Super Energy Power

Chapter 466 Big and Small Club

If anyone is the general manager who presides over the meeting, Zhang Changting will object if he stands up and asks Dahua Industry to attend the director's meeting.

However, what Mr. Zhou said. Zhang Changting opened and closed his mouth, and opened and closed again. After all, he did not dare to object.

He can think of reasons for objection. For example, this is a meeting of the director of the oil company, and outsiders are not allowed to join. But he can also think of the reason for support. The China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline is dominated by Dahua Industry, and it is reasonable to ask Dahua Industry to explain.

As Mr. Zhou, as long as the reason is reasonable, that's enough.

What's more, except Zhang Changting himself, who jumped out?

If Zhang Changting is a young man, he may try to spit out old blood. But he was more than fifty years old. How could he be so angry? He moved his buttocks twice as if he didn't hear it.

The staff in the office were also clever. The time to walk to the door was slightly slowed down by two steps. They peeked at Zhang Changting and didn't respond before opening the door to notice.

A phone call went out, turned around, and turned from Yang Ming back to Sucheng, where he was in the Petroleum Building.

He was not in a hurry to go up, but inquired about the situation in the conference room first.

What did the two sides say, what is everyone's attitude, and the expressions of the bureau chiefs... These are all what Su Cheng has long asked for attention. Although the Information Bureau failed to arrange people in the conference room, with the help of Lin Yonggui, someone came to deliver the message.

Dong Feng sorted out the collected information, removed obvious omissions, integrated duplicate information, and then forwarded it to Sucheng.

The time spent is about the same as the toss and turns of phone calls.

Because he arrived at the Petroleum Building in advance, Sucheng saved his company time to get here. After the information officer of the Information Bureau handed over the sealed letter to Su Cheng, he could easily judge the current situation - Lin Yonggui did not have an obvious advantage.

This is a frustrating and somewhat strange conclusion.

Sucheng can only attribute it to the ** of the Sino-Russian oil pipeline, which is bigger than the ** of the Sino-Kazakhstan oil pipeline. Or, when Lin Yonggui was working, Zhang Changting was not idle.

At this moment, Su Cheng did not know that the small group composed of Su Xing and Su Yaping had ousted several members of the Su family, joined the opposition, and influenced several bureau chiefs.

I don't know if the current situation is still expected. Su Cheng closed the document and asked the informant with three or seven points in front of him: "Can you pass the message after entering?"

The informant looked left and right and whispered, "Simple messages can be delivered."

"In this way..." Su Cheng touched his chin and said, "When I get to the place, if I turn the teacup to the direction of 3 o'clock, it's okay. If I turn to 6 o'clock, it's the execution item 1, the transfer to 9 o'clock is the item 2, and the 12 o'clock direction is

Su Cheng said, while recording the meaning of item 1, item 2 and item 3 on a piece of paper, indicating the situation, then put it in an envelope to seal it, and then hand it over to the information officer. He said, "Be sure to give the letter to Dong Feng safely and quickly. If it doesn't work, you should also find a way to "

What he said is actually a routine commonly used in negotiations, which has nothing to do with the in-depth business of intelligence. If people sitting on both sides of the negotiating table leave the negotiating table easily, it is easy for the opponent to seize the opportunity. A look and a gesture can be used as a secret code, which can often deliver the latest news.

Su Cheng joined the director's meeting of the Petroleum Corporation as an explainer. Obviously, he was not qualified to leave without authorization. At this time, he needed to send a message.

Dahua's information officer put away the envelope and said, "I will deliver it safely as soon as possible." The director taught us the rules.

"Be careful." Su Cheng patted him on the shoulder and stepped upstairs.

The little informant was excited for three seconds, pressed the envelope, and his heart was full of a sense of mission.

The third floor.

The fierce dispute has not changed because of the arrival of Su City.

For such an important issue, officials in the oil system do not dare to despise it. Naturally, they should strive for as many advantages as they can.

In front of Mr. Zhou, Lin Yonggui and Zhang Changting are both full of energy, as far as the international situation, close to domestic supply and demand, the oil theory and hot oil prices are almost a discussion of astro-geography**. On the whiteboard opposite Mr. Zhou, more and more content was written, which inevitably exceeded the limitations of the oil pipeline and began to discuss the difficult proposition of PetroChina's development.

However, Zhou Lao didn't say to stop, and people on both sides couldn't stop even if they wanted to.

Su Cheng quietly sat on the chair next to the wall and observed the situation.

The person who is talking about is Luo Mingshan, a figure belonging to the Lin Yonggui faction. In those years, he was transferred to the Xinjiang branch from the Ministry of Petroleum, but he was promoted quickly. If the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline is successful, it will inevitably deal with him. At this time, Luo Mingshan is explaining how to overcome difficulties and lay the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline with a professional vision.

Against him was He Haitao, the factory director of the gem machine. Gemstone Machine is the largest petroleum machinery factory in China and a leading enterprise in the oil pipeline industry. Last month, he was still a member of the Anda Line, because Zhang Changting was going to hand over the pipeline business of the Anda Line to its Daqing Machinery Factory. Nowadays, He Haitao is explaining the hardships and impracticality of the China-Kazakhstan line, and obviously got Zhang Changting's promise.

In fact, the relationship between Dahua Industry and the gem machine is not shallow. The number of pipelines required by Dahua Petrochemical and Dahua Gas Company is not small. Some important parts are imported from abroad, and the ordinary ones are provided by gem machines. They even developed special pipelines for the two companies.

It's not enough. In front of thousands of kilometers of oil pipelines, the previous incense is nothing. What's more, the procurement department of Dahua Industry, the price of the card quality card, the card is very tight, and the gem machine has been taught. Between Daqing and Dahua, the gem machine must also be inclined to Daqing, unless Sucheng can give them a definite guarantee - and the guarantee they want is naturally what Sucheng does not want to give.

The topic of the two quickly extended from the difficulty and necessity of pipeline heating to the management of transnational oil base stations. As a result, Xue Guoqiang of the Petroleum Research Institute and Wang Meng of the Petroleum University joined the front. They are all members of the council and are at the top level of technology who have no choice but to be involved.

Su Cheng slowly became bored and turned his head to the side. As long as the situation could maintain an invincible draw, he was not ready to intervene strongly. According to his analysis, with the development of time, there will be more and more problems with the Sino-Russian oil pipeline, and there will be fewer and fewer supporters, waiting for it to die naturally. Of course, all this requires that the pace of Dahua Industry will not be affected by this. It will take at least a year to prepare for the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline. In this year, there is no need to forcibly distinguish right from wrong.

"Why don't you talk?" A young man who seemed to be a staff member filled the leaders at the table with tea and sat next to Su Cheng.

Su Cheng turned his head in surprise. Those who dare to hold small meetings on such occasions obviously can't be employees of the head office.

"My name is Zhou Feng, the maple of the maple tree." This staff is becoming less and less like a staff member.

"Su Cheng." Su Cheng shook the hand he handed over.

"I know. If I hadn't heard about you, I wouldn't have bothered to sign up. Zhou Feng has a big face, with flat eyes, mouth and ears, especially the ears, very distinctive round ears, like a mouse in a cartoon...

Su Cheng stared at him for a few seconds and felt that this guy's ears were too conspicuous. His eyes unconsciously swept over Mr. Zhou and suddenly felt something.

Mr. Zhou's ears are also ordinary, and Zhou Feng's surname is also Zhou...

"I'm a grandson." Zhou Feng didn't mean to hide it. He smiled and said, "I poured tea for a long time, and at least four or five people found that these guys were all human spirits."

"That's not true." Su Cheng cherished his words and smiled like gold. He has passed the level of climbing relatives with the third generation of Hong. Su Xing, who is also the third generation, has long faded out of the vision of each family. Mr. Zhou's grandson may be stronger, but he is not much stronger.

Zhou Feng didn't care about Su Cheng's idea and asked himself, "Who do you think both of them makes sense?"

He refers to Xue Guoqiang and Wang Meng. Both of them are leaders of technical positions, and there are many technical words in the language. Although the two tried to simplify the explanation, many people still couldn't understand it. However, the words of the two of them are more valued, at least Zhou Lao's eyes are open.

This is also the main business of the two of them being pulled into the director's meeting. The oil sector trusts the opinions of experts, and it is not impossible to trust them. Without the guidance of experts, the scale of an exploration well is tens of millions, and which oil company dares to roll the dice. Whether it is the expert witness that Zhang Changting first found or the expert witness that Lin Yonggui first found, as long as one participates, the other will definitely be pulled in.

On the contrary, Su Cheng did not listen to their words very carefully. He rubbed the cup with his hand and said with a smile, "On behalf of Dahua Industry, the target is the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline."

"That won't affect your evaluation of Anda Line." Zhou Feng looked at Su Cheng unscrupulously, which was like looking at women in a nightclub.

Sucheng has refined the good city government for several years, let Zhou Feng take a good looked at it, and said, "The buttocks determine the head. Since I want to do the China-Kazakhstan line, in my opinion, the Anda line is naturally full of loopholes, and there is nothing to evaluate.

"Oh? What are the loopholes?

"The attitude of the Russians is the biggest loophole." Su Cheng obviously didn't want to say more.

Zhou Feng smiled and said, "You don't know, Mr. Yang has given Mr. Zhou a guarantee ticket before, so that the Russians can agree to sign the contract."

"The conditions of the Russians must be harsh, and it is useless for Mr. Yang to guarantee the ticket."

"I think many people believe in Mr. Yang. Otherwise, what do they have to debate? Zhou Feng said with a smile, "How's it going? Do you want me to help you?"

"No." Su Cheng was not sure what Zhou Feng was thinking, and he refused quite simply.

"Look at you, don't thank me much, just owe me a favor." Zhou Feng originally held a small meeting with his voice, but after this sentence, he deliberately raised his voice higher and higher. He said, "If you agree with the China-Kazakhstan line and oppose the Anda line, then say the reason. If you want me to say that the front-line enterprises are more than the research institute, you know more about the situation."

When he said about the "research institute", the voice was already normal, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Although it was a little unexpected, Su Cheng was ready to speak, so he still sat calmly in the chair, stretched out his left hand, took a short teacup, took a sip of tea, and gently put the teacup back to his side. No one noticed that the teacup handle was turned.
