Super Energy Power

Chapter 472 Who are you satisfied with?

In fact, there is no intersection between Qi Meng and the poverty alleviation project. However, in his position, he knows too many people and departments.

He first asked Sucheng a series of questions about funds, duration and goals, etc., and made sure that Sucheng was not a donation of the nature of playing tickets. Qi Meng immediately took out his phone book from the office cabinet and said, "I'll give you the phone number of a friend of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and my classmate in the first I have to be busy."

"That's a good feeling. By the way, which school did you graduate from? Su Cheng asked in Qi Meng's tone.

"People's Congress." Qi Meng was scratched to the itch and said proudly, "Our classmates in that period have now become a family and a career. Wang Hui helped the Central Committee of the Youth Development Foundation a few years ago, which is the foundation of the Hope Project..."

Qi Meng grabbed the phone and said for two minutes. Then he said shyly, "I accidentally said so much. Well, I'll call Wang Hui first, and then ask him to call you?"

"Do you need me to go there?" Su Cheng held the phone and laughed in his heart. As expected, the policy research office, like the university research institute, is a guy who sees alumni like a school beauty.

At the other end of the phone, Qi Meng said, "No, you're paying them. After it's finalized, let him find someone to talk to you."

Su Cheng said indifferently, "That's fine, but if he asks us to go, we'll go."

"No, no." Qi Meng entered the alumni mode and raised his voice: "The spirit of the National People's Congress is hard and simple. Well, seek truth. Mr. Su, you take care of thousands of machines every day, and you have just come home. How can you run all the way, or to send money? You don't do things like this... Wang Hui dare to say so, I'll knock on his skull... Er, when it comes to knocking on the skull, Wang Hui is really knocked by me. It should

De, Qi Meng fell into the alumni mode and couldn't get out.

Su Cheng knew that all the people who became famous had the heart to show off. However, the people in the officialdom are required to be low-key and simple, and the classmates are all public servants of various national units. No one can show off to anyone. Qi Meng finally caught such a person as Su Cheng, who has a high status and is not in the officialdom. How can he stand it?

For the sake of saving his time, Su Cheng listened patiently for three minutes and couldn't help saying, "I miss you so much. It's good to have a classmate party."

"It's not a school celebration, and there's nothing to do to get together." Qi Meng squeaked his mouth and was a little moved. He is the best among the students in the same period. He entered the State Council within a few years after graduation. After several power departments, he has reached the position of director of the Development and Reform Commission, which can be said to be a rapid progress.

Su Cheng casually said, "Contact feelings, what else do you need? You can find a reason if you have nothing to do."

Qi Meng turned his mind and had an idea. He said, "That's right, by the way, Su Dong graduated from Peking University. We can have a party together. Peking University and Ren's Congress, a very good theme..."

"I'll forget it..." Su Cheng was sweating in his head. He didn't dare to go back and recall the past with his classmates. He may not remember what happened in the past.

"It's a pity, it's actually very convenient..." Qi Meng's heart to show off faded, and the heart of fame slowly rose. It is not a bad thing to communicate with Dahua Industry, which is in full bloom.

This phone call lasted for a quarter of an hour. When he hung up, Su Cheng's ears were red. He turned his head again, but he saw Shu Lan sitting on the sofa, holding her cheek with one hand, and her big eyes narrowed into a crack, like a sleepy cat, and she actually dozed off.

Su Cheng ridiculously took the jacket beside him, covered her, and then made himself a bag of instant coffee.

In the early 1990s, instant coffee was more than enough to decorate the facade. Fully automatic coffee machines that are common in later generations are not popular now. Mechanical coffee machines are not only bulky and complex, but also a test for people to buy coffee beans in China.

After drinking coffee, Wang Hui's phone call also came.

His speed of speech is very fast, but he is clearly organized and logical. He is the most popular interlocutor of Su Cheng. It's not easy for such people to be emotional, but it's easier to get things done.

It is estimated that due to the introduction of Qi Mengju, Wang Hui promised Su Cheng to start the registration of the foundation immediately without seeing the money.

In the land of China, it is not so easy to register a foundation, and charitable foundations are no exception.

It can only be said to be the credit of "trust".

The trust between people has experienced the turmoil of the 1970s and the recovery of the 1980s. The 1990s is the last soil for the growth of trust and is about to be lost.

Su Cheng solemnly thanked Qi Meng, turned around, and Shu Lan also woke up.

"The foundation is basically successful." Su Cheng made an OK gesture.

"Really?" Shu Lan, who was sleepy, opened her eyes wide in an instant, like a cat standing in the fish market.

"Really." Su Cheng stopped for a moment and then said, "You have to think about it. It's not easy for the foundation at the beginning. Or wait for a while to let the foundation enter the formal stage before starting to work?"

"I can do it." Shu Lan clenched her little fist and said, "Wei Weiya has all done a foundation. If they can do it, I can do it."

"They did it in a foreign country, and the national conditions are different." Su Cheng has heard of Wei Weiya and others. Like the wives or gentlemen of other world's top 500 enterprises, the operation of the foundation is their main job, which can support the family from the other side. This power can also separate the husband or wife from tedious family affairs, such as schools, hospitals and so on. The president of the foundation can deal with it easily.

Shu Lan was very curious about such a job. Coupled with the young man's mood, she nodded her chin and said, "I'm going to collect information and figure out the situation by myself before the other party comes."

"The Ministry of Civil Affairs probably won't give us a foundation easily, but it doesn't matter. Let's talk about it slowly. We can always talk about it." Su Cheng also agreed with Shu Lan's operation of the Foundation and gave up after a foreshadowing.

However, the foundation is not the only one working on poverty alleviation.

The next day, when Sucheng held a high-level meeting, he focused on: "Dahua's poverty alleviation work should be at the forefront of the whole country and take it as an example. My idea is to divide it into three parts. The first is poverty alleviation loans, which are provided by our affiliated enterprises, Shenzhen Development Bank, to provide small rural poverty alleviation loans; the second is relief; the third is poverty alleviation and development work, focusing on solving the problems of employment opportunities and jobs..."

The next vote of the crowd was stunned.

Let a group of them be smart and clever. I didn't expect that Sucheng would avoid the oil pipeline and talk about poverty alleviation...

What does poverty alleviation have to do with Dahua's business?

Everyone was silent, but what Su Cheng said was very detailed. Qin Shiwei couldn't help asking, "What does this poverty alleviation have to do with us?" I don't object to poverty alleviation. It can't affect normal work because of poverty alleviation. At present, Dahua Laboratory is in urgent need of personnel and equipment to add research on oil pipelines. The report has been submitted for several days..."

Qin Shiwei is still like a black iron tower. If he doesn't look at his slightly bookish face, he is simply a preparatory robber.

Su Cheng patted his head and said, "It's my fault. I just thought about this matter and didn't explain it."

"What does it mean?" Qin Shiwei is strange.

Su Cheng said seriously, "Explain the relationship between poverty alleviation and oil pipelines."

"Do these two matter?" If it hadn't been for such a serious meeting, Qin Shiwei would have been too lazy to ask.

Unexpectedly, Su Cheng's expression can't be seen at all. He said with a serious look, "It's not only related, but also has a lot of relationship. In short, the construction of oil pipelines is closely related to poverty alleviation and development... Not to mention, from Alashankou to the refinery in Karamay, the oil pipeline at this distance is hundreds of kilometers, passing through several counties. This is still a vast and sparsely populated place. In the future, if the transportation capacity of the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline exceeds the processing capacity of the Karamay oilfield, we need to find a way to transport oil to the southern region. Isn't the oil pipeline still the main solution? At that time, after dozens or hundreds of counties, can they let you occupy the land for nothing? In addition, Kazakhstan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If we want to build oil pipelines, they will not give land for nothing.

"So, use poverty alleviation and development to open the way for the construction of oil pipelines?"

"This is the explanation of this meeting. Of course, the meaning of poverty alleviation and development itself is very abundant. Su Cheng doesn't have to explain so much, as long as it proves that he doesn't lose money.

Qin Shiwei thought about it and felt that it was over the way, so he sat down quietly.

Then, Su Cheng continued to talk about the problem of poverty alleviation and made a careful plan to ensure that he could keep up with the trend of next year. Then he talked about the problem of oil pipelines.

As soon as the topic started, the atmosphere of the meeting became warm.

Huo Chang waited patiently for everyone's proposal to be dealt with before taking out his own question: "Su Dong, the next step is to negotiate an agreement with Shengli Oilfield and the oil company. What is our bottom line? We haven't decided yet."

Oil pipelines have never been built independently by private companies, especially long-distance international pipelines, which are not only difficult to make enemies without the government, but also difficult to achieve. Therefore, the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline is ultimately a joint venture pipeline between Shengli Oilfield or the Petroleum Corporation, Dahua Industry and Kazakhstan. It's just a specific agreement, which has not been discussed yet.

With Huo Chang's understanding of Lin Yonggui, he will probably take the opportunity to sell it to Su Cheng in exchange for his victory in the next general manager competition. Therefore, when he routinely asked Su Cheng, he had already figured out the answer.

Su Cheng's answer was unexpected: " Try to meet the requirements of Shengli Oilfield. I only have one requirement, equal power, profit and responsibility.
