Super Energy Power

Chapter 456 Soft ribs

"Five stars invite five rings, Beijing is connected to the world, China is opening up, the Yangtze River is open-minded... The glorious flag is flying high... Tell the blue sky, tell the earth, we are running to the future..." At six o'clock in the evening, the high-pitched horn of the factory released a song, like a school bell .

The shift workers and the off-duty workers, like two turbulent rivers, are quickly filled with spacious roads, and the quiet workshop is also filled with the strong song of "Five Stars Invites and Five Rings".

Su Cheng and Lin Yonggui, who were thinking, stood up unconsciously.

"Five Stars Invite Five Rings" is the theme song of the Seventh National Games and a typical political song. It is the accompaniment of China's first application for the Olympic Games.

Nevertheless, the high momentum contained in the style of "Five Stars Invite Five Rings" is very in line with the mood of the two.

1993 was the year when Chinese people most wanted to prove themselves. Nearly half a century after the founding of the People's Republic of China, more than ten years of reform and opening up, when the shortage of materials for many years is over, when the hardships of many years are eased, when you can see the world clearly when you open your eyes... The Chinese suddenly have incomparable hope that there is a person who stands up. It Count the sand...

Applying for the Olympic Games is the ultimate manifestation of this desire.

When a song was about to end, Lin Yonggui suddenly woke up and said, "If I can build a China-Kazakhstan line and get an oil field in Central Asia, it will be worth it in my life."

Su Cheng was stunned and immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Lin underestimates himself. You still have a good time and can do a lot of things."

"As long as I can do this, I will be satisfied." Leaving his own territory, Lin Yonggui also seemed to take off his serious and majestic mask and repeated what he had just said.

Su Cheng nodded slightly, and his face became serious.

He looked out of the unbright window of the workshop and stared at the team of gray and yellow tooling. After a moment, he whispered, "Whether the China-Kazakhstan line can work or not, I will go to Azerbaijan to try to get an oil field."

In fact, Su Chengyuan didn't have to tell Lin Yonggui about the plan, but at this moment, he felt that maybe Lin Yonggui should know about it.

There are too many companies staring at the oil fields in Azerbaijan. Shengli Oilfields or some domestic companies are far from becoming strong competitors. He doesn't have to

Lin Yonggui was not surprised. He just asked softly, "If the China-Kazakhstan line fails, how will you transport oil after you get the oil field in Azerbaijan?"

"It is said that the Americans will build an oil pipeline from Azerbaijan to Turkey to bypass Russian control. If I get the oil fields in Azerbaijan and don't get the China-Kazakhstan line or the Anda line, I will probably try to use this oil pipeline." Su Cheng explained a simple sentence and leaked a message again, which was not like the message he remembered. This news was information collected by the Information Bureau from public channels in the United States. After analysis, the conclusion reached was almost the same as the facts.

Although we don't know how many pipelines are built by Americans every year, it will certainly be inconvenient to borrow pipes from other countries. Don't mention commercial competition, political changes alone are enough to drink. Lin Yonggui has also been engaged in oil for many years, and is very clear about the dilemma of losing transportation channels. If Dahua gets an oil field in Azerbaijan, once the oil is released, the drilling can almost not be stopped and cannot be shipped out. The best solution is to sell it to middlemen in the United States cheaply, and eventually only earn a capital.

This is also one of the risks of oil development. In order to get the highest total price in the world, oil companies have always taken risks that ordinary people can't afford.

Compared with state-owned enterprises, the risks borne by private enterprises are particularly huge. Small private enterprises, in particular, are often heaven in the first second and hell in the second...

Lin Yonggui touched the white hair on his temples and said, "It's not easy for anyone. Actually..."

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, Dahua can live a good life without oil development or oil pipelines. In my life, I have given Shengli Oilfield. You don't have to know how difficult it is.

"The difficult road has become an easy road to walk by people. It is not easy to come to this world. If you pursue enjoyment, you should not be an enterprise." Sucheng is half true and half fake.

Lin Yonggui blinked and smiled, "It's just you who can develop oil."

"With the foundation created by Secretary Lin, we have a choice." Su Cheng took the opportunity to win Lin Yonggui.

Lin Yonggui smiled happily, rubbed his chin and said, "Think about it, I'm also in my fifties. I have joined the Party for 32 years. In order to talk about the foundation, my generation is also on the basis of its predecessors.

Without Su Cheng's response, Lin Yonggui said to himself, "I joined the party in 61 years and the last year of three years of natural disasters. At that time, not to mention the Olympic Games, we didn't dare to think about buying oil from abroad. Everyone got up in the morning to drink a bowl of wild vegetable porridge, and then drank a bellyful of water, and staggered to work. Every day, they wanted to be able to extract 1 more ton of oil, exchange more fertilizer, and more grain to come back..."

The memory of youth is always the most indelible.

Lin Yonggui took a gentle breath, turned his body, turned his back to Su Cheng, and said, "The times are different... In those years, who would have imagined that one day, we had the ability to build a steel pipeline thousands of kilometers long, and then buy oil from abroad..."

Su Cheng was also a little excited by what he said, and solemnly said, "We can definitely do it."

"It must be done." Lin Yonggui raised his voice slightly and said, "There are 1.2 billion people in our country - to solve the problem of food and clothing of 1.2 billion people, to let 1.2 billion people eat and wear warm, and live a better and better life, it will cost more than now, more plastic greenhouses, more chemical fiber... I think other countries will have the same requirements. Therefore, not to say that the current Middle East oil is cheap, one day it will not be cheap. The offshore oil channel through the Strait of Malacca is not safe. The competition for oil resources will become more and more intense in the future.

Su Cheng understood in his heart that Lin Yonggui seemed to reveal his true feelings, which turned out to be paving the way for Middle East Petroleum.

Middle Eastern oil in the 1990s was indeed cheap. Low-sulfur sweet oil was once sold for less than $30. Such light crude oil is a hot seller in the international market. It can extract more high-value-added products than heavy oil produced in Central Asia and other regions, and has always been the favorite of major refineries. However, due to the economic crisis, increased oil production, and the impact of world peace, crude oil in the early and mid-1990s could not be sold at a price.

In China, the argument that buying is better than buying will naturally become popular.

Compared with the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars in oil exploration, it seems to be more economical to buy Middle Eastern crude oil directly.

But conservatives like Lin Yonggui will not agree with this argument. However, the tone that is not as good as buying is getting higher and higher, and Lin Yonggui is probably worried that Su Cheng will change his course.

In fact, from the perspective of pure money-making, the exploitation of Central Asian oil is not a good choice. If the same money is put into the real estate market and commercial circulation, it may get more returns and the risk is less.

Lin Yonggui's card can only be faith and goal.

Although it sounds a little illusory, isn't China's cause, China's industry, and China's success officially established in illusory?

As a vice-ministerial official, Lin Yonggui never underestimates the power of faith and goals.

People always have to pursue something.

The more you get, the purer the pursuit will be.


Su Cheng did not give Lin Yonggui a definite answer, but he has been accompanying Lin Yonggui out of the factory.

China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline, even if it is an enterprise's behavior, cannot be separated from the national power. It's not that he said that achievements can be achieved, let alone promises.

What Lin Yonggui wants is only Su Cheng's investment in this project, not really wanting an irresponsible promise. He was even happier when he saw that Su Cheng was cautious.

In the evening, Lin Yonggui quietly left Jinan.

Su Cheng continued to participate in the banquet of Jichai Power Machine Factory. On the second and third days, he participated in two meetings respectively, straightening out the relationship between the public utility department and the branch before leaving.

Although the domestic media have been unruly for a long time, their sense of smell mostly stays on red envelopes and has not evolved to the level of paparazzi. No reporter from any industrial newspaper noticed Su Cheng's actions. Even Zhang Changting of Daqing actually did not pay attention to Lin Yonggui, but bet on the head office.

Officials always keep their eyes on their superiors, at least in the domestic market, which is quite effective.

When you encounter a private enterprise like Dahua, there will often be omissions.

Like the leaders of state-owned enterprises or governments, Su Cheng needs to attend some meetings on time or make reports from time to time.

He doesn't even have to explain his itinerary and schedule to anyone.

In this way, when he slowly disappeared in the process of inspecting his companies, no one realized the problem.

in the blind spot of concern. The city of Sioux flew from Europe and arrived in Almaty, the capital of Kazakhstan. In addition to the professionals of Dahua Group, there are also several specially invited design planners.

Sucheng never fights uncertain battles. In the process of oil development, there will be no one to take a chance.

According to the information provided by the Comprehensive Information Bureau and Su Cheng's own memory, he is very sure that there are only a few days when Almaty, a European city, has the title of "Capital of Kazakhstan".

Iron-fisted President Nazarbayev may be most interested in oil, but his biggest headache is "moving the capital".

Yes, in a few years, the beautiful Almaty will no longer be the capital of Kazakhstan.

In order to counter the resistance within the country, Zarbayev, who is reinforced, inevitably shows his weakness.
