Super Energy Power

Chapter 474 Real "Food"

Because it was a temporary notice, Su Cheng did not change the original plan, but decided to meet with Lin Yonggui in Dahua Shipping.

After more than a year of research and investment, Dahua Shipping has basically mastered the LNG ship technology transferred by South Koreans, but when industrial production will begin, Sucheng still has doubts, and the training of workers and the purchase of materials are not fully prepared. Therefore, Sucheng has been following up with Dahua Shipping and Dahua Laboratory recently, while waiting for a response from the Petroleum Corporation.

With more and more companies under the name of Dahua Industry, Sucheng allocates less and less time to each company. Therefore, after confirming that he wants to come to Dahua Shipping Industry, he is not willing to change it easily. After meeting with Lin Yonggui, he explained slightly: "A few days ago, it was confirmed that he would come to Dahua Shipping I stopped my work and made a special trip to wait. It's really not good to cancel suddenly, and it's easy to be misunderstood.

"I didn't plan the time." In the case of asking for help, Lin Yonggui had no pretentious capital. He smiled and shifted the topic, pointed to an oil tanker in front of him, and said with a smile, "This is a new ship built by Dahua. It feels really different."

"40,000 tons of tankers, in another week, will be the launch and naming ceremony... This is estimated to be the last batch of large and medium-sized oil tankers in Dahua." There is a little emotion in Su Cheng's words.

"The last... large and medium-sized oil tanker..." Lin Yonggui looked up at the tanker dozens of meters high and was speechless. This ship is taller than the tallest building in ordinary prefectures and cities, not to mention the capacity. If a 40,000-ton tanker is used to hold alcohol, it is enough to execute corrupt officials across the country. Such a large oil tanker needs to be described as "large and medium-sized".

He couldn't help saying strangely, "Dahua is going to build a bigger boat?"

"It has been decided a long time ago." Su Cheng nodded and said, "The pressure on the maritime transportation industry is also very great. The larger the ship, the lower the operating cost. After internal discussion, Dahua believes that the tankers below the Panama type are too economical and there is no need to continue to manufacture. We also have to consider for shipowners. If we can't make money by selling ships to others, who will invest in the maritime transportation industry in the future.

Lin Yonggui himself is in the oil circle and still knows a little about crude oil transportation. He knows that Panama-type tankers range from 60,000 to 80,000 tons and can pass through the Panama Canal. According to the regulations, it is at least 50 tons larger than a 40,000-ton tanker.

Thinking that he might be the general manager of the oil company next, Lin Yonggui suddenly became interested in oil tankers and asked, "So, Dahua Shipping Industry is going to be the main ship? Isn't the market for small and medium-sized ships profitable?

"The small and medium-sized ship market is not bad now. Hasn't international law just determined the requirement of double shells and double bottoms for ships? Shipowners are busy changing ships. After this period, the demand of the small and medium-sized ship market will be greatly reduced. Su Cheng explained casually, and then said, "In the future, the market other than large ships will still be left to the factories subordinate to China Ships."

"The relationship between you and the ship is not as bad as the outside world thinks." Lin Yonggui tested a sentence half-truthly.

Su Cheng smiled and said, "If you do a good job in the distribution of benefits, the enemy can also become friends. If you can't do the distribution of benefits well, your own brothers are also enemies."

"That's right. It's okay for two families to suffer losses or two families to make money. If one family suffers losses and one to make money, it won't be long." Lin Yonggui nodded thoughtfully, and then took a serious look at Su Cheng. Re-contact, he and Su Cheng are also slowly balancing their respective positions. The former subordinate relationship has imperceptibly reached an equal position. Lin Yonggui also secretly judged how the future relationship between PetroChina and Dahua will get along through the relationship between Zhongchuan and Dahua.

The status of the two central enterprises is similar. The current situation of China Shipping may be the future of PetroChina. Lin Yonggui is very clear about this. Moreover, strictly speaking, Sucheng itself has shares of PetroChina. Although it is not much, it is not impossible for him to increase or decrease it in the future.

When Lin Yonggui was thinking, Su Cheng waved for an open jeep and let the ancient Hongjun drive. He and Lin Yonggui sat in the back and paraded the Dahua ship industry like a military parade.

After expansion, the current Dahua Shipping Industry has a precious wharf 15 kilometers long. After 20 years, no matter what the level of Dahua Shipping Industry is, the value of this dock is quite large.

On the wide cement road, the jeep walks neither fast nor slow. The sun spilled unobstructed and made projections of different shapes for semi-finished ships.

Countless shipyard workers wearing helmets and orange and orange uniforms are busy on the splashed site of Mars.

The welding light flashes at the same time, I'm afraid there are hundreds of places.

Lin Yonggui's heart moved and said, "What is the level of these welders?"

"Welders who can work in the shipping industry are almost on duty now with a license. What's wrong?" Su Cheng grabbed the steel beam on the roof of the jeep and narrowed his eyes into a crack.

Lin Yonggui turned his head, avoided the fierce sea breeze, and said, "Our oil pipeline also requires a large number of welders. At that time, can we second some from Dahua Shipping Industry?"

"Yes, but it doesn't need to be used." Su Cheng patted Gu Hongjun on the shoulder and motioned him to drive slowly.

Lin Yonggui asked strangely, "Why can't you use it?"

"Dahua's Jichai Power Machine Factory has its own technical school, with more than 2,000 graduates every year. Dahua Petrochemical Company in Haicang also has an independent training base. When needed, it can also train more than 2,000 people at one time. According to the requirements of oil pipeline workers, those who graduate in 9 months will get 3 a year. Thousands of graduates are stress-free. Sucheng is determined to win the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline. How can it not consider this issue? Moreover, unlike the master of a state-owned enterprise with apprentices, and the problem of staffing, several enterprises under Dahua Industry are all thriving and expanding day by day. Naturally, there will be more and more graduates in the school.

Lin Yonggui was stunned and said for a long time, "When I was young, the technical school of the oilfield was still quite good. Over the years, the mechanical work has been trained less... Can Dahua use up thousands of graduates every year?"

"If I can't use it up, I will make a living by myself. To be honest, if Dahua's brand hadn't been strong enough, I would have tried my best to retain these graduates would have been left by other companies."

"We're lagging behind." Lin Yonggui sighed. He really sighed that the talent reserve of tens of thousands of central enterprises was not as good as that of Dahua Industry.

Su Cheng smiled and said, "This is a systemic problem. You don't build oil pipelines at any time, and you can't casually fire employees and prepare a team of thousands of welders like us. It's unnecessary. It's not the same now. The construction of the oil pipeline can be done by Dahua. Secretary Lin doesn't have to worry about it.

"Rights and responsibilities are equal. I agree with this statement. The construction of oil pipelines is the same. Shengli Oilfield cannot be left out of the matter. The construction should be carried out by both of us." Lin Yonggui naturally wants to recognize the equal rights and responsibilities. Although it is very difficult to raise funds, Su Cheng has left him the choice, so that he can have the trouble of raising funds. Otherwise, according to the design of Huo Chang and others, it may only leave the meaning of about 10 equity in Shengli Oilfield.

Of course, in the oil field, 10 shares are not small. Some European and American enterprises that are larger than Shengli Oilfield pursue less than 20 shares when doing business, so as to reduce risks and average profits.

If Su Cheng does not say that the power and responsibilities are equal, but only lose the equity to Lin Yonggui 10, he will still recognize it happily.

I'm naturally happier now. For those who do business like Su Cheng with an open chest, except for the Red Light Street, it is also a private enterprise in China. If you change to a state-owned enterprise, it must be clean and leave a mouthful of soup.

Lin Yonggui touched the cold jeep door and took the opportunity to say, "Speaking of the construction of oil pipelines, it is relatively easy for us to raise funds in this regard. As long as the agreement can be finally signed with Kazakhstan, the construction funds can be approved by the state. At present, it is the new capital city of Kazakhstan. You see, Nazarbayev asked us to be the new capital city before signing the contract, but the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Council asked Nazarbayev to sign a contract before giving us funding in this regard. It's not easy for us to do it.

"It's not easy to do." Su Cheng nodded and did not follow Lin Yonggui's way. In terms of speaking, the capital for the construction of pipelines is large, and the construction of the capital in Kazakhstan is small. However, state-owned enterprises have never been measured by economic common sense.

Lin Yonggui waited for a while. Seeing that Su Cheng was still calm, he laughed helplessly and said, "So, I thought of a solution."

"Oh? What's the solution?" Su Cheng patted Gu Hongjun with his hand again and asked him to simply park the car aside. The big business of billions can't be listened to quietly.

Lin Yonggui saw that Su Cheng was fully prepared and knew that he was waiting for him here, so he laughed at himself and said directly, "That's what I think. The main power of the oil pipeline should be divided into ownership and management rights. The strength of Shengli Oilfield is insufficient, so I hope to get more ownership and give up some management rights. What do you think, the management right of Dahua Industrial 35, the management right of Shengli Oilfield 15, and the management right of Kazakhstan 50... ..."

Looking at Su Cheng's expression, Lin Yonggui continued: "In terms of ownership, Shengli Oilfield 30, Dahua Industry 20, Kazakhstan 50."

"What about the expenses borne by each other?"

"Construction funds, Shengli Oilfield is 30. For the construction of the new capital of Kazakhstan, Shengli Oilfield has 15. At first glance, Lin Yonggui invested according to the proportion of management rights and ownership, but in fact, this is a word game. Because of the equity ratio, Kazakhstan always accounts for 50, and in terms of capital contribution, Kazakhstan does not pay a dime. I can't help it. Who wants the oil to be someone else's?

But when Lin Yonggui said so, he paid half less, making the rights and responsibilities completely unequal. Therefore, after saying that, Lin Yonggui was also a little embarrassed. He laughed twice and said, "I have nothing to do. I am poor and short-lived, and my horse is thin and hairy. If I can get more ownership of Shengli Oilfield, it will be of great help to me.

His eyes were so bright that he almost said something that he would report in the future.

"Lao Gu, get us two bottles of water. It's very hot." Su Cheng first thought for a while, and then transferred the ancient Hong army.

Lin Yonggui looked at Su Cheng with anticipation.

After a while, Su Cheng slowly said, "In the final analysis, equity is actually ownership."

This sentence seems to have shattered Lin Yonggui's abacus.

If Su Cheng agrees to his request, Lin Yonggui can proudly announce that Shengli Oilfield has obtained 30 shares, and no one will delve into the separation of management rights and equity. After all, with the contribution of Shengli Oilfield, the equity share exceeds that of Dahua Industry, and Lin Yonggui can be said to have won a complete victory.

In this regard, Lin Yonggui did not mean to hide it. He said sadly, "It's true."

Su Cheng nodded and said, "So, Shengli Oilfield pays 30 construction funds, 15 other funds, Dahua Industry pays 70 construction funds, and 85 other funds. However, Shengli Oilfield got 30 shares, and Dahua Industry got 20 shares?

Lin Yonggui was annoyed but couldn't get annoyed. After thinking about it, he smiled again and sighed, "I have to try it. The opportunity is in front of us... If not, how about the construction fund of Shengli Oilfield 30, other funds of 10, and the equity of 15?

He cut the price by half in one go. In addition to reducing other funds by 5, it is also regarded as equal responsibilities and rights.

On the contrary, Su Cheng laughed and said, "It's not that I can't do it."


"In fact, the main power of oil pipelines, in addition to ownership and management rights, there is also a very important power?"

"Are you talking about... the right to expand?" Lin Yonggui is confused. The management right is the management right, and although the expansion right is important, it is not as powerful and profitable as the first two powers.

Although he has been an oil man for more than 30 years, the international oil pipeline is a new thing. The China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline is the first, and he has no comparable material.

Su Cheng smiled gently and said, "The ownership and management of the crude oil reserve system."

Lin Yonggui suddenly smiled and said, "Su Dong wants this?"

The oil pipeline transports 20 million tons of oil every year, about 70,000 tons a day, about 500,000 barrels a day, which is equivalent to the production capacity of two large oil fields. To ensure the continuous output and reception of so much crude oil, two sets of million-ton oil storage equipment are the minimum.

At least 2 million tons of reserves are not only the ability to store oil, but also the ability to regulate the crude oil market.

Why do the prices of world crude oil futures fluctuate so much? It is because the oil reserve capacity of countries in the world is very weak. If you buy low and sell high in the spot market, you must at least have storage capacity. The cost of millions of tons of oil storage equipment is not cheap. In the 1990s, ordinary oil enterprises did not have this ability, nor have this awareness, and have millions of tons of oil reserves. The influence of Dahua Industry in the oil circle should be increased by at least one order of magnitude.

Whether it is an oil refinery or a chemical plant, it is impossible to build a multi-million-ton oil storage system by itself. When oil prices fluctuate frequently or the crude oil supply is tight, these two reserve systems can make all oil-scarce enterprises kneel down.

It can be said that one-third of the energy of oil pipelines should be reflected in the reserve system.

When Su Cheng said that the responsibility and rights were equal, he was waiting for Lin Yonggui. At this moment, he said slowly, "I want all the ownership and management of the storage and transportation equipment. The ownership and operation rights of the pipeline can be allocated according to the proportion you determine.

Lin Yonggui also knows the importance of the reserve system, but he doesn't care, because it's not a political achievement. He said excitedly, "That is to say, Shengli Oilfield pays 30 construction funds, 15 other funds, and gets 30 ownership and 15 management rights. Dahua Industry pays 70 and 85, and gets the ownership of 20, the management right of 35, and the reserve system of 50?

"The part of Shengli Oilfield is right, and the part of Dahua Industry is wrong."

Lin Yonggui was surprised: "What's wrong?"

"The formal agreement has not yet been signed. If the Kazakhstan has made concessions, it will all belong to Dahua Industry." Su Cheng looked confident. He looked like a bamboo.

Lin Yonggui laughed and said happily, "Okay, if Ha Sax has made concessions, it will all belong to Dahua Industry."

After all, Shengli Oilfield and Dahua Industrial represent China's interests. Although they are two companies, in the view of Kazakhstan, they must be one. As long as they give up 1, the controlling stake of the pipeline will be repositioned, which means that the agreement has undergone a fundamental change. From the two sides sharing the interests of the pipeline to the Chinese holding, Lin Yonggui doesn't think that Kazakhstan is so easy to bully.

On the other hand, if China could control the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline, Lin Yonggui would not lose money, so he just thought about it briefly and agreed.

Anyway, he has got all the expected part.

Su Cheng smiled proudly, took out a mobile phone like magic, and said, "It's better to hit the day than to choose a day. Let's sign the agreement today."

Of course, his goal is not the ownership of the pipeline. Political institutions have the same idea. Lin Yonggui needs a higher proportion of ownership to show victory, and President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan also needs ownership to prove that he has not betrayed his national interests.

However, from the perspective of a company, what really has influence and profit value is actually the operation right of the pipeline and the operation right of the reserve system.

In this, the management right of the management system is still more valued by both sides, and the sense of the management right of the reserve system is even weaker. In the early 1990s, the oil market was still a situation where supply exceeded demand. After the reserve equipment is built, the supply and demand situation of the oil market will gradually change.

In Sucheng's eyes, the strategic giant of the China-Kazakhstan oil pipeline is just a flashy piece of chicken ribs, and it is a little stinky. In addition to being valuable when selling it, other times, it is just provoking flies and mosquitoes.

With Dahua's capital and background, management rights and storage and transportation system, it is the real food.
