appropriate, and workers move voluntarily, and enterprises should not stop them.

If an enterprise like Zhongchuan is determined to stop it, many workers will still hesitate. Especially for those high-level welders, they are usually older and conservative. At the same time, they also have many children and friends working in the shipyard. Maybe their father and elders have also retired from the shipyard, so it is unrealistic for them to leave everything.

Zhan Zhifang is old, and it is the first time she has encountered such a thing, and her reaction is a little slow for a while.

At this time, Ding Zhipeng, who had never spoken, said, "When I was in the Sports Reform Commission, I studied the salary of workers in our country. If it is not good to eat a big pot of rice, the annual work sequence system is to eat a big pot of rice, and until now, it has become the object of research in various countries around the world. However, from the results of our research, the labor productivity of [China] Chinese enterprises that eat big pot rice is obviously low, and there will be more contradictions in the enterprises that have lifted the big pot rice. 〖 The opinion of the central government is to adjust by the enterprises themselves. I think Dahua's high-paying employment method is very representative. I suggest reporting to the superiors.

Zhan Zhifang hesitated when he heard this.

Su Cheng ignored him and said directly, "I agree. No matter what instructions the superiors make, Dahua Industry will resolutely implement it."

Even if he can't dig people with a high salary, his loss is not that big. Just find a way. But if it is approved by the leader, the matter will be very smooth.

At the root, he believes that the time is ripe, and he will definitely get a positive response at this time.

In a country engaged in a market economy, if workers can't move freely, what kind of market economy can they do?

Ding Zhipeng directly regarded Zhan Zhifang's silence as a acquiescence, wrote two strokes on his notebook, closed and said, "Director Mao, that's all for today's meeting?"

"Then that's it." Director Mao also stood up.

Compared with state-owned enterprise cadres, their status is much higher. Everyone in the play has no objection.

Zhan Zhifang could only look at Zhao Limin and motioned him to come forward.

Zhao Limin barely showed a smiling face without saying a word. The shipyards under the Ocean Group have more ship repair business than shipbuilding business. Even if they are poached, they will not be the hard-hit area. On the other hand, the main business of the Ocean Group is sea transportation after all. Maybe there will be a place to get Dahua Shipping in the future, so there is no need to offend it.

Without the allied forces, Zhan Zhifang could only calm down.

Su Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The preparation in the early stage made him avoid [Dao] German criticism. At the stage of rational judgment, he believed that he was superior.

Zhan Zhifang found a phone, dialed his office phone, asked the secretary about the situation, and then came back. He said to Zhao Limin, who also called, "How is the situation over there?"

"Several shipyards reported the situation, and about five or six people applied to resign."

"It's almost the same here. There are almost two shipyards and one person."

"They are testing."

Zhan Zhifang said "um" and asked, "What do you think?"

"It's not good to keep people with a high salary. There are so many workers under our two groups. Dahua raised the salary, and we also raised the salary. What should we do if we encounter such a thing in the future? I think we must find another way.

"Oh? I would like to hear more about it." Zhan Zhifang knew that Zhao Limin had a lot of ghost ideas. The two had worked together for a period of time, and their personal friendship has always been maintained.

Zhao Limin turned his eyes and said, "We can't give much money, but there are actually a lot of official fans in our state-owned enterprises."

"Do it for them? That doesn't work. If the worker's establishment is randomly transferred to the administrative establishment, it will be completely messed up.

Zhao Limin said impatiently, "Of course, not everyone, but those who go and are willing to come back. Let's do it for them. The more people you pull back, the more officials there will be. There are dozens of establishments. What's the big deal?