Super Energy Power

Chapter 509 is coming soon

Yang Ming saw that the time was almost up. He sent Chen Baoqing away, and the building was full of relics to fill the vacancy, and then went to the main building of Dahua Laboratory to wait.

At about 8 o'clock, I saw representatives of anxious manufacturers one after another, but most of them were small companies. Yang Ming arranged for them to sit down in the conference hall, accompanied by Li Xiangxiang and a group of people from the Public Relations Department, and understood some of their needs.

Dahua Industry has developed to this day. Although it is not a large international company, it is also a scale of billions of dollars in assets. With such a thick body, it is not easy for ordinary foreign companies to bully. Most of the small companies that arrive early are ready to make purchases or make supporting facilities. As a very alternative emerging material, the carbon fiber market can be said to be boundless, only in terms of cost and profit. If you must use a certain material as an analogy, carbon fiber can be regarded as the steel of the future. Its characteristics make most of the functions that steel can be replaced by carbon fiber and better.

Therefore, as soon as foreign companies heard about cheap carbon fiber materials, they immediately rushed over. Some want to buy finished products, and some want to sell related raw materials. Among them, it is inevitable that equipment manufacturers and some small companies with unique technologies. The main building lobby of Dahua Laboratory will soon be as noisy as a vegetable market, at least four Five people, speaking two or three languages, shouted: I'm all in it!

The sales method of carbon fiber has not yet been determined, so a group of people had to laugh with him. After a while, Yang Ming couldn't stand it. He came out with tea to breathe, and saw Li Weixiang, who was smoking at the back door.

The two smiled at each other, and Yang Ming said helplessly, "There are too many masters. We can't stand it either."

"The output is too small." Li Huanxiang smoked half of the cigarette, spit it into a smoke ring, and said, "Wang Yun, when they did it. I've seen that asphalt spinning is more troublesome than silk spinning. It's not easy for advanced equipment to produce dozens of tons a year. Not to mention foreign companies, our domestic enterprises can be round.

"The price is too expensive for Chinese people to afford it." Yang Ming smiled.

"I don't think so. Among other things, in terms of medical use, it should be able to replace foreign-imported petroleum equipment. We can eat dozens of tons of carbon fiber ourselves. I think Su Dong has that meaning. Li Weixiang said fiercely again and extinguished the cigarette butt by the door.

Yang Ming looked at him in surprise and said, "It's a good thing that supply exceeds demand. Why are you so sad?"

"You can't make money. Can you not be in a hurry? The laboratory is a hole that burns money. Seeing that it can balance income and expenditure, a project plan is handed over, and millions of dollars are thrown out. Money is easy to spend, and there are not many projects that can make money..."

This topic is endless. Yang Ming quickly interrupted him and said with a smile, "Su Dong doesn't expect Dahua Laboratory to make ends meet."

"What he thinks is his business, if we don't want to. The hole is getting bigger and bigger, and there are always times when there is too much blood loss. Li Weixiang said and laughed twice. He said, "Besides, the more projects you earn, the more funds you have. Look at the Ocean Drilling Research Institute and the deep-sea drilling platform will reach the fourth generation. I heard that the project team with the fastest progress has made preparations of less than 4,000 meters. Isn't it supported by Dahua Shipping and Oilfield Department? Can the Carbon Fiber Research Institute have the current progress, relying on 2,000 assistants and interns? Why do you think Wang Yun is so bold? That's the money allocated to him by Yan Xuecan. The money of the LNG project team is directly transferred. If it works this time, the LNG project team will still have a lot of money.

The internal assessment of Dahua Industry is strict and tends to be bureaucratic. Correspondingly, the authority of supervisors at all levels has also been greatly improved. For projects such as LNG ships, domestic research can be divided into projects, and Dahua Laboratory can also be divided into projects. In addition to the proportion determined by the head office, the specific allocation authority is still decentralized.

Yang Ming sat on the wèizhì of the office director, but had a chance to talk about personnel and authority. He quickly pulled the topic back and said, "The problem you said earlier is that the output is too small. What's wrong? Do you have any idea?

"Ext expansion is the most direct means. The Carbon Fiber Research Institute has received more than 2,000 assistants and interns. Do you think they have been doing research? All promoted to assistant researchers and associate researchers? That's impossible. No matter how much money there is, it's not enough, and there are not so many projects. So I guess Wang Yun's idea is to expand production. Once the production is expanded, the problem will become demand.

"Oh? How to say it?"

"Continue to do research at a good level. These 2,000 people are originally top-notch. If they are good, they will pick up those who can be great and become assistant researchers. The rest can be made into seeds and sent to the workshop for the production of carbon fiber. In the future, the people who continue to be recruited will also follow the regulations, learn production with these young people, and then compete with each other. If it's good, go to the research institute, and if it's not good, go to the workshop.

"It's a waste to use college students as workers." Yang Ming was shocked.

"Why is carbon fiber so expensive? What kind of workers do you think are used in foreign carbon fiber factories? For the production of carbon fiber, a centrifuge should be used, a driving unit, a spinning machine, a washing machine, a drawing box, which is the step to deal with the raw silk. The pipe rubbing machine, the film winding machine, the core extraction machine, the polishing machine, the curing oven... Which one is not hundreds of data. Li Yuxiang said, "The silk of carbon fiber is much thinner than that of hair. The whole production process does not need to be touched by workers, that is, wearing a white coat, looking at the parameters of various machines, operating the machine, not to mention calculating every operation. The production of a batch of carbon fiber is not less than ten times and eight times. Each time the They are all different. There is no foundation for physical chemistry, and you don't know organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry. If you make a mistake, you will lose a lot. If you break the machine, you know how much the machine Su Dong bought this time.

When Yang Ming heard what Li Huanxiang said, he thought it was really possible. Suddenly, he sweated his neck and said, "So, do you have to be a college student? Then where can I recruit people in the future?

"If college students don't want to come, then train by themselves. However, college students with good professional counterparts can be used for two months of training, and it is difficult to train ordinary workers. If you encounter the kind of person who doesn't know what a Baipa is, I think there is only a handful of shit and a pee. Only then can we pull a suitable one out."

Yang Ming was stunned and thought hard for a long time, but he didn't understand what "all fears" was. I can't help but feel sad. If we come to Dahua Laboratory, we don't even have the qualification to be workers.

Li Huanxiang said on the rise, coughed twice and said, "Don't think that the current carbon fiber of carbon fiber is not produced by Wang Yun and others. The foreign factory in the movie, wearing a white coat to read the data and operate the computer production. That's not the kind of work. If those students are willing to stay in the workshop for production, they will still have the opportunity to engage in scientific research in the future. If they don't want to stay in Dahua, it is the current environment in China. I dare say. Shiyou** can never touch centrifuges, spinning machines or anything else.

"No, I have to confirm." Yang Ming frowned.

Li Yuxiang said strangely, "What do you confirm?"

"There are so many people from foreign companies coming today, and Su Dong will arrive later. If 10,000 hours of assistant researchers are put on hold, it will be difficult to operate in the future."

Li Yuxiang smiled and said, "Don't say that 10,000 hours takes two or three years. Who can finish it? At least it belongs to the elite.

Yang Ming is a little relieved, but he is the head of the office. He still shook his head and said, "I'll ask Wang Yun later."

With that, he drank all the tea in the cup, said hello and went back.

Li Xiangxiang thought for a moment and let him do it. Carbon fiber is developing so fast that he can't see it.

When Yang Ming went out, he saw a concierge car parked outside the main building. Through the glass curtain wall, he could see Ducat with a small black stick. Su Cheng accompanied him, but the two talked and laughed in English.

Yang Ming hurriedly greeted him, stood by the door, nodded and said, "Su Dong, Mr. Dukat."

"Yang Ming, you've seen it, my office housekeeper." Su Cheng introduced with a smile on his face, walked slowly with Ducat, and said, "Let's sit in the hall for a while first. When all the people come, let's talk about it together."

If he failed to visit Dahua Laboratory that day, Ducat knew that it would be such a result. Although he was not ungrateful that he was deprived of his lead, Ducat could only nod slightly and said, "Then drink some Chinese tea. Oh, by the way, can you ask carbon fiber researchers to speak?"

He still wants to know some information in advance.

Su Cheng smiled and said to Yang Ming, "Go and invite Dr. Wang over."

"Yes." Yang Ming turned around and went to make a phone call, and then went to the front of the building to wait for Wang Yun.

After a while, I saw Wang Yun coming in a battery car.

Yang Ming waved his hand, let the battery car stop, and said with a smile, "Dr. Wang, let's walk."

"Good." Wang Yun got out of the car with a simple face and ordered the driving intern to go back by himself.

From the intersection to the main building, there is only a short part. Yang Ming said Li Huanxiang's words without any stumbling and asked, "Dr. Wang, what do you plan to communicate with the headquarters? The arrangement of 2,000 people is a big deal. If something goes wrong, it's not the carbon fiber office, but Dahua Industry."

Wang Yun was silent.

Yang Ming couldn't stop and pulled him and said, "You have to say qīngchu. Let me tell you that the current national policy is unclear. If you dare to cheat other students, someone will dare to bury us. The fool hired eight people in those years and had to have a big discussion. You are 2,000 people.

Wang Yun held the glasses like the bottom of the wine bottle and said, "These 2,000 people, I'm really going to enrich the research institute. The prospect of carbon fiber is very broad. I think it is no problem to expand it to the scale of the Offshore Oil Research Institute.

The offshore oil research institute is going to exceed 500 people, and there will be more people, even more than outsourcing and engineering personnel.

Yang Ming was a little relieved and thought that if 2,000 people could hold on to the end, there might not be a lot of people.

So, Yang Ming nodded and asked, "What about production? Are you going to expand your production? What are you going to do?"

"In this regard, my idea is indeed similar to that of Mr. Li."


"It's not from these 2,000 people. Of course, if they can't hold on and want to stay, they have nothing to say. Go to the workshop. But I think 2,000 people are definitely not enough.

"Not enough?" Yang Ming is not enough.

Wang Yun nodded and said, "If you want to do a workshop and expand production, in my opinion, the scale can only be increased to 5,000 people... people?" Yang Ming is in a hurry to breathe. This is a quarter of the number of employees of Dahua Industry. Can your small research institute decide such a thing?

Wang Yun was very dull and calculated, "I reported to Su Dong that the monthly output is 10 tons, and Su Dong is not satisfied. Su Dong is not satisfied with the production of 50 tons next month. Therefore, if the annual output is 1,000 tons, the current production mode will be completely changed. In terms of cost analysis, it is more cost-effective to expand the production to 3,000 tons of zuoyou than the annual output of 1,000 tons. 5,000 people are not recruited at once, but it is still necessary to maintain the number of 5,000 interns according to the current training model.

Yang Ming was completely speechless and said helplessly, "Don't say it later. I'll explain it to Su Dong and let him decide."

"Good." Wang Yun agreed to this very readily.

Only then did Yang Ming go to the main building with him.

After a few steps around a small bamboo forest, I saw that the door was full of cars, and two cars with government license plates were parked directly in front of the main building.

Yang Ming recalled a little and thought: it was a car for foreign affairs.

Entering the hall, I saw several government workers in white shirts scattered in the hall. One of them stood at the door and said to a foreign businessman, "Are you interested in carbon fiber? In fact, our city is preparing to build several carbon fiber factories. If you invest, you can get discounts in all aspects. "

"Really? Do you also have carbon fiber technology? The foreigner looked at the young clerk in surprise.

The clerk said proudly, "It will be soon... On the way back this afternoon, I will code at the station. It will arrive tomorrow. If there is an update tomorrow, it must be very late... RS